View Full Version : Who else thinks that Poh is sexy

the wizard
24-01-2013, 05:48 PM
Just watching Poh from Pho'S kitchen on Abc.
Formally a finalist in Masterchef, she`s cute and a very sexy Malaysian
Oh by the way she can cook too....

24-01-2013, 07:08 PM
to be a good cook is to be good with your hands and with your mouth..... :P

and yes he's a hottie

the wizard
24-01-2013, 07:13 PM
you did mean she's a hottie !

24-01-2013, 07:26 PM
Just watching Poh from Pho'S kitchen on Abc.
Formally a finalist in Masterchef, she`s cute and a very sexy Malaysian
Oh by the way she can cook too....

She's also got very bouncy tits and a big big mouth - good for f

24-01-2013, 07:27 PM
Just watching Poh from Pho'S kitchen on Abc.
Formally a finalist in Masterchef, she`s cute and a very sexy Malaysian
Oh by the way she can cook too....

She's also got very bouncy tits and a big big mouth - good for food tasting and other stuff !!

the wizard
24-01-2013, 07:36 PM
Thanks bro Ahlungor
at least you agree
she's def a girl.
that mouth is superb....

24-01-2013, 08:03 PM
She is fantastic, here is a clip of her in a movie...
Poh really does an awesome bodyslide!


24-01-2013, 08:23 PM
(message deleted)

24-01-2013, 10:43 PM
If she wasn't on tv i doubt many would look twice.
She's passed her use by date.

24-01-2013, 10:53 PM
I love it when at 0:36 she says "Roll over, sweetheart." in that sexy, husky voice.

And the really desperate Poh fans will be interested in these artistic shots. First the proof of identity shot :


And second an upskirt, admittedly fleeting and not that revealing of her black undies, from her first series.


24-01-2013, 11:18 PM
Not my cup of tits anyway ! Oops, tea !

25-01-2013, 12:57 AM
Shes the sorta girl I'd probably not select in a line up in a r&t place, but book a half hour session if she was the only one available but not pay for any extras (although maybe try to cop a free titty squeeze during the hj)

I love the way - a pretty female Asian face - and we all immediately start defining them in ml / wl terms!

The same thing happened during the "Miss World, world record real time posting extravaganza."

We, fellas, are like Pavlov's dogs. Our repeated association and experience of a pretty Asian female face and a certain type of powerful reward - well, the most powerful reward, and this effect is inevitable really.

Maxpunter, a new member, a caucasian himself, described in hs first AR post how his idea of female beauty has evolved away from the caucasian blonde blue eyed big titted model to a more "sophisticated" appreciation of (what I consider) to be the overiding fundamental charms of Asian girls. It is the same path of dawning realisation that I went down myself - I am lost in Asian girls, and probably all of you reading this are too.

But the association of these attractive female Asian faces with our being able to fuck / orally penetrate them within mere minutes of meeting them is an exceptionally powerful one.

(I saw one tonight in fact, "Gigi" at 647 Elizabeth - my god, I thought she was 64's Eva, she looked so much like her - minus the boobs.)

But yes, I've beeen drooling over Poh a long time before I knew most of you were too. TV adds an extra level of attraction, as pointed out..

Anyway guys, she is so totally up my alley for her creative work as a calling. Smart, funny, she's everything. The food? Yeah, I'd take that too. On the Your Tube "abc conversations" video interview with her, it emerges that she has broken up with her husband, and now only has a scottish terrier dog for company. She won't be long single I'm sure, plenty of hands will be up in the air for that gig.

25-01-2013, 08:01 AM
Poh is a hottie, she's def a mature hottie

the wizard
25-01-2013, 08:05 AM
I would definitely ##### her !

25-01-2013, 08:43 AM
Not racism. Just none of your friends are Asian unless they're as Aussie as you are... and you size up any Asian girl you meet in the street for their worthiness as hookers... so, not sexist or racist? Hmmm...

25-01-2013, 08:43 AM
And, yes. Poh is hot hot hot.

25-01-2013, 09:49 AM
Poh is very cute. I've seen her in RL up and close a couple of times. No she's not what I want in a lineup, but she's smart funny creative lady who would make a great GF.

At a brothel you're paying to rent a young hot body, but would you really want marry some brainless sex robot who can only say... LV...LV... Gold Coast, Casino.

25-01-2013, 09:49 AM
I think she is around 38-39 years old

25-01-2013, 10:50 AM
She is fantastic, here is a clip of her in a movie...
Poh really does an awesome bodyslide!


that really really really her? my brain just cant believe it.... (btw i'm not calling you a liar)

according to imdb rnt joint is called the "happy hippo" lol

25-01-2013, 12:58 PM
Poh is very cute. I've seen her in RL up and close a couple of times. No she's not what I want in a lineup, but she's smart funny creative lady who would make a great GF.

