View Full Version : Question Have you ever really liked a WL/ML or even loved one?

11-07-2016, 03:05 AM
Can someone share some advices on yourthoughts?

11-07-2016, 05:38 AM
....... some punters are going to start asking for funds or somewhat, from you to sponsor their sessions with a range of MLs and WLs. I reckon. Probably. But those points are alot to need for an answer to give on merit.

11-07-2016, 08:57 AM
Will try to give my answer tonight. Not easy to write a very long comment on phone, so have to wait until I can write it on ipad. Gday

11-07-2016, 09:10 AM
Dating WL is going to give you lots of headache in the long run. Some have good endings but it's minority.
I imagine it would be hard to give up punting, so you would continue to punt whether you still with your wife or not, or when you have new girlfriend or wife.
Question basically remain if you want to keep the current relationship. No one can decide for you on this, you have to make up your mind I'm afraid.

11-07-2016, 09:26 AM
Ok, this is a complex, and dare I say it, common scenario.

You've got the wife, kids and the Pickett fence and all seems rosy, but inside the fire is out, and the marriage has lost its charms.

This is too complex an issue for me to discuss right now (work starts soon), but I'll say a few things for you to think about in your own mind. Here's just a little 'food for thought '.

- By visiting WLs, you are risking your marriage if she finds out
- WLs act interested in you as part of their service. It may or may not be genuine, don't get carried away thinking it's love after your first visit with a WL
- Your wife seems like a good woman. Do you want to risk losing her by dating other women and letting the marriage go?
- What's best for the kids?
- Are you ethically ok with banging prostitutes while your wife waits for you at home? (I'm not judging you, Only you decide this)
- If you let your wife go, and find 'love' out there, whose to say you won't end up like this again after 10 years?

Personally, I wouldn't try to manufacture love. If it comes, you'll know. Also, I'm unmarried so far (late twenties), because I love the bachelor lifestyle and don't want to settle down yet, and I wouldn't cheat on my wife if I did (not judging those who do, but that's just me).

11-07-2016, 11:08 AM
Have you thought of working on your marriage; trying to find again the chemistry that brought you together. Maybe she is missing that old relationship too.

11-07-2016, 12:45 PM
Have you thought of working on your marriage; trying to find again the chemistry that brought you together. Maybe she is missing that old relationship too.

Thanks for reply. I definitely have together, with my wife, for many times. We have tried to work it out but the issues remain, for many reasons. Honestly we don't argue much, but no longer deeply in love either. We have been through tough times financially and got over it together. We're holding on things peacefully and for the kid. So it's not bad bad situation that we can't even see each other. But the sparkles, the love are not there anymore. I don't know if that's the case with other marriages.

11-07-2016, 12:50 PM
thanks for the replies

11-07-2016, 01:13 PM
Thanks for reply. I definitely have together, with my wife, for many times. We have tried to work it out but the issues remain, for many reasons. Honestly we don't argue much, but no longer deeply in love either. We have been through tough times financially and got over it together. We're holding on things peacefully and for the kid. So it's not bad bad situation that we can't even see each other. But the sparkles, the love are not there anymore. I don't know if that's the case with other marriages.


11-07-2016, 01:14 PM
Is this just a way of showing off that you have a good wife, big house, family, luxury car and $250K+ salary ?? :cool: :rolleyes: :confused:

11-07-2016, 01:24 PM
Maybe then punting in moderation keeps things together. But you must be cautious if dating. Many are lovely in every way, but also many will manipulate guys mercilessly to extract $ from them.

