View Full Version : General talk Can punters ever get punting out of our system once and for all?

27-05-2015, 12:32 AM
As my impending marriage looms near, I decided to punt a lot more frequently these days, trying to get the punting habit and thoughts of it out of my system once and for all. I did hear from an unknown source that a man who has fooled around enough will make a good husband, but I could not find anything to back this up on the net. Rather, all I found is the conception that once a player, always a player or thoughts along the line of "a leopard will never change its spots". My current strategy to punt as much as I can while I can, is it a flawed one? Am I digging deeper into my grave?

Recently, Ive came back into the punting game and what was initially an act to satisfy a need, it is now becoming an addiction. The allure to be able to fuck different beautiful women, especially when some of them connects well with you, is great. Such is our curse as men.

This got me worrying whether I will stay faithful in marriage or not. I know that a majority of us are failures in this regard but Id like to discuss about this issue or addiction, if you will.

P.S. I think I know how to solve this problem, but my solution is not a good one.

27-05-2015, 01:06 AM
My current strategy is to punt as much as I can while I can

Ha ha! I like that logic. The best way to cure an addiction - indulge it!

Ps. Sorry Royal flush if that isn't a very helpful comment, but I don't think that it is possible to f**k f**king out of your system by f**king. :smile:

27-05-2015, 01:26 AM
I know that a majority of us are failures in this regard but Id like to discuss about this issue or addiction, if you will.

P.S. I think I know how to solve this problem, but my solution is not a good one.

Isn't addiction about what you tell yourself, the little devil sitting on your shoulder? It's much easier to Ignore that little devil when you're not muddled. I've always found meditation is the best technique for getting myself out of a muddled state of mind. What's your solution?

27-05-2015, 08:27 AM
Punting is addictive once you get started then its almost impossible to stop!

27-05-2015, 08:46 AM
Wank wank wank bra :)

Sticky Date
27-05-2015, 09:26 AM
they will definitely reduce your libido ... Or cut your balls off .... I know of no other ways

27-05-2015, 09:50 AM
My point about "a little devil," is that the analogy can be applied to every single aspect of one's life. There is always a point where we say to ourselves "should I or shouldn't I?" Genes, drugs and culture either dampen or excite the state in which this question is asked, but it remains. So, instead of answering it, the best tactic is to develop techniques to observe yourself and how these states of mind impact your life. I find, that even after all my training, I still choose to visit brothels. Why? Because I've learnt it is most appropriate method to deal with my frustrations and disappointments of life. I don't have many, so nowadays I don't visit brothels very often. It's preferable to getting into mutually obligatory relationships that just cause headaches. And if I'm friendly and respectful to the service provider, then everyone is happy.

27-05-2015, 10:02 AM
Brother RF,

I think once you get married, your marriage life will keep you away from punting for a while , embrace that and enjoy !

Then the kids come and your Mrs started to switch her passion and attention to the children and it will be becoming dangerous again !

And then it's like a never ending cycle . You don't get enough at home, in order to fullfill your needs you start punting again, probably feel regret and guilty afterwards but you can't help it !

Depending on your love and commitment to your Mrs and children, your marriage will probably survive like some of us here, but it's a lot of hard works mate !

C'est la vie !

27-05-2015, 02:01 PM
Bro RF (Not Roger Federer),

I totally understand your situation cos I'm right there with you mate.. I myself am getting married soon, the end of this year, and although I don't punt as much as I used to now, it's still a big addiction (if not lifestyle) that is hard to get rid of..
I keep asking myself, Will I find the reason to finally put this addiction behind me?? Or am I gonna keep going like this??

I think I have found the answer for me : Having kids...

I don't know about other brothers here, but I love kids.. And I think it's the greatest gift the universe will give you on your marriage life.. Someone told me when you have kids, you'll love them more than anything.. I sure hope it's true.. When I have kids my expenses will be jumping high, and maybe at some points I will have to really manage my finance, and stop punting to be able to support my child.. Until then, just enjoy the present bro..

John Henry
27-05-2015, 02:11 PM

I'm already married so not punting or going to brothel for sure.

But yes, some occasional massage in some shop still on the agenda.

One thing to stop this habit is to consider counting how much you can save or invest the punting money.

Or better yet, save it for the kids needs later on or even to buy your partner a gift and see their reaction.

Imagine that everytime you are about to go punting.

I also limit and stop myself not going to brothel by performing "manual" exercise as well.

Hope this helps.

27-05-2015, 05:35 PM
To stop punting, you need to first stop looking at this forum!!!

27-05-2015, 05:39 PM
To stop punting, you need to first stop looking at this forum!!!

especially bro Al RnT thread!

27-05-2015, 11:52 PM
I tried to quit cold turkey, but ended up getting wanked off by the local massage shop.

