View Full Version : General talk Tough case. What should we do???

25-01-2017, 11:25 PM
Case 1:
I was told by my closed friend about a bad session in her shop. It happened with another girl, not my friend. That lady had a client going for the $50 offer after asking her how much for it. When everything finished, he gave her $25 and explained proudly to her that he was "so generous" to her as he paid extra $10 tip. She was shocked and told him that not $15, but $50. They argued and he said he is a lawyer, very sure about all kind of laws (business law, consumer law) so better she should stop asking or he would report her and her shop that would make them in trouble. But actually he's done that trick several times in that shop and the shop next door too. Wtf!??? Can't believe how stingy and mean a person is like that! Poor the ladies who's met that asshole! That's a kind of bullying and threatening! :fire::fire::fire:

Case 2: Some of my colleagues complained that some guys refuse to get extra, but then mastabate in front of them. One bargained for just $10 for hj, and he did it himself when she didn't accept the price. One said no to extra, but asked the girls massaged between his legs, then he mastabated. Another one just did it, but ignored the girl's asking him leave. Don't they feel embarrassing?
Case 3 17/4/2017 my own case
Recently I met one old man and at the end of session, he asked me if I was hungry then I stupidly said yes. He came back after that to bring me food and also passed his number to my boss as I was busy. If I could've met him directly, I would have said thankyou at that time but because I didn't see him so had to text him to show my grateful for it. Also a hit pity for somethings that I don't want to be rude or mean to him. Then from now on he texts me all the time, calls me many times, sends me quotes about life, friendship, and love. I rarely reply and my excuse is I'm busy studying. Took few weeks off so didn't have to see him but I work this week and know he'll come back.
What should I do? How can I ask for money? I'm afraid that he'll buy me food again but I will feel awkward when I ask for paying. Also he will go after me like last time he followed me till central that I had to get out off train to run away.
Any advice? Would appreciate all advices.

25-01-2017, 11:32 PM
What a piece of shit. Hopefully he's a member on here, reads this, realises he's a complete nev, and then goes and necks himself.

Does your shop or the one next door have his phone number? Pass it around other joints and get a blanket ban going on him. Doesn't stop walk ins though...

26-01-2017, 12:04 AM
Report to police, what world he is in , 15$ That's not possible,if you have the same rates printed on wall as most shop do he can't take you guys for granted

26-01-2017, 12:10 AM
If he's a genuine lawyer, that's even better, see if he dares to make the issue bigger and get himself disbarred for his professional code of conduct !

He's trying to smash a rock with an egg so to speak ! ;) ;) ;)

26-01-2017, 12:13 AM
Is the shop licensed? Would they be in trouble if he did report?

What if you ask for the money upfront first before providing the extras from now on with first-time customers. It may ruin the mood but let's face it, the girl should look out for herself until trust/regularity is gained.

I remember going to QVB and paying up front first. Same as 227.

Sounds like he is lying as $50 to lawyers would be nothing to them. Just sounds like low-life scum trying to be stingy.

26-01-2017, 05:37 AM
Just threaten him u will put up the mug shot of him leaving the shop as a thief who didn't pay. If you want to be really nasty about it show him an example of how you would place random cute kitten photo facing Sussex Street lol

26-01-2017, 07:03 AM
I can't believe shops don't get the money upfront. If they don't these things are bound to happen

I only go FS and as everyone knows it is always upfront payment. Should be the same in massage shops.

26-01-2017, 07:09 AM
That is a terrible thing to do and very dishonest. Might need to circulate his picture in the shop and warn other girls to get the money upfront if he comes back to the shop. I don't think anything can be done by your friend for what has happened in the past though.

26-01-2017, 07:57 AM
refuse his business if he comes back. if you have a photo from security then keep it behind the desk so reception can check. circulate the photo to other shops. His threat is stupid nonsense and he is obviously lying in all respects. I agree with Willsno.

26-01-2017, 08:17 AM
Pay upfront.
Display pricing models everywhere.
Refuse his business.

26-01-2017, 08:36 AM
Report to police, what world he is in , 15$ That's not possible,if you have the same rates printed on wall as most shop do he can't take you guys for granted

They don't print prices for the nude HJ. They would get themselves into more trouble if they told police

26-01-2017, 08:41 AM
The girl should report the customer to the shop manager and the manager should ban the customer.
If the manager does not support her then she should leave and go to another shop.
Shops should ban bad customers.
They are bad for the girls and in the long run bad for the business.

26-01-2017, 08:53 AM
Upfront payment before starting the extras. The girl has learned her lesson.

26-01-2017, 08:56 AM
I think the best prevention is just to make sure it doesn't happen again. Personally I've only paid upfront a couple of times but that's because it was to reassure the girl I know what's up. But otherwise I've never had to but it wouldn't bother me If I had to anyway. So in future just ask for money upfront.

26-01-2017, 08:57 AM
Report to police, what world he is in , 15$ That's not possible,if you have the same rates printed on wall as most shop do he can't take you guys for granted

Never been to a shop that has the "extras" rates printed on the wall. The shop doesn't charge these, it is a deal between the girl and the customer.

26-01-2017, 09:04 AM
I can't believe shops don't get the money upfront. If they don't these things are bound to happen

I only go FS and as everyone knows it is always upfront payment. Should be the same in massage shops.

This money doesn't go to the shop, it goes to the girl direct.

I think I have been to afew places over the years where the girl has asked for the money up front before providing the extras, so maybe they have been caught out before, too.

From a customer viewpoint, I get very pissed off when I agree to pay for extras then find the service provided is not very good.

26-01-2017, 09:18 AM
I am assuming the girl told the mamasan and the dickhead is now barred from going to that place?

26-01-2017, 09:32 AM
Who is this lawyer everyone is talking about

Hashtag # stupid lawyer

26-01-2017, 09:59 AM
Guessing he bluffed and took advantage of the shops not willing to reporting him.

Truth is it cuts both ways. He might be exposing the shop but at the same time himself.

26-01-2017, 10:08 AM
That's the reason why when you tip the mls upfront it's always well received !

Just my 50 cents


Ps. Still remember the Indian brother @QVB I saw who came back after his session to pay his tips to the girl after getting cash from the ATM ?

26-01-2017, 10:11 AM
This money doesn't go to the shop, it goes to the girl direct.

I think I have been to afew places over the years where the girl has asked for the money up front before providing the extras, so maybe they have been caught out before, too.

From a customer viewpoint, I get very pissed off when I agree to pay for extras then find the service provided is not very good.
I've never seen anyone refusing to pay after dining at a restaurant even if he found the food didn't look and taste the way he expected, and the waiters were not as friendly as he read from some industry reviews. He would just pay and walk unimpressed and vowed not to return to that restaurant that's all.

But in this sex industry, he feels safer to play up in the confines of a small room where no one could see the drama unfold, and no one could make judgements and intervention, and took sides, so it's easier to bully the girls !

Unfortunately there are more scumbags in this industry as customers !

26-01-2017, 10:17 AM
Just threaten him u will put up the mug shot of him leaving the shop as a thief who didn't pay. If you want to be really nasty about it show him an example of how you would place random cute kitten photo facing Sussex Street lol

Better yet... Put his mug shot on the forum to warn other shops... That will teach him an important lesson...

26-01-2017, 10:49 AM
fight fire with fire

take a picture and record him and spread it everywhere especially if you can find info on his friends and family

26-01-2017, 11:02 AM
Case 1:
I was told by my closed friend about a bad session in her shop. It happened with another girl, not my friend. That lady had a client going for the $50 offer after asking her how much for it. When everything finished, he gave her $25 and explained proudly to her that he was "so generous" to her as he paid extra $10 tip. She was shocked and told him that not $15, but $50. They argued and he said he is a lawyer, very sure about all kind of laws (business law, consumer law) so better she should stop asking or he would report her and her shop that would make them in trouble. But actually he's done that trick several times in that shop and the shop next door too. Wtf!??? Can't believe how stingy and mean a person is like that! Poor the ladies who's met that asshole! That's a kind of bullying and threatening! :fire::fire::fire:
Any advice? Would appreciate all advices.

On a serious note, who is the guy baby cat?

Is the shop 200 Harris and 197 Harris St?

26-01-2017, 11:34 AM
probably qvb and aloe vera

anyways this kid is using extortion/blackmail against shops and shops cant do anything legitimate back because they are not really legitimate themselves

next time he comes back have some local "security" come by and confiscate his wallet and personal information

26-01-2017, 11:41 AM
Babycat, want to know my advice?

Your friend's friend need to wise up. You mentioned similar thing has been going around, e.g. next door. If she was aware of it, then she should have asked for the money upfront.

About 1 in 2 new MLs I met for the first time, before, would ask for upfront. Sounds like she was too naive or careless.

I don't see the guy as a bully, more like a con artist who has more balls and wit than the MLs and shop owners he has tricked.

I don't respect what he has done, and yet I don't have much pity on the girls he has tricked. Why? These girls don't pay tax on what they do so if someone rip them off, then the girls shouldn't complain.

She can complain when she starts paying tax.

26-01-2017, 11:48 AM
probably qvb and aloe vera

anyways this kid is using extortion/blackmail against shops and shops cant do anything legitimate back because they are not really legitimate themselves

next time he comes back have some local "security" come by and confiscate his wallet and personal information

Why blame the guy? That girl should have been smarter.

26-01-2017, 11:50 AM
These girls don't pay tax on what they do so if someone rip them off, then the girls shouldn't complain.

She can complain when she starts paying tax.

What kind of shitty reasoning is this? So you think because MLs don't pay tax and then they should not complain when they don't get paid for services they performed?

26-01-2017, 11:58 AM
Why blame the guy? That girl should have been smarter.

