View Full Version : General talk Creating a Tradition.

25-12-2016, 10:22 AM
I spent the Last hours of 2015 (New Year's Eve) with one of my favourite Ladies.
The Fireworks were not only taking place on the Harbour.
I was her last customer and I took her home.

I was her first Customer on Chinese New Year's Day.

I saw her yesterday Christmas Eve.

I want to see her on Saturday Night, New Year's Eve 2016.
This will not be easy, it's harder for me to "escape" and her circumstances have changed a bit too.
We are both working on it.
We have to keep the tradition going.
I don't think that my Wife would buy that line.

25-12-2016, 11:27 AM
I spent the Last hours of 2015 (New Year's Eve) with one of my favourite Ladies.
The Fireworks were not only taking place on the Harbour.
I was her last customer and I took her home.

I was her first Customer on Chinese New Year's Day.

I saw her yesterday Christmas Eve.

I want to see her on Saturday Night, New Year's Eve 2016.
This will not be easy, it's harder for me to "escape" and her circumstances have changed a bit too.
We are both working on it.
We have to keep the tradition going.
I don't think that my Wife would buy that line.

When I read the opening of your post, I thought you are single and I thought: what a player ! Then the wife bit comes up.

Sorry mate , or should I say I felt sorry for your Mrs. But that's your life.

Merry Xmas to you all, whatever Xmas means to you.


25-12-2016, 11:29 AM
oh damn mate , thin ice there ! good luck!

25-12-2016, 03:48 PM
When I read the opening of your post, I thought you are single and I thought: what a player ! Then the wife bit comes up.

Sorry mate , or should I say I felt sorry for your Mrs. But that's your life.

Merry Xmas to you all, whatever Xmas means to you.


I envy you guys who have a loving relationship at home that includes an active Sex Life.
If I was in that situation Maybe I would not see so many Working Ladies.
It has been a number of years since I had any action at home.
I am not blaming my wife, it is what it is.

25-12-2016, 04:52 PM
I envy you guys who have a loving relationship at home that includes an active Sex Life.
If I was in that situation Maybe I would not see so many Working Ladies.
It has been a number of years since I had any action at home.
I am not blaming my wife, it is what it is. We all have our reasons for doing what we do.. I would have thought there would be no judgements from most here.. Best of luck to you and may your traditions continue..

25-12-2016, 11:29 PM
Nice tradition you have. Good luck. Hope you can continue the tradition safely. Not sure what excuse you can have escaping on New Year's Eve.

26-12-2016, 02:35 AM
I envy you guys who have a loving relationship at home that includes an active Sex Life.
If I was in that situation Maybe I would not see so many Working Ladies.
It has been a number of years since I had any action at home.
I am not blaming my wife, it is what it is.

Not that I'm a shining example of a perfect marriage, but perhaps there is more to the wife's issues than you had been willing to pay attention to? I'm just saying, a lot of relationship issues arise because of communication breakdowns.

Having said all that, I wish you luck. Whether it's time you'd rather spend with your wife or the WL, keep it safe.

26-12-2016, 02:57 AM
When I read the opening of your post, I thought you are single and I thought: what a player ! Then the wife bit comes up.

Sorry mate , or should I say I felt sorry for your Mrs. But that's your life.

Merry Xmas to you all, whatever Xmas means to you.

Ha ha ha its funny you saying you feel sorry for someone elses wife because there husband punts.
If you spent as much attention on your wife/family as you do spamming this and other forums your home/work life would be a whole lot different for the better.
A little while ago i recall you made the comment on here that you had marriage difficulties you needed sorting out.
You are a strange man ahlungor.

26-12-2016, 11:15 AM
Ha ha ha its funny you saying you feel sorry for someone elses wife because there husband punts.
If you spent as much attention on your wife/family as you do spamming this and other forums your home/work life would be a whole lot different for the better.
A little while ago i recall you made the comment on here that you had marriage difficulties you needed sorting out.
You are a strange man ahlungor.

No, not trying to stay on any moral high ground here , only felt sorry for his mrs because of the occasions he said he was punting rather than with his family like Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, Chinese New Year day etc - traditional family days that's all !

26-12-2016, 11:37 AM
No, not trying to stay on any moral high ground here , only felt sorry for his mrs because of the occasions he said he was punting rather than with his family like Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, Chinese New Year day etc - traditional family days that's all !

So it's alright to punt on other days ?

