View Full Version : Complaint Shops with web presence, stop IGNORING web enquiries!!!

29-06-2015, 11:40 AM
Start rant:

Just a note to you shops with a web presence, on the forums and/or web sites, especially when you have contact forms or email addresses accessible on your sites: REPLY TO YOUR FUCKING ENQUIRIES!!! Failure to do so is fucking rude, pisses off your potential clients and LOOSES YOU BUSINESS!

These places must be run by dumb and dumber!

I think I'm beating my head against a brick wall, you can't teach and old dog new tricks now can you??!!

:End rant

29-06-2015, 11:45 AM
It depends on which shop brother !!

No need to beat your head against a brick wall, just the right wall mate ! :cool2:

I think 5 Star City, Vicky, Diva, Nana, Summer, Alice etc. still response to client enquires here on a regular basis, some are quicker than the others though.

29-06-2015, 11:57 AM
Maybe I guess, but I'm talking about the dodgy little places :)

29-06-2015, 12:11 PM
Maybe I guess, but I'm talking about the dodgy little places :)

See, you said it yourself, and you really are expecting a reply from those dodgy little places ??

29-06-2015, 12:55 PM
I wouldn't beat my head against anything because of that !

Even an individual, he might have several phone numbers, if I can't reach him on one number, I'll try another, or at least I know which number I would more likely be able to get hold of him.

For a shop, unless they encourage contact by message in the ad, the most reliable way is to use the phone, call and talk directly with a person.

Even 5*, if you send a message to their website, you'll never get a reply, because they have advertised other forms of contacts !

PM on the forum ? Very little chance, I wouldn't try !

29-06-2015, 01:54 PM
Contact via email, online forms etc is not very effective.
And not just brothels but any business.
The best way to contact a shop is by the good old fashioned telephone (not from a blocked number)
That way you immediately make contact with person, and also by talking to you they can see if you are a genuine punter or a window shopper. You can also have a two way conversation and organise something on the spot rather than waiting for replies.
The phone is best.

29-06-2015, 02:14 PM
Contact via email, online forms etc is not very effective.
And not just brothels but any business.
The best way to contact a shop is by the good old fashioned telephone (not from a blocked number)
That way you immediately make contact with person, and also by talking to you they can see if you are a genuine punter or a window shopper. You can also have a two way conversation and organise something on the spot rather than waiting for replies.
The phone is best.

It worked very well back in 2012 when I was posting rosters for Snow Lotus and helping out a bit for Silver Fox and Coco's two shops. Every question and enquiries were responded to. Those were the good old days.



29-06-2015, 02:32 PM
Yeah, they will be too busy keeping their spam postings at the top of the threads

29-06-2015, 05:56 PM
Contact via email, online forms etc is not very effective.
And not just brothels but any business.
The best way to contact a shop is by the good old fashioned telephone (not from a blocked number)
That way you immediately make contact with person, and also by talking to you they can see if you are a genuine punter or a window shopper. You can also have a two way conversation and organise something on the spot rather than waiting for replies.
The phone is best.

Totally agree with brother rooter. Telephone is the most effective and directly way to make your booking. When the shop is busy, there is no way the shop operator will have time to check for e-mail, web enquiries.

29-06-2015, 06:46 PM
Expected replies from some. I think aussiegaigin got it right.

29-06-2015, 07:13 PM
I wonder if ausiegaigin is silly enough to try to communicate with the shops through their websites ? ;) ;) ;)

29-06-2015, 08:37 PM
The telephone (and especially the mobile phone) is still the most effective way to communicate ever invented.
Social media, email, wechat, twitter, facebook etc are all great and have their purpose.
But if you want to arrange something quickly and definitely then the phone is the way to go.
You can ring up, talk to a person, tell them what you are looking for, get a few options and make a choice and a booking all in 30 seconds.
There is no other communication technology that can match that.
I can understand the OPs point about the frustration of not getting replies, but the fact is even the most diligent shops are only going to check their messages a few times an hour, and then they have to type out a reply, and then you have to type out a reply back, and then they have to type out a reply back.
Why put up with that shit?
You might as well be using the telegraph pole and Morse Code like the 1880s in the Wild West.
Ring the fuckers! Demand their attention!
The phone is instant, it's personal, it's effective. It's the way to go.

29-06-2015, 09:16 PM
Ring the fuckers! Demand their attention!
The phone is instant, it's personal, it's effective. It's the way to go.
In this case, the callers are the fuckers !!! ;) ;) ;)

30-06-2015, 10:21 AM
Im really pissed off guys
No one seems to be responding to my smoke signals
I climb the highest mountains in my town, light a fire, then send the smoking signals far and wide
Get no reply

30-06-2015, 11:33 AM
They shouldn't have an email form if they're not going to reply. A big problem with the telephone (for many shops) is they don't have a manager who can speak English!! Which wipes out a bulk of potential clients.

30-06-2015, 12:08 PM
If a customer wants to communicate with anonymous email, they cant expect too much

Also, an enquiry can only be accurately given for the current time of the enquiry
Most businesses don't read emails every hour, so they wont try to give you accurate information because there is too much of a lag between communications

Also, with a phone call, a shop can tell the customer is ringing from a real phone, and most of the time, can be sure the person is more legit than just anonymous keyboard jockey

Try making enquiries, with the dentist or doctor, at a busy place, by email.
Just isn't realistic

01-07-2015, 06:54 PM
Yeah I have sent private messages to some of shops and a few of the shops dont even bother replying, so fucking annoying

Mr Bastard
01-07-2015, 07:34 PM
move on spend ya cash on the reputable shops