View Full Version : Question Will it be Trump vs Hillary for the race towards the White House ?

02-03-2016, 01:31 PM
Just watching a bit of the Super Tuesday Primary results on MSNBC Live !

Trump has won Alabama, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee and Virginia and leading in Arkansas and Vermont !

Ted Cruz has won his home state of Texas and Oklahoma, but is it nearly enough?

Marco Rubio has won nothing and surely it's time to quit !

Hillary on the other hand has big wins in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia and also leading in Massachusetts.

Bernie Sanders has only won Oklahoma and Vermont, so his race may be over soon.

So can a billionaire businessman and a reality show boss in Trump gets his hand on this piece of sacred real estate on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave ?

Or can Hiliary Clinton gets her old house back ?

02-03-2016, 05:28 PM
Hilary is establishment to the fucking bone the worst thing that can happen to America is that she becomes the next president of the United States.

HOWEVER... if Trump truly is a man of the people and not controlled opposition. Which I think he may well be because that's how it goes in politics.

But if he isn't controlled opposition. Since he's not a career politician but a businessman and a good one despite what has been said about him. He will shake things up and only positive things can come of it for Americans at the very least.

The link below is him talking about the economic recovery at a hearing of the House Task Force on Urgent Fiscal Issues in 1991. He seems to know what he is talking about but only time will tell if his policies will bring incentives and therefore jobs back to America but at least he's consistent.


I have watched a 'supressed' documentary about him though that talks a lot about his business dealings and overall history.


All this in mind I think the best thing American can do is vote him in. Why? Because if he turns out to be pro establishment and continues on where Obama left off and doesn't attempt to make any drastic changes.

That is the true wake up call to the American people that the two-party system doesn't work and there needs to be a revolt. It's plain to see already that nothing important will be changed under another Clinton presidency.

02-03-2016, 10:54 PM
Hard to say...
Depends on the balance of power between those who want the status quo v.s those who are sick of it and welcome something fresh and excited about the unknown.
In Australia, we don't even have the option of voting in a charismatic guy like Trump.

Read the headline that Howard trembled at the notion of Trump in Whitehouse; best proof that the establishment is rattled. He'll probably get a heart attack if a Trump like guy pops up here in Sydney:)

03-03-2016, 08:48 AM
hopefully hilary wins... trump is an idiot...

03-03-2016, 01:42 PM
hopefully hilary wins... trump is an idiot...

But the idiot makes a lot of money !! Had three very sexy wives..............

03-03-2016, 03:00 PM
If Trump is the Republican Party candidate then Clinton will win easily.
Republicans who are voting for Trump as their candidate are effectively voting for Clinton as President.
Trump just doesn't have the substance or depth to be a good President.
And Bernie Sanders is a nice enough chap but we all know nice guys always come last.
And Cruz and Rubio are neither here nor there.
Clinton will be a good President; she's smart (actually smarter than hubby Bill), experienced, and very level headed, and she's tough but still with a sense of social justice, and on foreign policy guided by facts, reason, and realism rather than just ideology or populism.
They are the qualities you want from the leader of the most powerful nation on earth and leader of the free world.
It's just too dangerous having a loose canon like Trump in charge, or a soft cock like Bernie Sanders.
People criticise the USA and sure it's not perfect, but it's the only thing standing in between us and all sorts of undemocratic regimes and organisations who are much, much worse.
The role of America is perfectly summed up in this monologue from Team America.

America Fuck Yeah!

03-03-2016, 03:58 PM
I agreed, Hillary has some qualities which , well , only Hillary has !

You only have to look back on Bill Clinton's presidency and in particularly the Monica crisis and how Hillary handled the whole thing and stood by her man !! One would argue that many women would do exactly that too but Hillary is not many women, she is running for the President herself now ! May be back then, she already had super Tuesdsy at the back of her mind ! Eight years ago she loss out to Obama! But who's gonna stop her now ??

03-03-2016, 04:22 PM
Any one heard this one before?

The year was 1992, President elect Bill Clinton was sitting inside his limo with First Lady to be Hillary by his side and the motorcade drove pass a service station in Little Rock Arkansas:

Bill, looking into Hillary's eyes passionately and point to the guy pumping gas in service station and said: hey Hil, remember Bob whom you went to high school with? Weren't you glad that you didn't end up dating him instead of me. Otherwise you would have been either pumping gas like him or sitting behind the cash register instead heading towards the White House with me honey !!

Oh, my darling Bill, whether my husband is Bob or Bill, I am definitely heading to the White House one way or another.

03-03-2016, 04:34 PM
Wouldn't mind seeing Trump run the country. Be able to become rich and then bankrupt, then become that rich again. He's got to be doing something right.
That been said, running a company is quite different from running a company. His decision will impact greatly to the entire world...

03-03-2016, 05:22 PM
Wouldn't mind seeing Trump run the country. Be able to become rich and then bankrupt, then become that rich again. He's got to be doing something right.
That been said, running a company is quite different from running a company. His decision will impact greatly to the entire world...

Trump will probably do well with the US economy, but his foreign policy could be tested ! The last thing the world needs now is a cowboy in the White House who thinks the Amercian are the best and greatest ! And start challenging China and Russia at all fronts !