View Full Version : Question Being given contact details by a girl you see

11-09-2016, 03:51 AM
Hi guys,

Recently I saw a girl at an establisment I wont disclose ofcourse to protect any identities and I was given contact details, my question is what does it mean when you are given a phone number? Has it happened to you? I'd like to hear anyones experiences with this as I am confused and not sure what to really expect.

I'm a shy guy, I also have needs, hence why I book to see girls. At this particular case though, I was struggling to get it up (partly nerves, also she was a stunner and little guy was like a seesaw). We were able to do some fucking and at the end we just chatted while holding hands.

Told her that I'm not confident with women and that I do this mainly to try to learn how to interact with them, maybe give myself some bravery if I go out alone to a club or something.

Anyway she told me about herself and how she was the same and went out and saw people, then mentioned we could essentially "meet up" and she'd help me out.

Anyway once it ended she asked for my number and texted me. I have sent some messages but I'm not sure what to really expect from this.

Any help or advice would be appreciated at this point as I'm concerned about so many possible outcomes.


11-09-2016, 04:46 AM
just wants to keep you as a regular mate

11-09-2016, 08:57 AM
Not trying to be a downer as your username leads me to believe you've got great taste in music, but the contact details would be for one of two reasons:

1) Girl is doing privates with selected clients on the side.
2) She wants you as a regular.

This has happened to me personally (and due to your recent posts, I believe at the same shop). Don't read too much into it bro, it's a financially driven exchange on their part, guarantee it.

11-09-2016, 10:00 AM
Hi guys,

Recently I saw a girl at an establisment I wont disclose ofcourse to protect any identities and I was given contact details, my question is what does it mean when you are given a phone number? Has it happened to you? I'd like to hear anyones experiences with this as I am confused and not sure what to really expect.

I'm a shy guy, I also have needs, hence why I book to see girls. At this particular case though, I was struggling to get it up (partly nerves, also she was a stunner and little guy was like a seesaw). We were able to do some fucking and at the end we just chatted while holding hands.

Told her that I'm not confident with women and that I do this mainly to try to learn how to interact with them, maybe give myself some bravery if I go out alone to a club or something.

Anyway she told me about herself and how she was the same and went out and saw people, then mentioned we could essentially "meet up" and she'd help me out.

Anyway once it ended she asked for my number and texted me. I have sent some messages but I'm not sure what to really expect from this.

Any help or advice would be appreciated at this point as I'm concerned about so many possible outcomes.


Sounds like she likes you dude, go for it, ask her to meet up for lunch/coffee/etc, have some fun times and learn how to handle yourself with a woman, just don't fall in love ...

If it turns out she just wants your money no big deal you would have gained some experience.

11-09-2016, 10:31 AM
Sounds like she likes you dude, go for it, ask her to meet up for lunch/coffee/etc, have some fun times and learn how to handle yourself with a woman, just don't fall in love ...

If it turns out she just wants your money no big deal you would have gained some experience.
Can confirm. Fell in love with a WL she isn't a gold digger not that I'm 'rich' anyway but feelsbadman.

11-09-2016, 10:54 AM
Sounds like she likes you. Give it a go. And yes be cautious particularly about money but everyone is different and don't assume she is a user either. There are some lovely girls out there.

11-09-2016, 11:43 AM
Sounds like she likes you dude, go for it, ask her to meet up for lunch/coffee/etc, have some fun times and learn how to handle yourself with a woman, just don't fall in love ...

If it turns out she just wants your money no big deal you would have gained some experience.

Astute advice. Just live life no regrets. I have had many
girls I wanted to ask out but failed miserably
because I have chat up skills of a ventriloquist doll. You
don't want to be haunted by the question what if.

11-09-2016, 02:48 PM
Yes, everything is possible.
For private business, yep.
Keep regular clients, yep
Build own social networks, yes, to be friends. "Hey, Carlie, how are you?"
Partner hunting, ...
Just wait and see how it goes.