26-12-2016, 02:25 PM
When it comes to special occasions such as Christmas, Easter or New Years Eve you should be with your loved ones (if your are married) and not with someone else. If I was the wife and my husband was not around to celebrate these special events with me and the kids, I would be very upset and questioning his whereabouts. Just my thoughts.

26-12-2016, 02:39 PM
When it comes to special occasions such as Christmas, Easter or New Years Eve you should be with your loved ones (if your are married) and not with someone else. If I was the wife and my husband was not around to celebrate these special events with me and the kids, I would be very upset and questioning his whereabouts. Just my thoughts.

I agree with you, if you are in a normal Loving Relationship at home.
Sadly, this is not my situation.

26-12-2016, 02:40 PM
When it comes to special occasions such as Christmas, Easter or New Years Eve you should be with your loved ones (if your are married) and not with someone else. If I was the wife and my husband was not around to celebrate these special events with me and the kids, I would be very upset and questioning his whereabouts. Just my thoughts.
That's the individual's preference, not everyone is a Christian you know ?

To say feeling sorry for other's wife is almost insulting if you're a punter yourself !

26-12-2016, 02:43 PM
When it comes to special occasions such as Christmas, Easter or New Years Eve you should be with your loved ones (if your are married) and not with someone else. If I was the wife and my husband was not around to celebrate these special events with me and the kids, I would be very upset and questioning his whereabouts. Just my thoughts.
It's true. But also one of my clients wanted to go for holidays on Xmas with another girl and when we asked him if it's possible for him to be absent on Xmas as his family may question, he said "they don't care!" Sounds sad.

27-12-2016, 05:23 AM
Please let us know if you can keep the tradition going! :)

27-12-2016, 07:13 PM
Please let us know if you can keep the tradition going! :)

I will let you Know.
It's looking good at the moment for New Years Eve. (it may change).
I spoke to my wife today and asked her if she wanted to come to a NYE party with me.
I knew that she would say No before I asked.
She said that it was OK if I wanted to go but I should not drive home if I had been drinking.
I now have to see if the Lady is available too.
She is rostered on to work and they have extended hours on normal Saturday nights.

The tradition may continue. Ha Ha.

28-12-2016, 12:05 AM
I would NOT do that if I were you. Either it can lead to disaster or coming back to you.

Good Luck!

Myself, not married yet.. soo I get to be Free with all the Fun hahha

01-01-2017, 07:47 AM
The tradition is no more. !!
Due to a number of issues I did not spend the last few hours of 2016 with the Lady involved in the Special occasions mentioned in my previous posts.
However, all was not lost.
Part of the Tradition continued.
It started at 533 last New Year's Eve (2015) and continued yesterday at 533. (New Year's Eve 2016). With a different Lady.
I spent 3 hours with Beautiful Karen starting at 10:00am.
I have been seeing Karen/Nana (TP64) on and off for more than 3 years.
I thought that I had enjoyed almost everything with this amazing Lady, but, she provided a number of new exciting experiences yesterday. WOW. !!
Don't ask. Just go and see her. !!
A small "Bonus" was that my wife appeared to be happy that I was home at night on New Years Eve.


01-01-2017, 07:59 AM
No, not trying to stay on any moral high ground here , only felt sorry for his mrs because of the occasions he said he was punting rather than with his family like Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, Chinese New Year day etc - traditional family days that's all !

Agree with this. However, like to include all other days too. I'm happy to go punt when I'm single. If I'm attached I would loathe to do it. Not because I'm an upright goody two shoes. Far from it. But loyalty happen to be a pretty big thing for me in terms of bond with gf/wife. I hate to imagine how I would feel if my gf/wife go behind my back screwing other random guys. So I can't do it to her. Obviously if it's a loveless relationship like some are in here, it's another story. I know it's a sex forum and it's silly to say this here but heyho it's a new year.

01-01-2017, 09:12 AM
My tradition of watching fireworks at Harbour bridge was failed too. I have to wait for another year or maybe I won't be here next year. Anyway, happy New Year.

01-01-2017, 09:35 AM
My tradition of watching fireworks at Harbour bridge was failed too. I have to wait for another year or maybe I won't be here next year. Anyway, happy New Year.

A photo just for you Miss Babycat.
I hope that you are here next Year.

Sorry, I ended up with the same photo 4 times.

