View Full Version : General talk What's the best way to play with a Wechat scammer?

26-07-2016, 08:08 AM
So got talking to this 'girl' on Wechat, with a seemingly normal looking profile, but when it came time to talk about meeting up, 'she' asked me to go buy a Molpoint (?) receipt and to send her a photo of it first. I remember reading about it here before, so instantly knew it was a scam.

I was bored one night and so told them I was downstairs at their place waiting for them, that if they just come down I'd give them the receipt, but they kept saying they would only come down if I sent a photo of the receipt first, and so this went on for a while until I got tired and went to sleep.

They still don't realise I know their scam, and keep trying to flirt with me, and trying to gently probe about the receipt. I might respond when I'm bored next time, but does anyone here have any ideas as to how best to play these scammers?

27-07-2016, 12:24 PM
Report them to Today Tonight :)

I'm sure they would love to get involved.

27-07-2016, 12:57 PM
how do you get to chat with the girl in the first place?

27-07-2016, 02:32 PM
It's probably not the girl, but just a limp/agent.