11-07-2016, 01:45 PM
Is this just a way of showing off that you have a good wife, big house, family, luxury car and $250K+ salary ?? :cool: :rolleyes: :confused:

it doesn't matter how you think about it. we stay anonymous in online forum anyway... I have no love experience

11-07-2016, 02:01 PM
I luv all of beauty wl but i knew they were never meant to belong to me :miao:

11-07-2016, 04:17 PM
well if you're not happy with your marriage what's the point? lol you can divorce and still be friends

11-07-2016, 04:18 PM
Most relationships are like that anyway bro....first love and then that slowly dies away and replaced by a different kind of bond

That's why I never had a gf for more than 2 or 3 years..I still haven't found the girl that I would be willing to give up all the partying sex and all the rest of it with other random girls for and it seems you never got to experience this and that's casting some temptation for you

But dating a WL and ml is not the way to go....maybe try seeking arrangement as a sugar daddy and privatise a chick...more discreet that way

11-07-2016, 04:28 PM
Dont tell the wl or ml you're rich lol
tell them $500 instead :)

11-07-2016, 05:28 PM
Dont tell the wl or ml you're rich lol
tell them $500 instead :)
A man in the know ! ;) ;) ;)

11-07-2016, 09:39 PM
wise advice. I wish I had been given it some years ago. or maybe I should say I wish I had listened. lol

12-07-2016, 12:22 AM
Most relationships are like that anyway bro....first love and then that slowly dies away and replaced by a different kind of bond

That's why I never had a gf for more than 2 or 3 years..I still haven't found the girl that I would be willing to give up all the partying sex and all the rest of it with other random girls for and it seems you never got to experience this and that's casting some temptation for you

But dating a WL and ml is not the way to go....maybe try seeking arrangement as a sugar daddy and privatise a chick...more discreet that way

I'd always avoid dating ML/WL. I only mentioned 2 in this post because they were quite attractive to me somehow, kind of once in a while you'd meet this type of girl that you like.
Other than that, I did try to date normal girls before though when I was in early 20s or these days when I'm away.

You were right about the facts that I didn't get to experience much of the partying sex. I partied often before just like normal guys, but just couldn't get any girls. DAMN IT!!!
That being said, I wasn't a like a virgin-nice-guy

12-07-2016, 12:28 AM
Dont tell the wl or ml you're rich lol
tell them $500 instead :)

I don't even think its rich, especially in this expensive Sydney. When one has $10m+ in equity, he's rich

12-07-2016, 12:30 AM
not so easy man

12-07-2016, 02:36 AM
I feel like I can relate though situation a bit different.

I think through time the relationship does change and it isn't as exciting and also the sexual part of the relationship seems to die off.

I'm at a situation where I am so tempted to ask a ML I've been seeing out. I think it's just to have company rather than to date or anything more. Though thoughts of I were single I'd prob ask her out to date her haha

I can't help but think why I would want to do this and potentially destroy any otherwise perfect life that I have built. Maybe things are just not as exciting anymore haha

12-07-2016, 09:05 AM
Mate you need a reality check, you should start dating MLs and WLs to see what they are like in real life!

12-07-2016, 09:21 AM
Mate you need a reality check, you should start dating MLs and WLs to see what they are like in real life!

Maybe I should! It seems at least I'd get over it and/or end up punting less which I think for me is a good thing! Haha :)

12-07-2016, 10:01 AM
My question to the OP: if you're thinking of ending your marriage for "something better", why limit yourself to just ml/wl? Just walk around China Town and you'll see there are so many fish in the sea!
I was in a similar situation as you years ago. Even my pay was similar, mine ranged from 5k - 9k a week. I ended up taking option 3, but i didn't hook up with a wl. Instead, i got a gf who was 13 years younger than me, a genuine hottie that would turn heads every where we went.
Looking back, I don't regret it. Yes I lost almost all of my wealth, but in return I had the time of my life. If I took the other path of holding on to my marriage, would I have been happier? Maybe, maybe not. I would've probably ended up being a rich and sad old guy.
I can point out a few things that might help you make your decision:
- it is very difficult to quickly re-gain wealth in Australia once you've lost it, due to the tax system here. You will probably need years to recover after a divorce. Your new partner might not stick around with you during that time.
- as you grow older, your libido will go down. Sex mighty not be as important to you in 10 years time as it is now. Will you regret throwing it all away then?

