View Full Version : General talk My epic failure as a virgin which led me to life of vice

17-09-2016, 09:02 AM
My teenage years involve either playing counterstrike online with mates
or downloading , watching porn wanking . So basically my sex education
was watching porn no birds & bees speech for me. My first experience
was with a girl I had known well & we were bored & decided to take the
next step. We were both virgins. We decided Sat night. I thought the
most romantic way to turn her own & get her in the mood was to play my
fav porn dvd on my tv & the music would not be some soothing R & R
music but my fav rapper Ludacris & the coolest song ever ' Move Bitch'.
We both undressed & i thought the best way to sweet talk was to
talk like a pornstar or talk like a rapper. So i said into her u ear
'U Son of a bitch , motherfucker, slut, whore u dirty cunt & then we
attempted sex i asked her to perform the sex manoeuvres that the
female pornstars i had seen on dvd while i continued my sweet talk.
For some reason after sex she rolled her eyes at me & got dressed
without talking to me. I thought what have i done wrong ?
Next week her female friends at Uni avoided me like a leper. My next
few attempts i still adapted the same tactic but had changed a little
bit now i was drunk. Had a few success but for some reason never
got second dates. Numerous failures led me to brothels & it
was like i found the Garden of Eden & u know the rest.

17-09-2016, 10:08 AM
Part II of your story should be like this:

You entered her back side instead of her pussy just like those anal fucking porns! so , yeah , she is still a virgin !

Then instead of cuming inside her anus, you pull it out , dom off and spray on her face, again pornstar like, that's why she was starring at you.

So in the pure sense of sex, you were still a virgin at that time as you ain't fuck no pussy yet.

Just my two cents of imaginations !


17-09-2016, 10:28 AM
U are my hero. Thanks for the story.

18-09-2016, 01:17 PM
CF You sound so full of shit dude, time to wake up, either that or you are a psycopath ...

19-09-2016, 02:00 AM
Moooooove bitch, get out'da way

19-09-2016, 02:59 AM
I've never had a gf and only had sex with WLs, including my first time, well at least they never avoid you as long as you pay

19-09-2016, 12:10 PM
I've never had a gf and only had sex with WLs, including my first time, well at least they never avoid you as long as you pay

DD I have only had one GF & & u know how that ended. Now I don't
even try to get to first base which is a date & go straight for the
home run which is a fucking a pro. You have the right idea & from
the sounds of it u are way more mature when I was u age. Keep
up the good work DD.

19-09-2016, 08:58 PM
Don't worry mate, I'm in the same boat! :)

Fuck them! Enjoy life while you can , once you meet the right girl you won't feel the urge to go ML .

I had a crush once, we didn't date, but when I was with her I disnt care for any ML.

Until you find the one, fuck as much as you can!

20-09-2016, 06:54 AM

I think everyone has these feelings of banging girls and that's normal. I think we talk about punting like it isn't as acceptable as "dating" and doing it the "normal way". And that's just silly.

Like what Corvus says just have fun. If something happens then great if not then u get to bang WLs.

Just feels like there is a lot of shame (u feel like u doing smth wrong) and embarrassment (people think u doing wrong thing) in some people when they do this stuff. That's just social conditioning, it's your life and ur not hurting anyone. Go punt and figure why you feel this way about punting.

23-09-2016, 02:33 PM
If half have that was real.....

24-09-2016, 01:51 PM
My teenage years involve either playing counterstrike online with mates
or downloading , watching porn wanking . So basically my sex education
was watching porn no birds & bees speech for me. My first experience
was with a girl I had known well & we were bored & decided to take the
next step. We were both virgins. We decided Sat night. I thought the
most romantic way to turn her own & get her in the mood was to play my
fav porn dvd on my tv & the music would not be some soothing R & R
music but my fav rapper Ludacris & the coolest song ever ' Move Bitch'.
We both undressed & i thought the best way to sweet talk was to
talk like a pornstar or talk like a rapper. So i said into her u ear
'U Son of a bitch , motherfucker, slut, whore u dirty cunt & then we
attempted sex i asked her to perform the sex manoeuvres that the
female pornstars i had seen on dvd while i continued my sweet talk.
For some reason after sex she rolled her eyes at me & got dressed
without talking to me. I thought what have i done wrong ?
Next week her female friends at Uni avoided me like a leper. My next
few attempts i still adapted the same tactic but had changed a little
bit now i was drunk. Had a few success but for some reason never
got second dates. Numerous failures led me to brothels & it
was like i found the Garden of Eden & u know the rest.

Hahaha!!! You must be popular with all the WLs if you talk to them like that...

