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22-11-2016, 10:10 AM
"I'm so lonely, broken angel
I'm so lonely, listen to my heart"
This thread is not for looking for sympathy. Just a bit sharing, and I know I'm not angel. Instead, I always call myself evil.
Why I take this job?
First. For myself.
I got my first job at an Asian shop. $100/ per day (~12 hours). Had to get up around 4am to get train at 5:10 and arrive shop at 6:20, then stand and serve customers all the time till 6:30 pm. Having 30 minutes for lunch break but no place to rest in shop so I have to walk around there or find somewhere to sit down. Normally I buy a loaf of bread for lunch as nothing else is cheaper. That’s it for nearly one month. My colleague, Amy, told me that for some personal issues, she was short of money so she couldn’t even afford 2 rolls of sushi but just a loaf of bread to eat for whole day, just like me.

Besides, I had no heater for winters 2014 &2015. And not even fan for summer 2015. Only take bus to school when I'm already late or weather is really bad. Rarely go for shopping. Spending big money just for family and friends, not for myself. 1/3 of my wardrobe is free clothes from cousin's cousins. Another 1/3 is secondhand from local market. And if they're new, they're from Kmart. Actually I still keep those habits: not shop much and buy clothes from Kmart (their kid clothes are quite nice, lol).

Then I got other jobs, better paid but still not enough until I become masseur. Better money, of course. now I can cover my school fee, spend a bit more for myself.

My English is better. Try to improve skills from conversations with clients. Life experiences is enriched as I've met various types of people. Having much experience in dealing with people.

Second, for family.
Growing up in the Asian culture, it's hard for me to be selfish, but not care about my family. Wish to be able to take care of myself and my family. When it's too late, money has no meaning - I learned that as my mom didn't have any chance to travel overseas and live for herself. so now I'm really happy that I can send money back to my father and ask him to spend on holidays and enjoy retirement time. Be happy that I can support my family partly. Be happy that I can save money for my own future and be independent. Hopefully I can be helpful to my partner ( if I can find him somewhere, lol).

Do I enjoy my job? Somehow yes, to be honest. Like my Dongseng, Caff said, somehow my social life is going on at workplaces. A breath of life. I feel lonely here. But hard to tell my family and friends that I'm tired. Don't want to make them worried so I always smile in front of them. Colleagues? Having a distance from them. Somehow it's easier to open up to strangers. So sometimes a nice talk, a nice care from client who shows his respect to my efforts, or a hug/ cuddle that make me feel better. I do enjoy his kindness. A simple talk"thankyou" is actually meaningful.

"I'm faded. So lost. The monsters running wild inside of me"
But it's hard job. It takes my energy and trust in life. Becoming doubtful a d scared of everything. And sensitive. Bad clients act like wild animals, and treat me like animal too. Have to choke anger back many times but keep smiling, even when they strangle or slap me. Or being abused by dirty talk. Some asked me if I like to be tied up and raped. One told me about his incestuous relationship with his best friend and sister in two hours. So hateful but still try to finish sessions nicely.

I think I'm coward. Many people are hungry for money but they choose normal/proper jobs. But I'm not strong enough to accept a difficult way to go through (actually this job is not easy to deal with and tiring too). I'm still preparing for my retirement day, when I have a proper job and a normal life. Be strong enough to get the first step of a long journey. And hope to find someone who not let me stay in shadow nor want sex from me only.

Anyway, no complaints. Obstacles are always there, and help me being stronger. I'll be okay. Cheers.

22-11-2016, 11:00 AM
Interesting read, thanks for your honesty. Still shocked that some punters are rude and don't provide basic manners. You work in customer service, and we as punters are your customers. Yet it's okay to treat WL's and ML's like shit but turn around and be nice as pie to the bloke in the phone shop or the retail assistant working in Myer? In my view, same industry, and same rules apply: don't be a cunt and you'll get good service.

Also, White Knights incoming in 3....2.....1

22-11-2016, 11:21 AM
Thanks for your sharing.
I think you are not different with others at all.
Everyone is looking for normal and stable life and everyone's life has up and down.
Hope you think there is a angel in your mind somewhere.


22-11-2016, 11:36 AM
Jesus. Hope you didn't see those same customers again.

22-11-2016, 12:00 PM
Hi Babycat,

You are very brave and works hard for yourself and your family ! You have nothing to be ashamed of, you provide a service to the community and earn a living. Good on you !

You certainly are Not alone in this, while reading your personal journey I can't help but think back how many times I have heard or read about something very similar to your situations in the past decade of being active in the RnT industry .

There was a young lady called Jenny whom I only seen her a few times at 288 Wattle many years ago. At the time she was working in the Flemington market, she got paid $100 a day for a 10 hours shift , very tough hard work for a young lady who was very willing to work hard but I guess the situation was too overwhelming and the boss's taking advantage of a helpless overseas student at times were simply too much to take !

She jointed the massage industry in search of a better life and from her own words she was quite prepared to marry anyone who could look after her and her family back home and got her the residency ! Sounds all too familiar? Again, she is definitely not alone either, it's happening all over the place and probably happening right now as we speak .

C'est la vie ! That's life .

But I believe you are much stronger and smarter than that and probably have more options available to you now .

Good luck and stay positive sister ! Life can only get better .


22-11-2016, 12:16 PM
Thanks for sharing babycat :) strive on and I'm sure you'll find something sooner or later!! Hugs and kisses from Sam ;)

22-11-2016, 12:26 PM
Good on you Babycat, thanks for the heartfelt confession.

I knew and I've heard similar stories before, but it still hurts hearing it. This is a tough industry, there are scumbacks around for sure, hope you can keep yourself out of harm's way...

22-11-2016, 12:53 PM
Bad clients act like wild animals, and treat me like animal too. Have to choke anger back many times but keep smiling, even when they strangle or slap me. Or being abused by dirty talk. Some asked me if I like to be tied up and raped. One told me about his incestuous relationship with his best friend and sister in two hours. So hateful but still try to finish sessions nicely.

These sorts of people should be banned and word spread to all parlours. This is not a way to treat anyone.

22-11-2016, 02:08 PM
hit me in the feels reading this

ill be super nice to my regular next time i see her

22-11-2016, 02:40 PM
One time when I denied to hang out with one client, he called me slut. I don't understand why he could say like that but state that he's a nice guy???
And maybe $20 is not a big money for some, but big money for me. I used to have only $60 in my pocket and that was the money for 2 weeks. Sandwiches all the time so I hate it now, :) . However, $20 is a big money but some think it's a lot enough to buy everything from us.
I believe that if I give kind things to people, I'll receive same things. That's why sometimes I feel pity for bad clients even they treat me badly as they don't understand that and their lives might not happy.

22-11-2016, 02:56 PM
You should write a blog or a book or even your own website. $$$ to be made

22-11-2016, 02:57 PM
Im so sad right now :(

All the best B-cat .

I need to meet you nd give you a big hug :)

22-11-2016, 03:20 PM
From my perspective - based on the many regulars I've seen over the years, the key difference between Babycat and the others is her confidence in talking about it and her command of english... So you're basically a spokesperson for a great many wonderful young, hardworking women all around the world babycat - well done!.

And I'm not only talking about ML's or even women really. For example, go to any fruit farm on the east coast right now and you'll see many, many exploited foreign workers. The abuse comes in different forms, obviously but I'm sure the impact is similar. Some get stronger (babycat seemingly included) while others simply can't cope and subsequently are presented with even more limited options.

22-11-2016, 03:34 PM
From my perspective - based on the many regulars I've seen over the years, the key difference between Babycat and the others is her confidence in talking about it and her command of english... So you're basically a spokesperson for a great many wonderful young, hardworking women all around the world babycat - well done!.

And I'm not only talking about ML's or even women really. For example, go to any fruit farm on the east coast right now and you'll see many, many exploited foreign workers. The abuse comes in different forms, obviously but I'm sure the impact is similar. Some get stronger (babycat seemingly included) while others simply can't cope and subsequently are presented with even more limited options.
I remember one Taiwanese girl working at 121 CBD massage- her name is Miki, I think, told me that she hates grapefruit because she used to work in fruit farm with very low pay. The pay was actually not bad but her agent cheated her and got big commission. Now she can't eat grapes as it reminds her the difficult time.

22-11-2016, 03:45 PM
Yo onni if you want to catch up please anytime PM me

22-11-2016, 04:14 PM
I'm still preparing for my retirement day, when I have a proper job and a normal life..

This is your light at the end of the tunnel. I am sure most days are better than the bad ones. Chin up, stay grounded as you clearly are and focus on your end goal when times are tough. Keep doing the right thing and good things happen.

22-11-2016, 04:30 PM
".... So hateful but still try to finish sessions nicely....... Anyway, no complaints. Obstacles are always there, and help me being stronger. I'll be okay. Cheers. Should be "still try to finish sessions safely.." just be careful and remember that this is what you do and not who you are. Hopefully you meet more who are decent than those who are arseholes ... oh, as for Miki, a genuinely lovely girl and such a hard worker, glad to have met her myself

22-11-2016, 06:14 PM
I think I'm coward. Many people are hungry for money but they choose normal/proper jobs. But I'm not strong enough to accept a difficult way to go through (actually this job is not easy to deal with and tiring too). I'm still preparing for my retirement day, when I have a proper job and a normal life. Be strong enough to get the first step of a long journey. And hope to find someone who not let me stay in shadow nor want sex from me only.

You are far from a coward Babycat. It takes more strength than most of the people here realise to do what you do and stay mentally and physically together. Even more courage to share here, and I for one have learnt plenty from your comments and insights. I think you would be a fascinating companion, and hopefully one day our paths will cross....

22-11-2016, 06:21 PM
Thanks for sharing this out. It's actually good to share so in some ways you don't have to bottle up.
There's nothing wrong with your choice, but I don't think you need to be too nice to those who are rough and rude to you.
You're smart and as long as you plan for your future, eventually things should get much better.

22-11-2016, 06:57 PM
Just had a stop in Darling harbour. Listened to my favourite song and enjoyed the scene. Feel peaceful. Thanks for all encouragement.

22-11-2016, 07:10 PM
hey Babycat
Your honesty is appreciated and is a welcome reminder that life isn't always what we plan and always full of challenges. It is how we go through these challenges and emerge from the other side (good or bad) that defines us not the material things we own. $20 clothes from Kmart matter nought as long as we are happy. People dress themselves in high end brands but are they complete or happy in life?

22-11-2016, 07:16 PM
Thanks for sharing Babycat.
You have been in the hard times now in future your life will be much better.

Babycat remember you come to Australia with nothing and a fresh start.
You can go there with nothing and do whatever you want to do.

In Chinese it is 先苦後甜

22-11-2016, 07:45 PM
Tearing up reading this. Thanks for the honesty and for sharing.. very sobering.

Babycat you are obviously very intelligent and have superior English ability compared to others. Hope these attributes allow you to build a good future and escape this industry.


22-11-2016, 07:52 PM
If you love movies and ice cream, we can be friend :)

22-11-2016, 08:35 PM
Honey, you take this job for money$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

22-11-2016, 09:08 PM
Your story sadly is all too common . These ratbag clients wouldn't dare do this at a bigger
establishment as they would be in big trouble but at the smaller shops they know they can
get away with it as they know they can't afford any unwanted attention . These type of men
know this and they won't do it in real life as this behaviour is called domestic violence .
You have a good heart BC and good things happen to good people in long run.

22-11-2016, 11:44 PM
hey Babycat
Your honesty is appreciated and is a welcome reminder that life isn't always what we plan and always full of challenges. It is how we go through these challenges and emerge from the other side (good or bad) that defines us not the material things we own. $20 clothes from Kmart matter nought as long as we are happy. People dress themselves in high end brands but are they complete or happy in life?
I ask myself that nearly everyday...