Personally I think punters are more likely than non-punters to choose option 3, because that option boils down to the question: which one do you value more, wealth or life-experience? By punting, you're basically exchanging your wealth for sex.

12-07-2016, 09:13 PM
The number one question I'd be asking is are you happy? Only you can answer that. Then it comes down to a choice.

You have to choose whether you keep going down the same path or whether you change direction. Sure kids make it a relatively more difficult choice but you are neither the first or last to be in this situation.

12-07-2016, 10:13 PM
Dude ... you're fkn married.
Is it normal to be going seeing ML/WL whilst you're married? No!
If you or your wife can't trust each other, who can you trust in the world?
Rather than talking to us about your troubles, why don't you talk honestly with your wife to see how you can rekindle the passion in your relationship?
If you can't stay committed in a relationship then you shouldn't be in a relationship, let alone married.
If all else fails and you are not in love with your wife anymore, then you should get a divorce and see someone else.
Life is too short to waste each other's time.
You are crazy if you think you are normal cheating on your wife repeatedly like this.
I feel so sorry for her. How selfish are you? She could be with someone else who could love her, rather than you.
Marriage, kids are not things that you do on a whim. You should have thought about it more carefully before coming this far.
Divorce is quite common these days because people feel the exact same way you do. However getting a divorce means you are not living a lie.
Take some perspective, if you get a divorce and lose some of your wealth, then so what? At least you'll live an honest life.
Try and sort it out honestly with your wife first.

12-07-2016, 10:18 PM
Epik you sound like you live in the Hills district and just found the forum and are trying to convert us ... :)

12-07-2016, 11:14 PM
I'm not limiting myself to ML/WL, I'm more keen on normal girls, I mentioned the 2 WLs cuz they were nice but it's not my first choice. Your story is amazing though, it took lots of courage to give away what you've built. Happiness is something we all seek in life.

15-07-2016, 11:49 AM
My question to the OP: if you're thinking of ending your marriage for "something better", why limit yourself to just ml/wl? Just walk around China Town and you'll see there are so many fish in the sea!
I was in a similar situation as you years ago. Even my pay was similar, mine ranged from 5k - 9k a week. I ended up taking option 3, but i didn't hook up with a wl. Instead, i got a gf who was 13 years younger than me, a genuine hottie that would turn heads every where we went.
Looking back, I don't regret it. Yes I lost almost all of my wealth, but in return I had the time of my life. If I took the other path of holding on to my marriage, would I have been happier? Maybe, maybe not. I would've probably ended up being a rich and sad old guy.
I can point out a few things that might help you make your decision:
- it is very difficult to quickly re-gain wealth in Australia once you've lost it, due to the tax system here. You will probably need years to recover after a divorce. Your new partner might not stick around with you during that time.
- as you grow older, your libido will go down. Sex mighty not be as important to you in 10 years time as it is now. Will you regret throwing it all away then?

Personally I think punters are more likely than non-punters to choose option 3, because that option boils down to the question: which one do you value more, wealth or life-experience? By punting, you're basically exchanging your wealth for sex.

man with real experience talking!!

15-07-2016, 12:41 PM
Guess what ????? It's called MARRIAGE.

Romance is hard to sustain which is completely normal... thats why couples try diferent things to spice up their love life.

Before you act.. think of the financial consequences. I say financial because your missus will take 60% of everything and you get 40% if you decide to divorce.

Sit down, breathe and ask yourself.... is it my dick talking or am i making the right decision!

15-07-2016, 02:17 PM
Bro Dk, 60/40 arrangements applied to a marriage without kids? Also, we manage our finances separately.

Well to OP, that tells you a bit about me. We have been together for more than a decade. Now the issue, i really like to have kids but Mrs has a diff mindset. In the sex department, it's been reduced too due to life distractions. I think we both can do better, i have tried and changed my life not in a big way, but im moving forward. The Mrs is still doing the same thing, not really making any self discovery or changes.

