View Full Version : General talk Dream come true... or not

07-10-2016, 10:28 PM
Lately I haven't been much into the ml scene, been trying hard to get this minx into bed. Petite, with tha right amount of breast; b plus size just nice to cup.

The thing is, i succeeded last Friday, but it didn't go as well as I thought it would be. It started out well, pre dinner movie, dinner, nice drinks with a good view, to end the night I suggested she stay over at my place since it's too late to drive her home ( obviously she took the hint and she agreed)

Man I thought I was in for a wild night.

Gonna skip all the foreplay details and just go into what's important.

When I took off her panties, the odour was soooooo strong my soldier just surrendered.

Worst, were at my place so I can't make up any excuse to leave.

Not wanting to hurt her with the truth, I just said I was too tired, excited bla bla bla, but then my pride already took a hit.

She's understanding, she did try to get me into the mood again and revive the soldier, but by then I was too focused on the smell, worst... we cuddled all night and sleep.

Lucky? Or maybe not.

Happened to any bro before? What would you do? Soldier on? Could you?

Pity, she was really hot... don't think I gonna get a second chance now that she thinks I'm a "did"


07-10-2016, 10:32 PM
Why didn't you shower with her as foreplay , surely the smell will go after a wash ?

07-10-2016, 10:50 PM
I blame the drinks, and the excitement getting over my better judgement, I have been trying to get this girl for months, lots and lots of planning, seemingly innocent flirting,and of course texting.

Compared to pros like you brother ah I'm still a tadpole, considered lesson learnt, now hopefully there's a second chance to get back into the game

08-10-2016, 04:04 AM
Man unlucky bro! Hope you get another chance...

Lungors experience comes to the fore again lol

Shower foreplay is an awesome idea!

08-10-2016, 09:16 AM
Lately I haven't been much into the ml scene, been trying hard to get this minx into bed. Petite, with tha right amount of breast; b plus size just nice to cup.

The thing is, i succeeded last Friday, but it didn't go as well as I thought it would be. It started out well, pre dinner movie, dinner, nice drinks with a good view, to end the night I suggested she stay over at my place since it's too late to drive her home ( obviously she took the hint and she agreed)

Man I thought I was in for a wild night.

Gonna skip all the foreplay details and just go into what's important.

When I took off her panties, the odour was soooooo strong my soldier just surrendered.

Worst, were at my place so I can't make up any excuse to leave.

Not wanting to hurt her with the truth, I just said I was too tired, excited bla bla bla, but then my pride already took a hit.

She's understanding, she did try to get me into the mood again and revive the soldier, but by then I was too focused on the smell, worst... we cuddled all night and sleep.

Lucky? Or maybe not.

Happened to any bro before? What would you do? Soldier on? Could you?

Pity, she was really hot... don't think I gonna get a second chance now that she thinks I'm a "did"


She was testing you dude, she sprayed some "Smelly Pussy" product down there to see how much you liked her! :)
Hey you don't have to do DATY on a smelly puss, but you still could have done covered FS.
But as others have said having a shower is the way to go.
Was she wearing pantyhose, if so buy her a pair of stockings to keep the pussy aired out.
BTW What did the pussy actually smell like ? : Yeasty, cabbagey, fishy, shitty, cocky, cumy ?

08-10-2016, 09:58 AM
Bro cello, I feel for you. I too am extremely put off by smelly pussies. Really kills the mood. Sometimes you try to soldier on, but it's almost impossible when you're going doggy style and the smell just comes in waves right up your nose!!
I don't think a shower would've helped, to be honest. From the description, I'd say this girl has a bad case of either yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis (BV). My guess is probably BV because that one stinks the hardest.
Both are not really STIs, but BV comes from the girl having an active sex life with more than 1 partner. Apparently that upsets the bacterial balance in their pussies. Not all girls will get the problem though. Some can have 100 partners and still not have the smell!

08-10-2016, 11:01 AM
Stock a bottle of Femfresh at home, wash the pussy with it in the shower, that should take care of the problem !

Femfresh is available off the shelf at a chemist.

08-10-2016, 12:19 PM
Sorry to hear about that. Really bad luck.

I hope you get another chance.

As others have suggested, shower first and keep a nice bottle of perfume liquid soap (antibacterial if possible) in your shower for her to use. Might do the trick when it is time for action.

