View Full Version : General talk Picking up K-girls (non-WL)

07-02-2016, 07:10 PM
I see so many hot K-girls working in Korean restaurants and Korean supermarkets, and I really want to chat them up, but not sure if it could ever lead to anything outside of their work place.

Any one have any success stories or any tips?

07-02-2016, 07:58 PM
Just go to Ivy or Marquee there's heaps of them there along with Chinese and Taiwanese waiting to be picked up or chatted to.
Go to Strathfield/Burwood basically Korea Town. I guess knowing a bit of Korean helps. Good Luck

07-02-2016, 08:02 PM
I'm currently in a less than ideal position myself not having a harem of girls or fuck buddies on call..... but I can offer some advice for the practical and mental side of things.

If you are only texting one girl and she is your only chance of getting laid, chances are you are going to be needy. You can catch yourself feeling this way and adjust your mindset but the reality is you aren't in abundance with girls and your behaviour is going to reflect that reality.

You must have a mentality of abundance. The only way to really achieve that is to be in abundance with girls... You have to be talking to a lot of girls every single day to and from work to generate leads.
Girls will never come up to you.. it's your job to open them and lead the interaction where you want it to go.

Chat them up like it's no big deal keep the conversation light and talk for 5-10 minutes. You are basically giving them a sample of your personality/testing the chemistry. Flipping stones so to speak.

The idea is to chat for a bit and ask for the number or until the girl literally walks away. The worst thing you can do is self-eject.

Give them a false time constraint (I have to meet a friend soon, etc) after you've opened them or a bit later before you ask for the number, so you can save time.

The truth is Milhouse any action is better than no action when it comes to women. A crappy approach or open is better than NO APPROACH or open.
When you can internalize this something I haven't done myself completely.. then you will be on the road to a decent sex life that doesn't require any punting though you probaly will still punt but at least punting isn't your only option.

Right now myself I'm not too keen on punting as I am interested in a particular girl who I did meet in a shop ML/WL I won't say.

I do find myself feeling needy or being overly affected in my mental state if she blows me off or ignores my texts for hours or even a day.

Something you wouldn't care about if you had even one more or three solid leads. As in girls who you can text to meet up with.

If you take no action at all you are guaranteed no outcome AT ALL. If you take some action you can at least be sure that you will be in with a chance. If you don't play, you'll never win..
as Arnold Schwarzenegger says you can't always win but don't be afraid of making decisions...

Be internally referenced. You have all the answers you need just trust yourself and take action.

Speculation is the instant death of any potential approach, you shouldn't give your mind time to react.

If you see a girl you are attracted to you literally have to just jump in and say hi and let it flow from there.

Don't give your mind a chance to rationalize some retarded excuse that she has a boyfriend, looks like a bitch, is too busy or WHATEVER.
Because it certainly will and you most likely will weasel out.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyhOmBPtGNM 6 Rules of Success by Arnold Schwarzenegger

07-02-2016, 09:21 PM
I'm currently in a less than ideal position myself not having a harem of girls or fuck buddies on call..... but I can offer some advice for the practical and mental side of things.

If you are only texting one girl and she is your only chance of getting laid, chances are you are going to be needy. You can catch yourself feeling this way and adjust your mindset but the reality is you aren't in abundance with girls and your behaviour is going to reflect that reality.

You must have a mentality of abundance. The only way to really achieve that is to be in abundance with girls... You have to be talking to a lot of girls every single day to and from work to generate leads.
Girls will never come up to you.. it's your job to open them and lead the interaction where you want it to go.

Chat them up like it's no big deal keep the conversation light and talk for 5-10 minutes. You are basically giving them a sample of your personality/testing the chemistry. Flipping stones so to speak.

The idea is to chat for a bit and ask for the number or until the girl literally walks away. The worst thing you can do is self-eject.

Give them a false time constraint (I have to meet a friend soon, etc) after you've opened them or a bit later before you ask for the number, so you can save time.

The truth is Milhouse any action is better than no action when it comes to women. A crappy approach or open is better than NO APPROACH or open.
When you can internalize this something I haven't done myself completely.. then you will be on the road to a decent sex life that doesn't require any punting though you probaly will still punt but at least punting isn't your only option.

Right now myself I'm not too keen on punting as I am interested in a particular girl who I did meet in a shop ML/WL I won't say.

I do find myself feeling needy or being overly affected in my mental state if she blows me off or ignores my texts for hours or even a day.

Something you wouldn't care about if you had even one more or three solid leads. As in girls who you can text to meet up with.

If you take no action at all you are guaranteed no outcome AT ALL. If you take some action you can at least be sure that you will be in with a chance. If you don't play, you'll never win..
as Arnold Schwarzenegger says you can't always win but don't be afraid of making decisions...

Be internally referenced. You have all the answers you need just trust yourself and take action.

Speculation is the instant death of any potential approach, you shouldn't give your mind time to react.

If you see a girl you are attracted to you literally have to just jump in and say hi and let it flow from there.

Don't give your mind a chance to rationalize some retarded excuse that she has a boyfriend, looks like a bitch, is too busy or WHATEVER.
Because it certainly will and you most likely will weasel out.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyhOmBPtGNM 6 Rules of Success by Arnold Schwarzenegger

It's like you've known me all my life and talking to my heart lol.

Thank you brother, you da real mvp!

18-02-2016, 11:07 AM
korean girls are my favourite.

try learn some small korean words, usually when you say stuff in korean and make it sound non authentic, they gernerally find that stuff cute

20-02-2016, 06:02 PM
If you go to college or university with them then it's probably easier to meet them. If you don't, it's not straight forward especially when they are very pretty and have KPS.