So in this case you blame the victim? Sure, she should have taken the money upfront. However, the blame in this case lies with that punter. He even refused to pay her after she confronted him about it. This is a lesson she has now learnt, but not without some damage. She probably is disillusioned now and thinks a lot of punters are assholes.

If someone skips their bill after a meal in a restaurant, do you blame the restaurant for not taking money first or not keeping a closer eye on the diner?

What I don't understand is if he is a known offender and has pulled the same shit before, why isn't he banned? Black list him and circulate his pic to other shops as well so he can't pull that kind of crap again. No one needs the added stress of people like him on top of being a ML.

26-01-2017, 12:02 PM
probably qvb and aloe vera

anyways this kid is using extortion/blackmail against shops and shops cant do anything legitimate back because they are not really legitimate themselves

next time he comes back have some local "security" come by and confiscate his wallet and personal information

What kind of shitty reasoning is this? So you think because MLs don't pay tax and then they should not complain when they don't get paid for services they performed?

Mate, I work hard and pay tax.

Whereas, she was just naive and stupid, and skips tax, and she got ripped off. Just $25 and she's complaining. First world issue.

And had she got the money upfront, this would not have happened.

$25 is a big deal to her you think? That's just a 10 minutes hand job. What about the person at a supermarket packing shelves? He or she would work 1.5 hours for that, after tax. You think that is fair to them?

PS. I don't work in supermarkets but just pointing out how distorted our perception of the world at times.

26-01-2017, 12:08 PM
Aussie_guy, exactly you don't understand why something like this has been happening next door and other shops, and she got sucked into it.

Precisely my point, she was just not smart enough. And don't blame the guy. If guy is a repeat offender by the sounds of it, he is getting away with it because the victims are careless (not smart enough).

So no point defending the victim, if you understand the larger picture.

I have little pity for these girls if they don't take any precautionary measures to begin with.

26-01-2017, 12:21 PM
Aussie_guy, you are talking to someone (me) who has a ML girlfriend and regularly hangs around her bunch of ML friends.

So, I get to know all sorts of stories and what she and her friends do.

Drum roll... Story of a guy (same guy maybe) saying he is a lawyer and threatening this and that is nothing new... Been around since mid last year... But atleast I know the girl who was involved didn't get ripped off because she was smart enough.

26-01-2017, 12:26 PM
I dont know the lawyer guy whether is in this forum or not but i really glad the lady is not here to read this. it is a simple bully case. what got to do with ml paying tax or not. or whether she is careless, it is not about money $25,big or small but a real low earth scum taking advantage...

26-01-2017, 12:47 PM
ksteve_m28, how is it a bullying case?

Was the girl forced into anything? Was she threatened to perform something out of her will? If yes, then bullying at least.

But, it is clearly a case of a con artist succeeding. The girl agreed to provide the extra but not was paid in full because the perpetrator succeeded in paying half amount through deception and after-event threats.

So, if the guy had paid $25 (not full amount) and then threatened the girl for the $50 extra, and she didn't want to do it, then that is bullying.

But not bullying if she willingly provided the $50 service and then realised the guy would only pay $25 and had done so through verbal threats as a last resort, then that is a con man succeeding. I think the guy is an asshole but don't just blame the guy - the girl has to be responsible for herself too.

How could the issue have been prevented? Upfront payment. Simple. Cause: the girl's naivety / careless / stupidity

Sure, I might sound hard but it is the fact and right if you put emotions aside and think through it.

26-01-2017, 03:22 PM
My friend told me that that guy even threatened the manager when the girl told her manager, then the manager had to beg him not to do anything. I think they all have lessons from that one. But why it still happens? Because the victims don't work there everyday and know everyone and so does the manager. One of managers used to give a hand-drawing of a bad client!!!! Hard to recognise who! And my friend's conclusion is they'll be aware of all the clients from a particular country because of that bad thing!
I know according to consumer laws, we have the right to refuse to give the service, but not sure if we can take photo of him as it's an action without permission.
Taily Ho, your opinions are right, but wrong too. Doing services is hard job and need flexibility. When the girl asks money upfront, it might destroy the guy's mood. Not a good sign for GFE. She might be naive and stupid, but we can't ignore the fact that that guy is dodgy and asshole. Blaming her just like you blame a girl wearing sexy and being rapped.

26-01-2017, 03:37 PM
That's the reason why when you tip the mls upfront it's always well received !

Just my 50 cents


Ps. Still remember the Indian brother @QVB I saw who came back after his session to pay his tips to the girl after getting cash from the ATM ?
So the bad case and good case happened at the same place, Uncle. Emily told me that it's bad for his fellow as he created a bad reputation of them. "Stingy, dirty, dodgy, mean and rude...."

probably qvb and aloe vera

anyways this kid is using extortion/blackmail against shops and shops cant do anything legitimate back because they are not really legitimate themselves

next time he comes back have some local "security" come by and confiscate his wallet and personal information
Yeah, my friend Emily works there and she told me that.

26-01-2017, 03:44 PM
I know according to consumer laws, we have the right to refuse to give the service, but not sure if we can take photo of him as it's an action without permission.

There is no use playing by the rules. He is playing dirty because he knows the shop and girls don't want trouble with police/council/government. He can just make a complaint and there is nothing you can do about it.

26-01-2017, 04:04 PM
If he's a genuine lawyer, that's even better, see if he dares to make the issue bigger and get himself disbarred for his professional code of conduct !

He's trying to smash a rock with an egg so to speak ! ;) ;) ;)

Yeah, don't do that.

If he is a real lawyer he would scoff and call the ML's bluff on this - this has nothing to do with the Solicitor Rules.

26-01-2017, 04:22 PM
This asshole is taking advantage of a vulnerable young lady. Maybe he is targeting a specific culture, are Chinese ML's more inclined to make a scene rather than Thai ML's?

The shop should print out an image of him, off their internal CCTV, and distribute it to all shops that they have an affiliation with.

I agree with many that he is bluffing the ML and next time it happens I would like the ML to remind him that his image has been taken and that her boyfriend doesn't care about the law, and demand payment.

26-01-2017, 04:26 PM
It is sad to hear from Wilson that there are too many assholes (customers) in this field, but I'm not surprised!

26-01-2017, 05:00 PM
My friend told me that that guy even threatened the manager when the girl told her manager, then the manager had to beg him not to do anything. I think they all have lessons from that one. But why it still happens? Because the victims don't work there everyday and know everyone and so does the manager.

It shows she and the manager are not experienced and not street wise enough. Like I said, 50% of the MLs asked for upfront payment when first met, because they are wiser about such things.

I know according to consumer laws, we have the right to refuse to give the service, but not sure if we can take photo of him as it's an action without permission.

You cannot take a photo of a person, as the subject, without the person's consent but if the person has committed a crime then it is ok - think of it as evidence.

Taily Ho, your opinions are right, but wrong too. Doing services is hard job and need flexibility.

We are talking ML taking her clothes off and giving a HJ and possibly B2B (for a rather cheap price - $50). How hard is it to take off, flirt and perform a hand job and maybe a bit of B2B?

The hardest part is the massage itself! I know quite well because my girlfriend is a ML and from the other girls I associate with.

When the girl asks money upfront, it might destroy the guy's mood. Not a good sign for GFE.

Key word - might. Besides, it is just a session, a paid service. If the guy is a first time customer, the ML should just ask for upfront, unlikely the guy will refuse if the lead up is good enough.

She might be naive and stupid, but we can't ignore the fact that that guy is dodgy and asshole.

No one has ignored the guy is dodgy and an asshole. Like I said, he is a con artist and he has succeeded again.

Blaming her just like you blame a girl wearing sexy and being rapped.

You must be joking right? Your analogy is so far off it. Hard to draw a comparison between the two.

Your friend's friend had the choice to ask for payment upfront. She was in full control of the situation.

Whereas, a girl getting raped because of what she was wearing is the result of a vile guy wanting to assault the girl - the girl only had control of what she dressed, not who was around her, etc. Babycat, I suggest you put some thoughts behind your posts next time, please. I have read some of your other posts in other threads and often they seem sound. Anyway, keep up the good work!

26-01-2017, 05:32 PM
Money up front, the only way.

26-01-2017, 05:40 PM
I wonder how many times Tallyho's missus has beat my meat for me?

26-01-2017, 06:26 PM
I wonder how many times Tallyho's missus has beat my meat for me?

Have you been Bathurst st or pitt st ?? ;)

26-01-2017, 06:48 PM
Have you been Bathurst st or pitt st ?? ;)

Lol most lunch breaks.....

26-01-2017, 06:50 PM
shootermcgavin, I don't know but I thank you for tipping her. I am drinking with the tips you have given her. Cheers mate.

26-01-2017, 07:58 PM
Thanks for your contribution
It shows she and the manager are not experienced and not street wise enough. Like I said, 50% of the MLs asked for upfront payment when first met, because they are wiser about such things.

You cannot take a photo of a person, as the subject, without the person's consent but if the person has committed a crime then it is ok - think of it as evidence.

We are talking ML taking her clothes off and giving a HJ and possibly B2B (for a rather cheap price - $50). How hard is it to take off, flirt and perform a hand job and maybe a bit of B2B?

The hardest part is the massage itself! I know quite well because my girlfriend is a ML and from the other girls I associate with.

Key word - might. Besides, it is just a session, a paid service. If the guy is a first time customer, the ML should just ask for upfront, unlikely the guy will refuse if the lead up is good enough.

No one has ignored the guy is dodgy and an asshole. Like I said, he is a con artist and he has succeeded again.

You must be joking right? Your analogy is so far off it. Hard to draw a comparison between the two.

