View Full Version : General talk Pickup bars in Sydney

03-01-2017, 10:10 PM
Are there any hotel bars around Sydney known for pick ups? Or bars frequented by working ladies?
Plenty in Asia obviously but I don't have the luxury of travel.

03-01-2017, 10:40 PM
Are there any hotel bars around Sydney known for pick ups? Or bars frequented by working ladies?
Plenty in Asia obviously but I don't have the luxury of travel.

Plenty on the floor of the Star Casino !

03-01-2017, 10:45 PM
Plenty on the floor of the Star Casino !

HAHAHAHAHA. Most of the time I've been passing there to go to marquee it's been old people though.

03-01-2017, 11:08 PM
Plenty on the floor of the Star Casino !

What really? You mean roaming the gaming floor?

03-01-2017, 11:16 PM
Plenty on the floor of the Star Casino !

You're right there. Many are well dressed and looking hot with their eyes on punters to spend their chips on them.:cool2:

04-01-2017, 12:26 AM
You're right there. Many are well dressed and looking hot with their eyes on punters to spend their chips on them.:cool2:

How have I never noticed this before... time to visit The Star I assume!

04-01-2017, 12:48 AM
they'll see how much is your betting on table first hahaha

04-01-2017, 08:39 AM
You're right there. Many are well dressed and looking hot with their eyes on punters to spend their chips on them.:cool2:

I think if you are winning, just look around to see if there any Asian ladies dressed well and alone, make some eye contacts, smiles and be friendly and if she smiles back , walk up and offer her a drink will be an easy start, alternatively , if she approaches you, game on !

06-01-2017, 08:31 AM
Sounds easier than a regular bar or night club

06-01-2017, 02:41 PM
Sounds easier than a regular bar or night club

It's easier in the casino because if your were winning, the girl can see that and ask for a higher price and since you got the cash , why not? Truly a win win for all.

06-01-2017, 05:37 PM
It's easier in the casino because if your were winning, the girl can see that and ask for a higher price and since you got the cash , why not? Truly a win win for all.

So What about if you not gambling there, can you still walk around & spot a milf for pickup?

06-01-2017, 08:22 PM
You walk in and even if you are an old, ugly fucker like me ... within 5 minutes you have a 21yo Japanese girl sucking your cock.
You can't beat that.

06-01-2017, 11:36 PM
You walk in and even if you are an old, ugly fucker like me ... within 5 minutes you have a 21yo Japanese girl sucking your cock.
You can't beat that.

What about walking into a Thai massage joint and fucking a Thai MILF up the arse ?

07-01-2017, 02:07 AM
Big bro dragon is right, the casino is an ideal place to pick up, but only if you meet certain criteria:
- you are loaded with cash
- you are not a gambling addict (in which case you shouldn't even be at the casino)
- you are single

Where else can you easily show your wealth to impress the chick, have a relatively accessible environment to chat her up, and have a hotel right above your head to take her to?
Also, the same girls who go to marquee tend to also hang out around the pokies.
If you're thinking of actually trying marquee itself, forget about pickup lines or "verbal charm". None of it will work because it's so fucking noisy in there! The only thing that works in there is good looks. You look good, a bit of eye contact and body language, game on.

07-01-2017, 11:50 AM
If you do happen to pick the services of these girls, do these girls have their own hotel of you need to book a room ?

What about mid week say Monday to Thursday, does there girls hang around or is it certain time and days only ?

07-01-2017, 01:19 PM
As a regular visitor to your fair city, I can offer an outsider's perspective.

I'm often asked to be away from home (Melbourne) and I face many lonely nights in Sydney or Canberra's five-star hotels. Pick any bar in any one of them, and you won't have to wait long until the WLs turn up. They're especially prevalent when any of the hotels have a big conference going, which is pretty much all of them at least once a week.

The Big Pharma or Big Tech companies sponsor a shitload of these conferences, and they have heaps of cashed-up, middle-aged doctors or IT experts in Sydney for a good time. I've sat on a drink for an hour and watched it play out. Hilarious. Have been approached many times. It's just like a bad movie -- "you want to buy me a drink handsome?" Some of them have business cards. Most are $400-$500 an hour and they want to use your room in the hotel.

And The Star is like every casino in the world -- a honeypot for grifters, gold diggers and working ladies. Like our Crown Casino, it's a fucking cesspit. Tell me you'd take your best girl to either of those dumps...

But I'm with rooter and CunningLinguist -- walk into a decent shop in Sydney or Melbourne and within minutes you've got your cock in the mouth of some hot, young Asian babe who's just built for it.

Either way, you pay.

07-01-2017, 01:32 PM
As a regular visitor to your fair city, I can offer an outsider's perspective.

I'm often asked to be away from home (Melbourne) and I face many lonely nights in Sydney or Canberra's five-star hotels. Pick any bar in any one of them, and you won't have to wait long until the WLs turn up. They're especially prevalent when any of the hotels have a big conference going, which is pretty much all of them at least once a week.

The Big Pharma or Big Tech companies sponsor a shitload of these conferences, and they have heaps of cashed-up, middle-aged doctors or IT experts in Sydney for a good time. I've sat on a drink for an hour and watched it play out. Hilarious. Have been approached many times. It's just like a bad movie -- "you want to buy me a drink handsome?" Some of them have business cards. Most are $400-$500 an hour and they want to use your room in the hotel.

And The Star is like every casino in the world -- a honeypot for grifters, gold diggers and working ladies. Like our Crown Casino, it's a fucking cesspit. Tell me you'd take your best girl to either of those dumps...

But I'm with rooter and CunningLinguist -- walk into a decent shop in Sydney or Melbourne and within minutes you've got your cock in the mouth of some hot, young Asian babe who's just built for it.

Either way, you pay.
Lol.... Cesspit? Bad movie? You sound more like a preacher than a punter! If you're so negative about the trade, how can you possibly enjoy punting? Spare yourself the indignation and take things into your own hands, I say.

08-01-2017, 08:17 AM
Lol.... Cesspit? Bad movie? You sound more like a preacher than a punter! If you're so negative about the trade, how can you possibly enjoy punting? Spare yourself the indignation and take things into your own hands, I say.

Hello Goldfishman.

I am Catholic, but certainly not a preacher!

Read my post again and you'll see the "cesspit" comment refers specifically to The Star and Crown casinos, not punting.

And the "bad movie" comment refers to the pathetic lines people trade in pick-up bars, not punting.

I love punting. Along with swimming, it's my recreation.

Peace brother. Hope your next one is your best one.

08-01-2017, 12:24 PM
I think if you are winning, just look around to see if there any Asian ladies dressed well and alone, make some eye contacts, smiles and be friendly and if she smiles back , walk up and offer her a drink will be an easy start, alternatively , if she approaches you, game on !

It's very similar to the girls in Thailand. Just make some eye contact and if she smiles, approach her and then buy her a drink. If you guys are ready to go somewhere, its boom boom time! :shout:

08-01-2017, 12:33 PM
Airport bars are pretty good.
Everyone is either on holiday and up for anything or on business and stressed out and in need of relief.
Either way you can't lose.