Yes, that is what I said above, she's great. I congratulate Wizard for bringing her up in a separate thread, although I want to claim some credit for being the first to mention Poh in my first review of 64's Eva.

he he he... defining her in line up terms again!

Altgourami, if you want to blame someone for this, blame Pavlov!

25-01-2013, 04:42 PM
Don't be a cock.

If you're not smart enough to see holes through what you're saying and think you're POV is absolutely right and others are absolutely wrong then there's no debating with you.

So I got stung by a ML. Not the first time, and not the last time. Don't make fun of others' misery.

I wasn't calling you sexist or racist - I don't know you - I was suggesting that you could infer both from your earlier message.

But yes, it is a little sexist to objectify women you pass in the street. I do, sometimes, too. I am a little sexist myself.

It's a complicated world, a paradox, and I'm not pretending to be perfect.

It's possible that if you and I met in person you would not like me nor I you, so why not block me and be done with it?

haha altgourmai - im a rascist because I associate with australian born chinese rather than their mainland born counter-parts? Im a sexist because my instict is to size up the physical assets of women I pass in the street? LOL. I shall strive to be worthy of your lofty standards.

The post below made me smile. The tormented cry of a sad and lonely little man who cant understand why an asian ML would choose true live over a 'bmw, overseas holidays and harbour views'

25-01-2013, 05:37 PM
Poh is cooking for the homeless right now!

25-01-2013, 05:41 PM
Good post.

I'm a romantic. So sue me. For every 100 WLs I meet I fall in love with one. I can comprehend that WLs are motivated by cash, and normally spot the scammers from the first moment I enter a room, but surely you can comprehend that love conquers all (even nasty habits of living one's life seeking out every last dollar)?

The day we stop believing in love is the day we sell up and move to Pattaya. Oh, wait...

Its not that you were 'stung' by an WL that suprises me, but rather your inability to comprehend that such a lady may be motivated by anything other than purely materialistic considerations. Views of a harbour, huh? A car manufactured in germany ... Vacations to another country ... What does it all mean really? Why should these bourgeois symbols of upper middle class status trump the heartfelt sentiment of love?

Silly girl, you say. Dont be too quick to cast judgment, this WL sounds like a lady who knows whats truely important in life, views of parramatta westfields carpark notwithstanding

25-01-2013, 05:46 PM
And all these bloody homeless dudes got to grab and hug Poh and have their hands all over her back!!

26-01-2013, 02:44 PM
While we are at it, what about the sensational half Filipino half European Kathy Novak from SBS.

I have noticed she has put on about 4kgs lately. She was just poured into a sleeveless dress I saw her in the other night. Very, very soft.

the wizard
26-01-2013, 04:58 PM
Sextus, I'am sure this is Kathy Novak


Seems to be chirpier, smiling more (not soo serious)
She looked great on last nights news.

Peta Jane Madam is also quite a hottie-


Works for Seven's Sunday program now, and produces and directs some really fine Doco's

I would like to take both home with me!!!

(Apologies to their respective husbands/partners)

26-01-2013, 05:54 PM
I messed up! The ladies are all blurring into each other in my mind!

Yes, she looked hot on last night's news - she was just poured into that satin dress with the extra 4kg she's put on.

26-01-2013, 06:16 PM
PJ is fucking hot hot hot. I've had the pleasure of having a few good long stares at her arse and tits (clothed) and she gets my boner going every time. She's also smart and a top chick, but married :(

the wizard
26-01-2013, 11:35 PM
Seeing we are on all things SBS
how about Janice and some other bloke


Now over at channel 9..................

29-01-2013, 02:13 PM
In my mind I was shagging Poh the minute she started on Master Chef.

29-01-2013, 03:59 PM
What I can't work out is how Poh isn't taken, she is a hottie, Im sure I read she is single

29-01-2013, 04:08 PM
Perhaps she's hopeless in the sack.

29-01-2013, 04:40 PM
In my mind I was shagging Poh the minute she started on Master Chef.

While you were doing Poh, I was shagging Justine as well ............................lol


30-01-2013, 02:20 PM
Hell yeah Lungor ... I like your style.

05-02-2013, 09:20 PM
Poh is a hottie

05-02-2013, 09:30 PM
Pohs got a very nice set. Living definition of an hot asian milf!

carmen farquis
09-02-2013, 07:56 PM
look on youtube they have pho talking about the word cunt on can of worms and nathan hindmarsh is on as well not that hes sexy unless your into that sort of thing

04-08-2013, 08:50 PM
Hands up those who read in a Sun-Herald liftout today that Poh is going to be in a new dating series on ABC1 starting at 9pm on Thursday 15 August! :p