Your friend's friend had the choice to ask for payment upfront. She was in full control of the situation.

Whereas, a girl getting raped because of what she was wearing is the result of a vile guy wanting to assault the girl - the girl only had control of what she dressed, not who was around her, etc. Babycat, I suggest you put some thoughts behind your posts next time, please. I have read some of your other posts in other threads and often they seem sound. Anyway, keep up the good work!

26-01-2017, 08:38 PM
oh come on. he is not a lawyer. don't be so naive. he is a liar. and there is no requirement to have permission before taking his photo.

anyway why would anyone be offended if asked for money up front?

26-01-2017, 08:54 PM
shootermcgavin, I don't know but I thank you for tipping her. I am drinking with the tips you have given her. Cheers mate.

No dramas, enjoy! I certainly enjoy the freebies I get on top of the standard service. Hope that drink washes away the taste of my, well, you know.

26-01-2017, 09:12 PM
This has happened in some shops I used to visit before they would use the CCTV print the persons photo and put it on the wall in reception with the word thief just to embarrass them lawyer can't prove anything has happened

26-01-2017, 09:27 PM
shootermcgavin, what will wash away the taste of my load from your mouth? I get mine all night long and more than you can imagine, oh and for free.

My advice to you, the boyfriend always win. But you, just a customer and the money you pay goes to her and me :)

26-01-2017, 10:18 PM
shootermcgavin, what will wash away the taste of my load from your mouth? I get mine all night long and more than you can imagine, oh and for free.

My advice to you, the boyfriend always win. But you, just a customer and the money you pay goes to her and me :)

If you accept your girlfriend pulling 10 cocks a day because she gives you some of the money she earns, I'm sorry to say that makes you a bit of a loser. It's nothing to boast about.

Maybe let us know where she works so she gets busy and you can really make some big $$$

26-01-2017, 10:33 PM
LOL this guy said the girl who got ripped off should have been smarter and should not even complain if she doesn't pay tax.

Based on those comments alone he cannot possibly have an ML girflfriend.

He's a loser, alright. 😄😂

26-01-2017, 10:38 PM
Tally ho...you definitely lost the plot as well lol.
Spend woman money is nothing to be proud off man especially from some one who have to sell her body !

Btw does she work at TP ?

26-01-2017, 11:10 PM
No, I don't think he did that. Just because he was against some teasing. More sensitive. Just like me, I'm happy to share good things with my lover even though I work hard for it, and really want him be able to enjoy, but not feel uncomfortable.

Tally ho...you definitely lost the plot as well lol.
Spend woman money is nothing to be proud off man especially from some one who have to sell her body !

Btw does she work at TP ?

26-01-2017, 11:47 PM
Lol BC what are you talking about ...his boasting about it that make him a loser .

Will you be happy if your lover boast to everyone nd said "I don't know but I thank you for tipping her. I am drinking with the tips you have given her. Cheers mate."
That's what I called a loser talking lol.

Just because she not street wise so it give the right for the lawyer to conned her ? Lol TallyHo

Fck maybe I lost the plot myself lol ...maybe you right nd I'm wrong .

I think we need to have a session together real soon? ;);)
Pm me please.

27-01-2017, 12:11 AM
From a legal view...

Just chiming in about the lawyer thing , lawyers need to be of good repute and character - now going for a HJ is not illegal - negotiating the provision and receipt of a HJ is a sexual service and can be interpreted as soliciting prostitution - now that is illegal.

Of course the above is BS of course because that sad excuse of a lawyer if he is a lawyer- can make an anonymous report and save his own skin.

Also taking the guys picture without his consent and strong proof can be defamation. So not advisable.

27-01-2017, 05:18 AM
Upfront .. take the moniesss always upfront , best way to go . i have herd of many stories of how after the deed is over the Value of Money suddenly comes in the minds of a few men

27-01-2017, 05:33 AM
its just a few wankers who do this and its ruins the good will of every one - its a simple rule , pay for what you desire . i know a few shops where there will just call and call but not actually make any bookings or on apps like wechat, line and sms just chat for hrs and demand pictures but will never come or honer a booking

27-01-2017, 07:06 AM
My advice to you, the boyfriend always win. But you, just a customer and the money you pay goes to her and me :)

Yeah, the boyfriend always wins, except in the case where your missus forgets to take the money up front because she might be:

A) Having a tough day
B) Exhausted
C) Might be new to the business and slightly naive
D) Attempting to provide GFE to a seemingly nice customer to garner repeat business

In those cases if she forgets to take the money up front, according to you it's free licence for punters to rort and short change her, and it's then her fault for not being "....street smart enough" as you said.

That's essentially victim blaming, and by presenting this attitude in a public forum, especially in a thread with considerably more views than comments, you are perpetuating the mindset that this practice is acceptable.

Maybe you don't understand the knock on effect this could have whereby if just one viewer of this thread adopts your mindset and then believes it's okay to stitch up rookie ML's? Oh but that's right, they don't pay taxes, so who cares right? Maybe your missus hasn't filled you in, but being an ML isn't a super easy job, customer service rarely is. Why on top of this fact should they then have to deal with stingy cunts?

- Victim blaming is a cunts sport
- Your missus is a ML, you moreso than anyone should not condone this scumbags behavior regardless of circumstances
- Bragging about your living expenses and rent being provided for by another man's cum is pretty beta.

27-01-2017, 07:08 AM
Lol BC what are you talking about ...his boasting about it that make him a loser .

Will you be happy if your lover boast to everyone nd said "I don't know but I thank you for tipping her. I am drinking with the tips you have given her. Cheers mate."
That's what I called a loser talking lol.

Just because she not street wise so it give the right for the lawyer to conned her ? Lol TallyHo

Fck maybe I lost the plot myself lol ...maybe you right nd I'm wrong .

I think we need to have a session together real soon? ;);)
Pm me please.
Oh I didn't read carefully. Time to bed and eyes shut , :) . Anyway, that's a normal reaction, but he didn't mean that, right?
We celebrate Lunar New Year soon, so be happy. Cheers.

27-01-2017, 11:01 AM
Doesn't matter what you are selling you will always give the item/service after the money has been received.

Unless you know these people so well and you can trust them you can probably tick/credit/pay later a couple times.

First time you make the mistake and you learn, fair enough. Anytime after you make that same mistake that is your fault no one else.

27-01-2017, 11:29 AM
Hang on.. when you negotiate the extra and how much.. isn't money exchanged first

27-01-2017, 11:34 AM
Hang on.. when you negotiate the extra and how much.. isn't money exchanged first
They agreed with the $50 for extra, but his argument is she said "15", not "50".

27-01-2017, 11:44 AM
In the good old days of Zanadu, Chequers Hong Kong style sauna massage shops, before the all inclusive deals , you always just said yes to the special / extras and the mls will give you the services in good faith that you will pay and you do so on your way out at reception it's called 代支 ! which means paid on behalf !

As all punters would be changed to shop clothes (Chinese style shorts and thin bathrobes) and your belongings stored in the locker. Never heard any issue of punters not paying or disputed about the amount .

Just my two cents

27-01-2017, 11:53 AM
BTW, I wonder if that asshole lawyer was wearing a suit ??

27-01-2017, 11:57 AM
BTW, I wonder if that asshole lawyer was wearing a suit ??
I'm not the victim nor witness, Uncle. Just took to story from story teller, :(

27-01-2017, 12:34 PM
Au contraire, I can think of countless instances where one always pays after the item/service. Eg: buying petrol, getting a haircut, dining at a restaurant, having a plumber fix a leak etc etc. I'm sure you can too if you think about it...

This sets a good example (thanks bro jetset) in that all these businesses are vulnerable to bastards (and the occasional bitch, I'm sure) to extract more value from a deal than they are entitled to. In all these cases the exploitation is an ongoing game of cat and mouse. ML's like any of these other types of business people listed above need to take care they learn from these experiences and perhaps even borrow some of the techniques used to deter this type of theft. - price lists (even discrete ones??) making the customer repeat the negotiated price, just to be sure there is no misunderstanding, taking a deposit, CCTV, having a heavy at the door, etc, etc. - I realise many of these are impractical in a typical Massage joint, but you are potentially dealing with he same sorts of tricksters and unless you come up with your own solutions you have to expect that now and again you'll get ripped off.

In retail its call shrinkage and prices rise to compensate for it. - not that I'm advocating for that!

27-01-2017, 03:34 PM
They agreed with the $50 for extra, but his argument is she said "15", not "50".

Well she should have got the money from him and if he gave $15, she just says no it's $50 or get out. Why wait til its all over with and then ask for money?

27-01-2017, 04:37 PM
Case 1:

Case 2: Some of my colleagues complained that some guys refuse to get extra, but then mastabate in front of them. One bargained for just $10 for hj, and he did it himself when she didn't accept the price. One said no to extra, but asked the girls massaged between his legs, then he mastabated. Another one just did it, but ignored the girl's asking him leave. Don't they feel embarrassing?
Any advice? Would appreciate all advices.

hi BC, as for case 2, i suggest ml leave the room. if he wants ml to watch, then negotiate the price. ML service only massage, not to suffer watching him masturbate. if he want to do himself, go home or get a hotel room. As a good service, ML can left a few piece wet tissues for him.

27-01-2017, 04:40 PM
Maxybro, scooter, woods23, shootermcgavin,

My girlfriend is willing to share her income just like I am with mine. Exactly what Babycat said, she loves me.

She chose to work as a ML and I have accepted her choice.

Her willingness to pay means she is a sincere person and not a gold digger.

Comments about me being a loser is just silly. It somewhat shows you are either incapable of reading relationships or just jealous I have a very pretty girlfriend with a good heart.

