View Full Version : General talk Defining the Alpha Male

20-07-2015, 11:57 PM
Many want to believe that getting girls is ancillary to being a true alpha male; that the real measure of an alpha lies in his ability to dominate other men, or his command of his environment, or his thirst for swashbuckling adventure. While these are admirable alpha traits, they are nothing but a means to an end. Make no mistake, at the most fundamental level the CRUX of a man’s worth is measured by his desirability to women, whether he chooses to play the game or not. Pussy is the holy grail. That is why the obese, socially maladroit nerdboy who manages to unlock the gate to the secret garden and bang a 10 regularly is an alpha male. And that is also why the rich, charming entrepreneur who because of an emotional deficiency or mental sickness lives mired in parched celibacy is not an alpha male.

Due to this enduring confusion about what makes an alpha, I submit the following system, in the form of a handy chart, to help clear the air. It hits on the three major factors influencing male rank — how hot are the women he can attract, how strong is that attraction for him, and how many of those women find him attractive.


Follow that link and you'll see the table he's talking about. So where do you fit in? :)

22-07-2015, 09:30 AM
Interesting article brother illlidanstormrage

I liked reading the debate in the comments, between Irina (a lady), and 'anonymous' (no doubt a man)
The debate, is, is an alpha kind, or is being kind irrelevant to being an alpha


"Notice what both of these guys have in common- they are kind men, because they never have to act like jerks to get women.
I have many other examples if you want me to share, but I think you get the point: most women can totally smell if your confidence is substantial or if it’s a front.
To be the alphiest alpha, it has to be genuine and have had to have been that way for his whole life"

He is a natural- he does not do anything just to get girls, because the girls flock to him regardless of what he does. Again, his alphaness can be summed up: good looks, height, attention to detail, the fact that he is a very good friend, and amazing heart.

Once a girl sits down and talk to him and discovers how humble and hard-working he is, she is bound to fall for him. His girlfriends are always 9s and 10s. Alphaness: looks, confidence, humility, and an amazing heart.


Irina — I disagree with your analysis.

You presented 3 alphas who were tall, good-looking, kind and confident and then you conclude that the one common factor among the alphas is kindness?!

Kindness is THE defining trait for betas.

If you take out kindness, then it’s only height, looks and confidence.
But really, confidence is a product of height and looks for men just as confidence is a product of weight and looks for women.
Confidence also stems from other “unmeritorious” factors — e.g., skin color, wealth/education, etc.
If you’re white, everything else being equal, you’ll likely be perceived as more confident than if you’re not white (even blacks who come off as confident may sometimes be perceived as too confident or arrogant or standoffish).

I don’t think is truly confident, separate from other characteristics like height, weight, looks, skin color, etc.

So then really, it boils down to height and looks that determine a male’s alphaness.

Women never seem to admit this.

Great discussion !