View Full Version : General talk Nick is looking good at Wimbledon while we farewell Lleyton !

02-07-2015, 10:26 AM
Watch the three sets victory of Nick last night and he is looking good !

Lleyton had played his last match at Wimbledon and true to himself, went down fighting in 4 hr and 5 sets, 11-9 in the fifth to Nieminen who had then played his own final match at Wimbledon losing to Novak in three quick sets !

As the commentator had said at the end of Lleyton's match that he rather saw him went out fighting and earns the respects of the small but supportive crowds than got smashed by Novak in 90 minutes , not the way we want to see an aging former Champion to go out !

How true !

I never really like Lleyton especially when he was at his peak and winning grand slams and ranked no 1 in the world ! But I started to feel ok about him in the past few years when he started to struggle against the younger big guns. He is a fighter and true professional and I respect that !

Then again, I'm sure he will retire a very rich man and live a comfortable life we normal workers can only dream of !!

02-07-2015, 10:29 AM
And who was that blonde girl who lost to Maria last night? She looks hot and I want to see her naked !!

02-07-2015, 10:29 AM
I know I probably shouldn't say this, but some of the ball girls .........

03-07-2015, 12:47 AM
i think you mean Hogenkamp...she looked ok but shes got nothing on that Bouchard

03-07-2015, 09:42 AM
i think you mean Hogenkamp...she looked ok but shes got nothing on that Bouchard

Welcome to the Genie army !!

Me big big fans too!

03-07-2015, 09:52 AM
By the way, is it just me or if any one of you out there also getting irritated and frustrated by the Fanatics !!

I think it's great to support our fellow Aussies especially in overseas tournament but the noises and endless chanting just got under my skins and probably agnoying all the other crowds !

Your thoughts ??

Ps. I was actually ok with them during Lleyton's last match, but in Nicks match, I was not impressed, and little Nick was swearing a lot too and was spoken to by the empire ! Not good for his game or images I don't think ! He's got all the talents to be a great player, but I rather see him developed into a true statesman like Federer or Nadal rather than another McEnroe!

03-07-2015, 10:15 AM
I know I probably shouldn't say this, but some of the ball girls .........

Sounds like something Rolf Harris would say.

03-07-2015, 01:51 PM
Sounds like something Rolf Harris would say.
Echoed by Robert Hughes ! ;) ;) ;)

03-07-2015, 01:53 PM
By the way, is it just me or if any one of you out there also getting irritated and frustrated by the Fanatics !!

I think it's great to support our fellow Aussies especially in overseas tournament but the noises and endless chanting just got under my skins and probably agnoying all the other crowds !

Your thoughts ??

What fanatics ? They're professionals, they travel the world to do the cheering !

03-07-2015, 04:24 PM
I could never understand how the Australian chant "Oi Oi Oi" is acceptable
It makes me cringe ever since I first heard it

Funny too, because it was a traditional warcry from my uncles school, in Sydney, long before it was used by Australian supporters
In other words, its not even original

06-07-2015, 08:39 AM
yeah the whole oi oi oi thing gets pretty annoying after a while. not as bad the whole US...A chant but getting there.

Mr Bastard
06-07-2015, 09:15 AM
I am pretty sure the Oi Oi Oi originated in Ireland.......a rugby union chant for some small country side in Ireland, correct me if I am wrong, just off the top of my head from memory..............

06-07-2015, 09:30 AM
For me, the Oi, Oi, Oi came with the Aussie, Aussie, Aussie during the Sydney Olympic in 2000!

From memory, most of the chants were started or lead by the great team of volunteers !

To me, that's the origin! If that had come from another country, well, we own it now !!

06-07-2015, 10:23 AM
i would oi oi oi Genie

07-07-2015, 12:53 PM
Nick is gone, but he'll be back, hopefully more matured, calm and consistent !!

And what the bloody hell was wrong with him in the second set ??

Even though he came back to win the 3rd and only went down in another tight tie break on the 4th, he never really looked comfortable.

I was quite hopeful and thought that could be an early night when Nick broke Richard in the open game !! So, the Frenchman got one back from the tall young Greek.

So, whose left in this year Wimbledon for me to support: May be Hingis and Mirza in the ladies double...........haha

Swiss and Curry, how about you ??

13-07-2015, 11:11 AM
So, whose left in this year Wimbledon for me to support: May be Hingis and Mirza in the ladies double...........haha

Swiss and Curry, how about you ??

Well, how sweet is the former Swiss Champion ??

Martina Hingis, was the Wimbledon ladies single champion 17 years ago, now, at the age of 34, becomes Wimbledon Champions again in the ladies double with one of my favourite Sania Mirza, winning the final in three tough sets. Swiss and Curry, I LIKE !!

Then Hingis came out again the next day, partnering another Indian player in Paes who is 42! and put out a master class in how to play Mix Double, winning 6-1, 6-1 in 40 minutes !!

So, Martina Hingis, winning the double double at Wimbledon this year, emulating her idol Martina senior all those years ago.

And if you tell me she doesn't like curry, that will be something.

