View Full Version : General talk talkative MLs

29-01-2017, 03:04 PM
What are your thoughts on talkative MLs?

Is it disruptive when you really want a good relaxing massage?

I have had a few where the girls would just talk and talk and talk and provided little massage, etc. So, I ended up feeling no benefits from the session. She was good looking though.

29-01-2017, 03:49 PM
I prefer a girl who is talkative than say nothing as its awkward and boring

29-01-2017, 04:00 PM
I think its great, always puts the situation at ease & really can sometimes get quite heavy whilst they are at it . I had a few start talking about stuff they like in the bedroom & that added to the lead up to part 2! Let's just say it ended in a happier way!

29-01-2017, 04:12 PM
talkative girls are much better than awkward silence in the room. but immediate stop talking in part 2.

29-01-2017, 04:13 PM
I like to have a chat with the girl during Part 1.
It's nice to chill out, be touched and chat with a sexy girl.
But sometimes I just want to just drift away and enjoy the massage so I just tell her so, and they always are OK with that.
As long as you are polite with the girls they will do most things you ask for, within reason.

29-01-2017, 04:43 PM
Most girls start with small talks, I prefer to relax and get a decent massage. Once you give them some polite answers, they get the idea (most times) :smile:

29-01-2017, 05:09 PM
Who said it's an easy job? They're not mind readers :grimace:

29-01-2017, 05:16 PM
talkative girls are much better than awkward silence in the room. but immediate stop talking in part 2.

LOL for how you worded it. Thumbs up. And I agree too about stop talking in part 2.

29-01-2017, 05:20 PM
Who said it's an easy job? They're not mind readers :grimace:

Subjective on job difficulty I guess, because it depends on what work you have done.

And depending on which massage shop, the MLs have options to kill time.

I remember at Masstige8, some girls would just take time to turn the spa on or clean the showers, and some even just give you this facial mask to wear and get you to lie on the massage bed, which kills about 10 minutes.

29-01-2017, 07:11 PM
I find that when girls talk a lot during part 1, the massage is not as good. They seem get distracted and lose their rythym and skip some bits that they normally do and the pressure is not consistent. Sometimes I tell them I am a bit tired and want to enjoy the massage. They would then stop talking and give me a really good massage. These are regulars I am referring to though. They want to tell me about their lives and what happened since I last saw them. Most of the time I let them talk since they are really happy to talk.

But talking ceases during part 2.

29-01-2017, 10:35 PM
As long as there is chemistry it's cool, the more I get them to talk the more openminded they are for extras lol

God Member
30-01-2017, 12:16 AM
Who said it's an easy job? :grimace:

Giving a massage must become quite fatiguing in the wrists and arms. When I have been asked to massage someone's feet (for example) I last about 2 minutes max before I've got no strength left in my hands and wrists. My hands drop nervelessly off their task. It is quite a specific endurance strength needed, and I just don't have that. Maybe it is partly because of the incompressible nature of feet.

1. How long did it take you to build up endurance strength in your hands and arms?

2. When you first started, how did you even get through the first day? Or the second.

Where do these slips of girls with arms the same circumference at the top as it is at their elbows get their strength from?

It's all very well for the guys lying there like slabs of beef soaking it all up.

God Member
30-01-2017, 12:30 AM
Maybe it is because of the incompressible nature of feet.

Or maybe it is because of the irrepressible nature of Monkey. :shout:


30-01-2017, 12:47 AM
Much prefer a girl who talks. Although Fiona from Sussex is the only one I just let her hands do the talking…

30-01-2017, 07:09 AM
I find that when girls talk a lot during part 1, the massage is not as good. They seem get distracted and lose their rythym and skip some bits that they normally do and the pressure is not consistent. Sometimes I tell them I am a bit tired and want to enjoy the massage. They would then stop talking and give me a really good massage. These are regulars I am referring to though. They want to tell me about their lives and what happened since I last saw them. Most of the time I let them talk since they are really happy to talk.

But talking ceases during part 2.

I agree. some ML try to cover their lack of massage skill with talking too much.............