11-09-2016, 04:05 PM
forgot all the negativity from what others are telling you.

matter of the truth is, shes found her prince charming (you) and shes waiting for you to take her away from this horrible job.

she wants to marry, have kids and live happily ever after.

11-09-2016, 05:31 PM
WL and MLs like to have regulars

11-09-2016, 06:08 PM
Hi guys,

Told her that I'm not confident with women and that I do this mainly to try to learn how to interact with them, maybe give myself some bravery if I go out alone to a club or something.

I don't think this is a good way to get experience in dealing with normal women.

It is just a substitute for it; the more you do it, the further away from normality you are likely to become.

I have swapped contact details with MLs, but it rarely gets beyond the occasional message "hey dear, you haven't been to the shop for a while".

11-09-2016, 06:44 PM
I don't think this is a good way to get experience in dealing with normal women.

It is just a substitute for it; the more you do it, the further away from normality you are likely to become.

I have swapped contact details with MLs, but it rarely gets beyond the occasional message "hey dear, you haven't been to the shop for a while".

Totally agree. There will be more rejections when dealing with MLs or WLs. Most will give out their numbers if they like you and want to retain you as a regular for 'business' purposes and not for friendship. If you want to test a girl as to whether she sees you as a friend or just a 'regular client' then ask her out and see how you go. Having said this, there might be a very small number of MLs or WLs who are serious about finding someone to have a relationship with or to get married. Good luck!

God Member
11-09-2016, 07:10 PM
I have had many
girls I wanted to ask out but failed miserably
because I have chat up skills of a ventriloquist doll.

Ha! cuttlefish, as someone said about your epic fail punt story in Thailand, you've got a funny turn of phrase. :shout:

11-09-2016, 07:10 PM
In the wise words of Usher: "Gotta let it burn"

11-09-2016, 09:33 PM
Thanks for the advice guys, puts me at a bit more ease.
Just never had it happen before and figured I'd ask those experienced in punting what they thought.
For now I will just treat it as a nice gesture and maybe send a message every now and then.
Without expectations there is no disappointment so should be fine.
Appreciate it.

11-09-2016, 10:12 PM
Thanks for the advice guys, puts me at a bit more ease.
Just never had it happen before and figured I'd ask those experienced in punting what they thought.
For now I will just treat it as a nice gesture and maybe send a message every now and then.
Without expectations there is no disappointment so should be fine.
Appreciate it.

Hahaha. Experienced in punting or not. It doesn't matter. From one of my regular MLs told me, some clients are just simply oblivious to things. As what your threat stated, the girl gave out her contact, and some clients persistently message her when she is off work, when she is working etc etc. But she told me that she doesn't respond or just very simple one or two liners. And despite not going out on date requests with the client, they still persist and did not think that she has no interests in him. I think it really doesnt matter one is experienced or not. Just that one has to be realistic and stop thinking that they have a real connection with the girl despite never gone out on a date with them before (even after months of messaging)

However, I do agree that there are some genuine friendship which can be formed (just not those with unrequited love LOL)

11-09-2016, 11:06 PM
Hahaha. Experienced in punting or not. It doesn't matter. From one of my regular MLs told me, some clients are just simply oblivious to things. As what your threat stated, the girl gave out her contact, and some clients persistently message her when she is off work, when she is working etc etc. But she told me that she doesn't respond or just very simple one or two liners. And despite not going out on date requests with the client, they still persist and did not think that she has no interests in him. I think it really doesnt matter one is experienced or not. Just that one has to be realistic and stop thinking that they have a real connection with the girl despite never gone out on a date with them before (even after months of messaging)

However, I do agree that there are some genuine friendship which can be formed (just not those with unrequited love LOL)

I can understand that, gotta be annoying for them, maybe I should've declined or something but it was something unexpected so I didn't know how to react. I'll treat it based on gesture I guess.

11-09-2016, 11:20 PM
I can understand that, gotta be annoying for them, maybe I should've declined or something but it was something unexpected so I didn't know how to react. I'll treat it based on gesture I guess.