23-11-2016, 12:46 AM
It's an interesting read to hear from the other perspective. Thanks for sharing, Babycat.

I've been told that a lot of punters go just to "vent". I know I do sometimes. But to me, I enjoy the interaction and getting to know the person. I feel things get complicated when you get to know an ML/WL at a more personal level, and it's hard to switch from customer to "friend". I know we'll probably never truly be friends with them, so guess it'll be best to just enjoy the company.

23-11-2016, 07:20 AM
I ask myself that nearly everyday...

Hehehehe ;)

23-11-2016, 07:59 AM
Anyway, no complaints. Obstacles are always there, and help me being stronger. I'll be okay. Cheers.


23-11-2016, 01:55 PM
Always try to look on the bright side, but I feel guilty and not know whether my mom can forgive me.

23-11-2016, 02:48 PM
"I'm so lonely, broken angel
I'm so lonely, listen to my heart"
This thread is not for looking for sympathy. Just a bit sharing, and I know I'm not angel. Instead, I always call myself evil.
Why I take this job?
First. For myself.
I got my first job at an Asian shop. $100/ per day (~12 hours). Had to get up around 4am to get train at 5:10 and arrive shop at 6:20, then stand and serve customers all the time till 6:30 pm. Having 30 minutes for lunch break but no place to rest in shop so I have to walk around there or find somewhere to sit down. Normally I buy a loaf of bread for lunch as nothing else is cheaper. That’s it for nearly one month. My colleague, Amy, told me that for some personal issues, she was short of money so she couldn’t even afford 2 rolls of sushi but just a loaf of bread to eat for whole day, just like me.

Besides, I had no heater for winters 2014 &2015. And not even fan for summer 2015. Only take bus to school when I'm already late or weather is really bad. Rarely go for shopping. Spending big money just for family and friends, not for myself. 1/3 of my wardrobe is free clothes from cousin's cousins. Another 1/3 is secondhand from local market. And if they're new, they're from Kmart. Actually I still keep those habits: not shop much and buy clothes from Kmart (their kid clothes are quite nice, lol).

Then I got other jobs, better paid but still not enough until I become masseur. Better money, of course. now I can cover my school fee, spend a bit more for myself.

My English is better. Try to improve skills from conversations with clients. Life experiences is enriched as I've met various types of people. Having much experience in dealing with people.

Second, for family.
Growing up in the Asian culture, it's hard for me to be selfish, but not care about my family. Wish to be able to take care of myself and my family. When it's too late, money has no meaning - I learned that as my mom didn't have any chance to travel overseas and live for herself. so now I'm really happy that I can send money back to my father and ask him to spend on holidays and enjoy retirement time. Be happy that I can support my family partly. Be happy that I can save money for my own future and be independent. Hopefully I can be helpful to my partner ( if I can find him somewhere, lol).

Do I enjoy my job? Somehow yes, to be honest. Like my Dongseng, Caff said, somehow my social life is going on at workplaces. A breath of life. I feel lonely here. But hard to tell my family and friends that I'm tired. Don't want to make them worried so I always smile in front of them. Colleagues? Having a distance from them. Somehow it's easier to open up to strangers. So sometimes a nice talk, a nice care from client who shows his respect to my efforts, or a hug/ cuddle that make me feel better. I do enjoy his kindness. A simple talk"thankyou" is actually meaningful.

"I'm faded. So lost. The monsters running wild inside of me"
But it's hard job. It takes my energy and trust in life. Becoming doubtful a d scared of everything. And sensitive. Bad clients act like wild animals, and treat me like animal too. Have to choke anger back many times but keep smiling, even when they strangle or slap me. Or being abused by dirty talk. Some asked me if I like to be tied up and raped. One told me about his incestuous relationship with his best friend and sister in two hours. So hateful but still try to finish sessions nicely.

I think I'm coward. Many people are hungry for money but they choose normal/proper jobs. But I'm not strong enough to accept a difficult way to go through (actually this job is not easy to deal with and tiring too). I'm still preparing for my retirement day, when I have a proper job and a normal life. Be strong enough to get the first step of a long journey. And hope to find someone who not let me stay in shadow nor want sex from me only.

Anyway, no complaints. Obstacles are always there, and help me being stronger. I'll be okay. Cheers.

Good story ,but i just dont get the idea that you don't have enough money for your basic living cost and you still willing to spend money on yours friends and money for your parent holiday . If your parent knew that you dont have enough money for yourself then they wouldnt accept the money from you so they can just to go for a holiday . why would you need to spend money on yourfriends .if you need to spend money on your friends then you are buying a friendship . You said your grew up in an asian culture , i assume not china right , the new generation of chinese don't think like they use to anymore , as a for bad clients they are in every industries , they only about 5 % . i what i do is tell them to get fuck i never want to deal with them again . also i find your english is quite good considerate you only being in australia afor a short time .

23-11-2016, 04:08 PM
Me too.
i've worked in this industry for 3 months and I have money for a few months worth rent already.. I will work for another year and go back to Thailand

23-11-2016, 04:42 PM
Good story ,but i just dont get the idea that you don't have enough money for your basic living cost and you still willing to spend money on yours friends and money for your parent holiday . If your parent knew that you dont have enough money for yourself then they wouldnt accept the money from you so they can just to go for a holiday . why would you need to spend money on yourfriends .if you need to spend money on your friends then you are buying a friendship . You said your grew up in an asian culture , i assume not china right , the new generation of chinese don't think like they use to anymore , as a for bad clients they are in every industries , they only about 5 % . i what i do is tell them to get fuck i never want to deal with them again . also i find your english is quite good considerate you only being in australia afor a short time .

My father spent whole youth time on supporting family, now I want him to enjoy life. After my mom's death, I realise family is important and we should enjoy before it's too late. I don't need to spend much on myself as my needs is quite simple. I'm willing to spend money on people who is important to me. Also, I don't want to my friends or anyone feel that their benefits is affected. Trying to give more than I can receive in a relationship. That's what my mom taught me about relationships. "Don't take advantage of a relationship. Be genuine and not be regret to be a good person ". I know I can be fooled but it's hard for me to take advantage of people. I've been here 3 years only but I studied English before. Assignments did help me to improve my English, lol.

23-11-2016, 05:40 PM
Me too.
i've worked in this industry for 3 months and I have money for a few months worth rent already.. I will work for another year and go back to Thailand

Well, I guess you are Not working in a legit massage shop then !

23-11-2016, 10:16 PM
Always try to look on the bright side, but I feel guilty and not know whether my mom can forgive me.

Hey no one is perfect, just don't tell her, even if you did I am sure she loves you unconditionally and would forgive you for anything.
Everyone has secrets, so don't dwell on any moralising advice you read here.
I think you are brave and are doing what you think is best, based on your upbringing, culture, and experiences.
It is easy for others in different circumstances to pass judgement etc but be true to yourself and don't let them bother you.

23-11-2016, 10:34 PM
Hey no one is perfect, just don't tell her, even if you did I am sure she loves you unconditionally and would forgive you for anything.
Everyone has secrets, so don't dwell on any moralising advice you read here.
I think you are brave and are doing what you think is best, based on your upbringing, culture, and experiences.
It is easy for others in different circumstances to pass judgement etc but be true to yourself and don't let them bother you.
No, I can't hide it from my mom as she follows me everywhere and knows everything. She's my angel. My soul guardian.

Massage King
23-11-2016, 11:13 PM
Honey, you take this job for money$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

That's the bottom line.

Lots of girls out there that are students/tourists surviving with a normal job. I'm sure most of them don't enjoy their normal jobs but neither do most people out there. That's life.

23-11-2016, 11:45 PM
Honey, you take this job for money$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

It's not about the money money money
We don't need your money money money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
Ain't about the uh cha-ching cha-ching
Ain't about the yeah b-bling b-bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag

24-11-2016, 07:20 AM
^ Not sure how the lyrics above apply seeing as how Jessie J earned an estimated half a million that financial year, but ok.

24-11-2016, 07:33 AM
That's where you fail to see the difference between lyrics and artist!
Mls and wls do this job for the money.
Whatever the background story is.
It comes down to money.
Nothing to do with Jessie J! :) :) :)

24-11-2016, 08:27 AM
Working girls can't have cake and eat it too that's not lack of empathy but a fact.
A professional boxer know what their sport entails and so does a working girl.
If the boxer gets hurts they will sometimes blame the regulator but the WG
cannot as prostitution is unregulated like a street fight and anything goes.
If your are forced illegally into being a WG that is unfair but if they made
the decision independently then they have to accept responsibility for their
decision. WG get above the award range and the extra money they earn
is like danger money. If they can't stand the heat then they should leave
the kitchen and if they accept to earn good money on a platinum platter
then they should get a reality check. I'm might sound harsh but that's

24-11-2016, 08:38 AM
Working girls can't have cake and eat it too that's not lack of empathy but a fact.
A professional boxer know what their sport entails and so does a working girl.
If the boxer gets hurts they will sometimes blame the regulator but the WG
cannot as prostitution is unregulated like a street fight and anything goes.
If your are forced illegally into being a WG that is unfair but if they made
the decision independently then they have to accept responsibility for their
decision. WG get above the award range and the extra money they earn
is like danger money. If they can't stand the heat then they should leave
the kitchen and if they accept to earn good money on a platinum platter
then they should get a reality check. I'm might sound harsh but that's

I think there is still a fair bit of differences may be just morally or emotionally but at least physically IMHO between a massage lady working in a RnT shop providing the minimum HE (of which she would still have a choice to say no) and with No other extras vs a WL in a FS shop where she has no choice but takes on all comers !

Call me a naive old man but I still believe in purity and exceptions !

So you hang in there Babycat !

24-11-2016, 08:39 AM
I think all MLs and WLs realise that they get well remunerated for what is a job that requires no formal qualifications or training. Each one has their own reasons for entering the profession.

Furthermore I don't believe the likes of Babycat or MLs/WLs in general are looking for our sympathy. They are merely pointing out that just because they are in this particular industry, it doesn't mean they still should not be treated with respect.

Unfortunately it is an industry that also attracts the more unsavoury characters of society so normal human decency simply doesn't apply all the time.

As you say Gammera....that's life.

24-11-2016, 08:57 AM
My report breaking in a 19 year old newbie is exactly this. She took the job as she was earning $14 hr in parramatta Westfield food court. Last week she did 5 days in the shop and earned $2,500.

Plenty of stories for the transitions between a new comers into a mls and quite a fair bit of real life experiences from yours Truly :

@ At Michelle's at Newland St, a young very very busty receptionist Jessica needed some urgent money, so she worked at a ml for a short while, awesome tits - so big they actually sag a bit once they were released from the bra ! Only had the opportunity to try her once, then she stopped and left the shop altogether!

@ Zanadu Pitt St, this beautiful, tall young and very very very busty Vietnamese girl Jennifer , used to only do beauty stuff and facial massage in the open lounge room, all of a sudden started doing massage in the rooms !

Taking the $50 tip for hand job too but no nude , managed to see her twice and offered her $100 more to take top off but denied, did allow me to touch her big breasts over her loose T shirt to help me cum ! I was forever very thankful for that ! Then she just disappeared - and probably already achieved her short term financial goal !

The young innocent Thai girl Penny @ Snow Lotus, I was there on her first day and she gave me a clothed and awkward HJ but I enjoyed her innocence! the following week she took her top off and a few more visits later she took everything off for me and she seems happy with the progress!