25-02-2016, 11:44 AM
theres a korean club called lumi, that place is filled with nice ones !

27-02-2016, 09:04 PM
Lumi ? Where about ?

28-02-2016, 09:53 AM
Lumi ? Where about ?

388 Pitt St

28-02-2016, 10:54 AM
388 Pitt St


28-02-2016, 12:15 PM
388 Pitt St

Thanx bra :)

28-02-2016, 02:23 PM
I'm currently in a less than ideal position myself not having a harem of girls or fuck buddies on call..... but I can offer some advice for the practical and mental side of things.

If you are only texting one girl and she is your only chance of getting laid, chances are you are going to be needy. You can catch yourself feeling this way and adjust your mindset but the reality is you aren't in abundance with girls and your behaviour is going to reflect that reality.

You must have a mentality of abundance. The only way to really achieve that is to be in abundance with girls... You have to be talking to a lot of girls every single day to and from work to generate leads.
Girls will never come up to you.. it's your job to open them and lead the interaction where you want it to go.

Chat them up like it's no big deal keep the conversation light and talk for 5-10 minutes. You are basically giving them a sample of your personality/testing the chemistry. Flipping stones so to speak.

The idea is to chat for a bit and ask for the number or until the girl literally walks away. The worst thing you can do is self-eject.

Give them a false time constraint (I have to meet a friend soon, etc) after you've opened them or a bit later before you ask for the number, so you can save time.

The truth is Milhouse any action is better than no action when it comes to women. A crappy approach or open is better than NO APPROACH or open.
When you can internalize this something I haven't done myself completely.. then you will be on the road to a decent sex life that doesn't require any punting though you probaly will still punt but at least punting isn't your only option.

Right now myself I'm not too keen on punting as I am interested in a particular girl who I did meet in a shop ML/WL I won't say.

I do find myself feeling needy or being overly affected in my mental state if she blows me off or ignores my texts for hours or even a day.

Something you wouldn't care about if you had even one more or three solid leads. As in girls who you can text to meet up with.

If you take no action at all you are guaranteed no outcome AT ALL. If you take some action you can at least be sure that you will be in with a chance. If you don't play, you'll never win..
as Arnold Schwarzenegger says you can't always win but don't be afraid of making decisions...

Be internally referenced. You have all the answers you need just trust yourself and take action.

Speculation is the instant death of any potential approach, you shouldn't give your mind time to react.

If you see a girl you are attracted to you literally have to just jump in and say hi and let it flow from there.

Don't give your mind a chance to rationalize some retarded excuse that she has a boyfriend, looks like a bitch, is too busy or WHATEVER.
Because it certainly will and you most likely will weasel out.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyhOmBPtGNM 6 Rules of Success by Arnold Schwarzenegger

This guy has figured it out haha. Couldn't agree more. Eventually girls will come to you. Only a matter of time ;)

28-02-2016, 02:52 PM
This guy has figured it out haha. Couldn't agree more. Eventually girls will come to you. Only a matter of time ;)

Arnolds rule 5: Work your Butt off!

28-02-2016, 02:54 PM
Arnolds rule 5: Work your Butt off!

haha! Always ;)

29-02-2016, 10:05 AM
I'm currently in a less than ideal position myself not having a harem of girls or fuck buddies on call..... but I can offer some advice for the practical and mental side of things.

If you are only texting one girl and she is your only chance of getting laid, chances are you are going to be needy. You can catch yourself feeling this way and adjust your mindset but the reality is you aren't in abundance with girls and your behaviour is going to reflect that reality.

You must have a mentality of abundance. The only way to really achieve that is to be in abundance with girls... You have to be talking to a lot of girls every single day to and from work to generate leads.
Girls will never come up to you.. it's your job to open them and lead the interaction where you want it to go.

Chat them up like it's no big deal keep the conversation light and talk for 5-10 minutes. You are basically giving them a sample of your personality/testing the chemistry. Flipping stones so to speak.

The idea is to chat for a bit and ask for the number or until the girl literally walks away. The worst thing you can do is self-eject.

Give them a false time constraint (I have to meet a friend soon, etc) after you've opened them or a bit later before you ask for the number, so you can save time.

The truth is Milhouse any action is better than no action when it comes to women. A crappy approach or open is better than NO APPROACH or open.
When you can internalize this something I haven't done myself completely.. then you will be on the road to a decent sex life that doesn't require any punting though you probaly will still punt but at least punting isn't your only option.

Right now myself I'm not too keen on punting as I am interested in a particular girl who I did meet in a shop ML/WL I won't say.

I do find myself feeling needy or being overly affected in my mental state if she blows me off or ignores my texts for hours or even a day.

Something you wouldn't care about if you had even one more or three solid leads. As in girls who you can text to meet up with.

If you take no action at all you are guaranteed no outcome AT ALL. If you take some action you can at least be sure that you will be in with a chance. If you don't play, you'll never win..
as Arnold Schwarzenegger says you can't always win but don't be afraid of making decisions...

Be internally referenced. You have all the answers you need just trust yourself and take action.

Speculation is the instant death of any potential approach, you shouldn't give your mind time to react.

If you see a girl you are attracted to you literally have to just jump in and say hi and let it flow from there.

Don't give your mind a chance to rationalize some retarded excuse that she has a boyfriend, looks like a bitch, is too busy or WHATEVER.
Because it certainly will and you most likely will weasel out.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyhOmBPtGNM 6 Rules of Success by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Excellent advice!!! You should become a professional wing man; and get paid for it.

02-03-2016, 10:48 AM
cheers on george st has a lot of korean girls too but i don't know if they speak much english