Ask her for wechat or line etc......
If she add you then you might be special to her !!!

And if she installed one of the apps just for you then you hit the jackpot.:miao:
But it can bring more headaches to you then joy some times :surprise:

Good luck....it's worth trying:)

As CL said " nothing to lose and gained some experience " that's what you want right?

12-09-2016, 02:20 AM
As if none of the girls have wechat...

Anyway, it's more headache than it's worth. If you want genuine relationships, you gotta go find it where money isn't the first objective.

12-09-2016, 05:05 PM
As for me, the first condition to become friends is that you know her name instead of her working code or she just want to know what is your name other than your booking name.

Hope you have a good story.

12-09-2016, 05:13 PM
Repeat business/regular customer....all it is.

12-09-2016, 05:43 PM
As if none of the girls have wechat...

Anyway, it's more headache than it's worth. If you want genuine relationships, you gotta go find it where money isn't the first objective.
It's my dilemma, :(
When I get closed to my clients and treat them as friends, I feel uncomfortable with asking them money for extra or even seeing me often as I don't want to use my friends. I even try not to send them messages as I don't want them think I want them come back for my business. Now I have more friends but less regulars, lol.

Totally agree. There will be more rejections when dealing with MLs or WLs. Most will give out their numbers if they like you and want to retain you as a regular for 'business' purposes and not for friendship. If you want to test a girl as to whether she sees you as a friend or just a 'regular client' then ask her out and see how you go. Having said this, there might be a very small number of MLs or WLs who are serious about finding someone to have a relationship with or to get married. Good luck!
In my own opinion, I don't agree with that kind of tests. When you fail to ask them out, it doesn't mean that they just see you as their businesses. Look, they have their lives: busy with studying, social and family relationships that make them have no time. And they don't have only one ask them out. I work nearly six days per week, then go to school (just missed one lecture in the first week). Then have to deal with a pile of assignments and exams that make me extremely busy. I have to admit that I'm bad in time management and a workaholic. I even don't have time for my school mates, family and myself. Maybe others are not too busy like that but the truth is they don't owe you anything. And do you have time for all of your friends?

12-09-2016, 06:15 PM
It's my dilemma, :(
When I get closed to my clients and treat them as friends, I feel uncomfortable with asking them money for extra or even seeing me often as I don't want to use my friends. I even try not to send them messages as I don't want them think I want them come back for my business. Now I have more friends but less regulars, lol.

In my own opinion, I don't agree with that kind of tests. When you fail to ask them out, it doesn't mean that they just see you as their businesses. Look, they have their lives: busy with studying, social and family relationships that make them have no time. And they don't have only one ask them out. I work nearly six days per week, then go to school (just missed one lecture in the first week). Then have to deal with a pile of assignments and exams that make me extremely busy. I have to admit that I'm bad in time management and a workaholic. I even don't have time for my school mates, family and myself. Maybe others are not too busy like that but the truth is they don't owe you anything. And do you have time for all of your friends?

Haha, Babycat,

If you keep browsing the forum and post regular replies, you won't have times for anyone else or getting anything done ........lol

12-09-2016, 06:42 PM
It's my dilemma, :(
When I get closed to my clients and treat them as friends, I feel uncomfortable with asking them money for extra or even seeing me often as I don't want to use my friends. I even try not to send them messages as I don't want them think I want them come back for my business. Now I have more friends but less regulars, lol.
I can understand this and it's because of the complexity of the nature of relationships when money is involved that it becomes a problem. This is why I would personally recommend avoiding such places to look for friendships. I'm not at all suggesting all MLs/WLs are out to scam you either, just for the record.

12-09-2016, 07:51 PM
Haha, Babycat,

If you keep browsing the forum and post regular replies, you won't have times for anyone else or getting anything done ........lol
During waiting time for clients and want to stay away from studying a bit. Tonight is a quiet night, haizzz

I can understand this and it's because of the complexity of the nature of relationships when money is involved that it becomes a problem. This is why I would personally recommend avoiding such places to look for friendships. I'm not at all suggesting all MLs/WLs are out to scam you either, just for the record.
Yes, I'm struggling with that problem: treat them as friends and do not let money involved.
One more reason that we refuse to go out as we really don't know if that guy is good or bad. I'm afraid of going out with strangers as I used to get sexual harassment by a guy when I came to a pub on my first year here. We're really scared.

