View Full Version : General talk Identity Theft - AUS99 members you have been warned

19-07-2015, 08:30 PM
Hi Brothers
This General Talk thread is superb.
Finally our discussions dont get buried !

I thought I would share a quick story with you all, to get your ideas, and also for you to be aware of the dangers of identity theft

My cousin is from Melbourne, and routinely travels interstate including Sydney
He visits a few different hotels in the cities he visits, and a few charge a "bond" on his credit card, as protection against damage and other charges that may be accrued
Not a big deal

But an increasing number of hotels are expecting you to hand over both photo ID (generally drivers licence), as well as your credit card, both of which are photocopied !

Anyway, his bank has contacted him a month ago, and temporarily blocked his online accounts
It seems that someone has tried to open another 3 accounts under his name, and these days you can apply for new accounts online
He's a smart guy, he locks his mailbox, and doesnt have Facebook, or share information online, so the only way people have got his details is by these hotels copying his identity

He had to go to a branch of his bank, in person, where they showed him his online account, with three "dummy" new accounts, which the bank had found, 3 months after they had been opened

Thankfully none of his funds were touched !

Im sure this is not an uncommon story

So how do we deal with these venues wanting to photocopy / scan our identity documents ?
Any one else know of examples of identity fraud ?

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSIOhwlvi7Md_YVoQz6JIATxeQfhNEBY Wxsm54SooM55vq1HS8FxQ
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQs9zexB47sXV0OJPif3dzemlAzChVEJ x6KlQwpo82K6jXjidsd

19-07-2015, 09:56 PM
The "know your customer" principles aimed at addressing anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism funding are pretty widely observed by the banks. They require original documents and I'd be very surprised if a non-certified photocopy were acceptable.

Having said that, not handing over your identity documents to anyone who claims they need them is highly advisable. Just knowing a driver's license number, full name, address and date of birth opens up a world of personal information... credit checks, authentication with almost every over-the-phone call centre (eg insurers, councils, phone providers) etc.

I don't really mind a 4 or 5 star hotel taking a card imprint and sighting some phot ID to verify it's in the same name. I would tell them they can't copy it though and ask for the duty manager if they claimed it was required.

My biggest pet hate on identity security these days are the growing number of bars that now demand a credit card AND drivers license to open a bar tab. They keep both originals. It's the most ridiculous and unsafe thing you can do (handing over multiple original documents in a dark bar for hours at a time and where people are drinking and there are numerous staff so no accountability for "mistakes" like it being "misplaced"). Bar tabs have ended for me given this completely idiotic policy.

19-07-2015, 10:06 PM
where I work we don't take a amount over about $150 over the phone for credit card orders unless it's known business.
all private must be done by bank transfer.
because you only need the numbers on the front and exp date. it's not the one with stolen card that gets burned as well it's the store or service provider who can be burnt as well.

Fraud is everywhere.
It's in my opinion more advisable to use fake names and incorrect spelling for social media on the internet. then again don't use it at all it's junk in most cases.

banks finally due to company's like paypal have there own anti- fraud online division's so they can allow users some protection.

try it on some porn site then get the phone call and explain what you bought ? lol