View Full Version : General talk Government promises laws to strip citizenship from dual-nationality terrorists

27-05-2015, 12:40 AM
Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-05-26/government-promises-laws-to-strip-citizenship-from-terrorists/6498300

Government promises laws to strip citizenship from dual-nationality terrorists within weeks, amid debate within Cabinet

PHOTO: Terrorists with dual nationalities will be stripped of their Australian citizenship under the proposed legislation. (ABC News: Nic MacBean)

The Federal Government will legislate "within weeks" to strip dual-nationality terrorists of their Australian citizenship, but the Prime Minister says Australia has "no intention" of applying similar moves to Australians with no other citizenship.

The new laws will apply to dual-national Australian citizens who fight with or support terrorist groups at home or abroad.

"As flagged by me in my national security statement in February, we will be legislating within a few weeks to strip dual citizens involved in terrorism of their Australian citizenship," Tony Abbott announced this afternoon.

Under the proposal, the immigration minister will have the power to remove a dual-national's Australian citizenship but it will subject to judicial review and oversight from the Federal Court.

"I want to stress we will be ensuring that as far as we can humanly make it, no-one becomes stateless, and any decision by the minister to strip someone of their citizenship, to strip a dual national of Australian citizenship, will be subject to due judicial review," Mr Abbott said.

The ABC has confirmed there was a robust discussion in Cabinet over the proposal that an Australian citizen, who has no other citizenship, might have it withdrawn.

27-05-2015, 12:42 AM
I say about time, good riddance.

28-05-2015, 09:29 AM
What a stupid law.

If anything the government should make it harder to get citizenship rather than just let anyone just get it. Which is what seems to be the case.