View Full Version : General talk Ever wondered what hot PORN STARS look like without make-up. OMFG!!!

14-06-2015, 09:22 AM
Have you ever woken up to a red hot sexy girl you picked up and fucked the night before and looked at her in the morning without make up and her hair messed up and thought WTF !!! Is this the same girl I picked up last night?
Or have you ever walked into a brothel/R&T shop and a girl walks in to start her shift, and she's cute but quite plain. She has no make up and wearing tracky dacks, ugg boots, and baseball cap and she says "Hi" And you hardly recognise her.
That's the power of hair, make-up and wardrobe.
Even porn stars who we normally think of as being red hot, sexy or gorgeous can look really plain, or unattractive or even downright ugly without hair, make-up and wardrobe.
Check out the following links ...
WARNING : Porn is fantasy, so if you want to hang on to the fantasy don't go to these sites; you might not like what you see ...





Some look plain or average, some unattractive, and some are ugly.
Some of the younger ones still look cute in a girl next door way though even without the make up.

14-06-2015, 11:28 AM
Thanks Rooter for the links
A picture tells a thousand words...

You know that sexy looking lady at the nightclub
Its a similar idea ...
This is probably what she looks like at home the next morning

Do womens skin get drier as they get older, or does makeup just make skin look totally amazing ?

What IS the deal with skin as we get older ?
And why do a lot of men look good without the use of makeup ?

Just some thoughts.
Respect to all.










14-06-2015, 11:29 AM
More photos from Rooters links ...







14-06-2015, 04:31 PM
Nice links! Kind of relevant because one of the girls at Ginza that I see quite a bit did show me a picture of herself without makeup on because I asked.
Still looked good but very plain without makeup. She definitely wouldn't stand out if you walked past her on the street.
Though of course a girl is always going to look better with makeup on.

14-06-2015, 07:06 PM
And it's not just porn stars of course.
here is a compilation of before and after make up pics of various celebrities; singers, actresses etc and some I have never heard of.
Some of the differences are amazing; Bro A's favourite girl Kate Upton has zits as big as her tits ;)


14-06-2015, 07:20 PM
Holy fuck bros, lucky I havent eaten dinner yet :startle:

14-06-2015, 08:08 PM
Honestly I reckon some of them look better without the makeup. Tori Black is one example (2nd photo in #2 above) - but beauty is a purely subjective opinion.

As to the comment about Men looking good without makeup.... ummmm - we don't.

If we did then movie stars and models wouldn't need to use it in movies/TV or photo spreads, yet they do...and quite a lot of it.

14-06-2015, 08:11 PM
I used to see a WL regularly, first customer of the day.
We had a very very close relationship. Way beyond he normal WL / Customer experience.
My bookings were normally for 3 hours at her workplace and always longer at "other places"
After a passionate "First Round" I would enjoy watching her shave her pussy in the shower.
I would often lend a hand, and one time she shaved me.
She would then start to put on her make up.
I thought that she always looked beautiful and after putting on her make up she looked so Hot !!
I never considered this to be time wasting, rather, I regarded it as a privilege that other guys did not get to see.
She was very careful about looking after her skin and her hair.
She often sent me photos from her home when she was doing her Beauty routine.
In some of them she had a Face Mask on. This is not the most flattering thing to see.
Not many ladies would send this type of photo to someone "special"
I do love kissing ladies who wear lipstick.
I remember getting into trouble from my mother when I was a teenager and she would find lipstick on the collar of my shirt.
Some ladies only need a little make up, others need all the help that they can get.

14-06-2015, 08:22 PM
Honestly I reckon some of them look better without the makeup. Tori Black is one example (2nd photo in #2 above) - but beauty is a purely subjective opinion.

As to the comment about Men looking good without makeup.... ummmm - we don't.

If we did then movie stars and models wouldn't need to use it in movies/TV or photo spreads, yet they do...and quite a lot of it.

I look OK, in fact very good for my age.
I do make an effort to be neat, clean, fresh breath, clean smooth finger nails, shaved etc.
when I a seeing a Lady.
I also treat them well.
They do appreciate these things.
I think this goes a long way to making up for not being so young or handsome any more.

But !! They all tell me I am Hansum Man so it must be true Ha Ha.