Most recently I have Michelle from Stanmore, she started off as a receptionist but got sweet talked into doing RnT by Coco whom also gave Michelle all the trainings . Then Michelle got very closed with Mimi and master Mimi took Michelle under her wings and be her apprentice! The master and apprentice even took a short tour of Tokyo together earning some Japanese yens ! Unfortunately due to family reasons, Michelle had to return home ! Missed her so much , she is not too busty but has an awesome young body - just imagine young Michelle and old Lungor in the shower together after my happy ending , just me an instant hard on again !

What I'm trying to say is; ladies made choices for their life, some people had a specific target and get in and out of the industry as soon as those targets are met and moved on. Others are happy to continue may be due to a longer term needs . Each to their own and they shall have our respects and supports just the same !

24-11-2016, 10:06 AM
That's where you fail to see the difference between lyrics and artist!
Mls and wls do this job for the money.
Whatever the background story is.
It comes down to money.
Nothing to do with Jessie J! :) :) :)

I was moreso just cringing hard at the wall of lyrics from a terrible song but fair call.

24-11-2016, 10:25 AM
I think there is still a fair bit of differences may be just morally or emotionally but at least physically IMHO between a massage lady working in a RnT shop providing the minimum HE (of which she would still have a choice to say no) and with No other extras vs a WL in a FS shop where she has no choice but takes on all comers !

Call me a naive old man but I still believe in purity and exceptions !

So you hang in there Babycat !

Yes, you're a naive old man !

24-11-2016, 10:26 AM
I was moreso just cringing hard at the wall of lyrics from a terrible song but fair call.

Plenty of mls and wls have sob stories about why they are working in the industry

While other girls do it the hard way by working low paying hard working jobs, study and keep earning promotions.
It's up to the individual how they choose to make their money.

24-11-2016, 10:49 AM
Thanks for sharing babycat. I enjoy most of my sessions with my ml and always treat them with respect

24-11-2016, 10:51 AM
I dont think Babycat was after sympathy for her choices but a bit of empathy never does anyone any harm...

24-11-2016, 12:32 PM
Plenty of mls and wls have sob stories about why they are working in the industry

While other girls do it the hard way by working low paying hard working jobs, study and keep earning promotions.
It's up to the individual how they choose to make their money.

I dont think Babycat was after sympathy for her choices but a bit of empathy never does anyone any harm...
Yeap, I'm clear about my choice and take responsibility for what I choose. That's why I stated that I don't complain. I myself choose to stay or leave it. Maybe just need some encouragement when I feel depressed. A small one in a big world.

24-11-2016, 03:19 PM
Yeap, I'm clear about my choice and take responsibility for what I choose. That's why I stated that I don't complain. I myself choose to stay or leave it. Maybe just need some encouragement when I feel depressed. A small one in a big world.

Not trying to be a smart arse, but maybe a better source of encouragement and support would be your peers or work colleagues?You're turning to a forum full of thirsty older men who pay for sexual services (myself included) for support and guidance. Not sure if that's healthy or not.

24-11-2016, 03:25 PM
Not trying to be a smart arse, but maybe a better source of encouragement and support would be your peers or work colleagues?You're turning to a forum full of thirsty older men who pay for sexual services (myself included) for support and guidance. Not sure if that's healthy or not.
Some clients and forum members as well are really nice and kind.

24-11-2016, 03:41 PM
Not trying to be a smart arse, but maybe a better source of encouragement and support would be your peers or work colleagues?You're turning to a forum full of thirsty older men who pay for sexual services (myself included) for support and guidance. Not sure if that's healthy or not.

I'm not sure if their peers are actually good source of encouragement. Sometimes I heard the girls are quite competitive too

24-11-2016, 04:32 PM
Not only competitiveness but also the gossip factor for some I'd assume.

24-11-2016, 04:44 PM
I don't think that support and guidance is what this thread is about. It's an explanation that the person that you are seeing is not just a sexual object but also a human being, with everything that comes with that. There's likely a certain percentage of the people here who will find that a little confronting, but I'd like to think more of my fellow man and that this adds to the perspective of the people who do a hard job for our satisfaction.

Having a degree of understanding of that, in an ideal world, works for both sides. We treat the people that serve as as people and as service providers with the respect and understanding they deserve. They realise that we're decent, respectful people, and feel open enough to trust us more and work harder to make their service better for us. We all win! :)

24-11-2016, 04:54 PM
I don't think that support and guidance is what this thread is about. It's an explanation that the person that you are seeing is not just a sexual object but also a human being, with everything that comes with that. There's likely a certain percentage of the people here who will find that a little confronting, but I'd like to think more of my fellow man and that this adds to the perspective of the people who do a hard job for our satisfaction.

Having a degree of understanding of that, in an ideal world, works for both sides. We treat the people that serve as as people and as service providers with the respect and understanding they deserve. They realise that we're decent, respectful people, and feel open enough to trust us more and work harder to make their service better for us. We all win! :)

Good comment.

Although 10/10 I'm not a decent human being, but still, good comment.

24-11-2016, 05:54 PM
Some clients and forum members as well are really nice and kind.

Just like in the "real world". Apart from Politicians, used car salesman, and lawyers, most groups of people have good, bad, and in between :)

BTW +1 for duksta

To all those people who look down on ML/WLs what would you do without them ....

24-11-2016, 06:27 PM
To all those people who look down on ML/WLs what would you do without them ....

probably have a nice house deposit :thirst:

24-11-2016, 07:41 PM
All you need to know is you gotta do what you gotta do. Don't judge straight away, know their story, let them be you know.


On the other hand if they are legit fucked in the head like as in full cooked cunt, judge all you want / disassociate asap, stay the fuck away. True story.:cool2:

24-11-2016, 09:02 PM
Babycat you are the Helen of Troy of this forum. Alan86, Massage King , caff3ry have duelled
over you .You seem to bring out the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde version of the punters. You do though
deserve compassion as society ostracise anybody who is a working lady or punter.
WL and punters have co existed for years but sadly they are both society's dirty little
secret the bastard child nobody will ever acknowledge .

24-11-2016, 09:27 PM
That's the bottom line.

Lots of girls out there that are students/tourists surviving with a normal job. I'm sure most of them don't enjoy their normal jobs but neither do most people out there. That's life.

Who is this baby cat? What does this honey do for money?

Also is she 10/10 looks? :question:

24-11-2016, 09:34 PM
It's not about the money money money
We don't need your money money money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
Ain't about the uh cha-ching cha-ching
Ain't about the yeah b-bling b-bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag

If I'm not able to buy you diamonds
If I can't fly you up to the moon
If I couldnt do all the things like the man in your dreams
Baby what you've gotta have to do is love me for the cool

Every girl wishes for hollywood romance
Pictures in the magazines, silver screens,social scenes
..... by movie stars not enough
Guest list,... diamonds, expensive restaurants, fancy cars

Cinderella rescued by true love is not enough

24-11-2016, 09:58 PM
Some clients and forum members as well are really nice and kind.

Hi Babycat,

Let's see, I will give you a perfect clients list for a day of work for you:

Shop: 227 Broadway

10am Ahlungor
11am Ouch
12pm Irene

1.30pm Sam88
2.30pm Alan86

4.00pm Licker
5.00pm Adobe
6.00pm Caff
7.00pm Travelmate
8.00pm Cmk

You should have a pretty nice day serving this lot and have heaps of fun !

You like ??


Ps. Sorry guys if I missed your name , you can go on the next shift .........haha

Ps2, and Babycat should get at least 8-9 reviews from them too!

24-11-2016, 10:17 PM
hey Babycat
People dress themselves in high end brands but are they complete or happy in life?

Yeah they normally look pretty self satisfied and happy.

24-11-2016, 10:36 PM
Hi Babycat,

Let's see, I will give you a perfect clients list for a day of work for you:

Shop: 227 Broadway

10am Ahlungor
11am Ouch
12pm Irene

1.30pm Sam88
2.30pm Alan86

4.00pm Licker
5.00pm Adobe
6.00pm Caff
7.00pm Travelmate
8.00pm Cmk

You should have a pretty nice day serving this lot and have heaps of fun !

You like ??


Ps. Sorry guys if I missed your name , you can go on the next shift .........haha

Ps2, and Babycat should get at least 8-9 reviews from them too!

As long has you don't give her one of your BS over hyped biased reviews she should be ok.
;) ;) ;)

24-11-2016, 11:51 PM
Full support for you babycat

25-11-2016, 12:12 AM
once ginza girl told me one guy was rough with her and she felt like hitting the guy. i asked her why dont you tell wilson to say you don't want to see him again and i can't remember what she said but her reason wasn't convincing

i always figured since she worked at ginza it wouldn't be hard denying customers since they are so busy/booked out anyway.

25-11-2016, 12:26 AM
What is this Ahlungor , why are you the first ! I should be first!!! Haha ;)

25-11-2016, 12:37 AM
Hehehe ... who's going to get lucky :startle:

Definitely not me lol :(

My guess is CMK haha lucky number nd last customer:)

25-11-2016, 12:49 AM
Hi Babycat,

Let's see, I will give you a perfect clients list for a day of work for you:

Shop: 227 Broadway

10am Ahlungor
11am Ouch
12pm Irene

1.30pm Sam88
2.30pm Alan86

4.00pm Licker
5.00pm Adobe
6.00pm Caff
7.00pm Travelmate
8.00pm Cmk

You should have a pretty nice day serving this lot and have heaps of fun !

You like ??


Ps. Sorry guys if I missed your name , you can go on the next shift .........haha

Ps2, and Babycat should get at least 8-9 reviews from them too!
Thanks for your support, Uncle, but if it happens, Caff is excluded from the list.
To Caff: nothing offensive, you understand that, :)

25-11-2016, 05:49 AM
Hi Babycat,

Let's see, I will give you a perfect clients list for a day of work for you:

Shop: 227 Broadway

10am Ahlungor
11am Ouch
12pm Irene

1.30pm Sam88
2.30pm Alan86

4.00pm Licker
5.00pm Adobe
6.00pm Caff
7.00pm Travelmate
8.00pm Cmk

You should have a pretty nice day serving this lot and have heaps of fun !

You like ??


Ps. Sorry guys if I missed your name , you can go on the next shift .........haha

Ps2, and Babycat should get at least 8-9 reviews from them too!

Hey...what about me !...I want to be first booking of the day!

25-11-2016, 06:03 AM
Hey...what about me !...I want to be first booking of the day!.. of course you do, you always get in first... and I need 90mins

25-11-2016, 08:25 AM
Hehehe ... who's going to get lucky :startle:

Definitely not me lol :(

My guess is CMK haha lucky number nd last customer:)

Sorry brother woods, as I said , I can't list everybody and you certainly can go the next day and try your luck .........haha

25-11-2016, 08:27 AM
Hey...what about me !...I want to be first booking of the day!

Sorry Kingwally,

I can't include every brother you know, and in your case, wasn't sure whether you are in Queensland or Sydney ? ....... lol

And of course, when you book, you get the first booking ok !

25-11-2016, 08:30 AM
What is this Ahlungor , why are you the first ! I should be first!!! Haha ;)

Mate , I'm the one who put up the list ! If I don't get to go first, where's the benefit of my efforts ? You want to be first ? Put up your own fantasy list brother ......... lol

Ps. Didn't I put you down as the first one after lunch ??........... haha

25-11-2016, 08:33 AM
.. of course you do, you always get in first... and I need 90mins

Plenty of time slots available on the next day brother kezza !

25-11-2016, 08:38 AM
Thanks for your support, Uncle, but if it happens, Caff is excluded from the list.
To Caff: nothing offensive, you understand that, :)

Don't get too attached to Brother Caff Baby !!

He is way too young and just started punting, so he will be too busy playing the field and tasting all the exciting and different ladies at the moment, if you know what I mean , I hope you understand that too .......... haha !

