View Full Version : General talk EUROVISION : Its trashy, its camp, it's got big titted women, and women with beards

22-05-2015, 06:42 PM
Eurovision is on tonight on SBS!
I love Eurovision!
I've been watching it since forever ... I miss Terry Wogan. His contempt for the Continentals was beautiful. Sigh.
Eurovision has become cool now ... but that's OK, I'll still watch it.
Eurovision is the epitome of European culture: shallow, gauche, trashy, decadent, camp, exploitative, disgusting and corrupt but still subliminally beautiful.
And the Eastern Europeans of course do it best - because they're European but they're not Western - they're caught in the middle.
Well enough pseudo intellectual bull shit; the best thing about Eurovision is the purve (or is it perve?) factor.
There's always slutty looking Eurotrash babes flashing tits and arse everywhere.
Sure, you have to put up with a gay Armenian boy band, and an Austrian tranny with a beard called Conchita, but it's all part of the package.
Here is my all time favourite entry to Eurovision ...
Poland in 2014.
Check out these two clips ...
Bro Ahlunghor, with his big tit fetish, and jellyshots, with his fetish for Slavic women will love it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMZFSOQQtVA

and this ...

Enjoy ...

22-05-2015, 06:54 PM
Thanks rooter for reminding us about Eurovision 2015 !

No matter what you might think of Eurovision 2014 winner, Conchita Wurst, I was really impressed to hear her singing
Her voice just soars
Well done to her !
Truly inspiring and determined lady. She does deserve to be called a lady, if thats her identity.
Go girl !




Good luck to Guy Sebastian, who is representing Australia

Of course he wont win, being a non European citizen, but I hope he gets some valuable exposure for his talents.

Another successful Aussie export ! Good on ya brother.

His single "Tonight Again" is positive and uplifting. Ok a little trite, but hey, its pop music remember.

"Tonights soo good ... One tough act to follow ... Forget tomorrow - we can do tonight again !"

Mate, you just need to up the ante and camp it up real good. This is Eurovision. Not an Australian concert.


http://images.goodfood.com.au/2015/03/05/6322064/Article Lead - wide6698241213vo9simage.related.articleLeadwide.72 9x410.13vnyk.png1425527664567.jpg-620x349.jpg

Australia's Guy Sebastian will sing a contemporary R&B track called 'Tonight Again' at the Eurovision Song Contest held in Vienna, Austria

22-05-2015, 07:11 PM
SBS's telecast is of course delayed because as Paul Keating said we are at the "arse end of the world" here in Australia.
You gotta love Australia ...
We have a representative into a competition in a Continent we are over 10,000 km away from and not part of - but over 80% of our people have an ancestry to
Our representative, Guy Sebastian, is a dude born in Malaysia
Our hosts are Sam Pang (a Chinese Australian) and Julia Zemiro (a French born Australian).
Fucken awesome country we live in ...

22-05-2015, 07:14 PM
haha agreed bro

And thank God, that Australia is not part of the European Union

All decisions made in Brussels. Are you serious ?

23-05-2015, 08:19 PM
Semi Final 2 !!!
Even if there were twin JAV sisters with size 5 bodies and DD tits and as kawaii as fuck starting at Ginza tonight I would not be interested.
Nothing is more important than Eurovision.
It's the cultural, spiritual, creative and artistic pinnacle of 2 million years of homosapiens on this planet.

23-05-2015, 08:21 PM
"It's the cultural, spiritual, creative and artistic pinnacle of 2 million years of homosapiens on this planet."

Good one rooter

And like you, Eurovision is completely over the top !

Enjoy !

23-05-2015, 08:26 PM
Love the hostesses!
The stuff of fantasies: a black, a blonde, and a brunette.
Love to have those three on the end of my knob.
Actually all that's missing is an Asian girl - there's always room for one more set of hot lips.

23-05-2015, 08:27 PM
I have watched a bit of Eurovision. 2015

I find the Australian comperes, Sam Pang (a Chinese Australian) and Julia Zemiro (a French born Australian), too smug, quiet and boring.

Im sure they have been comperes for years and years, but they just arent 'camp' enough to match the gravitas of this competition.