30-01-2017, 08:41 AM
Like genuinely talkative ones, not the equivalent of FOAM talking

30-01-2017, 09:15 AM
I find that when girls talk a lot during part 1, the massage is not as good. They seem get distracted and lose their rythym and skip some bits that they normally do and the pressure is not consistent. Sometimes I tell them I am a bit tired and want to enjoy the massage. They would then stop talking and give me a really good massage. These are regulars I am referring to though. They want to tell me about their lives and what happened since I last saw them. Most of the time I let them talk since they are really happy to talk.

But talking ceases during part 2.

I agree, and this could happen to the most skilful too.

I'm a big fans and supporter to Coco and her part I is legendary but I must say she was at her best back when she was working at Snow Lotus where we were friendly but not really good friends yet . So the conversations was just routine and limited - or should I say, just right.

Once she took over Burwood and Stanmore and I was helping her a bit, everytime I saw her, she would just be talking none stop about her business, the shop and the girls and all her problems - and I must say her concentration and performance had suffered, but this was probably an one off case, but just saying that too much talking ain't good for RnT !

Ps. Mimi on the other hand was perfect every time , just a bit of chit chat at the start to catch up then just get on with the job, she'll answer if I ask but never deviated from her tasks ahead . Same thing could be said about the other masters, Candy and Yuki !

30-01-2017, 06:13 PM
I think some talk is nice, depends on the subject matter of course - can be part of the GFE.

30-01-2017, 09:00 PM
I like a little chit chat, it's better than awkward silence, forms a bit of a connection, even though you know that at the end of the day, you're just a $50 note.

30-01-2017, 10:01 PM
It's just like when you go to a nice bar alone and sit at the counter...

A good barman knows how to have a nice small chat so you don't feel so lonely and somehow connected to the place and barman but not too much so you won't be able to enjoy your cocktail...

31-01-2017, 12:58 AM
it really depends, I like have a good chat but some of the ml just talk too private and makes me hard to answer.

31-01-2017, 07:21 AM
some of the ml just talk too private and makes me hard to answer.

I agree, sometimes they ask things which are just a little too personal, I just give a generic response.

31-01-2017, 01:21 PM
Less talk, more action :smile:

31-01-2017, 04:11 PM
but some of the ml just talk too private and makes me hard to answer.

Half the fun is making outrageous responses that cause them to laugh.

31-01-2017, 04:19 PM
Less talk, more action :smile:

You can always give her a mouth full !!

31-01-2017, 07:01 PM
it really depends, I like have a good chat but some of the ml just talk too private and makes me hard to answer.

I agree, sometimes they ask things which are just a little too personal, I just give a generic response.
And vice versa

31-01-2017, 07:38 PM
Sometimes session gets better if you chat

01-02-2017, 03:06 AM
You want to break the ice and have a bit of connection with small talk but not so much that it is distracting.
If you return, you want to have something to talk about on the next session

01-02-2017, 02:39 PM
And vice versa

What sort of questions might an ML find too personal? (I wonder if I've transgressed!)

01-02-2017, 03:20 PM
questions like...Do you have bf? yes then why work here? itis similar to what they asked you, are you married and why you are here?....it is understandable to both parties..not to ask and answer...OR... ask the ML do you like me? of course if you give big tips...

01-02-2017, 05:23 PM
I prefer talkative and happy /smiling MLs because I cannot tolerate dead silence in the room. If a ML can talk and provide a satisfying massage at the same time then this would be ideal. I always look out for girls who are personable in the room and easy to talk to. If a ML has negative personal traits such as being lazy, unfriendly, pretentious or just bossy then the session with her will not go well.

01-02-2017, 05:33 PM
yesterday just visited DOS (392 Sussex St)..it was about 6pm..all girls busy. Ushered to a room. Then Manager came in to do massage. She does not do part 2. so after 15 minutes, she asked another ML to do part 2. Lexi, her name. Taiwanese.. slim, petite, small and perky. So no chat, straight to NHJ. but she is great gal. you can feel her friendliness even without part 1 chat. Great job. Unfortunately the room and facilities are below par..Unsure to go again
but now i little fancy Taiwanese ML.