25-11-2016, 09:01 AM
I got my first job at an Asian shop. $100/ per day (~12 hours).

If you were not on a student visa do you think you would have worked a legitimate job and not ended up where you are now?

25-11-2016, 09:11 AM
Mate , I'm the one who put up the list ! If I don't get to go first, where's the benefit of my efforts ? You want to be first ? Put up your own fantasy list brother ......... lol

Ps. Didn't I put you down as the first one after lunch ??........... haha

Hehe just playing with you, mate ;) first one after lunch is pretty good as well, nothing like a relaxing massage after a good meal !

25-11-2016, 10:02 AM
Hehe just playing with you, mate ;) first one after lunch is pretty good as well, nothing like a relaxing massage after a good meal !

Don't fill up yourself too much buddy, you may have more delicious stuff to dine on !

25-11-2016, 07:24 PM
Sorry Kingwally,

I can't include every brother you know, and in your case, wasn't sure whether you are in Queensland or Sydney ? ....... lol

And of course, when you book, you get the first booking ok !

Thanks Ahlungor....a treat for a Queenslander living in Sydney!

25-11-2016, 09:38 PM
Is it just me or do lots of people know who babycat is now? I still have no idea as I'm not as well versed with the variety of girls around Sydney, but it seems like you guys all know who she is...

25-11-2016, 11:55 PM
obviously you guys havent checked out her new dp then ;)

26-11-2016, 12:32 AM
Why of course everyone knows who she is - she's babycat! Unless you mean in real life, but that doesn't seem to matter much to her many followers keenly engaging with her here. She could be a guy sitting in his parents basement for all they know (she probably isn't) :-D
Yeah I mean in real life...Seems brothers know which shop she works at too...

obviously you guys havent checked out her new dp then ;)
New DP?

26-11-2016, 05:44 AM
Thanks for sharing Babycat.

Life is not easy. A lot of similar stories from other ML I met. Many are genuine and nice people who shouldn't be in the industry but have little choice.

This is just a short term gig. Do what you need to do, and then move on. Try not to let the comments you hear in the shop affect you too much but don't put up with bad behaviour. Build a list of regulars who treat you well and it will be a lot easier.

Take care Babycat.

26-11-2016, 05:59 AM
The question is... there's lots of girls in same position as babycat but do they all end up as wl/ml? Obviously not. It's a choice. Most rather get paid $10 dollars an hour than shame to their family? No family would accept their child doing that sort of work.

26-11-2016, 06:59 AM
The question is... there's lots of girls in same position as babycat but do they all end up as wl/ml? Obviously not. It's a choice. Most rather get paid $10 dollars an hour than shame to their family? No family would accept their child doing that sort of work.
That's why I share my feelings here, with strangers.

26-11-2016, 07:23 AM
To be honest, the easy/quixk money has become an addiction for most of these ML/WL? Can they go back and work a normal job which doesn't pay anywhere near what they get at the moment? There's a reason why they keep coming back to the same job.

26-11-2016, 07:37 AM
Babycat you admit suffer from depression . This is no shock as a WL faces a variety of
hazards daily. It is not a shock anybody involved in prostitution suffers from a variety
of stress disorder. The myth of a happy hooker is nonsense. I like most of the members
are amateur counsellors . I am not be cruel but maybe you see a real counsellor ?

26-11-2016, 08:36 AM
Thanks for sharing Babycat.

Life is not easy. A lot of similar stories from other ML I met. Many are genuine and nice people who shouldn't be in the industry but have little choice.

This is just a short term gig. Do what you need to do, and then move on. Try not to let the comments you hear in the shop affect you too much but don't put up with bad behaviour. Build a list of regulars who treat you well and it will be a lot easier.

Take care Babycat.

Well said! That's the right attitude !

26-11-2016, 08:38 AM
Why of course everyone knows who she is - she's babycat! Unless you mean in real life, but that doesn't seem to matter much to her many followers keenly engaging with her here. She could be a guy sitting in his parents basement for all they know (she probably isn't) :-D

Rest assured, little Babycat is a genuine massage lady, I trusted my source .

26-11-2016, 08:54 AM
I like most of the members
are amateur counsellors . I am not be cruel but maybe you see a real counsellor ?

This x 1000. You can't work in an industry that causes you to have emotional issues, and then seek guidance from people who perpetuate said industry.

26-11-2016, 09:57 AM
That's why I share my feelings here, with strangers.

Sounds like you really need to talk ! Or just a long hug ?

May be I should come to see you soon ?

26-11-2016, 10:05 AM
Sounds like you really need to talk ! Or just a long hug ?

May be I should come to see you soon ?

AR please then ;)

26-11-2016, 11:05 AM
AR please then ;)

Sorry Sam,

There will be no AR on Baby .

I will be there just to comfort her and listen.

26-11-2016, 11:57 AM
Sorry Sam,

There will be no AR on Baby .

I will be there just to comfort her and listen.

Thanks, Uncle. I appreciate that. But I'm a kind of person who is quiet in conversation but prefer writing down the feeling. Type of listeners. Sometimes I speak up about my depression then very quickly change the topic. Covering my feelings while talking unfortunately become my habit. And I don't want to have a vanilla booking, but getting money form Uncle will be an awkward moment, :)

AR please then ;)
Sam Sam, you should receive punishment, lol

This x 1000. You can't work in an industry that causes you to have emotional issues, and then seek guidance from people who perpetuate said industry.
Maybe I didn't explain clearly. Guidance here means we listen to each other's perspectives at different sides to understand people from opposite positions. It helps me to improve my services.

26-11-2016, 12:07 PM
Sorry brother woods, as I said , I can't list everybody and you certainly can go the next day and try your luck .........haha

Is this a real booking session for Babycat? I'm in! I like last bookings before supper at Golden Century...

26-11-2016, 12:15 PM
Hi Babycat,

Let's see, I will give you a perfect clients list for a day of work for you:

Shop: 227 Broadway

10am Ahlungor
11am Ouch
12pm Irene

1.30pm Sam88
2.30pm Alan86

4.00pm Licker
5.00pm Adobe
6.00pm Caff
7.00pm Travelmate
8.00pm Cmk

You should have a pretty nice day serving this lot and have heaps of fun !

You like ??


Ps. Sorry guys if I missed your name , you can go on the next shift .........haha

Ps2, and Babycat should get at least 8-9 reviews from them too!

Wow! If you put Travelmate before me... Babycat would be too tired to lift a finger... I might have to give her a massage in my session!

26-11-2016, 12:17 PM
Sam Sam, you should receive punishment, lol

Oh dear, what kind of punishment will you incur on me? :prettiness:

26-11-2016, 12:22 PM
Thanks, Uncle. I appreciate that. And I don't want to have a vanilla booking, but getting money form Uncle will be an awkward moment, :)

Maybe I didn't explain clearly. Guidance here means we listen to each other's perspectives at different sides to understand people from opposite positions. It helps me to improve my services.

And you meant taking tips from me only right ?

That's easy Baby, you can be my legit massage girl and the pants stays on the whole time and I don't even have to turn over........haha

I hope you have a decent part I as my standard is pretty high when my back is tight and sore which is right now . So you have to earn your fees, no free lunch from uncle you know....... lol

And for massage only, I can afford to see you twice a week too .

26-11-2016, 12:43 PM
Wow! If you put Travelmate before me... Babycat would be too tired to lift a finger... I might have to give her a massage in my session!

Well brother, by putting you on the last booking , I was hoping perhaps you would either take the lady out for a supper afterwards or give her a lift home ? Gentleman cmk !

26-11-2016, 01:03 PM
Well brother, by putting you on the last booking , I was hoping perhaps you would either take the lady out for a supper afterwards or give her a lift home ? Gentleman cmk !

Request accepted...

26-11-2016, 06:02 PM
Thanks Alungor, you ruined the topic and becoming a troll thread and a joke.

26-11-2016, 07:36 PM
Thanks Alungor, you ruined the topic and becoming a troll thread and a joke.

This post started off as serious but turned into a debacle i agree. Poor Massage King
got slaughtered drag through the mud for what ? I am sure BC is real but she is a
polarizing figure who seems to have a Kardashian personality who relishes members
quarrelling over her. I see why you irrate other members. I know this is a bastard
thing to say but your are a prostitute thats a fact no bullshit. You are on a adult
prostitution forum welcome to the big league feminist.

26-11-2016, 07:53 PM
This post started off as serious but turned into a debacle i agree. Poor Massage King
got slaughtered drag through the mud for what ? I am sure BC is real but she is a
polarizing figure who seems to have a Kardashian personality who relishes members
quarrelling over her. I see why you irrate other members. I know this is a bastard
thing to say but your are a prostitute thats a fact no bullshit. You are on a adult
prostitution forum welcome to the big league feminist.

Not sure if Babycat is a prostitute...she says she is a massage lady...maybe she hasn't crossed the line yet...but I was under the impression that she was doing massage with just standard extras (H/Js)

26-11-2016, 08:09 PM
.... I know this is a bastard
thing to say but your are a prostitute thats a fact no bullshit. You are on a adult
prostitution forum welcome to the big league feminist. A little bit harsh there.. I know BC is a ML which encompasses everything from the odd tug from a legitimate place to yes, fs from some ML's for some customers... Which is far removed from someone doing fs day in day out with not a lot of choice of who they have to service. I just read what she says and have a bit of empathy for her situation, something you come across if you listen to many ML's who are here as students and choose this as a way to earn money..sometimes that's all they want, a customer who'll understand them a little and not judge

26-11-2016, 08:10 PM
This post started off as serious but turned into a debacle i agree. Poor Massage King
got slaughtered drag through the mud for what ? I am sure BC is real but she is a
polarizing figure who seems to have a Kardashian personality who relishes members
quarrelling over her. I see why you irrate other members. I know this is a bastard
thing to say but your are a prostitute thats a fact no bullshit. You are on a adult
prostitution forum welcome to the big league feminist.

Not sure if Babycat is a prostitute...she says she is a massage lady...maybe she hasn't crossed the line yet...but I was under the impression that she was doing massage with just standard extras (H/Js)

You guys can judge depends on whatever you believe and I don't have rights to stop it. No need to explain and make things too serious here. Enjoy the forum.

Massage King
26-11-2016, 10:04 PM
This post started off as serious but turned into a debacle i agree. Poor Massage King
got slaughtered drag through the mud for what ? I am sure BC is real but she is a
polarizing figure who seems to have a Kardashian personality who relishes members
quarrelling over her. I see why you irrate other members. I know this is a bastard
thing to say but your are a prostitute thats a fact no bullshit. You are on a adult
prostitution forum welcome to the big league feminist.

I think there is quite a few(caff definitely) in here who outside a shop have never approached a girl, let alone fucked one, so as soon a female member appears they try to outdo each other to be white knights and political correctness police officers. Mind you, all this happens without even confirmation if the poster is actually female haha which in this case it may actually be true but as far as I'm concerned WHO CARES, it's just another ML....if it was one of the hot popular ML out there, chances are I would have already tried at the shop or got some intel from others here to go and see. As yet I've heard NOTHING and that tells me something

Anyway, I've stayed away from the topic and don't engage with her on the forum because I can see trying to fight the white knights, political correctness police, and lap dogs is a waste time and at the end of the day, each to their own.

27-11-2016, 04:26 AM
You guys can judge depends on whatever you believe and I don't have rights to stop it. No need to explain and make things too serious here. Enjoy the forum.Good reply...some people take this forum too seriously!

27-11-2016, 05:34 AM
"I'm faded. So lost. The monsters running wild inside of me"
But it's hard job. It takes my energy and trust in life. Becoming doubtful a d scared of everything. And sensitive. Bad clients act like wild animals, and treat me like animal too. Have to choke anger back many times but keep smiling, even when they strangle or slap me. Or being abused by dirty talk. Some asked me if I like to be tied up and raped. One told me about his incestuous relationship with his best friend and sister in two hours. So hateful but still try to finish sessions nicely.