We need 'more over the top' presenters

Trust me, part of the reason Eurovision is NOT the most talked about event in Australia at the moment, is because of the boring hosts

May I suggest to SBS a pair of better hosts for the future (Rooter, can you pull some strings please ?)

I give to you .....

BOB DOWNE (aka Mark Trevorrow)


and ...

EFFIE (aka Mary Coustas)


and ...




23-05-2015, 08:36 PM
I don't really like Sam and Julia either.
I have a massive cultural cringe. I love the mother country.
I loved it when we used to get the direct BBC feed with Terry Wogan.
He was awesome! Today we should get Graham Norton, Russell Brand, Rob Brydon, Alan Carr, Alan Partridge, Stephen Fry - anyone from the UK basically.
The Poms and Europeans do it better.
I also hate it when during the Football World Cup SBS insists on sending dickheads like Basheer, Muscat, Foster etc to commentate.
For fucks sake just get the direct feed from a British commentator like Martin Tyler etc - they are so much better!

23-05-2015, 08:38 PM
Exactly rooter

Its not a cultural cringe when I made the point about the comperes


I agree about Graham Norton etc, they have the right degree of fun and camp.

But we have Australians who can similarly camp it up !

23-05-2015, 09:57 PM
Gotta say Eurovision has a been a bit of a disappointment this year.
Not the usual trashy tits and arse camp freak show of previous years
But they have saved the best for last.
The Polish girl in the wheel chair is fucking hot.
Doing a girl in a wheel chair is definitely a bucket list item for me.
She gets my vote.

24-05-2015, 09:36 AM
Overall it was a disappointing Eurovision 2015 - not trashy or camp enough, not enough freaks, and not enough tits and arse.
I did like the cross to Sydney Australia for Australia to deliver it's points though.
The Europeans were probably expecting some tall, blonde haired, blue eyed Aussie babe - instead it was a little elderly Asian* lady - the wonderful Lee Lin Chin, looking resplendent in red. Well done Ms Chin, love your work.
And congratulations to Guy Sebastian coming in in 5th place - top effort bro!

*Chinese background, born in Indonesia, raised in Singapore.

29-05-2015, 06:44 PM
I just saw Guy Sebastians performance on YouTube in Eurovision 2015.
Man, what a top effort.
You can always tell a good performance, by the response of the crowd during the performance, and the generosity of the applause afterwards

He did his country very proud
And top 5 in Europe !
Boy, you can put that high in your CV !

I am so envious with his talent. He seriously wrote that song in a hurry, after he was informed he was going to perform at Eurovision 2015, less than 2 months ago.
Wow !

And as a side note, Australian thrashed the Poms.


Full list of Eurovision 2015 results:

Sweden - 365 points
Russia - 303 points
Italy - 292 points
Belgium - 217 points
Australia - 196 points
Latvia - 186 points
Estonia - 106 points
Norway - 102 points
Israel - 97 points
Serbia - 53 points
Georgia - 51 points
Azerbaijan - 49 points
Montenegro - 44 points
Slovenia - 39 points
Romania - 35 points
Armenia - 34 points
Albania - 34 points
Lithuania - 30 points
Greece - 23 points
Hungary - 19 points
Spain - 15 points
Cyprus - 11 points
Poland - 10 points
United Kingdom - 5 points
France - 4 points
Germany - 0 points
Austria - 0 points


30-05-2015, 10:58 AM
Thanks for the voting results!

So Austria is the host country and it got no vote ! Must be embarrassing !!

Germany gets zero too, must be the Angela effect ! So the biggest three countries in Europe : England, France and Germany had less than 10 votes between, amazing !!

07-05-2016, 09:31 PM
Eurovision time again.
And Australia is in again.
Australia is:
1. A Continent
2. Part of Oceania
3. Part of Australasia
4. Part of Asia
5. Part of Europe
Anyway its all good; Dami Im will do us proud.
The Trashy Euros must be so confused ... they are expecting Crocodile Dundee, Kylie Minogue, or Steve Irwin .. but they get a mixed race Guy Sebastian and then a Korean Dami Im

11-05-2016, 07:10 AM
Eurovision time again.
And Australia is in again.
Australia is:
1. A Continent
2. Part of Oceania
3. Part of Australasia
4. Part of Asia
5. Part of Europe
Anyway its all good; Dami Im will do us proud.
The Trashy Euros must be so confused ... they are expecting Crocodile Dundee, Kylie Minogue, or Steve Irwin .. but they get a mixed race Guy Sebastian and then a Korean Dami Im

They will have a chance to hear the sweet voice of a K girl too rooter. ;-)

11-05-2016, 10:04 AM
They will have a chance to hear the sweet voice of a K girl too rooter. ;-)

Yeah, that isn't half bad isn't it ??