27-01-2017, 05:32 PM
Better yet... Put his mug shot on the forum to warn other shops... That will teach him an important lesson...

^ interested in seeing this as well. My guess 90% his Arab. 10% his indian. Can't wait for somebody to turn that photo into our first meme lol

27-01-2017, 05:51 PM
Case 1:

Case 2: Some of my colleagues complained that some guys refuse to get extra, but then mastabate in front of them. One bargained for just $10 for hj, and he did it himself when she didn't accept the price. One said no to extra, but asked the girls massaged between his legs, then he mastabated. Another one just did it, but ignored the girl's asking him leave. Don't they feel embarrassing?
Any advice? Would appreciate all advices. keep a wooden spoon in the room and if the punter starts jacking off smack him on the bellend... should put paid to unwanted wankers... Seriously though, this is a thing? Some punters won't even stump up for a $20 clothed handjob?! This shop need's to weed out these losers somehow, must be miserable working there!

27-01-2017, 05:55 PM
^ interested in seeing this as well. My guess 90% his Arab. 10% his indian. Can't wait for somebody to turn that photo into our first meme lol

Naaaaaaa. Your guess is half right and half wrong.

27-01-2017, 06:10 PM
Naaaaaaa. Your guess is half right and half wrong.


When lebanon sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They're rapists…

27-01-2017, 07:24 PM
Yes, true that some cultures have more distinct negative traits in how they treat girls. But, that doesn't apply to everyone from those cultures.

At the end of day, the ML has no obligation to provide extras. Unfortunately, some MLs become too obsessed with money, so they take the risk, and then complain it is the bad customers that caused the problem.

Take a second and think. Imagine you are a ML, and your intuition about your current customer tells you to be cautious. So why not listen to it and refuse to offer extras - extras are optional in most massage shops. Not end of the world - just $50.

27-01-2017, 07:54 PM
shootermcgavin, the amount of money a ML earns is way more than many ordinary hard working people. And a number of these MLs spend the money to fuel their luxurious lifestyles. And after work, some will just brag and laugh about their customers. So they are not as innocent as you might think they are - so take your rosie glasses off.

I have asked many MLs on why they work in massage shops - almost all said it is the money and the next common response was other work is too hard and don't pay enough.

You might not have liked what I said, but it is pure blunt facts and common sense. And yes, the money you give to a ML is her money and she can do what she wants with it - for her boyfriend, her husband, her family, her general living expenses, her education, her expensive lifestyle. So enjoy your sessions with your MLs, but dont question and complain what she does with her money. And if my girlfriend is willing to share her income with me then it is because she wants to.

I don't brag, but just stating the facts to help you open your eye.

27-01-2017, 08:21 PM
get a job, ya bum.

27-01-2017, 08:46 PM
scooper, didn't you read where I wrote to you, I also share my income with her?

And if you must know, I don't abuse her money. But it is assuring to me that she shares it with me, because it gives me confidence that she is not a gold digger. And while at that, gold diggers come in other forms - not just MLs.

27-01-2017, 09:46 PM
And I guess you didn't read where I said your empathy, or lack thereof, to the ML's who got ripped off clearly shows that there is no way you could possibly have a ML gf.

How are you gonna say things like these MLs should be smart about the situation and shouldn't complain since they don't pay tax like regular hardworking people, and then turn around and say you got your beer money from your gf who s an ML.

Those things just dont add up, my dude. Sorry to have to expose you like this but you played yourself real hard there.

27-01-2017, 10:55 PM
scooper, correct I showed a lack of empathy because she should have had the common sense (i.e. smart enough) to understand the risks of not asking for upfront payment. I would say the same if my girlfriend makes the same mistake. Also, $25 is nothing to a ML who provide extras. I know all too well.

I brought up the tax issue because they appear to make a fuss over the $25 loss (the result of their carelessness) yet they chose to reap the benefits of not paying tax. In other words, they are happy to cheat the tax office but make themselves to be the poor victim over a small loss (again, through the carelessness of the ML). Is that reasonable? I don't think so. See my point?

So what if my ML girlfriend uses the tips that customers give her to buy me beer?

Is it longer the customers' money? No.

Is it her money? Of course yes.

Should she pay tax? Yes I think so.

Should she buy me the beer? That's her choice and she willingly chooses to.

Am I entitled to the beer? Yes.

Do her customers have any valid reason to complain about me receiving beer from my ML girlfriend? No, because it is not your money any more. You paid my ML girlfriend for your relaxation and she willingly chose to buy me beer.

Do I feel guilty? No. She is my girlfriend. I look after her and she looks after me.

Just because you are a ML's customer doesn't give you the rights to dictate her how she spends her money. She has a life outside her work.

27-01-2017, 11:13 PM

When lebanon sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They're rapists…
Actually, lots of my Lebanese clients are quite good and generous. But drugs, maybe. I've seen some using it during sessions at KC before.

28-01-2017, 12:51 AM
Your so called gf could be getting banged every day at work as ML 😂

28-01-2017, 01:01 AM
Your so called gf could be getting banged every day at work as ML 

I'm sure she saves that only for her bf

28-01-2017, 01:44 AM
Nomercy, she could be but I don't think so. She said she doesn't. You can only trust a person as much.

See the thing is, and quite sad, you could have a girlfriend or wife who works in the mainstream norm (e.g. retail, hospital, hospitality) or in the social high end (e.g. legal) and she could be having an affair with her boss or a colleague. That would be more disastrous you would say because your expectation is, she is well behaved. No different than a guy working in retail (just say) having an affair and cheating on his missus.

28-01-2017, 01:57 AM
Maxybro, not sure if you are being sarcastic but not all MLs do sex. Just because a girl works in a massage shop doesn't mean she doesn't have some pride in herself.

28-01-2017, 07:02 AM
Pretty sure there's a higher chance for ML to get banged at work🌚 Surprised you accept your gf to jerk guys of, get her tits fucked or sucked and +++++++🙈

28-01-2017, 07:48 AM
shootermcgavin, the amount of money a ML earns is way more than many ordinary hard working people. And a number of these MLs spend the money to fuel their luxurious lifestyles. And after work, some will just brag and laugh about their customers. So they are not as innocent as you might think they are - so take your rosie glasses off.

I have asked many MLs on why they work in massage shops - almost all said it is the money and the next common response was other work is too hard and don't pay enough.

You might not have liked what I said, but it is pure blunt facts and common sense. And yes, the money you give to a ML is her money and she can do what she wants with it - for her boyfriend, her husband, her family, her general living expenses, her education, her expensive lifestyle. So enjoy your sessions with your MLs, but dont question and complain what she does with her money. And if my girlfriend is willing to share her income with me then it is because she wants to.

I don't brag, but just stating the facts to help you open your eye.

You're using a very basic straw man fallacy in your response which shows you are not capable of engaging with my points raised. Nowhere in my previous response did I allude to having an issue with how ML's spend their money. Nowhere did I refer to them as innocent. I certainly do not wear "....rosie glasses" (I believe you mean rose tinted glasses?).

I stated that your attitude in a public forum is irresponsible regarding customers seeking to rip off ML's.

Whether they are new to the industry, or hardened pro's having a bad day is besides the point. You wouldn't endorse trying to leave your hairdresser/barber without paying because they didn't ask for cash up front, why do it to an ML?

If your partner or her friends are saying the job is easy, perhaps they are hardened ML's used to selling their bodies at this point? It doesn't mean all will be in the same mindset. It doesn't mean it's okay to rip someone off in their place of work.

I've said all I have to say on the matter. Enjoy your beer and I hope nobody tries to rip your missus off in the future lest she realise your lack of empathy and have you explain to her that's it's her fault for not being street smart enough.

28-01-2017, 09:26 AM
Case 1:
That lady had a client going for the $50 offer after asking her how much for it. When everything finished, he gave her $25 and explained proudly to her that he was "so generous" to her as he paid extra $10 tip. She was shocked and told him that not $15, but $50. .

Getting back on topic.

Look at it this way, she lost out on $25. If she considers it to be one of life's lessons then it's going to be one of the cheapest lessons she could learn from. Sure she got taken advantage of but who hasn't lost a bit of money in their life for something they weren't happy about.

As for him being a lawyer, there's no significance there as they aren't smarter than anyone else or entitled to special privileges. In a Roy Morgan survey this year only 35% of people trusted lawyers anyway.

28-01-2017, 09:43 AM
Your so called gf could be getting banged every day at work as ML 😂

Not necessarily, not all MLs provide FS and many of them who have husbands or boyfriends only do RnT and no touching below and we should all respect that . So please don't stereotype all MLs .


28-01-2017, 09:47 AM
Maxybro, not sure if you are being sarcastic but not all MLs do sex. Just because a girl works in a massage shop doesn't mean she doesn't have some pride in herself.

While I don't agree with everything TallyHo is saying but I think his openness about his gf being a massage lady is ok and he obviously is very confident and comfortable in their relationship, so good on him.


28-01-2017, 10:49 AM
shootermcgavin, in several of your posts, you tried to say I am a loser by portraying that I should feel shameful for accepting the things my girlfriend gives me. It appears you did this to try discredit me on my earlier responses to the main topic.

So a response on why it is ok that my ML buys me drinks is warranted.

When my ML girlfriend willingly spends her money she gets from customers on me, it is because she loves me. And we look after each other. A simple equation that you need to accept and respect.

But according to you, I am a loser?

What an utterly garbage and immature remark you made.

PS. I have responded many times to the main topic. The fact is, if the ML had asked for upfront payment, we would not have this thread - simple. Like I also said, 50% of the MLs I met first time, took this precautionary approach. Why? Because they were smart.

