View Full Version : Question southport

12-10-2016, 08:12 PM
Hi gents
I will be spending the day around Southport this Friday
I'm planning on visiting 23 nind st ,116 and 166 Scarborough st throughout the day we'll at least two of them.
After feedback whether there are better option s in the area these days?

12-10-2016, 11:00 PM
I believe 23 Nind has moved, it's now on the other side of Scarborough St, on the left hand side around 34 Nind St. Nearly gave up on it the other day till I saw that!

166 Scarborough St is pretty shabby, run-down, TINY rooms to the point your ML is brushing against both the table and the wall at all times. I'd give it a miss.

116 (entry via Hicks St) is your best bet for a decent massage and such.