15-06-2015, 02:15 AM
I look OK, in fact very good for my age.
I do make an effort to be neat, clean, fresh breath, clean smooth finger nails, shaved etc.
when I a seeing a Lady.
I also treat them well.
They do appreciate these things.
I think this goes a long way to making up for not being so young or handsome any more.

But !! They all tell me I am Hansum Man so it must be true Ha Ha.

LOL - I am sure you do A44. I go through a similar routine when I am about to see a lady as well.

I would like to clarify that what I meant was that men look "better" in makeup as well. It actually does go both ways :)

15-06-2015, 11:14 AM
I agree that as men, we should also make efforts to look nice, with a healthy appearance and complexion
In my humble opinion, it is still (and probably always will be) taboo for a man to say he uses makeup
Its well known that Korean men are very conscious of their appearance, and many do use makeup

I found this interesting video, with a lot of the products mentioned, listed on the side
Looking at the female host, no disrespect, but she overloads herself with makeup product
And I think it would not be worthwhile layering on all these products, the way this video shows

But just purchasing one of the listed items may go a long way to keeping you looking "han sum"

Even guys need good adivce in looking young

I am generally sceptical about the profit making motive of skin care products, but after seeing the video, I have no doubt that as men we could benefit from one or two of the class of skincare mentioned



Subtle ‘undercover’ makeup for men: a groomed, healthy look


Products I used


Elemis - Deep Cleanse Facial Wash (http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/blog/p.php?postid=1056&index=0)
Carisonic - Sonic Skin Cleansing System (http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/blog/p.php?postid=1056&index=1)
Kanebo - Sensai Bronzing Gel (http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/blog/p.php?postid=1056&index=3)
YSL - Touche Éclat For Men (http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/blog/p.php?postid=1056&index=4)
Paula Dorf - Perfect Total Camouflage Brush (http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/blog/p.php?postid=1056&index=5)
Clinique - Anti-Blemish Solutions Clearing Concealer (http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/blog/p.php?postid=1056&index=8)

Visine - Eye Drops, Original (http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/blog/p.php?postid=1056&index=2)
Elemis - Time Defence Eye Reviver (http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/blog/p.php?postid=1056&index=9)

Fresh - Sugar Lip Polish (http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/blog/p.php?postid=1056&index=6)
Carmex - Moisturising Lip Balm (http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/blog/p.php?postid=1056&index=7)

15-06-2015, 11:16 AM
Here of course is the contrasting opinion, that makeup for men will never catch on..

"One of the other reasons I've never considered makeup an appealing option is because makeup, in general, smells terrible.
If you've ever had the misfortune of opening a woman's makeup bag, you know that it smells like a dead actor.
These companies will make a mint the day they find a way to slap odorless on the label."


15-06-2015, 06:59 PM
I saw this a few months ago on Ninemsn

She is true korean honey, but watch her after...:startle:


15-06-2015, 07:32 PM
Amazing video of just how makeup can work absolute magic on some women !

What would you say if you met that lady in a nightclub, and you woke up to see her the next morning, without the makeup on ?

Respect to all

15-06-2015, 09:40 PM
My daughter used to be. Beauty Therapist.
She hated how the shop owners tried to get the girls to push products that were often expensive and unnecessary.
She still gives me good moisturising cream for my face that I use every morning.
She also keeps my eyebrows neat and tidy.

The Lady that I spoke about in my first post on this thread always gives me expensive men's "perfume"
I received some from her within the past month.
But !! The "romance" is finished or is it ???

So, I always look neat and tidy and I smell nice.
I draw the line there, I would not wear make up.

I may not be the Best Looking, but I am always Looking my Best.

15-06-2015, 11:09 PM
This has been an interesting post
I am sure that one or two of the skin creams mentioned in the video above are worthwhile, but probably too expensive to use in the long term as a guy

There are generally three things that prevent us men from concealing blemishes and improving our facial appearances

3)Higher priorities haha


Although I bet Hikaru Aizawa (see link below) uses skin care products on a regular basis to look his absolute best !


25-06-2015, 07:11 PM
Hey Harmony it doesnt bother me at all, so long as she doesnt look like a old hoe :startle:

bros check this out found this on SMH

26-06-2015, 06:35 AM




The Last bolnde seems not bad

26-06-2015, 11:27 PM
Thanks for link rooter...eye opening

26-06-2015, 11:27 PM
also agree blonde chick still looks pretty hot.