And am I endorsing what the con artist did was good? Nope. I think he is an arsehole. I mentioned it in my other posts. But is it his fault for outwitting the ML and other MLs? Nope. Because all his victims could have been more street wise - lesson learnt.

My dear child, shootermcgavin, MLs are not innocent. Why so protective of them? That's why, you should take your rosie (yes, short for rose tinted) glasses off.

I wonder how many times Tallyho's missus has beat my meat for me?

No dramas, enjoy! I certainly enjoy the freebies I get on top of the standard service. Hope that drink washes away the taste of my, well, you know.

- Bragging about your living expenses and rent being provided for by another man's cum is pretty beta.

28-01-2017, 12:40 PM
I'm sure she saves that only for her bf

It it works for TallyHo. Then that's all it matters. Nor for us to judge right

28-01-2017, 01:13 PM
Pretty sure there's a higher chance for ML to get banged at work🌚 Surprised you accept your gf to jerk guys of, get her tits fucked or sucked and +++++++🙈

Very good comment!

Definitely a difficult thing to deal with at first but she has assured me on certain things. And from experience, some of the MLs I met before were totally so strict on what I was allowed to do.

At the end of day, where is the guarantee that your girlfriend or wife, regardless of her occupation, is not getting banged by other guys. So it boils down to the individual person, and you just hope you have made the right choice.

So I look beyond her occupation, and put a rating on her, such as,
Her personality
Her attractiveness
How we get on with each other
She is not a gold digger

She satisfies me in many ways so that is enough to keep things going.

28-01-2017, 04:10 PM
What sort of lawyer would care so much about $25 and try to skimp on that? He is probably lying and trying to boost his ego. Talk him down, he won't come back to the shop ever again if he is humiliated

28-01-2017, 04:34 PM
shootermcgavin, in several of your posts, you tried to say I am a loser

I don't think I called you a loser once. You might be projecting on this one son. Clearly your jimmies are rustled.

**EDIT** just found the ignore function using desktop rather than mobile. Goodnight sweet Prince TallyHo! Yewwwwwww

28-01-2017, 06:48 PM
Babycat, want to know my advice?

Your friend's friend need to wise up. You mentioned similar thing has been going around, e.g. next door. If she was aware of it, then she should have asked for the money upfront.

About 1 in 2 new MLs I met for the first time, before, would ask for upfront. Sounds like she was too naive or careless.

I don't see the guy as a bully, more like a con artist who has more balls and wit than the MLs and shop owners he has tricked.

I don't respect what he has done, and yet I don't have much pity on the girls he has tricked. Why? These girls don't pay tax on what they do so if someone rip them off, then the girls shouldn't complain.

She can complain when she starts paying tax.

correct -- at 2000/week untaxed, one needs to earn 140k/year pretax in oz. that is less than 1% of legitimate PAYG earners out of 24 million in oz, it usually takes a fair while to earn that and the job is usually far more draining than taking off clothes. massage money is exported out of australia with a shoddy study visa to come and just work. what the guy did is on principle quite wrong, but a thief can't complain about being robbed by another thief , when they themselves more than likely are not declaring cash income. it is the cost of doing illegitimate business no matter how one looks at it and its a pretty low cost when the total income is summed.

1. everyone works more than 20 hrs at different shops with a study visa, that is illegal
2. provide a regular service which is not a 1 off , there may be a license, but its almost certain such cash is not declared and transferred via some wire transfer method to their home country without paying any tax on it in this country.

28-01-2017, 07:04 PM
Babycat how much do you think the average ML earns per week ?

28-01-2017, 07:28 PM
Babycat how much do you think the average ML earns per week ?

It's around 500 per day, give and take.

28-01-2017, 07:59 PM
nothings black and white

if it was such easy money and a great job every girl would be doing it

28-01-2017, 08:42 PM
nothings black and white

if it was such easy money and a great job every girl would be doing it

it is that easy once a mental barrier has been crossed.

1. 5 to 7 jobs jobs @30 commission +50 = 80 x 5 to 7 = 400 - 560 in 5 to 7 hours ---
2. over a 10 hr period hanging in the shop this utilization is quite real. - its 50% to 70%
3. some people tip a bit more than 50 -- and some shops give commission of more than 30 per hour.
4. hence the average of 500 is quite real, the question does not even need to be asked to an ML, probability and distribution gives ranges easily.

29-01-2017, 08:02 AM
The guy is an a-class knob and should be banned from the shop. When I was a newbie at a massage shop the ML would initially ask for payment upfront. Now that I am a regular she is happy for me to pay after the happy ending.

29-01-2017, 11:09 AM
It's around 500 per day, give and take.

If you are talking about average here? More like $250 to $350 a day imo !

To make $500 a day, the MLs will have to be in a top city shop and very popular . Or in a busy suburb shop and doing lots of extras .


29-01-2017, 12:07 PM
that's sound about right.
$250-350...for 4500-600..will be top performer...not including extra extra. only those standard $50 and take off.
on occasions, only $100-200...in quiet area..1-2 booking..
some bookings.. just vanilla ..massage and no part2.

29-01-2017, 01:04 PM
If you are talking about average here? More like $250 to $350 a day imo !

To make $500 a day, the MLs will have to be in a top city shop and very popular . Or in a busy suburb shop and doing lots of extras .


This is what ML told me, if it's less than 500 it's not worth her while. But she is popular.

29-01-2017, 01:23 PM
Most of ml in sixth ave,campise can earn $500-$700 a day.Today,I try to book a new ml at 10 but Alan told me all six gals full booked in first hour.

29-01-2017, 02:08 PM
5 jobs a day with 50$ extra earns the ML 360+ and is quite easy for city shop girls. For my favourite MLs they earn much more as I tip them many times of $50!

For girls work with capable MS owners daily income of 600+ is no big deal, especially for those worked with Suki at 218 and 515 , like EMMA, SaSa, Jojo Cherry Hana etc

29-01-2017, 02:16 PM
$300-400 a day is considered low. My ML girlfriend usually gets $600-700 a day. I know a few times it was over $800, but I have never seen her get $900+.

And she has assured me she limits on what she will provide. So, some MLs no doubt get way more.

Thus, why I said what I said about the victim getting conned $25 is nothing to worry about. But some people who don't seem to know much about the massage industry just took my second post as too harsh, as if I was wrong and inconsiderate. Not at all harsh, when you know what I know. And I know the victim should have asked for payment upfront from a new customer - a common practice.

29-01-2017, 03:43 PM
Your gf ML must be banging some guys or at least sucking some cocks imo. I'd be embarassed to have a ML gf and sharing her money🙈 Can you let me know where your gf works so I can see if she fucks her clients😂

29-01-2017, 03:51 PM
Your ML gf doesn't mind you going to see other ML??

29-01-2017, 05:38 PM
Your gf ML must be banging some guys or at least sucking some cocks imo. I'd be embarassed to have a ML gf and sharing her money🙈 Can you let me know where your gf works so I can see if she fucks her clients😂

Nomercy, I have had thoughts about what she could be doing for her money, and as far as I know, she doesn't do FS nor BJs. But when I do the maths, they seem to add up about right. And it has crossed my mind asking for someone to check out if she has been lying.

She willingly pays for this and that for me. I am ok with it because it shows that she loves me and she is not a gold digger, and sets a shared responsibility relationship. And it was her choice to work as a ML. So with all the above points, I don't feel embarrassed about it. Otherwise, where does it stop? Say, if your girlfriend or wife is a lawyer and she has for her client just succeeded in a court case against an innocent person, would you feel embarrassed if she buys you a gift or pays for the family grocery? The ball breaker is actually how much the girlfriend gets - if she earns relatively small amount then I would say no, I pay.

It might be a gentlemen etiquette to pay for everything but when you do that, you might not get to know if she (ML) is in the relationship for the money.

29-01-2017, 05:58 PM
Your ML gf doesn't mind you going to see other ML??

I am really not sure but I have no desire to see other MLs. Though some of her work friends are like wow, stunning looking.

29-01-2017, 07:07 PM
I am really not sure but I have no desire to see other MLs. Though some of her work friends are like wow, stunning looking.

Then why are u on this forum or creating a thread about talkative ML? Doesn't seem to add up🌚

29-01-2017, 07:45 PM
There's probably after report of your gf on this forum🌚

29-01-2017, 08:18 PM
Don't serve him again, simple. He cannot pull the same trick on your friend another time

29-01-2017, 08:26 PM
Then why are u on this forum or creating a thread about talkative ML? Doesn't seem to add up🌚

Just posted the question because I wanted people's thoughts.

I don't see MLs anymore.

So, where does it not add up?

29-01-2017, 08:28 PM
Just posted the question because I wanted people's thoughts.

I don't see MLs anymore.

So, where does it not add up?

Why do u care if u dont see anymore. U being in this forum means ur story of ml gf is bullshit or u are still seeing other ml🌚

29-01-2017, 08:33 PM
There's probably after report of your gf on this forum🌚

I think so and also of her friends.

29-01-2017, 08:35 PM
Why do u care if u dont see anymore. U being in this forum means ur story of ml gf is bullshit or u are still seeing other ml🌚

Why would I want to make up stories? No purpose mate.

I am on the forum to learn a few things and also share a few things with the people here. And if I see something useful, I share it with my girlfriend, maybe she is interested but often not.

29-01-2017, 09:12 PM
Why do u care if u dont see anymore. U being in this forum means ur story of ml gf is bullshit or u are still seeing other ml🌚

Let's say that his gs is a ml, then I'd say he is here to see if any reports or comments pop up about his gf.

If you go back to his previous comments I'd say there is a good chance she works at Thaireputic.