12-09-2016, 08:50 PM
Yes, I'm struggling with that problem: treat them as friends and do not let money involved.
One more reason that we refuse to go out as we really don't know if that guy is good or bad. I'm afraid of going out with strangers as I used to get sexual harassment by an Indian guy when I came to a pub on my first year here. We're really scared.
This is a fair point. You never truly know someone's real intentions. Better to play it safe than have something happen, right? I've certainly heard from girls (not just MLs/WLs) about how guys completely change personas once they think they get a chance. It's super creepy.

12-09-2016, 10:54 PM
It's my dilemma, :(
When I get closed to my clients and treat them as friends, I feel uncomfortable with asking them money for extra or even seeing me often as I don't want to use my friends. I even try not to send them messages as I don't want them think I want them come back for my business. Now I have more friends but less regulars, lol.

In my own opinion, I don't agree with that kind of tests. When you fail to ask them out, it doesn't mean that they just see you as their businesses. Look, they have their lives: busy with studying, social and family relationships that make them have no time. And they don't have only one ask them out. I work nearly six days per week, then go to school (just missed one lecture in the first week). Then have to deal with a pile of assignments and exams that make me extremely busy. I have to admit that I'm bad in time management and a workaholic. I even don't have time for my school mates, family and myself. Maybe others are not too busy like that but the truth is they don't owe you anything. And do you have time for all of your friends?

True. My dilemma now is it feels like im pestering whenever I do message. I dont overdo it maybe one once in a few days asking how she is etc. But I guess its because there isn't ever a reply that maybe she thinks im after sex at the time when I'm not. Unfortunately this has me feeling really insecure and concerned. Maybe I should just delete the number and be done with it

12-09-2016, 11:17 PM
If you enjoy the sessions with her, leave it at that for the time being. Pay for your 30/60 minutes, do what you want in the room, then leave when your time is up.

Ignore her phone number, other than to make bookings with her.

Don't have fantasies about what might be; they won't. Don't have expectations and you won't be disappointed when they don't happen.

If you do feel that seeing these girls might give you some "skills", go and see a few others as well. Don't rely on just one.

12-09-2016, 11:27 PM

12-09-2016, 11:29 PM
Go to her place without money but a pack of condoms and see how you go?

14-09-2016, 06:31 AM
timely thread start - this happened to me in the first time of my punting career on saturday.

i saw an ml about 5-6 times earlier this year...gave it a good 6 months break and hit her up again. our sessions....well there is no massage, just a catch up, a feel up and straight into it....she has sex appeal but is not necessarily my type but we vibe good and she gives great service....kissing, fingering, and she gave me c.o.b free of charge on saturday.

at the end of the session she asked where i worked, said ooh thats close to my place, come visit me on monday night. I asked her if she does privates out of her units or something and she was confused, she said "no i do school on mondays - thursdays so i home early"....she then said in broken english " i have shower at home, bed....more comfortable to fuck you"....

so i took her number, she tried to call her self off my phone but i stopped it just before it rang....anyway sussed her out on watsapp and its definately her (selfie as the display pic)...wtf do i do?

i just came out of a long term relationship, have i found a perfect fuck buddy?....i even asked her how much her rates would be for sex at her place and she gave me a blank look like i was an idiot
I reckon you're asking questions because she's "not really your type". If she was you would've jumped on the opportunity without any doubt. Try ignoring the fact that she's an ml who gives you HE. Would you try to hook up with her if she was a normal girl?

14-09-2016, 06:01 PM

14-09-2016, 09:09 PM
if she sees you as playing games she will dump you.