I think I'm coward. Many people are hungry for money but they choose normal/proper jobs. But I'm not strong enough to accept a difficult way to go through (actually this job is not easy to deal with and tiring too). I'm still preparing for my retirement day, when I have a proper job and a normal life. Be strong enough to get the first step of a long journey. And hope to find someone who not let me stay in shadow nor want sex from me only.

Good reply...some people take this forum too seriously!

Lol well the original post was kind of serious. Reads like an excerpt from the intro to a Dr Phil episode.

27-11-2016, 06:04 AM
Babycat views can be quite incisive there is no disputing that. But BC has more
personalities than a rubic cube and depending on her mood BC can be quite
destructive. When it suits BC she will play the damsel in distress act and there
are no shortage of punters who will play the white knight and BC feeds off this
chivalry act. At least though not everybody is falling for this attention seeking
act and now realise she is having are good chuckle as members quarrel over her.
BC would make a good Shakespeare writer as she is the drama queen of this
forum and the most manipulative one too. No BC we are not being serious we
know what gaming you are playing.

27-11-2016, 10:07 AM
Babycat views can be quite incisive there is no disputing that. But BC has more
personalities than a rubic cube and depending on her mood BC can be quite
destructive. When it suits BC she will play the damsel in distress act and there
are no shortage of punters who will play the white knight and BC feeds off this
chivalry act. At least though not everybody is falling for this attention seeking
act and now realise she is having are good chuckle as members quarrel over her.
BC would make a good Shakespeare writer as she is the drama queen of this
forum and the most manipulative one too. No BC we are not being serious we
know what gaming you are playing.

Thanks for your perspective. It helps the forum be more interesting and lively. Feel free to express your opinions. Just one thing should be considered is the fact is you are right does not mean that people are wrong.

27-11-2016, 10:25 AM
I think there is quite a few(caff definitely) in here who outside a shop have never approached a girl, let alone fucked one, so as soon a female member appears they try to outdo each other to be white knights and political correctness police officers. Mind you, all this happens without even confirmation if the poster is actually female haha which in this case it may actually be true but as far as I'm concerned WHO CARES, it's just another ML....if it was one of the hot popular ML out there, chances are I would have already tried at the shop or got some intel from others here to go and see. As yet I've heard NOTHING and that tells me something

Anyway, I've stayed away from the topic and don't engage with her on the forum because I can see trying to fight the white knights, political correctness police, and lap dogs is a waste time and at the end of the day, each to their own.

Yeah, they like to play the role of white knights and you like to be a big bully. And It's not bad if some express their opinions against me straight away here, not secretly send messages to harass me. I think my opinion doesn't harm anyone here as I deliberate to express them without insults. I'm very happy that you ignore me.

27-11-2016, 10:32 AM
Yeah, they like to play the role of white knights and you like to be a big bully. And It's not bad if some express their opinions against me straight away here, not secretly send messages to harass me. I think my opinion doesn't harm anyone here as I deliberate to express them without insults. I'm very happy that you ignore me.

Hey Babycat, there are always trolls, haters and people trying to bully other members in a forum like this. If the message anyone sent to you is abusive and harassing , just forward it to the "Aus99 Admin" and it will be dealt with in accordance to forum rules and codes of conducts.

27-11-2016, 10:44 AM
We are supposed to be lovers not fighters.

27-11-2016, 12:18 PM
You might want to have a read of your lengthy first post in this thread, young lady :) It seems you started off pretty darn serious on this topic of yours but now having trouble handling the heat...

She won't get much sympathy from a forum full of men that pay for sex!

Massage King
27-11-2016, 02:20 PM
She won't get much sympathy from a forum full of men that pay for sex!

Except perhaps from shillgore and a few others. Maybe he thinks he can score a free session if he writes a hyped report on her. But that's a topic for another thread.

27-11-2016, 02:35 PM
You might want to have a read of your lengthy first post in this thread, young lady :) It seems you started off psretty darn serious on this topic of yours but now having trouble handling the heat...

Babycat you have to be held more accountable for your actions. Many of the members took you
serious on this topic but you let this thread slip into a fiasco. You made a fool out of everyone.
You can't cry over spilled milk or cry wolf when you caused this. What is more irritating is your
disgraceful behaviour of playing the bullied member as a excuse . You might silence other
members from coming forward but that won't work on gammera.

27-11-2016, 02:50 PM
Except perhaps from shillgore and a few others. Maybe he thinks he can score a free session if he writes a hyped report on her. But that's a topic for another thread.

Uncle shillgor is trying hard to meet up with Babycat after leading the campaign to call her out as a fake.

27-11-2016, 02:55 PM
Uncle shillgor is trying hard to meet up with Babycat after leading the campaign to call her out as a fake.

This forum is becoming to incestuous :miao:

27-11-2016, 02:59 PM
This forum is becoming to incestuous :miao:

Yes when members refer to young wls/mls as little sister and milf sex workers as aunty it makes you wonder how their perverted mind is working! ;) ;) ;)

27-11-2016, 03:10 PM
Yes when members refer to young wls/mls as little sister and milf sex workers as aunty it makes you wonder how their perverted mind is working! ;) ;) ;)

Babycat more likely some love child from some member :shout:

27-11-2016, 04:19 PM
Babycat more likely some love child from some member :shout:

Definitely some daddy issues going on there.

27-11-2016, 05:03 PM
Hey Babycat, there are always trolls, haters and people trying to bully other members in a forum like this. If the message anyone sent to you is abusive and harassing , just forward it to the "Aus99 Admin" and it will be dealt with in accordance to forum rules and codes of conducts.

Irony coming from you based on what you've turned this thread into. I always wonder what incentives you get from the hyped reviews you write?

27-11-2016, 05:04 PM
Yes when members refer to young wls/mls as little sister and milf sex workers as aunty it makes you wonder how their perverted mind is working! ;) ;) ;)

More likely a translation issue.

Not really sure what some guy's problem is with this thread. If you want to stay in the fantasy world of punting where you believe wls and mls just love to serve you and have no issues at all with their work then don't read it.

27-11-2016, 05:04 PM
Babycat has her groupies who cling to BC like a loves struck first grader. These
groupies are a obedient sycophant to BC who adores this worshipping. BC in
turn has them obeying her every wish and this is very creepy.

27-11-2016, 05:39 PM
This reminds me of that aussie movie careless love.

Hey babycat, you should check it out (if you can find it anywhere). I think youll find it interesting.

27-11-2016, 07:26 PM
Shucks its time to move on Babycat. BC I just want you to be more accountable with
your posts. Its like politics some are people are left wing and right wing. We might
not agree on everything but you are quite intelligent and should be allowed to express
you views freely without interference from me. Please don't reply to this post will
mean that this chapter is now closed :miao:

27-11-2016, 08:09 PM
Have the thread police gone now? Is it back to normal and safe to come out?

27-11-2016, 08:19 PM
just shows how psychotic some people are on here lol

27-11-2016, 08:40 PM
dont you just love the internet, personally i love it. so many smart intelligent alpha cunts here, keeps me so hard at night

27-11-2016, 08:47 PM
I think some guys here want to say- 食得咸鱼抵得渴 lol

27-11-2016, 09:43 PM
I think some guys here want to say-
食得咸鱼抵得渴 lol

I'm pretty sure Babycat knew that from day 1 when she joined the club . And everything else that come with the job!

well, lots of people from both sides of the fence are having a say in this thread which is great for the forum !

Personally, I think most people are happy and thankful that we now have an active poster who just happened to be a massage lady and how good is her English !

Won't it be great for BC to hang around and gives her ml perspectives on many interesting topics in a long term basis and gets to 5,000 posts ?

28-11-2016, 12:02 AM
I'm pretty sure Babycat knew that from day 1 when she joined the club . And everything else that come with the job!

well, lots of people from both sides of the fence are having a say in this thread which is great for the forum !

Personally, I think most people are happy and thankful that we now have an active poster who just happened to be a massage lady and how good is her English !

Won't it be great for BC to hang around and gives her ml perspectives on many interesting topics in a long term basis and gets to 5,000 posts ?

Most people have a real life and don't need to count posts and seek approval by forum members.
You are the only member who feels the need to congratulate themselves every thousand posts as if it's a real life milestone worthy of a celebration!

28-11-2016, 12:12 PM
Thanks for sharing Babycat, I'm a little bit late in this thread. It's good too get a perspective from the ML - we don't really know what life is like on the other side. I'm sure we all started somewhere similar - working long hours for shitty pay (I know I did). Yes, we don't all end up as ML or WL (damn, if I could get paid for massaging women and giving them a happy ending - I'd be in there like a slingshot). As long as you keep it from your family and friends and you enjoy your job - then there isn't a problem (if you can ignore society views).
I think depression can set in - in any job. I used to travel a lot, enjoyed it at first but then the loneliness of the job got to me (that's how I got into punting). Keep your head up high and see the positive side of life.

28-11-2016, 12:15 PM
(damn, if I could get paid for massaging women and giving them a happy ending - I'd be in there like a slingshot). .

Haha that's what I always tell the MLs I see ;)

28-11-2016, 04:33 PM
Most people have a real life and don't need to count posts and seek approval by forum members.
You are the only member who feels the need to congratulate themselves every thousand posts as if it's a real life milestone worthy of a celebration!

And this is just one of many forums that he goes on?

28-11-2016, 05:16 PM
Pretty Woman in Sydney parlour !
Just need to find Richard Gere for a hand job and taking care of her and family !!!

Please apply through web chat $$$$$$ !

I am always wondering how many people believe in such stories.

Common one : I dated a hooker with a gold heart

Second : Great love through paying a lot of money in/out side brothel.

Third: I am still pure soul save me ( + $$$ and aus passport/marriage ).

Oldest tricks in the book !!!

Another thing to consider a lot of nerds / writers attached to forums, such as and pretend to be a WG/ML !!

Have a good laugh

28-11-2016, 05:49 PM
And this is just one of many forums that he goes on?

Sad but true.

God Member
28-11-2016, 05:50 PM
wthing, with my favourite and most mesmerising avatar, is back. :miao:

28-11-2016, 06:16 PM
Pretty Woman in Sydney parlour !
Just need to find Richard Gere for a hand job and taking care of her and family !!!

Please apply through web chat $$$$$$ !

I am always wondering how many people believe in such stories.

Common one : I dated a hooker with a gold heart

Second : Great love through paying a lot of money in/out side brothel.

Third: I am still pure soul save me ( + $$$ and aus passport/marriage ).

Oldest tricks in the book !!!

Another thing to consider a lot of nerds / writers attached to forums, such as and pretend to be a WG/ML !!

Have a good laugh
Did I say I need some sugar daddy or a partner for financial support?
Did I say I look for an ashole for Aussie passport?
The value you look for might not the value everyone looks for.
And of course, an ashole deserves a hooker with a gold heart. That's not surprised. Let me laugh at your pure soul! Haha! Poor a life attached to material only.

28-11-2016, 06:18 PM
Jesus + Mighty $$$ is winning team !

No to BS, Yes to professional WG /ML !


28-11-2016, 06:19 PM
Jesus + Mighty $$$ is winning team !

No to BS, Yes to professional WG /ML !


Mr Bastard
28-11-2016, 06:34 PM
Bit of self massaging going on all round at present............

28-11-2016, 07:16 PM
best avatar I have ever seen Mr Mighty Money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Skippy tasman
28-11-2016, 08:07 PM
This reminds me of that aussie movie careless love.