29-01-2017, 09:41 PM
Let's say that his gs is a ml, then I'd say he is here to see if any reports or comments pop up about his gf.

If you go back to his previous comments I'd say there is a good chance she works at Thaireputic.

I should check my previous comments :) anyway, heaps of MLs have boyfriends. But I tend to voice what I know if I see something quite different to what I know, so that everyone has a better understanding.

30-01-2017, 07:07 AM
I should check my previous comments :) anyway, heaps of MLs have boyfriends. But I tend to voice what I know if I see something quite different to what I know, so that everyone has a better understanding.

It's good to hear from someone who has a ML girlfriend.

30-01-2017, 05:48 PM
Why do u care if u dont see anymore. U being in this forum means ur story of ml gf is bullshit or u are still seeing other ml🌚

This is digress away from the point.
If i retire from punting (which ain't gonna happen) I still be on this forum. Currently punting on hold for a few months. Still reading it everyday. Just log in once a while to read whats happening and kill a few minutes each day

30-01-2017, 07:50 PM
I should check my previous comments :) anyway, heaps of MLs have boyfriends. But I tend to voice what I know if I see something quite different to what I know, so that everyone has a better understanding.

I agree, it's great to hear from someone like you who is a bf of a ML. Would love to hear more about your story. Are you living together, what's your routine with her, when and how you decide nit to see other ML, hiw did you gain her trust, how often you had sex and how you guys deal with the non traditional relationship. Thanks if you can share more so we can understand and learn more.

30-01-2017, 10:21 PM
if this guy comes again, try take a photo of him and post here.

01-02-2017, 03:27 AM
As mentioned before, she should let the manager know. This will alert the manager this is a bad customer, help (if possible) get the full tip and kick him out and then to ban him.

Also, she needs to make sure money is paid upfront.

01-02-2017, 09:38 PM
should take a pic of him, and share it on here. so everyone know him and all shops block him lol

01-02-2017, 09:46 PM
That's the reason why when you tip the mls upfront it's always well received !

Just my 50 cents


Ps. Still remember the Indian brother @QVB I saw who came back after his session to pay his tips to the girl after getting cash from the ATM ?

haha I read that, was a good story !

02-02-2017, 05:37 PM
Just thought of an interesting ransom response should a young ML find herself in a similar situation for the second time with the same trickster / fraud. When you head out of the room to get the hot towels or whatever - take his clothes with you and hide them. hopefully without him noticing/ having time to react. Then when it comes to pay you'll have some negotiating power...

02-02-2017, 05:44 PM
Just thought of an interesting ransom response should a young ML find herself in a similar situation for the second time with the same trickster / fraud. When you head out of the room to get the hot towels or whatever - take his clothes with you and hide them. hopefully without him noticing/ having time to react. Then when it comes to pay you'll have some negotiating power...

I doubt if the ml sees the same punter again she would even want to serve him !

Unless it is for revenge ! I could think of plenty of ways the young lady could get even when the guy is naked and his wee wee exposed !!

08-02-2017, 11:10 AM
I doubt if the ml sees the same punter again she would even want to serve him !

Unless it is for revenge ! I could think of plenty of ways the young lady could get even when the guy is naked and his wee wee exposed !!

Super glue his junk and his butt cheeks 😆

That will f*** up his day for sure.

17-04-2017, 11:20 PM
Just updated the topic and now need advices.

18-04-2017, 12:11 AM
I'll answer Case 3 for now.

That's crazy. You must offer good service if he keeps coming back!

I am not sure how you are with your owner. If I was in your position I would tell the owner that he makes me feel uncomfortable & to please tell him that you have someone else booked/is busy. Stop serving him. Unless, you can genuinely serve him with being comfortable & do it for the $. Get a photo up in the back room to keep fellow employees warned.

You should do the girl thing and say that "you are already seeing someone, thank you for buying me food it was a kind gesture" or you could get a new #.

As for him following you... I have friend's that have been stalked before, they warned them off/told them they are seeing someone else/makes them feel uncomfortable. Then they backed off. This is a different situation though, because it is where you work & the guy seems persistent. If he is stalking you, which is creepy af... Depending on how bad it gets, talk to police that you fear for your safety.


Case 1: Your friend's don't have to do this with every customer. In actuality they should be. With this particular customer they should ask for $ upfront.

Case 2: I don't even know... That's a new one. You're not really losing money or time. It's up to the store on this one. If they don't take too long doing it & come back. Why not?

18-04-2017, 12:21 AM
hey babycat .. I think maybe by your excuses he'd be still dreaming that he has chance to chase you?

maybe just be firm and also tell him off a bit if he come see you?

just my 2 cents ... good luck !

18-04-2017, 12:28 AM
At first we didn't know he would overact like that. He bought foods and drinks for me and my boss as well, so my boss was quite happy. I don't know if she will agree not to push me serve him again or not. Will let others see him, but it's hard to make him believe that I'm busy as look like he lives and works very closely so always has time to come back, :( as I told him I just work one day per week so he keeps asking me out. Yeah, that's so creepy when he followed me after work, but I don't want to be rude, you know.

I'll answer Case 3 for now.

That's crazy. You must offer good service if he keeps coming back!

I am not sure how you are with your owner. If I was in your position I would tell the owner that he makes me feel uncomfortable & to please tell him that you have someone else booked/is busy. Stop serving him. Unless, you can genuinely serve him with being comfortable & do it for the $. Get a photo up in the back room to keep fellow employees warned.

You should do the girl thing and say that "you are already seeing someone, thank you for buying me food it was a kind gesture" or you could get a new #.

As for him following you... I have friend's that have been stalked before, they warned them off/told them they are seeing someone else/makes them feel uncomfortable. Then they backed off. This is a different situation though, because it is where you work & the guy seems persistent. If he is stalking you, which is creepy af... Depending on how bad it gets, talk to police that you fear for your safety.


Case 1: Your friend's don't have to do this with every customer. In actuality they should be. With this particular customer they should ask for $ upfront.

Case 2: I don't even know... That's a new one. You're not really losing money or time. It's up to the store on this one. If they don't take too long doing it & come back. Why not?

18-04-2017, 12:39 AM
Also a hit pity for somethings that

wow your english looks coooool. where do you, or did you learn English? I want to write like you do. I went to uni here but still can not. genuine advice please?
Let's get to the business.. I think you have a good girl syndrome. why can't you tell him off? if you can't tell him off then just ignore him or block him?
I have such similar issue. I can't say "NO" to someone's face. if someone asks me something then I'd just say "ok I would," but then I know i won't..
For example, I tend to give my numbers to everyone who asks me, I then ignore most of their message, or phone calls.
They know that it's a sign to stop if the girl doesn't reply often, or quick. ... ..

he followed me till central

There is a terminology for this, it's called stalking i guess..-.-
Are you afraid of lose one customer? then ,.. I don't know.. you need to compromise with one thing. choose one between "be bothered by creepy old man" vs "get one more Job"

https://namu.wiki/w/%EC%B0%A9%ED%95%9C%EC%82%AC%EB%9E%8C%20%EC%A6%9D%E D%9B%84%EA%B5%B0

for you only if you can read Korean :) ㅋㅋㅋ

18-04-2017, 12:40 AM
At first we didn't know he would overact like that. He bought foods and drinks for me and my boss as well, so my boss was quite happy. I don't know if she will agree not to push me serve him again or not. Will let others see him, but it's hard to make him believe that I'm busy as look like he lives and works very closely so always has time to come back, :( as I told him I just work one day per week so he keeps asking me out. Yeah, that's so creepy when he followed me after work, but I don't want to be rude, you know.

I don't know how bad the situation is. But, seeing him the shop should be fine with you? It's outside of the shop that's the concern.

It becomes a personality thing.

If you don't want to be rude... If you genuinely have the patience & the kind heart to still be nice to him then do so. Kindly tell him thank you for the food but it won't work out between you two/you are seeing someone/you are too busy studying/I am not ready for a relationship.

On the other hand, it's not rude but necessary. There may come a time when you have to straight up tell him that it will not work out between the two of you, that you don't feel that way towards him. But, you are happy to serve him.

Or... you could just go out with him :shout:!

18-04-2017, 12:48 AM
wow your english looks coooool. where do you, or did you learn English? I want to write like you do. I went to uni here but still can not. genuine advice please?
Let's get to the business.. I think you have a good girl syndrome. why can't you tell him off? if you can't tell him off then just ignore him or block him?
I have such similar issue. I can't say "NO" to someone's face. if someone asks me something then I'd just say "ok I would," but then I know i won't..
so example, I tend to give my numbers to everyone who asks me then ignore most of their message, or phone calls.
They know that it's a sign to stop if the girl doesn't reply often, or quick. ... ..

there is a terminology for this, it's called stalking i guess..-.-
are you afraid of lose one customer? then ,.. I don't know.. you need to compromise with one thing. choose one between "be bothered by creepy old man" vs "get one more Job"
Thanks, Christmas. I think uni time did help me with my writing, and I enjoy writing too. But still struggle to English exams, poor me.

I don't know how bad the situation is. But, seeing him the shop should be fine with you? It's outside of the shop that's the concern.

It becomes a personality thing.

If you don't want to be rude... If you genuinely have the patience & the kind heart to still be nice to him then do so. Kindly tell him thank you for the food but it won't work out between you two/you are seeing someone/you are too busy studying/I am not ready for a relationship.

On the other hand, it's not rude but necessary. There may come a time when you have to straight up tell him that it will not work out between the two of you, that you don't feel that way towards him. But, you are happy to serve him.

Or... you could just go out with him :shout:!
No, I'm not afraid of losing a job. I prefer simple business, not too much drama.
He's old and looks pity, with a very old phone , haizzzz. But I will try to be firm. I don't like to go out. Prefer staying home, or just going out with friends.