14-09-2016, 09:21 PM
good point mate....i would definitely fuck her...shes cute and has a tight little body....would i chase her if she was hard work? no chance..

i think if she was more my type i would be even more skeptical haha

i watsapped her, we have had a bit of back and forth - she was working in a shop yesterday....i asked her to tease me so she sent a few sexy pics - didnt ask for me to come down or anything like that....so i dont exactly know what her angle is

See how it goes, this numbers doing my head in. I dont actually get responses so I've decided to stop. I can understand being friendly and stuff, if it happens again I'll kindly decline.

14-09-2016, 09:26 PM
Hi guys,

Recently I saw a girl at an establisment I wont disclose ofcourse to protect any identities and I was given contact details, my question is what does it mean when you are given a phone number? Has it happened to you? I'd like to hear anyones experiences with this as I am confused and not sure what to really expect.

I'm a shy guy, I also have needs, hence why I book to see girls. At this particular case though, I was struggling to get it up (partly nerves, also she was a stunner and little guy was like a seesaw). We were able to do some fucking and at the end we just chatted while holding hands.

Told her that I'm not confident with women and that I do this mainly to try to learn how to interact with them, maybe give myself some bravery if I go out alone to a club or something.

Anyway she told me about herself and how she was the same and went out and saw people, then mentioned we could essentially "meet up" and she'd help me out.

Anyway once it ended she asked for my number and texted me. I have sent some messages but I'm not sure what to really expect from this.

Any help or advice would be appreciated at this point as I'm concerned about so many possible outcomes.


Enjoy the friendship you made with the girl brother. Strong advice like what everyone said, just don't fall in love lol.

My experience is I got a msg one day in chinese had no clue what it meant just replied back "lol yeh hard bro". Then she msged back in like broken english and thats where it started. Turns out management gave it to her because she asked lol. Then story goes on etc and then her other WL friend got my number and 2 friendships is formed. Some of the other shop girls asked for my number but they are just meh, not worth it. Just treat it as a friendship and dont get upset if she doesnt reply back to you; some reply fast, some reply with like 1 word answers, some just ask for favours.

Who knows maybe she might be the best friend you make? I see these 2 WLs like everyday outside of punting of course ... funny thing is they live opposite to my apartment and can see me on my balcony vice versa..

14-09-2016, 10:04 PM
Enjoy the friendship you made with the girl brother. Strong advice like what everyone said, just don't fall in love lol.

My experience is I got a msg one day in chinese had no clue what it meant just replied back "lol yeh hard bro". Then she msged back in like broken english and thats where it started. Turns out management gave it to her because she asked lol. Then story goes on etc and then her other WL friend got my number and 2 friendships is formed. Some of the other shop girls asked for my number but they are just meh, not worth it. Just treat it as a friendship and dont get upset if she doesnt reply back to you; some reply fast, some reply with like 1 word answers, some just ask for favours.

Who knows maybe she might be the best friend you make? I see these 2 WLs like everyday outside of punting of course ... funny thing is they live opposite to my apartment and can see me on my balcony vice versa..
Interesting. One if my clients becomes my best friend ever. Of course now we don't see each other in shop and no sex involved. Hang out nearly everyday (on the way I go to work and he comes to my place to company me home. Even he joins school days with me. We keep back-up keys, money and valuable stuff of each other. He said I'm the first one he trusts, then his girlfriend. And he's the one I trust 1,000,000%.

14-09-2016, 10:10 PM
Interesting. One if my clients becomes my best friend ever. Of course now we don't see each other in shop and no sex involved. Hang out nearly everyday (on the way I go to work and he comes to my place to company me home. Even he joins school days with me. We keep back-up keys, money and valuable stuff of each other. He said I'm the first one he trusts, then his girlfriend. And he's the one I trust 1,000,000%.

I'm sorry but that is an unhealthy relationship for a man to have - especially if he has a girlfriend. Likewise if you had a boyfriend as well.