02-01-2017, 12:17 AM
Glad to hear part of the tradition continued A44 and that your wife was happy you were home for NYE!

03-01-2017, 04:50 PM
Glad to hear part of the tradition continued A44 and that your wife was happy you were home for NYE!

I was not the Ladie's last customer of 2016, but I was her first of 2017. !!!

05-01-2017, 10:25 AM
On my last shift of 2016, I wanted to join family party, so decided to cut down around 10 minutes of my last book. That's why I let the last guy kissed a bit on lips and more touches as compensation but it just made him more interested in session and I could not finish earlier. And surprisingly I met him again at another shop and everything happened again as a tradition. I don't want that tradition, ahhhhhhh! How can I fix it if I see him again next time?

05-01-2017, 11:04 AM
On my last shift of 2016, I wanted to join family party, so decided to cut down around 10 minutes of my last book. That's why I let the last guy kissed a bit on lips and more touches as compensation but it just made him more interested in session and I could not finish earlier. And surprisingly I met him again at another shop and everything happened again as a tradition. I don't want that tradition, ahhhhhhh! How can I fix it if I see him again next time?

You can always say No !

05-01-2017, 02:31 PM
I'm just saying, a lot of relationship issues arise because of communication breakdowns.

Willing to bet more break down because guys feel like they need to share way too many feels with their wives. Then their women don't want to hear from the girlymen they are married to.

05-01-2017, 03:16 PM
On my last shift of 2016, I wanted to join family party, so decided to cut down around 10 minutes of my last book. That's why I let the last guy kissed a bit on lips and more touches as compensation but it just made him more interested in session and I could not finish earlier. And surprisingly I met him again at another shop and everything happened again as a tradition. I don't want that tradition, ahhhhhhh! How can I fix it if I see him again next time?

It's similar to a precedent where an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide is to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances. You kissed this guy. Now he will expect it to occur on subsequent visits.

05-01-2017, 05:47 PM
You can always say No !

That's correct.

06-01-2017, 03:59 AM
It's wrong to judge, but A44, for someone to frequent the same lady so often and trying to keep a "tradition", it gives the impression that you are someone who craves the stability of having a steady partner. Surely it goes against the behaviour of a real "player", or even a serial punter for that matter.
I'm not making any judgement or saying anything is wrong with your behavior (believe me, I've done far worse than what you are doing... I'll probably burn in hell!!). This is just my observation, that's all.

06-01-2017, 08:13 AM
It's similar to a precedent where an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide is to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances. You kissed this guy. Now he will expect it to occur on subsequent visits.

Once you get a bbbj from your ml you will always expect to get a bbbj !

06-01-2017, 09:28 PM
It's wrong to judge, but A44, for someone to frequent the same lady so often and trying to keep a "tradition", it gives the impression that you are someone who craves the stability of having a steady partner. Surely it goes against the behaviour of a real "player", or even a serial punter for that matter.
I'm not making any judgement or saying anything is wrong with your behavior (believe me, I've done far worse than what you are doing... I'll probably burn in hell!!). This is just my observation, that's all.

I appreciate your comments and you may well be correct.
Maybe I am looking for something that is not available at home.
I should point out that this lady is only one of 4 long time regulars that I see.
In the past few weeks I have explored a bit and I have seen a couple of Ladies for the first time.
I enjoyed the variety.
But I was back to my Favourite today. (Not the Tradition Lady) but she was part of the action for a while.

I think that I might be joining you in Hell. Ha Ha.

08-11-2023, 10:56 PM
Xmas tradition this year?

09-11-2023, 03:26 PM
BOTG BKK: originally, SOL (RIP). For the last 5 years, MTW.

09-11-2023, 04:32 PM
I spent the Last hours of 2015 (New Year's Eve) with one of my favourite Ladies.
The Fireworks were not only taking place on the Harbour.
I was her last customer and I took her home.

I was her first Customer on Chinese New Year's Day.

I saw her yesterday Christmas Eve.

I want to see her on Saturday Night, New Year's Eve 2016.
This will not be easy, it's harder for me to "escape" and her circumstances have changed a bit too.
We are both working on it.
We have to keep the tradition going.
I don't think that my Wife would buy that line.

Your wife will create a new tradition for you by divorcing you. :)

09-11-2023, 06:36 PM
Your wife will create a new tradition for you by divorcing you. :)

Does a once off “Christmas divorce present” count as a tradition?