29-09-2016, 09:24 PM
My teenage years involve either playing counterstrike online with mates
or downloading , watching porn wanking . So basically my sex education
was watching porn no birds & bees speech for me. My first experience
was with a girl I had known well & we were bored & decided to take the
next step. We were both virgins. We decided Sat night. I thought the
most romantic way to turn her own & get her in the mood was to play my
fav porn dvd on my tv & the music would not be some soothing R & R
music but my fav rapper Ludacris & the coolest song ever ' Move Bitch'.
We both undressed & i thought the best way to sweet talk was to
talk like a pornstar or talk like a rapper. So i said into her u ear
'U Son of a bitch , motherfucker, slut, whore u dirty cunt & then we
attempted sex i asked her to perform the sex manoeuvres that the
female pornstars i had seen on dvd while i continued my sweet talk.
For some reason after sex she rolled her eyes at me & got dressed
without talking to me. I thought what have i done wrong ?
Next week her female friends at Uni avoided me like a leper. My next
few attempts i still adapted the same tactic but had changed a little
bit now i was drunk. Had a few success but for some reason never
got second dates. Numerous failures led me to brothels & it
was like i found the Garden of Eden & u know the rest.

Mate, with the greatest respect... your posts you remind me of someone I knew who was diagnosed with early onset of psychosis. Probably not what you want to hear from a stranger and probably something you'll react badly to. I hope it all works out for you and that you have people around you who love you enough to intervene gently and get you help in time. I truly wish you the best

29-09-2016, 09:56 PM
Mate, with the greatest respect... your posts you remind me of someone I knew who was diagnosed with early onset of psychosis. Probably not what you want to hear from a stranger and probably something you'll react badly to. I hope it all works out for you and that you have people around you who love you enough to intervene gently and get you help in time. I truly wish you the best

Mate he is a narcissistic troll:

30-09-2016, 04:56 AM
Mate he is a narcissistic troll:

Dr Cuttlefish has come out of retirement to help CL. Poor thing was bitten
by a mosquito so CL is still very ill. This is a great forum & I am here to
help a very sick member CL. I love to play games hide & seek & pin
the tail on the pony & CL is like a small child with the maturity of a baby
squid. CL is still showing everybody his psychiatric reports. For other
punters out there I have no beef with u. CL will continue to
rant as CL caught a virus from that mosquito. Dr Cuttlefish knows
it might be a long & hard process to cure CL. I would try my best to
help CL as I am very sympathetic as I was watching Discovery
Channel & they helped cure a sick chimp so too like that
Chimp on DC CL deserves help.
Sorry Aus 99 Moderator everybody has the right to defend
themselves & i'm just trying to help a very sick member
who was bitten by a mosquito who has gone insane get better.

30-09-2016, 10:10 AM
Dr Cuttlefish has come out of retirement to help CL. Poor thing was bitten
by a mosquito so CL is still very ill. This is a great forum & I am here to
help a very sick member CL. I love to play games hide & seek & pin
the tail on the pony & CL is like a small child with the maturity of a baby
squid. CL is still showing everybody his psychiatric reports. For other
punters out there I have no beef with u. CL will continue to
rant as CL caught a virus from that mosquito. Dr Cuttlefish knows
it might be a long & hard process to cure CL. I would try my best to
help CL as I am very sympathetic as I was watching Discovery
Channel & they helped cure a sick chimp so too like that
Chimp on DC CL deserves help.
Sorry Aus 99 Moderator everybody has the right to defend
themselves & i'm just trying to help a very sick member
who was bitten by a mosquito who has gone insane get better.

Mate, get a life please !!

30-09-2016, 10:18 AM
Mate, get a life please !!
I would be happy to retire. Just tell CL to stop
taunting like CL did last night & i will stop

30-09-2016, 10:23 AM
I would be happy to retire. Just tell CL to stop
taunting like CL did last night & i will stop

Easy, there is an ignore button you can press and peace !

God Member
30-09-2016, 12:16 PM
Easy, there is an ignore button you can press and peace !

It is not so easy! Imagine if there was a sealed envelope in front of you and you knew nothing of its contents except the fact that in it you were being discussed with others.

Oscar Wilde did say that the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. :shout:

But you'd still need the serenity of The Buddha not to eventually fall on that envelope and tear it open to see what the fuck people are saying about you! :shout:

30-09-2016, 01:05 PM
It is not so easy! Imagine if there was a sealed envelope in front of you and you knew nothing of its contents except the fact that in it you were being discussed with others.

Oscar Wilde did say that the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. :shout:

But you'd still need the serenity of The Buddha not to eventually fall on that envelope and tear it open to see what the fuck people are saying about you! :shout:
Ignore button still doesn't help if the post is quoted by someone else and you're reading that someone's post ! ;) ;) ;)