08-10-2016, 01:04 PM
As well as keeping stocks of condoms also have douchebags handy

08-10-2016, 03:25 PM
Thats really sucks but I guess next time it's easy to avoid if you are seeing this ML regularly. normally a really strong smelling pussy will leave a distinct unmistakable smell on your fingers/hands after pussy play. If she allows it that is

08-10-2016, 11:58 PM
Nah she's not an ml bro, if she was that would be a super red light indicator for me.. just a regular girl at work, those you always dream of riding. Yeah in hindsight should've done the shower thing. Prolly yeast infection, but then again, shower is only a short term solution, I'm planning on making her my semi permanent FB, so yeah, maybe start hinting at her to change her diet, eating different kind of stuffs affects how you smell afterall

09-10-2016, 12:43 AM
Nah she's not an ml bro, if she was that would be a super red light indicator for me.. just a regular girl at work, those you always dream of riding. Yeah in hindsight should've done the shower thing. Prolly yeast infection, but then again, shower is only a short term solution, I'm planning on making her my semi permanent FB, so yeah, maybe start hinting at her to change her diet, eating different kind of stuffs affects how you smell afterall

As I said earlier, Femfresh is the product specially made to deal with this problem, use it every now and then, it's a permanent solution ! In fact, a lot of WLs use it regularly, that's why they don't smell ! ;) ;) ;)


09-10-2016, 06:58 AM
Nah she's not an ml bro, if she was that would be a super red light indicator for me.. just a regular girl at work, those you always dream of riding. Yeah in hindsight should've done the shower thing. Prolly yeast infection, but then again, shower is only a short term solution, I'm planning on making her my semi permanent FB, so yeah, maybe start hinting at her to change her diet, eating different kind of stuffs affects how you smell afterall

Dude if it's a strong unmistakable smell, it's likely bacterial vaginosis and according to reputable health websites it's best to go to the GP for antibiotics treatment. That will tackle the root of the problem. Unbalanced bacterial environment in the vagina linked to active sexual lifestyle/ multiple partners. Don't think diet change will help.

And looking at the mayo clinic website, found an interesting piece of info linked to this condition:

Douching. The practice of rinsing out your vagina with water or a cleansing agent (douching) upsets the natural balance of your vagina. This can lead to an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria, and cause bacterial vaginosis. Since the vagina is self-cleaning, douching isn't necessary.

Probably not related to your girl but I assume many WL do this after every customer. Can see them being more susceptible to this condition.

09-10-2016, 01:58 PM
Femfresh is an off the shelf medication like Panadol and so on, no prescription needed. Just like any off the shelf medication, they are for the initial treatment of some symptoms, they always carry a clause : " If symptom persists, see your doctor. "

Just like Panadol, you just pop a couple of Panadol in if you have a headache, you don't always have to go to the doctor for a headache although it's covered by Medicare ! :) :) :) And once the headache is gone, you don't keep taking Panadol forever every 4 hours or so !

As I said earlier, some WLs use it every now and then to keep them clean, but I haven't heard of any WL who uses it after every customer !

09-10-2016, 05:44 PM
Femfresh is an off the shelf medication like Panadol and so on, no prescription needed. Just like any off the shelf medication, they are for the initial treatment of some symptoms, they always carry a clause : " If symptom persists, see your doctor. "

Just like Panadol, you just pop a couple of Panadol in if you have a headache, you don't always have to go to the doctor for a headache although it's covered by Medicare ! :) :) :) And once the headache is gone, you don't keep taking Panadol forever every 4 hours or so !

As I said earlier, some WLs use it every now and then to keep them clean, but I haven't heard of any WL who uses it after every customer !

Maybe femfresh in your mouth can help after DATYing a smelly pussy (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?38774-CunningLinguist-s-pussy-licking-service) ...

09-10-2016, 08:12 PM
Femfresh is an off the shelf medication like Panadol and so on, no prescription needed. Just like any off the shelf medication, they are for the initial treatment of some symptoms, they always carry a clause : " If symptom persists, see your doctor. "

Just like Panadol, you just pop a couple of Panadol in if you have a headache, you don't always have to go to the doctor for a headache although it's covered by Medicare ! :) :) :) And once the headache is gone, you don't keep taking Panadol forever every 4 hours or s
As I said earlier, some WLs use it every now and then to keep them clean, but I haven't heard of any WL who uses it after every customer !

Lol not sure if this was in reply to the info I posted from Mayo clinic on douching. But if it is then I have to clarify that it wasn't directed to your suggestion of femfresh use. I know nothing about that and don't know about wl using it so won't comment on it. I was commenting on most wl I had seen while showering after seeing every customer, try and rinse out or clean their vagina with shower water for obvious reasons. This is the practice i was referring to listed on the Mayo clinic website.

09-10-2016, 09:06 PM
Maybe femfresh in your mouth can help after DATYing a smelly pussy (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?38774-CunningLinguist-s-pussy-licking-service) ...
No, I don't need that, smelly pussy is not what I crave for, I'm not a die-hard cunninglinguist ! ;) ;) ;)

10-10-2016, 07:14 PM
My ex girlfriend also has the same issue.

I solved it by change to new girlfriend.

But seriously it's better if she can consult doctor rather than douching, although I am not quite sure how to bring this up without she feel insulted.

10-10-2016, 08:07 PM
If it is BV, using femfresh will only make it worse. The issue with BV is the upsetting of the NATURAL bacterial population in her vagina. If you use something like femfresh to "clean it out", it's gonna upset the balance even further. Google "femfresh BV" and you'll see.
I know this shit... My ex also had the problem when I was in the process of wooing her from her then bf. That smell is an awful "dull" fishy smell... Omg!

10-10-2016, 09:58 PM
Ahhgg, the fishy smell is every Cunning Linguists nightmare !