Fancy seeing a dinky di K-Pop girl in Dami singing for Australia in the Eurovision !

Just brings the whole world closer together !

But I wonder whether that would actually benefit South Korea more or Australia if she wins ! I also wonder if she will speak a few words in Korean too ?? Just a thought!

11-05-2016, 10:11 AM
With Dami Im representing Australia - totally off topic - any one watched the Logies on Sunday shouldn't be surprised when you have a veteran Chinese news reader Lee Ling Chin competing for the final honour of the evening and a Muslim brother winning it ! Are we not a truly multi cultural lucky country or what ??

13-05-2017, 05:32 PM
Who has been watching Eurovision 2017 in Ukraine? Any standouts and who will win this year? Two Australians in this year's contest with one representing Denmark. I can't see Australia winning the contest because the contest has to be held in Europe.

13-05-2017, 06:14 PM
So that's why they had an old ABBA concert on TV last night ...

14-05-2017, 04:03 AM
Yes, Eurovision is always great entertainment and good for a laugh.

I was really rooting for Dami Im last year. She's amazing!

She said she was told in Korea that she was not pretty enough for Kpop!

But her voice is damn amazing and gives me goosebumps!

14-05-2017, 10:27 AM
Yes, Eurovision is always great entertainment and good for a laugh.

I was really rooting for Dami Im last year. She's amazing!

She said she was told in Korea that she was not pretty enough for Kpop!

But her voice is damn amazing and gives me goosebumps!

Oh what a suprise, Kpop is not about talent, it's about looks :)

14-05-2017, 10:45 AM
Eurovision was a bit disappointing this year.
It lacked to freak factor and the kitsch factor which is what makes it special and unique - and not enough gratuitous tits and arse this year.
I also don't like Australia's involvement in it and also having Australian hosts wrecks it.
It was much better when we just got the direct feed from the UK's Terry Wogan.
It's still pretty good entertainment though.
Australia did make a fantastic contribution though with an Aussie streaker/flasher draped in an Aussie flag jumping up on stage and flashing a brown eye.
That guy was better than Guy Sebastian, Dami Im, and Isiah Firecracker combined.
A true Aussie hero and legend - well done mate whoever you are!
here he is:

14-05-2017, 11:38 AM
Eurovision was a bit disappointing this year.
It lacked to freak factor and the kitsch factor which is what makesk it special and unique - and not enough gratuitous tits and arse this year.
I also don't like Australia's involvement in it and also having Australian hosts wrecks it.
It was much better when we just got the direct feed from the UK's Terry Wogan.
It's still pretty good entertainment though.
Australia did make a fantastic contribution though with an Aussie streaker/flasher draped in an Aussie flag jumping up on stage and flashing a brown eye.
That guy was better than Guy Sebastian, Dami Im, and Isiah Firecracker combined.
A true Aussie hero and legend - well done mate whoever you are!
here he is:

Yeah, he really was showing the world some 'Aussie culture '! :shout:

14-05-2017, 02:05 PM
OMG...it had to be an Aussie and no one else. Is this the first time it's happened at Eurovision?

14-05-2017, 02:18 PM
Actually that guy is Ukrainian prankster Vitallii Sediuk... He always harrases celebrities on red carpet. Famous for no reason... He had done that too Leonardo DiCaprio and Bradley Cooper at Oscars and interrupted Adele on Grammys i think. Just some

14-05-2017, 02:21 PM
Those espresso sipping, strudel eating, gelato licking, pinot gris drinking, bratwurst munching Euro Trash are gonna regret the day they let us Aussies into their kitschy, trashy, gauche, glitzy, fucking stupid talent quest.
We are way too classy for them ...