Hey babycat, you should check it out (if you can find it anywhere). I think youll find it interesting.

I saw that movie,good flick recommend all watch if possible.i even meet the hot actress in it ....smoking hot girl in real life as well as on screen

28-11-2016, 11:35 PM

And finally
Did I say I need some sugar daddy or a partner for financial support? YES otherwise what for you wrote this story ??
Did I say I look for an ashole for Aussie passport? YES if offered I am 100% sure you did not refuse ...

28-11-2016, 11:45 PM
Such a smartass! So hilarious! Can't held but laughing.

28-11-2016, 11:49 PM
Irony coming from you based on what you've turned this thread into. I always wonder what incentives you get from the hyped reviews you write?

Thou shalt not question thy forum shillgor!

29-11-2016, 12:03 AM
An entertaining thread, thanks Babycat. Though I'd love to hear a linguist's opinion on your written English skills. Did you say you were an intermediate ESL student? You could make a fortune by giving tips on how to achieve such a high degree of vocabulary and syntax variation with so little instruction. You are quite extraordinary.

Massage King
29-11-2016, 12:11 AM

And finally
Did I say I need some sugar daddy or a partner for financial support? YES otherwise what for you wrote this story ??
Did I say I look for an ashole for Aussie passport? YES if offered I am 100% sure you did not refuse ...

LOL so funny and possibly not far from the truth

Maybe inbox is already full with marriage proposals from guys that have never touched a woman outside of a massage shop. Selection process may take a while as finding the biggest sucker takes time.

Massage King
29-11-2016, 12:12 AM
An entertaining thread, thanks Babycat. Though I'd love to hear a linguist's opinion on your written English skills. Did you say you were an intermediate ESL student? You could make a fortune by giving tips on how to achieve such a high degree of vocabulary and syntax variation with so little instruction. You are quite extraordinary.

You lost me at syntax variation. What are you trying to say?

29-11-2016, 12:18 AM
LOL so funny and possibly not far from the truth

Maybe inbox is already full with marriage proposals from guys that have never touched a woman outside of a massage shop. Selection process may take a while as finding the biggest sucker takes time.
Or from some bullies who try to harass me, my dear?

Massage King
29-11-2016, 12:25 AM
Or from some bullies who try to harass me, my dear?

I just called you a fake and that you will be exposed in time. Something that a lot of people on here think as well but never say publicly.

If you still have the PMs why don't you post them in the forum?

29-11-2016, 01:25 AM
Yes, you're a naive old man !/


29-11-2016, 01:32 AM
Massage King sorry to see you go brother. Babycat though we have completely different
ideology I respect your tenacity . For that reason I will always sit on the fence with
your posts & threads & even though you have eliminated a member who shared the
same ideology as me. Once again please don't reply to this post nothing
personally that's just me.

29-11-2016, 06:44 AM
Massage King sorry to see you go brother. Babycat though we have completely different
ideology I respect your tenacity . For that reason I will always sit on the fence with
your posts & threads & even though you have eliminated a member who shared the
same ideology as me. Once again please don't reply to this post nothing
personally that's just me.
I think you'll find he eliminated himself, don't blame others if you act like a dick...

29-11-2016, 07:21 AM
[QUOTE=kezza;967195]I think you'll find he eliminated himself, don't blame others if you act like a dick...[/Q:DUOTE]:)

Take babycat out of the equation. With people like kezza in the world Israel Palestine , Pakistan
India Kashmir border , Spratly Island dispute , Russia Balkans will go on forever. Kezza wants
a quarrel as I said chapter close kezza. I will cut this quarrel at the knees head on . You win
kezza . Enjoy your day :D

29-11-2016, 07:53 AM
You too...

29-11-2016, 08:09 AM
Massage King sorry to see you go brother. Babycat though we have completely different
ideology I respect your tenacity . For that reason I will always sit on the fence with
your posts & threads & even though you have eliminated a member who shared the
same ideology as me. Once again please don't reply to this post nothing
personally that's just me.

I think you're one of the very few that mourn the passing of Massage King, ask Ahlungor if you don't believe me ! ;) ;) ;)

29-11-2016, 08:22 AM
I think you're one of the very few that mourn the passing of Massage King, ask Ahlungor if you don't believe me ! ;) ;) ;)

There are a few more I can name to be put under the sword right now brother Wil !

29-11-2016, 08:42 AM
You lost me at syntax variation. What are you trying to say?

Think about how you use your mother tongue. I know I express myself differently according to circumstance. Depending on to whom i'm speaking i use a range of sentence structure. Obviously this is limited in language students. They just learn one way of saying something; and don't learn variations unless they are very very bright and exposed to multiple English environments. I'm saying that Babycat's writings reveal a remarkable range of sentence structure. It reads as if it were written by a native English speaker pretending to be a non-native speaker.

God Member
29-11-2016, 11:42 AM
Wayne certainly doesn't talk down to us with his eriudite postings! But instead of intoning from on high using difficult terms Wayne, can you illustrate with quoted examples where you see these ~ variations in Babycat's writing? I think you are seeing a forest where there are just trees. :D

More objectively, have a look at how feminine the handwriting is in the sand in BC's avatar.

29-11-2016, 12:23 PM
I have yet to see people write or say the word 'cheers' if english is their 2nd language. That's an example.

29-11-2016, 01:01 PM
English is my secondary language and I use cheers a lot... What are you trying to say?

29-11-2016, 01:32 PM
I have yet to see people write or say the word 'cheers' if english is their 2nd language. That's an example.

Are you serious ?

29-11-2016, 01:49 PM
More objectively, have a look at how feminine the handwriting in the sand is in BC's avatar.

This should be case closed. I mean, have any of you doubters looked at the sand? Look at it for God's sake. Look at the sand and bask in its feminine glory.

Case closed.

29-11-2016, 01:55 PM
I have yet to see people write or say the word 'cheers' if english is their 2nd language. That's an example.

Total BS. My company employs girls from Japan, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan they all use cheers in both written and spoken form.

29-11-2016, 02:02 PM
wow it's still hot here lol
yeah her english is too good.. I'm jelly :( ㅋㅋㅋ


29-11-2016, 03:26 PM
I think you're one of the very few that mourn the passing of Massage King, ask Ahlungor if you don't believe me ! ;) ;) ;)

Yep, I agree, there's been some toxic posters over the years, but his kindergarten misogyny reeked ... poor man's Donald Trump ... very good call Admin.

Admin - still some work to do on that front ...?

29-11-2016, 07:46 PM
Yep, I agree, there's been some toxic posters over the years, but his kindergarten misogyny reeked ... poor man's Donald Trump ... very good call Admin.

Admin - still some work to do on that front ...?

Typical left wing feminist pansy . You are obviously a eunuch . If I was you employer
the only job I would offer would be to blow dry my underwear. You are probably
somebody's little bitch you transsexual puppy. You are obvious testosterone deficit.
Crawl back to the whole you came from . :fire:

God Member
29-11-2016, 08:05 PM
If I was you employer the only job I would offer would be to blow dry my underwear.

That's funny!

But your subsequent abuse lets it down... :question:

29-11-2016, 09:00 PM
Typical left wing feminist pansy . You are obviously a eunuch . If I was you employer
the only job I would offer would be to blow dry my underwear. You are probably
somebody's little bitch you transsexual puppy. You are obvious testosterone deficit.
Crawl back to the whole you came from . :fire:

Jeez, he blow dries his undies ...

Nice work Admin ...

29-11-2016, 09:14 PM
Any thread where babycat post something the wonderful variations of keyboard warriors appear. Its like a really bad kpop drama infused with low level iq politics ..... i love it.

The way the topics bounce around, much suspense .. it like keeps me on my toes. Please keep going guys.

PS. I am being serious, entertainment level = peaking/offchops.

Kind Regards,

29-11-2016, 09:32 PM
Nice work Admin ...

By the time Admin bans poundher and newbee as well, the forum will be a much nicer place .

29-11-2016, 09:51 PM
By the time Admin bans poundher and newbee as well, the forum will be a much nicer place .

So basically you want administration to ban anyone that speaks up against you?

29-11-2016, 10:18 PM
So basically you want administration to ban anyone that speaks up against you?

Stop acting innocent, how many times have you been banned before again, again, again and again under countless other user names : 8 inches, IamSam, 20cms, mista, puntbook, kuntous, Max Fake, Son of Max, etc etc , all annoying shitty flies and nasty assholes !!

And I never throw the first punch against you trolls !

29-11-2016, 10:40 PM
Stop acting innocent, how many times have you been banned before again, again, again and again under countless other user names : 8 inches, IamSam, 20cms, mista, puntbook, kuntous, Max Fake, Son of Max, etc etc , all annoying shitty flies and nasty assholes !!

And I never throw the first punch against you trolls !

I'm not sure of what you speak ok.
Trolls don't write reviews.
They just troll the Internet forums looking for some loser to argue with.
I pay 4 play and type up legit non biased reviews.


If anyone is acting like a troll take a good look in the mirror with your name calling and use of foul language it shows your lack of communication skills and bad character.

29-11-2016, 10:57 PM
Think about how you use your mother tongue. I know I express myself differently according to circumstance. Depending on to whom i'm speaking i use a range of sentence structure. Obviously this is limited in language students. They just learn one way of saying something; and don't learn variations unless they are very very bright and exposed to multiple English environments. I'm saying that Babycat's writings reveal a remarkable range of sentence structure. It reads as if it were written by a native English speaker pretending to be a non-native speaker.

Wayne that is exactly what I was writing about ! Couple of writers with vested interest and 1000th posts without any meaningful info hold
normal punters at the bay and writing posts ... about nothing. probably BS face could be one of them just to stir forum showing higher than
usual activity ??

30-11-2016, 04:49 AM
I though babycat's English is too good to be an oversea student . I have met or seen oversea student who are very smart with a university degree being studying English for 2 years and still couldn't write like babycat . But they manage to get a job that pays $35 per hour . I had doubt that's she is an oversea student . I think babycat is local a gay guy who got nothing to do but are having fun writing fake stories .

30-11-2016, 05:05 AM
Stop acting innocent, how many times have you been banned before again, again, again and again under countless other user names : 8 inches, IamSam, 20cms, mista, puntbook, kuntous, Max Fake, Son of Max, etc etc , all annoying shitty flies and nasty assholes !!

And I never throw the first punch against you trolls !

Yet you spend more times on the forums than anyone else. What does that say about you?

30-11-2016, 07:35 AM
*passes the popcorn*

30-11-2016, 08:24 AM
Yet you spend more times on the forums than anyone else. What does that say about you?

Sounds like you know that for a fact ? Of course you would .

And what does that say about you and all those other trolls when you spent even more times watching my every moves, read and digest everything I ever posted in the forum looking for any opportunity to attack and bully ?

Get a life !

30-11-2016, 08:42 AM
Yet you spend more times on the forums than anyone else. What does that say about you?

It says a lot about the shillgor.
But there's no need for foul language and name calling at the same time there's no need to flood the forum.
This is typical behavior of a very sad lonely man.
Case closed.

30-11-2016, 10:45 AM
Sounds like you know that for a fact ? Of course you would .

And what does that say about you and all those other trolls when you spent even more times watching my every moves, read and digest everything I ever posted in the forum looking for any opportunity to attack and bully ?

Get a life !

Irony. 28000 posts and that's only from one forum😂

30-11-2016, 11:01 AM
I though babycat's English is too good to be an oversea student . I have met or seen oversea student who are very smart with a university degree being studying English for 2 years and still couldn't write like babycat . But they manage to get a job that pays $35 per hour . I had doubt that's she is an oversea student . I think babycat is local a gay guy who got nothing to do but are having fun writing fake stories .

