View Full Version : 45 George Lulu... 110% GFE? really. What a whole lot of c...

07-06-2015, 10:04 PM
Haven't been in the field for a while (7 months), so I tried this shop ‘cause it used to be ok when it first opened two years ago.
I choose the girl Lulu, who according to the rooster description was 110% GFE, willing to please and so on. Now I know its all propaganda, part of the same bullshit that sex industry uses to drag men to the hole and take away their hard earned money.

In the room Lulu turned the light off, it was all dark and I couldn't see jack shit. I tried to break the ice and told her how romantic the atmosphere was with the light off, even though I felt uncomfortable because I couldn’t even see my dick in that dark room. Lulu was all extra sensible. I couldn't touch her nor get too close because she was so ticklish; and I couldn't get too deep inside her because apparently I’m too big. I was really patient with Lulu, as I always am with theses girls, trying not to spoil the moment, but she was a true disappointment to me. There’s no way this girl provided GFE, unless she was one of those “girl friends” who don’t love you any more and are trying to get rid of you so that they can run away with somebody else.

Now, this part shocked me a little bit. I noticed the girl’s belonging, cloths and a suitcase, next to the bed, which leads me to believe that these girls live in those rooms for as long as they work in the shop. This is absolutely detrimental for any human to live in those rooms charged with so much emotion. Everybody needs to have a break from work, go home, have a shower, have a proper sleep in a clean bed and them come back to work all fresh. I guess that every business owner is struggling to make money these days, even the brothel managers who squeeze these girls to the limit to make their fortune.

16-06-2015, 11:54 PM
Maybe she was exhausted on that day