How I see it is this.... the wife love to spend money on LV and Chanel handbags which cost like $4000 or so each.
After an RnT session, I think of this financial aspect and don't feel bad after all as Im not spending as much as her.

28-05-2015, 12:21 AM
Isn't addiction about what you tell yourself, the little devil sitting on your shoulder? It's much easier to Ignore that little devil when you're not muddled. I've always found meditation is the best technique for getting myself out of a muddled state of mind. What's your solution?

I dunno about you but I think about sex a lot and all the time. Meditation, I think, only provides as a temporary salve to an otherwise lingering and persistent problem. Can I draw parallel to a biblical teaching - Death is a huge enemy of humanity. In order to become victorious over such a mighty enemy, that is death, we need to rely on something bigger and more powerful than the enemy itself. So I think the clue here is to find something bigger than punting addiction itself to overcome it.

So I start to compare punting addiction with gambling addiction and reflect how I managed to be free from the hold of gambling addiction. I remember those nights when I lost $1000-$2000 from the casinos, sometimes a few times a week. I drove home angry with myself not just because I lost so much money, but I admitted my foolishness for allowing the casinos to take my money again and again, wasting my time in the casino for a few good hours just to come home with a loss. A fool is someone who never learns from his mistake. So the first step to self redemption is to first acknowledge that you have a problem and acknowledging this habit of ours is nothing but toxic.
But the problem is punting is not the same as gambling. Because every time I finish my punting session, I always ended up very happy and did not think punting is toxic.

Second big motivation for me to quit the gambling addiction is when I start to realise the magnitude of my loss and then ask myself if I could afford it. To gamblers, maximising the daily limit of all your credit card and debit card should not sound foreign to you. And then with that $400 / $800 /$1000 (whatever the card limit is) in hand, you go back to the casinos table just to bet all that money in one hand, thinking to yourself, it is either breakeven tonight or double my losses. And before you realise it, you have wasted a week of salary in just a few hours at the casino with nothing to show for. It was this realisation that I could become poor at old age if I continue this habit that made me quit gambling for good and I have never looked back since.
How is this relevant to punting? I think punters will quit for good when he has truly lost something really BIG. I am thinking losing a good wife, causing the family to split might cause the punter to rethink again about his decision. Or maybe contacting a serious STI such as HIV. Then one will start to think about life in better perspective.

To sum up that that is "my solution", the end game. I told you it is not a good one because the ugly story has to happen first before the punter reel back and realise all these is not worth it. But it is hard to quit if we have not been there (divorced, family split) yet.

28-05-2015, 12:24 AM
Ha ha! I like that logic. The best way to cure an addiction - indulge it!

Ps. Sorry Royal flush if that isn't a very helpful comment, but I don't think that it is possible to f**k f**king out of your system by f**king. :smile:

I totally agree with you. Yielding to your addiction will make it worse, not better.

28-05-2015, 12:28 AM
they will definitely reduce your libido ... Or cut your balls off .... I know of no other ways

Sorry, I do not want to go the same way as yours.

28-05-2015, 12:38 AM
My point about "a little devil," is that the analogy can be applied to every single aspect of one's life. There is always a point where we say to ourselves "should I or shouldn't I?" Genes, drugs and culture either dampen or excite the state in which this question is asked, but it remains. So, instead of answering it, the best tactic is to develop techniques to observe yourself and how these states of mind impact your life. I find, that even after all my training, I still choose to visit brothels. Why? Because I've learnt it is most appropriate method to deal with my frustrations and disappointments of life. I don't have many, so nowadays I don't visit brothels very often. It's preferable to getting into mutually obligatory relationships that just cause headaches. And if I'm friendly and respectful to the service provider, then everyone is happy.

I think the temptation to have sex on demand is not as great to normal men as to punters like us. We have become numb to the feeling of guilt having sex with other women because we do it so often that we think it's normal.
Forget about drugs to counter the effect of addiction. Taking drugs has never crossed my mind, you never know what the side-effects can do to your other organs. If I had to pay money one way or another, Id rather spend on sex than to get my organs repaired.
Dont forget mutually obligatory relationships has it's perks too. We men also need the companionship of the opposite sex to go out and talk about personal matters and want them to love us.

28-05-2015, 12:45 AM
Brother RF,

I think once you get married, your marriage life will keep you away from punting for a while , embrace that and enjoy !

Then the kids come and your Mrs started to switch her passion and attention to the children and it will be becoming dangerous again !

And then it's like a never ending cycle . You don't get enough at home, in order to fullfill your needs you start punting again, probably feel regret and guilty afterwards but you can't help it !

Depending on your love and commitment to your Mrs and children, your marriage will probably survive like some of us here, but it's a lot of hard works mate !

C'est la vie !