14-09-2016, 10:23 PM
I'm sorry but that is an unhealthy relationship for a man to have - especially if he has a girlfriend. Likewise if you had a boyfriend as well. I disagree. Unusual but practical. Your girlfriend's key doesn't count as a backup. It's quite likely that you will both get locked out together. Better leave a key with an aunt if you have one, otherwise a trusted study friend like we imagine Babycat to be when she is off duty.

14-09-2016, 10:33 PM
Interesting. One if my clients becomes my best friend ever. Of course now we don't see each other in shop and no sex involved. Hang out nearly everyday (on the way I go to work and he comes to my place to company me home. Even he joins school days with me. We keep back-up keys, money and valuable stuff of each other. He said I'm the first one he trusts, then his girlfriend. And he's the one I trust 1,000,000%.

Sounds like you are in love with this guy!

Take it easy sister and don't get hurted !


14-09-2016, 10:46 PM
I'm sorry but that is an unhealthy relationship for a man to have - especially if he has a girlfriend. Likewise if you had a boyfriend as well.
No, it's very healthy now. Before when he still liked me, I felt uncomfortable and somehow got angry and avoided him. Bjt now when we're friends only, we feel very comfortable. Look like brother and sister, or soulmates. His girlfriend knows me but we can't communicate due to language barrier. If I have boyfriend, I will tell him about our weird friendship. Hope he can understand it.

14-09-2016, 10:52 PM
Sounds like you are in love with this guy!

Take it easy sister and don't get hurted !


Sorry uncle, but I'm not in love with him. If I had feelings with him, I would be in love half year ago already. Even we just went for holiday and stayed in same room, we didn't do anything. Still very happy and relax. No feelings, but sharing nearly everything.

14-09-2016, 11:39 PM
Interesting. One if my clients becomes my best friend ever. Of course now we don't see each other in shop and no sex involved. Hang out nearly everyday (on the way I go to work and he comes to my place to company me home. Even he joins school days with me. We keep back-up keys, money and valuable stuff of each other. He said I'm the first one he trusts, then his girlfriend. And he's the one I trust 1,000,000%.

Later on after we got to know each more on a personal level she actually said she liked me and still does lol. Legit the closest person to my ideal dream girl in looks and personality but i am not ready for commitment so that is a no go. Told her to relax, and maybe one day lol. Going overseas trip with this one in a bit, lets see how that turns out....

But in your case, im quite interested in how that girlfriend even reacted, does she know how you and him met? As in the whole story not just snippets of it?

Dont know babycat, just be careful, if its one of those guys you mentioned in another post from what i remember .. i dont think he is over you. Honestly think he will not take it that well if you were to get a boyfriend. Danger Danger

14-09-2016, 11:54 PM
No, it's very healthy now. Before when he still liked me, I felt uncomfortable and somehow got angry and avoided him. Bjt now when we're friends only, we feel very comfortable. Look like brother and sister, or soulmates. His girlfriend knows me but we can't communicate due to language barrier. If I have boyfriend, I will tell him about our weird friendship. Hope he can understand it.

If you honestly believe this, then you're more naive than I thought. Just hope you don't expect everything to be fine and dandy down the track if he decides to get married. Things will change. True colours will shine through.

15-09-2016, 12:07 AM
If you honestly believe this, then you're more naive than I thought. Just hope you don't expect everything to be fine and dandy down the track if he decides to get married. Things will change. True colours will shine through.
I don't like to tell lie. And we're innocent.

Later on after we got to know each more on a personal level she actually said she liked me and still does lol. Legit the closest person to my ideal dream girl in looks and personality but i am not ready for commitment so that is a no go. Told her to relax, and maybe one day lol. Going overseas trip with this one in a bit, lets see how that turns out....

But in your case, im quite interested in how that girlfriend even reacted, does she know how you and him met? As in the whole story not just snippets of it?

Dont know babycat, just be careful, if its one of those guys you mentioned in another post from what i remember .. i dont think he is over you. Honestly think he will not take it that well if you were to get a boyfriend. Danger Danger
She knew that as he told her everything about me.
And he knows all of the guys I used to hang out with. We made a deal that when I have time, we will go to pub and he will play the game "Have you met M...?" in order to find a guy for a shy girl.