18-04-2017, 08:13 AM
Case 1: Ban him.
Case 2: Ban them.
Case 3: Tell him your Thai kick boxing boyfriend wants to meet him for some practice.

18-04-2017, 08:46 AM
Ahh the crush. Everybody has had them. Could be somebody at your local cafe , bus,
train or somebody at work. Most fade with time or even better they get a new one.
Most end up with not a word said or usually no physical contact.
However you can't because of your job had pc. Not much you can really do as he
hasn't done anything illegal . The only think you can do is that when you work
look at the CCTV before you say hello to customers. Be firm with you boss telling
then he makes you feel uncomfortable and you don't want to see him. If he
contact you personally tell him you have a stable boyfriend or tell him you don't
date customers.
Hope he moves on so you get go with your life.

18-04-2017, 09:08 AM
Hey Baby,

I think you are too nice to be tough and straight with your stalker ! There is no way out of this but stop working in the shop, as for the phone call and texts, just block his number to see if he stops, if not, change your number. There are all sorts of people around and you won't know what they are capable of , better safe than sorry. I also hope that he is not a member here .

Be safe and good luck .


Ps. Never give out your no to customers again ! Unless you actually want to go out with him ok !

18-04-2017, 11:49 AM
Hey Baby,

I think you are too nice to be tough and straight with your stalker ! There is no way out of this but stop working in the shop, as for the phone call and texts, just block his number to see if he stops, if not, change your number. There are all sorts of people around and you won't know what they are capable of , better safe than sorry. I also hope that he is not a member here .

Be safe and good luck .


Ps. Never give out your no to customers again ! Unless you actually want to go out with him ok !
Thanks Uncle,
Hard to be polite, nice, friendly but tough at the same time for me. But I will try.
Anyway, I've sent you a message. Hope your box is not too full.

18-04-2017, 01:01 PM
Leaving his number was a bait to see if you will contact him and he probably knew you are nice enough to contact him to say thanks and that way he has your number.
Hopefully he is harmless but don't underestimate him because he is old man.
If you really feel uncomfortable or in danger go straight to the police.

18-04-2017, 05:14 PM
I think you need draw a line when it start getting creepy, like stalking or calling too many times.

Maybe take a break from current shop or talk with the boss to let her know the situation as well.

18-04-2017, 05:29 PM
Sounds like this guys knows how to read people, can tell you are in a difficult position and is taking advantage. I suggest you publicly post his number on some site/forum where he'll get spammed like hell. Heck use his number and sign up to some grinder like stuff.

18-04-2017, 07:00 PM
Babycat. I use to be a yes-man. problem is that most people are willing to take advantage of your unwillingness to say no. Later on in life you will learn the art of saying no. Maybe not a bad thing to acquire the skill now.

Yes but I have a steadily bf should work for most people .

Failing that a hard no should work. I.e. "u are making me uncomfortable. I am no longer willing to massage u , please find another girl from now on"

This is my favourite bit. In my line of work, client sometimes ask for impossible things. You know what I do? I always say yes and quote them a ridiculous price for it!! It scary them off 99% of the time. The remaining 1% i laugh my way to the bank. Maybe $200 per hr dinner date (and nothing else) will fix his problem

Whatever u do. Good luck and I am sure it will work out for u at the end

18-04-2017, 07:21 PM
say yes when you want to say yes
say no when you want to say no

in the long run you will be much happier this way

18-04-2017, 08:49 PM
Say no when you mean no is great advice.
A line has been crossed as soon as a guy makes you feel uncomfortable.
From that point you can say - "I want no further contact with you, Im in a relationship and I dont feel comfortable "(even if you r single).
If a guy doesnt understand that very straightforward English and continues to bother you, we have a problem. Its called harassment

The majority of guys will respect you and leave you alone if you give them that message.

And tell everyone about the situation. This is nothing to be ashamed about. In this way everyone will remind you that you are entitled to always feel safe and not harassed.

Maybe get a male friend to text or ring him to tell him that you feel unsafe

Also if you are made to feel scared for your safety, ring the police. They need to be told if soneone is acting in an intimidating way - you probably arent the only woman he is hassling. And you never have to justify asking for assistance if a guy is making you feel unsafe

18-04-2017, 09:57 PM
Babycat I have PM you.

thanks !!

18-04-2017, 11:02 PM
Thanks all. I keep ignoring his texts. No text for half a day and then some came again. Maybe tomorrow I will tell him that I have boyfriend already. A scary boyfriend. Hope it works.

18-04-2017, 11:10 PM
you don't want to learn Brazilian jiu jitsu? Korean BJJ gym is in Lidcombe. join us NOW

18-04-2017, 11:13 PM
you don't want to learn Brazilian jiu jitsu? Korean BJJ gym is in Lidcombe. join us NOW
Thanks Christmas, but I'm so lazy for gym. Instead, I like dancing. Thinking of joining dance class but it's costly and hard to arrange time for it.

19-04-2017, 09:11 AM
Thanks all. I keep ignoring his texts. No text for half a day and then some came again. Maybe tomorrow I will tell him that I have boyfriend already. A scary boyfriend. Hope it works.

You can't block his number from your phone ??

19-04-2017, 11:58 AM
You can't block his number from your phone ??
I don't want to be rude, and hurt him, :cry:

19-04-2017, 12:46 PM
Lol don't overthink it just block him.

19-04-2017, 01:05 PM
you don't want to learn Brazilian jiu jitsu? Korean BJJ gym is in Lidcombe. join us NOW

Can you pm me details on this?

19-04-2017, 03:15 PM
Can you pm me details on this?

yeah check your inbox

20-04-2017, 06:05 PM
Hey babycat so how did you go ? All good i hope ?

20-04-2017, 06:50 PM
Hey babycat so how did you go ? All good i hope ?

I still keep silent, haizzz. And as you reminded me so just checked phone. Miss call and texts there.

20-04-2017, 08:01 PM
I still keep silent, haizzz. And as you reminded me so just checked phone. Miss call and texts there.

Babycat you just need to block him on your phone and hopefully that will put an end to it. Be strong.

21-04-2017, 06:44 PM
Yep. Block phone. Dude should get the hint

Mr Bastard
21-04-2017, 08:15 PM
I still keep silent, haizzz. And as you reminded me so just checked phone. Miss call and texts there.

It would be great to hear from the old guy that is allegedly stalking you,to hear why one would be so obsessed to physically follow you on a train, I am assuming in the same carriage , for you to see him and make you flee, that is creepy, what is he thinking? I mean no disrespect to you Babycat, did you actually see your stalker following you on the train? Or did he call you and say- I am five seats behind you, be afraid? How old is old BabyCat in your books? Taking into account that you are anywhere between 24 and 80 yrs old, the approximate life span for a female in today's environment. Give or take a couple of yrs
Kind Regards
Mr B

Mr Bastard
21-04-2017, 11:25 PM
If its really that serious,interupting your time, pestering you, and following you on the same train? I would just block him……………and all because you said he bought you food and gave you his number……….thats bizarre, in hindsight you should have used hide your caller ID………when you phoned him to thank him……..hindsight hey?

22-04-2017, 12:18 AM
If its really that serious,interupting your time, pestering you, and following you on the same train? I would just block him……………and all because you said he bought you food and gave you his number……….thats bizarre, in hindsight you should have used hide your caller ID………when you phoned him to thank him……..hindsight hey?
Haizzz I forgot to do that. On train he even tried to hold my hands and touch my hairs. That's so annoying.
And now I have another psycho. That's the drunk one I mentioned in another topic of mine. Now he keeps sending texts to ask to see me and says shit things like he doesn't want to pay for extra because that's the thing girlfriend does for boyfriend and I were his girlfriend. The worst and crazy thing is he likes to text me to tell me that he just mastabates while watching my photo. Just blocked him.

22-04-2017, 01:04 AM
Haizzz I forgot to do that. On train he even tried to hold my hands and touch my hairs. That's so annoying.
And now I have another psycho. That's the drunk one I mentioned in another topic of mine. Now he keeps sending texts to ask to see me and says shit things like he doesn't want to pay for extra because that's the thing girlfriend does for boyfriend and I were his girlfriend. The worst and crazy thing is he likes to text me to tell me that he just mastabates while watching my photo. Just blocked him.
To avoid this sort of problems, the first rule is not to give away your phone number too easily, in a way, you are leading them on by communicating with them outside work hours !

Your story is getting more and more dangerous, have a read about Jenny's story and be alert !

Mr Bastard
22-04-2017, 01:24 AM
Haizzz I forgot to do that. On train he even tried to hold my hands and touch my hairs. That's so annoying.
And now I have another psycho. That's the drunk one I mentioned in another topic of mine. Now he keeps sending texts to ask to see me and says shit things like he doesn't want to pay for extra because that's the thing girlfriend does for boyfriend and I were his girlfriend. The worst and crazy thing is he likes to text me to tell me that he just mastabates while watching my photo. Just blocked him.

Thats crazy, I would have called the police on the train, now a drunk one with your photo masturating?.How does he have your photo?

22-04-2017, 01:40 AM
look at your reward for being "nice" and scared of saying no

they are customers not family or friends, your 1st priority should be yourself not others

22-04-2017, 09:47 AM
Babycat, just be direct and tell each of them, you are not his girlfriend and you are not interested in them and wish them good luck in finding someone else.

23-04-2017, 02:10 AM
Babycat, you should seriously consider everybody's advice to block the number and don't give it out anymore. Much less risk and stress this way. Tell the older guy that you cannot contact him anymore because you got a bf. He should get the hint. Please be careful.