Similar to your situation, I have been punting once a week in the past year. Not a lot but it does give me confident that i could divorce and find a new partner and life. This is my decision time although I've encouragement and mental support from my understanding parents (we're very close family).

What your thoughts on my situation? Early 30, no kids, only 1 small apartment and together for 10+ years.

I'm thinking to stay for another 6mths and if it doesn't improve then move on. Is this wise? Thanks brother in advance.

15-07-2016, 02:26 PM
Bro Dk, 60/40 arrangements applied to a marriage without kids? Also, we manage our finances separately.

Well to OP, that tells you a bit about me. We have been together for more than a decade. Now the issue, i really like to have kids but Mrs has a diff mindset. In the sex department, it's been reduced too due to life distractions. I think we both can do better, i have tried and changed my life not in a big way, but im moving forward. The Mrs is still doing the same thing, not really making any self discovery or changes.

Similar to your situation, I have been punting once a week in the past year. Not a lot but it does give me confident that i could divorce and find a new partner and life. This is my decision time although I've encouragement and mental support from my understanding parents (we're very close family).

What your thoughts on my situation? Early 30, no kids, only 1 small apartment and together for 10+ years.

I'm thinking to stay for another 6mths and if it doesn't improve then move on. Is this wise? Thanks brother in advance.

What's your priority? Do you want to have kids? I think that's the most important question. If yes then is this woman you've been with for 10+ years mother material?

If you aren't happy but still want to 'fix' the relationship give her time to get on your level, if she doesn't cut her loose. No regrets..

15-07-2016, 02:45 PM
Thanks bro illi.
Yes, kids are important and she could be a mother material if she wanted to or improve.

The 6mths timeframe is also for me to sort out my finances hence my Q about 40/60, allow time for both parties to improve situation and to explore options.

15-07-2016, 04:27 PM
Thanks bro illi.
Yes, kids are important and she could be a mother material if she wanted to or improve.

The 6mths timeframe is also for me to sort out my finances hence my Q about 40/60, allow time for both parties to improve situation and to explore options.

From what i've heard and seen it seems that all relationships changes through time. It's more working out if you both are going in the same direction in life with similar outlooks and goals or not...

In terms of 40/60 i'm not too sure how it all works, i know though that if you've been married for more than a year then all assets are fair game regardless of whether you manage your own finances or have assets without her name... same applies the other way around too.....

16-07-2016, 02:56 AM
I can't give up my dreams for some chicks. But in the back of my mind, I feel a certain level of disappointment because there are things that I missed and will miss, things that I want to explore if I'm single and before I get too old.

16-07-2016, 09:19 AM
Bro Xboyx, wise advice indeed.

I guess in terms of career or success, I don't have a high demand. Yes it's important but im happy to be an "average" Australian (if you understand the top 1% are wealthier than 10% of the population, then being average is actually better off than most of the population). I think i will be ok in this department.

However, family is more important. I want to have good wife, all the kids and grandchildren around me now and when I grow old. I guess the time is now to decide for my future. I don't demand average family but great family is a must :)

16-07-2016, 10:16 AM
if you want kids, move on.

16-07-2016, 10:19 AM
Brother xboyx, really similar situations with me.
Married, kid to expect, once a week punting
Met a nice WL.
Real GFE

VERY TEMPTING TO ASK HER OUT but know the consequence
I am struggled too but divorce won't be the answe financially in long term
Because I know myself too well.

16-07-2016, 12:30 PM
if you want kids, move on.
How's the financial arrangements do you know? Just want to prepare for the best. I know that I could probably get away without involving legal team. Hoping i could give her the car or something similar to avoid noise.

16-07-2016, 04:19 PM
Talk to a family law specialist before doing anything. Best money you will ever spend. Then you know your options.