Maybe I should tattoo my image on my children's body so my wife can still see me if she got too attached with the children :)

You have given me a slight glimpse of the future. I guess most mothers think their children are the most important people in their lives because it came out from them so they feel their children is a part of their body. They were connected by a cord afterall, while we men are only connected with women by semen lol.

28-05-2015, 12:56 AM
Bro RF (Not Roger Federer),

I totally understand your situation cos I'm right there with you mate.. I myself am getting married soon, the end of this year, and although I don't punt as much as I used to now, it's still a big addiction (if not lifestyle) that is hard to get rid of..
I keep asking myself, Will I find the reason to finally put this addiction behind me?? Or am I gonna keep going like this??

I think I have found the answer for me : Having kids...

I don't know about other brothers here, but I love kids.. And I think it's the greatest gift the universe will give you on your marriage life.. Someone told me when you have kids, you'll love them more than anything.. I sure hope it's true.. When I have kids my expenses will be jumping high, and maybe at some points I will have to really manage my finance, and stop punting to be able to support my child.. Until then, just enjoy the present bro..

My gf is quite desperate to give birth. She has been hinting me with photos of her carrying her friends' kids and then telling me she wants one too. I think giving birth makes a woman feels complete as a woman. Kids are great because it gives a reason for couples to stay in marriage. At least they have something to work for. If I have children, I will probably become more encouraged to work harder so I can give a better life to my family. Men will also become more responsible after they have a family. Statistics say despite the higher expense, happily married men actually retire with more money than bachelors, with the exception of divorcees.

28-05-2015, 01:02 AM

I'm already married so not punting or going to brothel for sure.

But yes, some occasional massage in some shop still on the agenda.

One thing to stop this habit is to consider counting how much you can save or invest the punting money.

Or better yet, save it for the kids needs later on or even to buy your partner a gift and see their reaction.

Imagine that everytime you are about to go punting.

I also limit and stop myself not going to brothel by performing "manual" exercise as well.

Hope this helps.

The problem is that the opposite applies to me. I managed to save so much that I start to think I could afford that little luxury, $85 $150 treat for myself here and there.
But you are right, money is never enough. There is always something to do with money, whether it is expenditure or investment. I hope when I have a family, I will think of my family as a unit striving towards a goal beneficial for all of us rather than just for myself.

28-05-2015, 01:04 AM
I tried to quit cold turkey, but ended up getting wanked off by the local massage shop.

How I see it is this.... the wife love to spend money on LV and Chanel handbags which cost like $4000 or so each.
After an RnT session, I think of this financial aspect and don't feel bad after all as Im not spending as much as her.

With this thought, the eventual suffers are going to be you 2 in the end. Because in this life, the only people who can help you is yourself. Never expect help to be given from others.

28-05-2015, 02:00 AM
Remove your disposable income.
have debt over your head.
Loose your job and bingo.

You will only dream of punting. But if your are totally addicted then I guess you will do anything for it so it might not work.

Mr Bastard
28-05-2015, 06:22 AM
we are not monogomous creatures by nature

28-05-2015, 07:47 AM
I hate to say it but I think you've got buckley's of quitting. Maybe while still in the early stages of the marriage, but as things become mundane it will become harder to resist the lure to return. Besides, you're obviously in a relationship now and still punting. Why would you expect that to change once you've got a ring on your finger.

28-05-2015, 09:32 AM
My gf is quite desperate to give birth. She has been hinting me with photos of her carrying her friends' kids and then telling me she wants one too. I think giving birth makes a woman feels complete as a woman. Kids are great because it gives a reason for couples to stay in marriage. At least they have something to work for. If I have children, I will probably become more encouraged to work harder so I can give a better life to my family. Men will also become more responsible after they have a family. Statistics say despite the higher expense, happily married men actually retire with more money than bachelors, with the exception of divorcees.

Yep, totally agree.. They also say that your marriage isn't complete until you have little ones that annoy you and drive you crazy when they hit puberty..

John Henry
28-05-2015, 11:51 AM
Yes, that's the goal for a great family man.

You'll need to think the happiness as a whole not yourself anymore.

I'm now resisting the temptation of RNT by going to the shop with the girl who can give strong massage only.

So it is just pure massage nothing more than that.

28-05-2015, 12:21 PM
Yes, that's the goal for a great family man.

You'll need to think the happiness as a whole not yourself anymore.

I'm now resisting the temptation of RNT by going to the shop with the girl who can give strong massage only.

So it is just pure massage nothing more than that.
You should just go to legit shops to avoid temptations.

29-05-2015, 12:21 AM
Great thread RoyalFlush
Interesting read

29-05-2015, 02:10 AM
All men are punters, some just don't know it yet ...

29-05-2015, 10:03 AM
I think this is the wrong forum for any advice to quit. :grimace:

30-05-2015, 09:20 AM
Solution found. Look at this video every time you have the urge to go punting