15-09-2016, 01:14 AM

15-09-2016, 08:15 AM
No, it's very healthy now. Before when he still liked me, I felt uncomfortable and somehow got angry and avoided him. Bjt now when we're friends only, we feel very comfortable. Look like brother and sister, or soulmates. His girlfriend knows me but we can't communicate due to language barrier. If I have boyfriend, I will tell him about our weird friendship. Hope he can understand it.
I'm pretty sure he's not attracted to you anymore, but I don't think I can say the same for you. I reckon "attraction" manifests itself differently in men and women.
With men, it's very simple. If I'm attracted to you, I will fuck you on the first opportunity. Like if we're in the same hotel room alone, I'll fuck you or at least try to. No sex = no love = no relationship. Simple as that.
With women, it's much more subtle. They start to share things, open up about true feelings, trust the man, become "soulmates". They treat the man like someone they can "go home" to. The relationship can be sustained without sex.
My point is, try to set reasonable expectations for yourself out of this arrangement of yours.

15-09-2016, 09:32 AM
Sorry uncle, but I'm not in love with him. If I had feelings with him, I would be in love half year ago already. Even we just went for holiday and stayed in same room, we didn't do anything. Still very happy and relax. No feelings, but sharing nearly everything.

Well, I don't know how he did it, if any girl friend is staying in my hotel room I would certainly try to score her during the night, you have no idea how horny a man can get , all alone in a hotel room ! Always ended up jerking off at the paid adult movies - but if there's a girl , wow oh baby !!

But each to her own, judging by your other replies, you are trusting this guy and seem very attached to him, if you are happy with your current " friendship " and be his "soul mate" 紅顏知己!so be it.

Just one final word of advise , never let him have access to your money ok.


15-09-2016, 11:31 PM

It's been nice seeing Babycat's contributions to various discussions here, she is very chatty and gives a female perspective on whatever is being discussed, so it may seem a little harsh to call her naïve or immature but just seeing her comment "If I have boyfriend, I will tell him about our weird friendship. Hope he can understand it" made me realise just how out of touch with reality she is on that specific point.

I feel like my case is one in millions. Of course not easy to trust at the beginning. And it's hard to believe that we can remain that weird but good relationship. In the future, I will have to lie about how we met to my bf, and also my job. But sadly that now all the chances to meet guys are at my workplaces.
Believe or not, I watched the clip of "best hj ever" on his phone on our holiday (to increase skills). We do have a genuine friendship.

16-09-2016, 09:03 AM
Believe or not, I watched the clip of "best hj ever" on his phone on our holiday (to increase skills). We do have a genuine friendship.

So this is the same guy you said before who you had used to practise and improve your HJ on ??

16-09-2016, 10:33 AM
So this is the same guy you said before who you had used to practise and improve your HJ on ??
No, not this one. I haven't touched my friend. I used to be a housekeeper for a guy who's always naked in house. When I told him about my new job, he then told me how to give a nice touch.

16-09-2016, 10:42 AM
No, not this one. I haven't touched my friend. I used to be a housekeeper for a guy who's always naked in house. When I told him about my new job, he then told me how to give a nice touch.

Haha....that sounds awkward!

16-09-2016, 01:05 PM
No, not this one. I haven't touched my friend. I used to be a housekeeper for a guy who's always naked in house. When I told him about my new job, he then told me how to give a nice touch.

Now Baby, you have to tell me everything between this person and his sexy housekeeper ........haha

17-09-2016, 12:31 AM
I have swapped numbers with a few ML and they have actually messaged me to see if I was free to meet up for dinner or catch a movie. So sometimes, when you are given their contact details, they may really like to get to know you and want to see you in a social setting.

17-09-2016, 01:39 AM
I have swapped numbers with a few ML and they have actually messaged me to see if I was free to meet up for dinner or catch a movie. So sometimes, when you are given their contact details, they may really like to get to know you and want to see you in a social setting.

unfortunately not the case for me, I can understand being busy and all, i'll leave it be for now.