So, while we celebrate the second Serena Slams and Novak's third Wimbledon title, and Roger's heart break yet again, ( I thought for a moment after he fought back saving 7 set points in the second set and won the tie break that he had a chance but Novak just too good !) To me, Hingis' Double Double is the highlight ................haha




13-07-2015, 10:30 PM
Nick who ?

Until a sportsman can learn grace under pressure, and class and poise, he wont earn the success his talent offers him

Throwing racquets on the ground, is soon copied by other players, similarly without class

Such tantrums show a poor capacity for mental discipline, and is the sign of a clown, not a King

Poor behaviour is also a reflection of bad people around you, people who only say "YES" for fear of being sacked for being unsympathetic

Call it "diva syndrome", "spoiled brat" syndrome, "Entitlement syndrome" or a thousand other names for the same thing
The syndrome has been around for centuries

You either nip it in the bud early, or your career never takes off

Lleyton had it early on, but wise heads taught him to get smart

Australia doesn't need graceless sportspeople on the world stage

Grow up and deal with the fame with class, not with smug self satisfaction

13-07-2015, 10:33 PM
Nick KYRIGOS has had too much smoke blown up his arse.
The spoilt brat needs his electronic devices taken away and be sent to his room without desert!

13-07-2015, 11:48 PM
Social media. Only the fool lets social media control them
Spot the fool

I have yet to see a young person in fames spotlight handle the social media properly

A young person invariably needs smart wiser and older people around them, to show them how to use social media and the hype

Put it this way, if you are ever famous, and have ever taken a selfie, then you are going to be vulnerable to the narcissistic whirlpool that is SOCIAL MEDIA

Just like the narcissist in the classic novel "Dorian Grey", if you look too longingly at beauty, you become very superficial

Used properly, it is a marketers dream - you can control what information is released to your fans

But let it use you, and start to believe your own hype, and it will overblow your ego, and you fail to notice your head is up your arse

Trap for young players

Nick isnt the first to believe his own hype, and he wont be the last. It happens every year, in all sports

15-07-2015, 10:07 AM
Well, Nick will be playing for Australia in the Davis Cup quarter final, we should win this and if Nick behaves himself, kiss and made up ??

Does he have a professional coach or a good business manager ?

15-07-2015, 06:07 PM
Brother A
As you know, history is absolutely full of famous people who surround themselves with "yes" men, who are too scared for their job security to be a dissenting voice or upset the gravy train

"You would like 20 kittens in your dressing room before your concert, Mariah Carey - SURE, WHAT A GREAT IDEA"
"You would like to destroy your hotel room because you are big stars ACDC - SURE, WHAT A GREAT IDEA"
"Nick, the media are saying you are a spoiled brat for repeatedly throwing your racquet on the ground - HOW WRONG THEY ARE, THEY DONT UNDERSTAND YOUR GENIUS"

I am sure Nick has a business manager, but it doesnt look like he learnt class and dignity from those around him, when he was growing up

I think the world will forever remember the footage of the African American mother, who clipped his son around the ears for looting during the recent USA race riots

That is good parenting - letting your son know when you have crossed the line

20-07-2015, 10:42 AM
And hold your horses every one !

One more big thank you and salute to good old Lleyton !

Him and big Sam Groth had double handedly rescued our Davis Cup campaign and now we are in the semi to face the Murray brothers !!

I wonder if Nick will be there ??

Or should I say, do you want him there ??

21-07-2015, 09:48 AM
I think the captain Wally Masur has left the door opened for Tomic ! Saying that he received a text of congratulations from the boy !!

Well, there is no question if both Nick and Tomic are available and behave and wanting to play for Australia, we have a better chance winning the semi final against GB ! Andy Murray will win his two rubber for sure, but if we can win the other two singles and Lleyton and Sam won the double we are through !

Glory of winning and progress to the final vs discipline !! Decisions decisions !

Ps, there is no guarantee that the boys are going to put in 100% either!

We know Lleyton and Sam will fight to the dead of five sets ! What if the younger guys lost the first set 6-4 then gives up the match and tank 6-1, 6-0 or something like that, what would you rather see ??

21-07-2015, 04:11 PM
I think the captain Wally Masur has left the door opened for Tomic ! Saying that he received a text of congratulations from the boy !!

I think Wally said he received a text from Tomic congratulating the boys for the win !

21-07-2015, 04:43 PM
I think Wally said he received a text from Tomic congratulating the boys for the win !

Isn't that what I meant ?


22-07-2015, 09:25 AM
Bernard Tomic and Nick Kyrigios telling Tennis Australia how to do their job

Just another of the many examples in sport of the "tail wagging the dog"

The time to be making a difference in the administration of the sport you are in, is to first achieve success and recognition for your achievements, then retire, then lead the administration by the example you have led during your sporting career

The people with the biggest mouths, are the people who have the smallest ears

The best leaders know you have two ears and one mouth for a reason, you should listen more and talk less often

22-07-2015, 01:49 PM
The best leaders know you have two ears and one mouth for a reason, you should listen more and talk less often
So I gather you have no ambition to become a leader in the future ? ;) ;) ;)