Thanks for your compliment about my writing. Uni stuff did help me to improve that skill much. You have no idea how lucky you are when English is your first language. But English is my second/ foreign language and I'm struggling with communications everyday.
There are four skills of language: writing, reading, listening and speaking. And my weaknesses are speaking and listening, unfortunately due to the fact that I'm an internal person and the education system of English in my country. Our education structure focuses mainly on grammar which is good for academic writing, but not on listening and pronunciation. That can be illustrated by researches about Asian students' performances in IELTS: higher band score in writing and reading. I think my writing is not bad as first, I have ideas to write about. Second, I have time to look up vocabularies and check grammar. Sometimes I look up a particular word in my language, then look up again in English to make sure that I use it properly. But it's hard to use dictionary while talking, lol.

Have to admit that my speaking and listening skills are bad and if you guys ask me "Pardon?" I will be panic. I'm frustrated while speaking. Of course I have to overcome my fear of giving speeches and communicating, not seek for people' sympathetic if I stay here as no one can help me if I don't try. I remember the first time I went to Vodafone shop for phone contract, after my explaining, the staff told me without giving me a look: go home and bring anyone who can speak better English here to talk to me! That's hurt, right? It's much better now but at the beginning, it was so terrible. I sent approximately 3-5 emails per day to apply for job on Gumtree, but most of Oz restaurants/cafeteria ask staff to be able to carry 3 plates at the same time which is too heavy for me.

Improving speaking and listening requires lots of practices but I'm kind of internal person, and don't want to disturb or bother people. At work, I let my clients rest and relax unless they eager to talk to me.

Anyway, your information encouraged me that I can take a job with better pay. It really brought me hopes.

30-11-2016, 11:05 AM
Yet you spend more times on the forums than anyone else. What does that say about you?

Ask his employer (LOL)

30-11-2016, 11:10 AM
DRAG Queen Fantasy.. like it!

30-11-2016, 12:15 PM
Ask his employer (LOL)

LOL.. isn't he like 50?

30-11-2016, 12:37 PM
Any staff member in my team spending countless hours spamming sex forums with dick pix, weather updates, sporting events and celebrity gossip during working hours is begging for an instant dismissal.

30-11-2016, 01:06 PM
It says a lot about the shillgor.
But there's no need for foul language and name calling at the same time there's no need to flood the forum.
This is typical behavior of a very sad lonely man.
Case closed.

Irony. 28000 posts and that's only from one forum��
And I just think that's not your business, guys!

30-11-2016, 01:24 PM
I have worked in Asia and alot of my ex colleagues have very decent English but are extremely poor in speaking.

30-11-2016, 01:39 PM
I have worked in Asia and alot of my ex colleagues have very decent English but are extremely poor in speaking.

Poor listening skill is due to poor pronunciation. The sound in their memory is different than the sound they're hearing, that's why they don't understand. Just like an Aussie has trouble understanding the American or Irish accents.

30-11-2016, 03:03 PM
LOL.. isn't he like 50?.. and this is relevant to this thread in what way?!..... oh, I nearly forgot....LOL

30-11-2016, 05:23 PM

And I just think that's not your business, guys!

Thank you for your support little sister ! Much appreciated.

And thanks for meeting me for coffee this afternoon , I think we can both use a little chat ! And I'm totally cool for meeting you outside your shop. And you are such a beautiful sweetie, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise . Love our body hugging in the end, you've made my day !


30-11-2016, 05:40 PM
Poor listening skill is due to poor pronunciation. The sound in their memory is different than the sound they're hearing, that's why they don't understand. Just like an Aussie has trouble understanding the American or Irish accents.

BC has very good English .

30-11-2016, 06:49 PM
Thank you for your support little sister ! Much appreciated.

And thanks for meeting me for coffee this afternoon , I think we can both use a little chat ! And I'm totally cool for meeting you outside your shop. And you are such a beautiful sweetie, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise . Love our body hugging in the end, you've made my day !


Was she hot? ;)

30-11-2016, 06:51 PM
Was she hot? ;)
Maybe not your cup of tea, :)

30-11-2016, 07:06 PM
Thank you for your support little sister ! Much appreciated.

And thanks for meeting me for coffee this afternoon , I think we can both use a little chat ! And I'm totally cool for meeting you outside your shop. And you are such a beautiful sweetie, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise . Love our body hugging in the end, you've made my day !


You are calling her little sister ... so cute . Just dont try to get inside her pants ..lol

30-11-2016, 07:15 PM
Thank you for your support little sister ! Much appreciated.

And thanks for meeting me for coffee this afternoon , I think we can both use a little chat ! And I'm totally cool for meeting you outside your shop. And you are such a beautiful sweetie, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise . Love our body hugging in the end, you've made my day !


Good stuff, obviously BC trust you enough to meet up. Way to go. I wish someone can trust me too.

Mr Bastard
30-11-2016, 07:22 PM
I thought one would tell another whilst in their presence....not a couple of hrs after being with each other via the internet, but hey, I am but a simple fool.........just like the rest of us.......but who can you trust?

30-11-2016, 07:54 PM
Typical left wing feminist pansy . You are obviously a eunuch . If I was you employer
the only job I would offer would be to blow dry my underwear. You are probably
somebody's little bitch you transsexual puppy. You are obvious testosterone deficit.
Crawl back to the whole you came from . :fire:

Pity the guy that tries so hard to get a GF by asking WL/ML out with constant rejections, no self-respect with these rejections, ironic he mentions employer as he has no stable career or family to turn to. Lonely guy but very active on this forum.....

30-11-2016, 09:19 PM
Thank you for your support little sister ! Much appreciated.

And thanks for meeting me for coffee this afternoon , I think we can both use a little chat ! And I'm totally cool for meeting you outside your shop. And you are such a beautiful sweetie, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise . Love our body hugging in the end, you've made my day !


Didn't you follow a 15 year's old girl to mcdonalds?

30-11-2016, 09:24 PM
Good stuff, obviously BC trust you enough to meet up. Way to go. I wish someone can trust me too.

I think the curiosity was mutual, she always thought I am a nice guy which I am of course and I always pictured BC to be this cute little pretty Asian girl and she exceeds my expectations.

So, we shalt meet again sometimes may be for a quick bite but we definitely are more comfortable with each other as friends rather than in a customer/massage lady environment. Sorry to disappoint everyone else, but there would be No AR!


30-11-2016, 10:07 PM
Improving English is all about practicing. it's the opposite of dieting.

apple pie
30-11-2016, 10:29 PM
Didn't you follow a 15 year's old girl to mcdonalds?

Sorry Newbee didn't you mean the ladies toilet.

30-11-2016, 10:41 PM
I'll offer to meet up with babycat and help improve her oral.

30-11-2016, 10:48 PM
I think the curiosity was mutual, she always thought I am a nice guy which I am of course and I always pictured BC to be this cute little pretty Asian girl and she exceeds my expectations.

So, we shalt meet again sometimes may be for a quick bite but we definitely are more comfortable with each other as friends rather than in a customer/massage lady environment. Sorry to disappoint everyone else, but there would be No AR!

Yeah, I prefer not to be in customer/massage lady. That's so embarrassing for me, Uncle. Btw, Uncle, you knew that I could realise you before you introduced yourself, right?

Improving English is all about practicing. it's the opposite of dieting.
I'm trying.

30-11-2016, 11:09 PM
Don't take Chinese customers and you'll improve your English. Also, stay away from other Chinese students so you force yourself to use English more often.

That's the thing that gets to me with international students. They stick to their own kind and use their common language instead of practicing English and then go on to complain about having poor English-speaking skills.

30-11-2016, 11:15 PM
Don't take Chinese customers and you'll improve your English. Also, stay away from other Chinese students so you force yourself to use English more often.

That's the thing that gets to me with international students. They stick to their own kind and use their common language instead of practicing English and then go on to complain about having poor English-speaking skills.
How do you know she's Chinese ? ;) ;) ;)

I'm sure you have a wrong guess.

30-11-2016, 11:16 PM
Btw, Uncle, you knew that I could realise you before you introduced yourself, right?

I'm trying.

I bet he was checking out the mammaries of all the waitresses

30-11-2016, 11:51 PM
No offence to anyone, but there is probably enough material in this thread for a psychiatrist to spend an entire career analysing...

Couldn't agree more LOL

01-12-2016, 01:40 AM
How do you know she's Chinese ? ;) ;) ;)

I'm sure you have a wrong guess.

Replace Chinese with whatever ethnicity. The idea is the same. If you don't utilise a skill often enough, you'll lose it. But I'm guessing she's Taiwanese based on Caffery.

apple pie
01-12-2016, 02:14 AM
I think the curiosity was mutual, she always thought I am a nice guy which I am of course and I always pictured BC to be this cute little pretty Asian girl and she exceeds my expectations.

So, we shalt meet again sometimes may be for a quick bite but we definitely are more comfortable with each other as friends rather than in a customer/massage lady environment. Sorry to disappoint everyone else, but there would be No AR!


How vain . My like a wolf in sheep's clothing :miao:

01-12-2016, 02:30 AM
Replace Chinese with whatever ethnicity. The idea is the same. If you don't utilise a skill often enough, you'll lose it. But I'm guessing she's Taiwanese based on Caffery.

Unfortunately BC is not part of my stable of thoroughbred Taiwanese. If you want my collection that I have sampled here it is.

1. Faye (only a legend in the wind now)
2. Emily at SS
3. Phoebe at SS
4. Angelina (only a fable now)
5. Sylivia at SS

P.s I'm surprised this thread has gone on for so long I haven't had much time to check the forum being in Tokyo and all. What is this a rendition of Trump vs Hillary?

apple pie
01-12-2016, 06:11 AM
Unfortunately BC is not part of my stable of thoroughbred Taiwanese. If you want my collection that I have sampled here it is.

1. Faye (only a legend in the wind now)
2. Emily at SS
3. Phoebe at SS
4. Angelina (only a fable now)
5. Sylivia at SS

P.s I'm surprised this thread has gone on for so long I haven't had much time to check the forum being in Tokyo and all. What is this a rendition of Trump vs Hillary?

caffry more like a very sad desperate ad from a working lady who is washed up
passed her prime looking for a visa. Even more sad the only man that has replied
and arranged a interview is alhungor. :shout:

apple pie
01-12-2016, 07:27 AM
Alhungor is well known for his bias reviews and panama papers style of
doing things. More likely this time he is a agent for working girls . The
going rate for visa is $60000. At 20% commission I wonder why he is
again pushing something that will fill his pockets. :shout:

01-12-2016, 08:22 AM
I bet he was checking out the mammaries of all the waitresses

Haha brother tpol, you know me, but that didn't happen while I was in the presence of BC. But did happen earlier !

As I walked down from Central and pass the YHA, the were three European backpacker girls smoking in the corner , one has no tits but the other two were very busty - like those German Octoberfest beer maids and only wearing some tiny singlet top, I wish I had some business cards from 227 on me and I would hand them out and told them to get a job at Alice's ..........haha

01-12-2016, 08:30 AM
*passes the popcorn*

How about a dead apple pie ?

Oh, sorry , that's a suicidal alias of poundher and newbee, set up just to say the nasty things and launching attacks on other members - again, thanks to Admin's quick action.

01-12-2016, 08:36 AM
How about a dead apple pie ?

Oh, sorry , that's a suicidal alias of poundher and newbee, set up just to say the nasty things and launching attacks on other members - again, thanks to Admin's quick action.

Check your facts before you post.
I know that's very difficult for you as you post whatever comes to mind.
I don't need an alias.

01-12-2016, 08:40 AM
Replace Chinese with whatever ethnicity. The idea is the same. If you don't utilise a skill often enough, you'll lose it. But I'm guessing she's Taiwanese based on Caffery.