17-09-2016, 10:26 AM
Haha....that sounds awkward!

Not necessarily ! If I'm single and have the money, I could think of hiring a few ml's to be my housekeeper - paid by the hours kind , you know what I mean........haha

Ps. And I will provide them with uniforms too......lol

Like this :


17-09-2016, 01:33 PM
unfortunately not the case for me, I can understand being busy and all, i'll leave it be for now.

Sorry to hear mate.

17-09-2016, 03:11 PM
Not necessarily ! If I'm single and have the money, I could think of hiring a few ml's to be my housekeeper - paid by the hours kind , you know what I mean........haha

Ps. And I will provide them with uniforms too......lol

Like this :


Yes please! Though BC was saying her client walked around naked????

07-10-2016, 10:10 AM
What an interesting read ...

Babycat I hope you do find a bf that will understand your situation with your male friend,
However I hope you also understand that that may need to change if your bf is uncomfortable with it.

I totally agree with one thing aswell and thats what Lungor mentioned earlier about access to your money...

Just be careful is what majority of brothers on here are saying.

07-10-2016, 10:43 AM
What an interesting read ...

Babycat I hope you do find a bf that will understand your situation with your male friend,
However I hope you also understand that that may need to change if your bf is uncomfortable with it.

I totally agree with one thing aswell and thats what Lungor mentioned earlier about access to your money...

Just be careful is what majority of brothers on here are saying.
Thanks for your advice. Atm I'm keeping his 12k. That's such a weird but wonderful friendship.

07-10-2016, 10:59 AM

The guy who posted this. Offers this challenge to a lot of women. A lot of them have been disappointed because their supposed friends did accept the offer to have sex.

If there is sexual attraction involved the guy is lying to himself about being ok with a platonic friendship.


Chris Rock has one of the best standup routines about this exact thing. :)

07-10-2016, 03:01 PM
Thanks for your advice. Atm I'm keeping his 12k. That's such a weird but wonderful friendship.

Hahaha man that is wierd, I wouldnt trust anyone with 12k if I had it 😅 but I guess thats just me..... but if it works out for you both then good on ya!

07-10-2016, 07:30 PM
Thanks for your advice. Atm I'm keeping his 12k. That's such a weird but wonderful friendship.

Not only have u got him by the balls but you also got his assets so he can't punt..

07-10-2016, 09:46 PM
Thanks for your advice. Atm I'm keeping his 12k. That's such a weird but wonderful friendship.
Truely weird but wonderful friendship. Its amazing how many different relationships or friendships we may have. But at some point of time (more than we may think), it may come to the single point we were afraid of!! Hope it works out for you in future as well.

11-10-2016, 07:30 PM
Hi guys,

Recently I saw a girl at an establisment I wont disclose ofcourse to protect any identities and I was given contact details, my question is what does it mean when you are given a phone number? Has it happened to you? I'd like to hear anyones experiences with this as I am confused and not sure what to really expect.

Similar experience happened to me too mate, I asked her out for lunch without the expectation of free sex or any sexual favours *we all know the devil inside lol* and purely cause I liked her personality and all and I made that clear to her. We were the same age so maybe she was up for it but blablabla gave her my business card and to my surprise she texted me. Been texting each other constantly on some days and rarely on some days too, haven't gone out to lunch yet or etc. due to conflicting schedules but we talk about other things not related to sex at all, just fun conversations, greetings, random subjects. There are really genuine nice girls in the WL scene, but as everyone says just don't fall in love lol

11-10-2016, 10:51 PM
Lol don't expect much. As some have mentioned some are nice and can get along with them so you may be lucky.

I got some numbers, most was when they were working and they missed seeing me lol

Got a current one. She seems ok but it's still a client type thing.

11-10-2016, 11:51 PM
Look. The answer lies in their willingness to see you outside of the shop. Anything else is just horse shit.