View Full Version : General talk 9 exceller Bankstown

05-09-2016, 03:23 PM
Long night out went to 12 cottam first, didn't have any girls to my liking so decided to check out 9 exceller, which is the street across, People have told me not to go to 9 exceller but wanted to give them benefit of the doubt, as I was tired and didn't wanna travel far.

Got in, the boss showed me the girls, there was only about 3 available, The columbian girl caught me eye so I chose her, got in the room, was very grumpy and didn't wanna be there, cbj was half assed 30 second job, then we proceded to sex, she didn't let me go all the way in and used too much lube, didnt even let me change positions, overall it was a terrible experience, won't be coming here ever again.