View Full Version : General talk R we addicts ?

18-12-2015, 10:15 AM
Such good service, so friendly how does one not get attached to these girls ?
We all know it's a service but it's addictive.
They play the game so well till money is no object. Seeing them ouside work makes it more real.. What to do cold turkey ?

18-12-2015, 10:21 AM
We all addicts :)

18-12-2015, 10:48 AM
Cheaper than drugs too!

18-12-2015, 11:30 AM
Definitely an addiction. I try to stop all the time, sometimes can go without for a few months. But then I come back and punt almost very week!

18-12-2015, 11:48 AM
Yep. I'm definitely addicted. There's been a time where I stopped for a full year but that hasn't happened in a while. Sometimes instead of going for a punt I would just have a wank and that would be fine for me over a few days but then I'd be back at the brothel. It's bad (for my wallet!).

18-12-2015, 12:28 PM
Yeah, fucking addicted. Try to get out but I need a girlfriend :) But I think I'll be able to get out soon

18-12-2015, 03:25 PM
I am fighting it but yeah its pretty addictive. I had thought about it for a while then had a crack in Macau about 3 years ago. I was going infrequently but the last few months i have been going most weeks. Sometimes a dud or average punt can help you to lay off it whereas a good one will make you want to go back next day!!!

18-12-2015, 04:51 PM
I am fighting it but yeah its pretty addictive. I had thought about it for a while then had a crack in Macau about 3 years ago. I was going infrequently but the last few months i have been going most weeks. Sometimes a dud or average punt can help you to lay off it whereas a good one will make you want to go back next day!!!

There should be a government telephone hotline, like there is for gambling, drugs, alcohol .....

19-12-2015, 11:17 AM
If you really want to quit you can take a pill or get an operation ... :)

19-12-2015, 03:16 PM
At some point I'll have to slow down as I won't have any money left. Some girls are great at getting you to come back.

20-12-2015, 12:11 AM
Of course we are addicted, just as much as jacking off. Our brains are hardwired to be addicted to pleasure!

20-12-2015, 06:23 AM
Yeah, probably, but try not to worry about it ... just light up another ciggie, order another beer, slip another $50 into the pokies and chill out ;)

20-12-2015, 11:03 AM
Yeah, probably, but try not to worry about it ... just light up another ciggie, order another beer, slip another $50 into the pokies and chill out ;)

I'd rather slip something else into other slots than pokies' ! ;) ;) ;)

20-12-2015, 11:09 AM
Yeah, probably, but try not to worry about it ... just light up another ciggie, order another beer, slip another $50 into the pokies and chill out ;)

Cigarettes, alcohol and gambling + punting. Too many addictions, not good :grimace:

22-12-2015, 09:11 AM
I try to control to one punt per fortnight, but very hard

23-12-2015, 08:09 PM
The most I can hold off is a month before I start getting toey. Then I start thinking, "Well, it's been a month since the last session, that's a good run, you deserve a session for holding off for so long!"

I've tried thinking of the money I'd save, I've tried leaving the wallet at home, I've tried cold turkey and cold showers but nothing works. Might just have to accept and budget for a regular root.

23-12-2015, 08:32 PM
whoever said money is the greatest aphrodiasiac was spot on! punting inspires me to work harder & earn more. i reckon its a good thing

23-12-2015, 08:47 PM
The most I can hold off is a month before I start getting toey. Then I start thinking, "Well, it's been a month since the last session, that's a good run, you deserve a session for holding off for so long!"

I've tried thinking of the money I'd save, I've tried leaving the wallet at home, I've tried cold turkey and cold showers but nothing works. Might just have to accept and budget for a regular root.

Same here, I think at some point you just gotta accept the fact, don't try to fight it.

23-12-2015, 08:47 PM
whoever said money is the greatest aphrodiasiac was spot on! punting inspires me to work harder & earn more. i reckon its a good thing

Become a giggolo mate, you can do both at the same time!

23-12-2015, 08:51 PM
I've tried thinking of the money I'd save, I've tried leaving the wallet at home, I've tried cold turkey and cold showers but nothing works. Might just have to accept and budget for a regular root.

Regular wanks can hold it off for me, needed much more often than I would go punting though.

24-12-2015, 12:13 AM
I can stop any time I want to ...

24-12-2015, 12:49 AM
Sometimes a dud or average punt can help you to lay off it whereas a good one will make you want to go back next day!!!

100%. Maybe it's time I have a dud punt...

24-12-2015, 08:34 AM
I can stop any time I want to ...

Very easy to stop if money is tight or no time too! And opportunities as well! Like I want to see Rebecca at Broadway but she only works there on Sunday which is never never for me, so I have no chance !

24-12-2015, 10:24 AM
I believe this pure addicts just like drug. But it is mental drug .