Similar situation happened to me with a Vietnamese girl that I've been dating.
Cute and sexy but close to zero communication skills due to the fact that she lives in a viet share house, watches viet drama on YouTube.

01-12-2016, 08:45 AM
Check your facts before you post.
I know that's very difficult for you as you post whatever comes to mind.
I don't need an alias.

Yes you do! Every time you got banned, you come back a little bit smarter but just as nasty as that's who you are, nothing but a computer trolls, attacking other members unprovoked .

Took you a while to build back up to 200 posts now so you don't want to throw that away and start all over again as newbies. So you register a new user name and said all the shitty things you wanted to say and see how long the Admin would put up with it . It happened again and again and I can just pick it up every time !

Die soon !

01-12-2016, 08:48 AM
P.s I'm surprised this thread has gone on for so long I haven't had much time to check the forum being in Tokyo and all. What is this a rendition of Trump vs Hillary?

Welcome back brother Caff,

We need some more support and reinforcement man !!

01-12-2016, 08:54 AM
caffry more like a very sad desperate ad from a working lady who is washed up
passed her prime looking for a visa. Even more sad the only man that has replied
and arranged a interview is alhungor. :shout:

While you are entitled to your opinion, it's a shame you think that way. As Atticus Finch once said
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” You may judge from this post but as someone who has met BC and really gotten to understand how the adult industry works its not as bread and butter as you may think. While I'll admit the main driving force is money, it is cruel for us to assume the person is greedy or in your words "very sad and desperate".I suppose the anominity is a blessing and a curse, while it is my word against everyone elses BC does exist and is not some internet hoax. Here we have someone telling us their story exposing who they really are, their vulnerabilities and weaknesses. They have mentioned before they are not looking for compassion or for someone to feel sorry for them, she just wants us to understand a little bit about her and here we are attacking not only her but each other like animals. While we may not need to show sympathy or compassion to her at the very least try and empathise and give constructive criticism. I know sometimes that's alot to ask from a bunch of punters myself included, but recently this forum has had more drama than an all girl's highschool. Come on people we are better than this, put this thing to rest and put the forum back on track to what its main purpose is. To help punters make informed decisions on where to put their hard earned $$$.

01-12-2016, 08:57 AM
Brother Caff,

He's goooone, don't waste your time .


01-12-2016, 08:58 AM
Yes you do! Every time you got banned, you come back a little bit smarter but just as nasty as that's who you are, nothing but a computer trolls, attacking other members unprovoked .

Took you a while to build back up to 200 posts now so you don't want to throw that away and start all over again as newbies. So you register a new user name and said all the shitty things you wanted to say and see how long the Admin would put up with it . It happened again and again and I can just pick it up every time !

Die soon !

I don't care for post count.
I don't have time for games counting posts and view threads.
I know you're upset as you've been exposed as a shill and if you're going to flood the forum with nonsense expect some members to call you out.

Are you suggesting that every member that has an issue with you is the same person using multuple id and alias to troll you?
Nice conspiracy theory you got going there!
It's up there with ufo and lochness monster!

At your age you should know there's alot more to life than forum politics.
The main reason I decided that enough was enough was when I opened up a GENERAL TALK THREAD unknowingly filled with dick pics spraying cum on tits.
Another issue that arose was your over hyped biased reviews.

Besides those 2 I don't have a problem with a naive old harmless man that spends his days looking for dick pics to flood sex forums.

Your problem is that you try desperately to get people to like you and when someone doesn't that really hurts you so you lash out with name calling and use foul language because you lack the communication skills to do so otherwise.

No need to reply with name calling and low level education foul language.

Because enough said!

Shill exposed.
Case closed.

01-12-2016, 08:59 AM
Welcome back brother Caff,

We need some more support and reinforcement man !!

Still in Tokyo fly back tomorrow night.

01-12-2016, 09:32 AM
Still in Tokyo fly back tomorrow night..

BC may throw you a welcome home party ......... haha

01-12-2016, 10:10 AM
How about a dead apple pie ?
Oh, sorry , that's a suicidal alias of poundher and newbee, set up just to say the nasty things and launching attacks on other members - again, thanks to Admin's quick action.

Not sure if you are stupid or what? Go do an IP match or even the way we type. Any smart person would know it's 2 different person. You sir need to look at yourself in the mirror. You think the young girls at the shops would like an old fart like you whose ready for pension

01-12-2016, 11:05 AM
Not sure if you are stupid or what? Go do an IP match or even the way we type. Any smart person would know it's 2 different person. You sir need to look at yourself in the mirror. You think the young girls at the shops would like an old fart like you whose ready for pension

Enough said.
No need to stoop down to shillgor low level name calling, the truth really says enough about the situation.
It's bad karma to make fun of people less fortunate than yourself.
I do feel sorry for the guy, discredited and in desperate need of some sort of approval from forum members and delusional paranoia about forum members creating alias id's to conspire against him.
That itself should be enough evidence of mental instability.
Shill exposed.
Case closed.

01-12-2016, 11:18 AM
At your age you should know there's alot more to life than forum politics.
The main reason I decided that enough was enough was when I opened up a GENERAL TALK THREAD unknowingly filled with dick pics spraying cum on tits.
Another issue that arose was your over hyped biased reviews.

Besides those 2 I don't have a problem with a naive old harmless man that spends his days looking for dick pics to flood sex forums.

Your problem is that you try desperately to get people to like you and when someone doesn't that really hurts you so you lash out with name calling and use foul language because you lack the communication skills to do so otherwise.

No need to reply with name calling and low level education foul language.

Because enough said!

Shill exposed.
Case closed.

Not sure if you are stupid or what? Go do an IP match or even the way we type. Any smart person would know it's 2 different person. You sir need to look at yourself in the mirror. You think the young girls at the shops would like an old fart like you whose ready for pension
Don't you guys realise that your arguments against him are actually which I want to tell you too? How do you feel when people get you wrong while you're not?
Dragging people down doesn't make you be higher, or happier.

01-12-2016, 01:11 PM
I think the curiosity was mutual, she always thought I am a nice guy which I am of course and I always pictured BC to be this cute little pretty Asian girl and she exceeds my expectations.

So, we shalt meet again sometimes may be for a quick bite but we definitely are more comfortable with each other as friends rather than in a customer/massage lady environment. Sorry to disappoint everyone else, but there would be No AR!

I wasnt asking for an AR.

01-12-2016, 05:33 PM
Not sure if you are stupid or what? Go do an IP match or even the way we type. Any smart person would know it's 2 different person. You sir need to look at yourself in the mirror. You think the young girls at the shops would like an old fart like you whose ready for pension

Old fart ! So that's what you think of us older gentlemen??

Well, I got news for you troll: There are plenty of older gentlemen just like me who are the back bone of the industry. And I know for a fact that we are very popular with working ladies, young and old. You better watch out who you call old fart - other matured guys may not have the same easy temper .

But of course you won't know, keyboard warrior !

Mr Bastard
01-12-2016, 06:31 PM

01-12-2016, 06:56 PM
All of you should be ashamed of yourself. You have taken what was meant as a honest perspective into a world we don't normally see to a cesspool of ego, abuse, false accusations and other petty, immature bullshit.

Babycat gave us a different perspective of her life and experiences. All of you have disrespected that by your immature rants. Take your little petty battles somewhere else where the rest of us can safely ignore you. Continuing to do this sort of nonsense just discourages decent people from posting, and ultimately kills any value this place can have. If you haven't anything relevant to the OP, or the subject of this thread, DON"T POST HERE!

01-12-2016, 07:42 PM
I wasnt asking for an AR.

Nobody asked for an AR...

01-12-2016, 08:06 PM
while you guys were arguing away i was slowly getting being drawn in a vaccuum thought ... what is a dead apple pie?

does an apple pie have a life then die.. like is it life span of when it is made then till goes cold.... or like when its been eaten.... or like when its been fully digested..

does an apple pie actually have a life....like define "dead" ... i am deep in thought at the moment and cannot come to a conclusion...

01-12-2016, 08:12 PM
while you guys were arguing away i was slowly getting being drawn in a vaccuum thought ... what is a dead apple pie?

does an apple pie have a life then die.. like is it life span of when it is made then till goes cold.... or like when its been eaten.... or like when its been fully digested..

does an apple pie actually have a life....like define "dead" ... i am deep in thought at the moment and cannot come to a conclusion...
If you can't figure that out, you might be happier just to live a simple life ! ;) ;) ;)

01-12-2016, 08:16 PM
while you guys were arguing away i was slowly getting being drawn in a vaccuum thought ... what is a dead apple pie?

does an apple pie have a life then die.. like is it life span of when it is made then till goes cold.... or like when its been eaten.... or like when its been fully digested..

does an apple pie actually have a life....like define "dead" ... i am deep in thought at the moment and cannot come to a conclusion...

guy is really on life support if he still has a life....

Get a career, get a GF/Wife, get a life but he can't because he's incomepetent in everything he attempts....

01-12-2016, 08:36 PM
guy is really on life support if he still has a life....

Get a career, get a GF/Wife, get a life but he can't because he's incomepetent in everything he attempts....

hahahahah you can't even spell the word you are trying to describe me as hahaha you funny cunt

01-12-2016, 08:39 PM
hahahahah you can't even spell the word you are trying to describe me as hahaha you funny cunt

You are incompetent.

Better. Hows life bro? :)

You got job or non-WL/ML girlfriend?

01-12-2016, 08:54 PM
You are incompetent.

Better. Hows life bro? :)

Yes much better, might as well get it correct if you going to flame someone or the impact/authenticity of the flame diminishes and returns back to you. I was questioning myself if you are incompetent. But that is all resolved now, so we good.

Life is superb, cannot get any better than this. Lets hope your life is too.

Of course I have a job but by the looks of your post, maybe you should ask yourself if you should get one as well. So technically I support you financially through taxes funny isn't? My pleasure but centrelink isn't worth it unless your on that work disability claim legit/non legit namean? ;) you can probably afford better massages then the ones below $50.

I dont need a non-WL/ML girlfriend bro lol, even if I did I would probably punt still so technically speaking it makes me a cheater, so.... it doesn't really make sense does it?
Lets say I am happy where I am with the relationships I have with the MLs i know.

Question is do you? How do you budget with centrelink payments, do you use like excel and shit like that?

01-12-2016, 09:09 PM
Yes much better, might as well get it correct if you going to flame someone or the impact/authenticity of the flame diminishes and returns back to you. I was questioning myself if you are incompetent. But that is all resolved now, so we good.

Life is superb, cannot get any better than this. Lets hope your life is too.

Good luck bra

01-12-2016, 09:17 PM
Good luck bra

I probably don't need the "good luck" you are proposing me with but thanks anyways peasant. Good luck to you too, stay strong.

Sorry bro, I didn't mean to call you a peasant, it just naturally came out .. excuse my language .. so strange, I swear I typed your name but instead the word peasant is there... that is a weird ass typo.

01-12-2016, 09:22 PM
I probably don't need the "good luck" you are proposing me with but thanks anyways peasant. Good luck to you too, stay strong.


Cheers bra ;)

01-12-2016, 09:42 PM
If you want to try troll/flame me you are going to have to up your game. Troll/flame me in the most dumbest way it doesn't matter. I will drop down to your level and beat you like a pro.
Until next time.

Sorry to rudely disrupt the flaming between the old gens, please continue now.

01-12-2016, 10:00 PM
come on guys, stop arguing...just need one to stay quiet and it's over, no one wins no one lose, otherwise it will never end

01-12-2016, 10:02 PM
damn this thread is flying out of proportion !

02-12-2016, 08:52 AM
Lol hard at some of the trolling attempts/sparring sessions in here.