23-04-2017, 06:47 AM
Ok, in my view , congratulations , you have a stalker!

An old, lonely man who has become infatuated with an ML who treated him nice!

Although I don't think he wants to harm you, I'd say you should research the topic of stalkers and how to deal with them. You must do this properly, or it can become dangerous. Take it seriously!

23-04-2017, 07:53 PM
In this world there are gentlemen and others.

A gentleman is as good as his word.

Unfortunately the world is full of men that can't be considered as gentlemen.

23-04-2017, 10:02 PM

When lebanon sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They're rapists…

Not all Arabs are Lebs mate .. Not all Lebs are rapists, drug dealers or criminals either ... I have 3 degrees (including a PhD), a group certificate showing a salary of over 230k per annum and can safely say that every girl that I have ever seen would vouch for this Leb being nothing short of a gentleman ... Ohh and I am only 31 .. Wanna keep comparing who's cocks bigger?

23-04-2017, 10:18 PM
As others have said, you have a perfect right to be left alone. If there are any events where you fear for your safety, you need to tell your boss, your colleagues and the police. The classic case is when he tries to meet with you on the street or public transport. Your colleagues need to also be warned about him. I imagine such losers with women will try on their little game on others too. Thats how weak men think
Blocking your phone does help but only after you have texted him that you have a boyfriend and you dont appreciate him contacting you, and you have warned him you will contact the police if he continues to harass you. Make it clear the situation has changed and you dont want him to contact you. You dont need any further explanations than that.

23-04-2017, 10:21 PM
Not all Arabs are Lebs mate .. Not all Lebs are rapists, drug dealers or criminals either ... I have 3 degrees (including a PhD), a group certificate showing a salary of over 230k per annum and can safely say that every girl that I have ever seen would vouch for this Leb being nothing short of a gentleman ... Ohh and I am only 31 .. Wanna keep comparing who's cocks bigger?

Well said mate. That comment was made back in January but obviously got you fired up. No place for racist comments like that though on the forum. I reckon Lebonese guys look pretty cool and often quite hot. If I was a woman I would fancy quite a lot of them I reckon. Cool looking dudes.

ps I am not gay LOL.

23-04-2017, 11:48 PM
Not all Arabs are Lebs mate .. Not all Lebs are rapists, drug dealers or criminals either ... I have 3 degrees (including a PhD), a group certificate showing a salary of over 230k per annum and can safely say that every girl that I have ever seen would vouch for this Leb being nothing short of a gentleman ... Ohh and I am only 31 .. Wanna keep comparing who's cocks bigger?
Agreed that Lebs are so hot. I used to not be able to help myself but break the rule of kissing to kiss a Leb before. And Greek, Greek men - I have much sympathy for them as I liked a Greek guy.

23-04-2017, 11:57 PM
Thanks for all advices.

24-04-2017, 06:38 AM
Agreed that Lebs are so hot. I used to not be able to help myself but break the rule of kissing to kiss a Leb before. And Greek, Greek men - I have much sympathy for them as I liked a Greek guy.

Agreed. Lebanese men are quite handsome and well built. They are also mostly great guys, and make great friends in my experience. They got a bad rep due to a few bad eggs.

The girls are gorgeous too!

24-04-2017, 09:31 AM
Oh yes, they're so beautiful and sexy, and especially their eyes and lips

Agreed. Lebanese men are quite handsome and well built. They are also mostly great guys, and make great friends in my experience. They got a bad rep due to a few bad eggs.

The girls are gorgeous too!

24-04-2017, 09:34 AM
Oh yes, they're so beautiful and sexy, and especially their eyes and lips

Ever gave yourself to one with beautiful and sexy eyes and lips ??

24-04-2017, 09:37 AM
I was talking about the Leb ladies, Uncle
For giving myself, naaaaa, at least not in shop and not for money
Ever gave yourself to one with beautiful and sexy eyes and lips ??

24-04-2017, 09:53 AM
I was talking about the Leb ladies, Uncle
For giving myself, naaaaa, at least not in shop and not for money

Sorry Baby, misunderstood!

Mr Bastard
25-04-2017, 09:45 AM
Someones heart just skipped a beat 909……….

26-04-2017, 07:27 PM
Tough case

Customer stole WL's new phone. there's no real evidence but strong belief since She uses her phone as a timer, and She found out there's no alarm after session finished.
He already has left the shop.

Called many times, He denies every time. now He then blocked my number, shop's number. still take other numbers though..
There's not many things I can do since she didn't install "find my iphone" such things... right :(


Mr Bastard
26-04-2017, 07:55 PM
Tough case

Customer stole WL's new phone. there's no real evidence but strong belief since She uses her phone as a timer, and She found out there's no alarm after session finished.
He already has left the shop.

Called many times, He denies every time. now He then blocked my number, shop's number. still take other numbers though..
There's not many things I can do since she didn't install "find my iphone" such things... right :(


I have been punting for many yrs, at many venues here and abroad, I have left watches, sunglasses and my wallet among other things on many occasions behind after leaving said venues, here in Syd I have had shops call me alerting me to the fact I had left something behind. Or once remembering myself, I have called the shop and items returned to me once located, usually where I had left them.

It's a shitty feeling when something disappears, hard earnt, yet easily pilferrrd by somebody whom probably does not work hard for anything they have.

Off with their hands

26-04-2017, 08:04 PM
Tough case

Customer stole WL's new phone. there's no real evidence but strong belief since She uses her phone as a timer, and She found out there's no alarm after session finished.
He already has left the shop.

Called many times, He denies every time. now He then blocked my number, shop's number. still take other numbers though..
There's not many things I can do since she didn't install "find my iphone" such things... right :(


You didn't mention how it was stolen.

Like, did she leave the phone in the room with the customer when she went out the room, and when she came back in, the customer had left with the phone?

26-04-2017, 08:23 PM
Probably while she had a shower, that's a amazingly shitty thing to do.

26-04-2017, 08:46 PM
Yeah she put her phone on drawer, because as I said she uses it as a timer, once she went out , came back, didn't actually care whether phone is still there or not. Finished session, He then left shop, She somehow felt strange because there's no alarm! But it's too late ㅜㅜ

26-04-2017, 08:56 PM
Wouldn't their be a password or Fingerprint lock on the phone?

26-04-2017, 10:07 PM
Agreed that Lebs are so hot. I used to not be able to help myself but break the rule of kissing to kiss a Leb before. And Greek, Greek men - I have much sympathy for them as I liked a Greek guy.

Here is a challenge for you. =)
If an Italian, Greek and Lebanese guy were to line up and front of you, do you think you would be able to pick their nationalities on looks alone?

26-04-2017, 10:10 PM
Well said mate. That comment was made back in January but obviously got you fired up. No place for racist comments like that though on the forum. I reckon Lebonese guys look pretty cool and often quite hot. If I was a woman I would fancy quite a lot of them I reckon. Cool looking dudes.

ps I am not gay LOL.

haha ... I didn't realise it was that long ago. I sort of read it in the thread as recent comment.
Regarding you not being gay, is "ps I am not gay LOL." the punterman2 version of #nohomo?

26-04-2017, 10:22 PM
haha ... I didn't realise it was that long ago. I sort of read it in the thread as recent comment.
Regarding you not being gay, is "ps I am not gay LOL." the punterman2 version of #nohomo?

I am a Canterbury Bankstown Supporter so I have to love Lebs. :surprise:

26-04-2017, 10:24 PM
I am a Canterbury Bankstown Supporter so I have to love Lebs. :surprise:

Those lebs are the exact reason why I wont go to a game where my beloved eels are playing the dogs.

26-04-2017, 10:57 PM
Called many times, He denies every time. now He then blocked my number, shop's number. still take other numbers though..
There's not many things I can do since she didn't install "find my iphone" such things... right :(


Oh she didn't have icloud / find my iphone enabled :(

She could still call her carrier to possibly get an IMEI block on the device, depends where she bought it etc

26-04-2017, 11:01 PM
Here is a challenge for you. =)
If an Italian, Greek and Lebanese guy were to line up and front of you, do you think you would be able to pick their nationalities on looks alone?
Oh yes, sometimes I get confused between Greek and Lebs. I think Italian looks a bit more tanned than the rest. But skins afe not smooth as Lebs. Greek are quite hairy than Lebs. But Lebs seem like to get bold??? Sorry but my instinct might tell me who is who. And we go for extra, then somehow I can point out who is from Italian or Lebs :)

Those lebs are the exact reason why I wont go to a game where my beloved eels are playing the dogs.
Are you fan of Parramatta team?

26-04-2017, 11:08 PM
Oh yes, sometimes I get confused between Greek and Lebs. I think Italian looks a bit more tanned than the rest. But skins afe not smooth as Lebs. Greek are quite hairy than Lebs. But Lebs seem like to get bold??? Sorry but my instinct might tell me who is who. And we go for extra, then somehow I can point out who is from Italian or Lebs :)

I cant speak for all of us, but I am definitely an advocate of waxing \ grooming. I have quite a few tattoos so it would be nice to actually see them ... I can confirm that our junk is smoother, less hairy and not as dark as the others ... =) a lot bigger too ... * sorry I had to add that in there *

Are you fan of Parramatta team?

I sure am =). Ever since I can remember. Are you as well?

26-04-2017, 11:43 PM
I cant speak for all of us, but I am definitely an advocate of waxing \ grooming. I have quite a few tattoos so it would be nice to actually see them ... I can confirm that our junk is smoother, less hairy and not as dark as the others ... =) a lot bigger too ... * sorry I had to add that in there *

I sure am =). Ever since I can remember. Are you as well?
Wow, not really but I have cap and T-shirt of them. Kid size, I think, lol.