27-12-2015, 07:03 PM
Dunno about that...im pretty physically addicted too :D

28-12-2015, 12:26 AM
I dunno but there is something quite special about it, its completely different to doing a random girl from a night out, I feel more relaxed, probably because its a service and not a mission

28-12-2015, 01:14 AM
Call it medicine. Men get aggressive and insufferable if they don't do it for too long.

28-12-2015, 02:15 AM
Hey, I don't drink, don't gamble, don't smoke, so I punt.... Gotta have one addiction !!!
I stretch it out to once a month and keep track of the punts I have and with who so I know who I can look forward to when I feel extra toey.

28-12-2015, 08:43 AM
Definitely addicted, perfect addiction for me though, makes me work harder! I have a girlfriend but most definitely enjoy a RnT every once a while.

I held off from falling in to this trap by not starting, but once you pop, you can't stop!

We are men, it gets us going, we live in a country where this is legal, we should embrace this rather than quitting!

29-12-2015, 09:06 AM
I dont think I am addicted, I can just stop anytime I want or at least that is what I want to believe.. And you are what you want to believe yes?

I am way a bigger sucker on RnT than FS though thats for sure.. Always hate the awkwardness of the GFE in the beginning of a session.. But meh..

29-12-2015, 09:13 AM
I can just stop anytime I want

Always hate the awkwardness of the GFE in the beginning of a session..

Hate GFE ??? No wonder you said you can stop anytime you want ! ;) ;) ;)

29-12-2015, 02:03 PM
Hate GFE ??? No wonder you said you can stop anytime you want ! ;) ;) ;)

I only hated the GFE in the beginning.. when they pretended to care.. but is hating GFE is the reason why I am still on/off relationship till now? I dont know man, can you help me do the math? ;)

31-12-2015, 01:04 PM
Overall it is probably cheaper than having a real girlfriend. No dinner dates, no movies, no flowers, no birthday gifts, no mother-in-law!!

There is also the negotiations about what you want with a GF that would probably involve all of the above to get a maybe. With a ML/WL it is a simple transaction to get your fantasy fulfilled.

You arrive, pay, come and go...

31-12-2015, 07:11 PM
Overall it is probably cheaper than having a real girlfriend. No dinner dates, no movies, no flowers, no birthday gifts, no mother-in-law!!

There is also the negotiations about what you want with a GF that would probably involve all of the above to get a maybe. With a ML/WL it is a simple transaction to get your fantasy fulfilled.

You arrive, pay, come and go...

*cough* ...cum and go ... *cough*

01-01-2016, 12:53 PM
Overall it is probably cheaper than having a real girlfriend. No dinner dates, no movies, no flowers, no birthday gifts, no mother-in-law!!

There is also the negotiations about what you want with a GF that would probably involve all of the above to get a maybe. With a ML/WL it is a simple transaction to get your fantasy fulfilled.

You arrive, pay, come and go...

It definitely is. Remember the wise man says - if it flies, floats or fucks RENT IT

02-01-2016, 12:38 AM
Overall it is probably cheaper than having a real girlfriend. No dinner dates, no movies, no flowers, no birthday gifts, no mother-in-law!!

There is also the negotiations about what you want with a GF that would probably involve all of the above to get a maybe. With a ML/WL it is a simple transaction to get your fantasy fulfilled.

You arrive, pay, come and go...

Additional: what about dealing with girlfriend's monthly visit? Hahahaha.....

Im addicted to gambling, drugs and sex..... And i have decreased all three of them to $1000 a month for gambling, once a year for drugs (only weeds nothing too crazy) and $1000 for WL, ever since i have this new addiction to Australian's properties..... Need to save lots of money to invest more and more

02-01-2016, 01:26 AM
Additional: what about dealing with girlfriend's monthly visit? Hahahaha.....

Im addicted to gambling, drugs and sex..... And i have decreased all three of them to $1000 a month for gambling, once a year for drugs (only weeds nothing too crazy) and $1000 for WL, ever since i have this new addiction to Australian's properties..... Need to save lots of money to invest more and more

Thats like 4 punts a month. Doesn't sound bad. Only if my cute MLs did FS, I'd be all in for that.

03-01-2016, 10:23 PM
I used to be addicted until around the beginning of last year where I decided to stop due to realizing that I was addicted and finding someone I was interested in starting a relationship with which is my main reason for stopping. Things didn't go so well with her and I went back to punting a few months ago but now have more control over my desire to punt and go a lot less frequently than I did before.

One of the things I did to stop my addiction was avoiding this site as it would tempt me too much. Having a bad punt while having the mindset that you will stop punting also helps.

04-01-2016, 09:48 AM
Im having to go every week, sonetimes more than once as well. I guess thats what happens when you're single and financially stable

04-01-2016, 09:33 PM
I could do it with one hand tied behind my back...but only one hand!