01-02-2017, 05:51 PM
questions like...Do you have bf? yes then why work here? itis similar to what they asked you, are you married and why you are here?....it is understandable to both parties..not to ask and answer...OR... ask the ML do you like me? of course if you give big tips...

I often ask the same question, but perhaps under a slightly different circumstances:

As I usually go for busty mls so if I am meeting her for the first time and this is at the beginning of part 2:

Case 2.1 if the ml is youngish: I would have her big tits in my hands, her hand/s jerking me off and I ask: do you have a boyfriend ? If yes, I'll say, your boyfriend is a very lucky man - then give her big tits a stronger squeeze. If she said no, I'll say, your future boyfriend will be a very lucky man ! And right now, I'm your 15 min boyfriend and I am very lucky !

Case 2.2 if the ml is a MILF: exactly the same as above, except replace all boyfriend with husband......... haha

And in most cases, the words would be: 男朋友 or 老公 ! as most of the mls I see are Chinese !

Just my two cents

01-02-2017, 06:57 PM
yesterday just visited DOS (392 Sussex St)..it was about 6pm..all girls busy. Ushered to a room. Then Manager came in to do massage. She does not do part 2. so after 15 minutes, she asked another ML to do part 2. Lexi, her name. Taiwanese.. slim, petite, small and perky. So no chat, straight to NHJ. but she is great gal. you can feel her friendliness even without part 1 chat. Great job. Unfortunately the room and facilities are below par..Unsure to go again
but now i little fancy Taiwanese ML.

Right, so you don't mind her bush down there?

01-02-2017, 07:22 PM
Much prefer a girl who talks. Although Fiona from Sussex is the only one I just let her hands do the talking…

lol funny u say that .... shes like machine gun and fires multiple questions at u in one sentence like ur being interrogated, topic can be so random too.

but overall shes still good and fun, especially if u feel like sumthin different

01-02-2017, 07:47 PM
You can always give her a mouth full !!

I wish mate :cool2:

10-02-2017, 09:11 AM
I find that if you have no language barriers with the ML, they tend to talk like your their BFF. But if you were after something legit to relax, you wouldn't be at a RNT anyway

10-02-2017, 10:13 AM
I find that if you have no language barriers with the ML, they tend to talk like your their BFF. But if you were after something legit to relax, you wouldn't be at a RNT anyway

There are a few RnT places where you can get a remedial massage as good as any legit shops! And with part II optional , it's a no brainer for complete relaxation and satisfactions !

10-02-2017, 10:26 AM
There are a few RnT places where you can get a remedial massage as good as any legit shops! And with part II optional , it's a no brainer for complete relaxation and satisfactions !

I would love to know where to go for a good remedial massage with part 2 but in order for me to reduce the anticipation and relax for the massage, i would need to do the Tug before the Rub.

10-02-2017, 01:51 PM
I like the conversation... I agree it detracts from the massage, but for me personally it just feels a lot nicer to receive an intimate service from someone if I feel like we have a bit of a connection, however shallow or trivial. Being physically stimulated until I come is something I can do perfectly well for myself. The appeal of adult massage for me is that... you're sharing a moment with another person. Of course it's a job for them, but I think if there's a friendly atmosphere in the room it can make the difference between it feeling like it's "just a job" and being a nice enough or even enjoyable job. I may just be kidding myself! But I think, of the massages I've enjoyed most and found most memorable, it's always been partly because I feel like I'm getting on well with the girl on a personal level.

10-02-2017, 01:58 PM
I like the conversation... I agree it detracts from the massage, but for me personally it just feels a lot nicer to receive an intimate service from someone if I feel like we have a bit of a connection, however shallow or trivial. Being physically stimulated until I come is something I can do perfectly well for myself. The appeal of adult massage for me is that... you're sharing a moment with another person. Of course it's a job for them, but I think if there's a friendly atmosphere in the room it can make the difference between it feeling like it's "just a job" and being a nice enough or even enjoyable job. I may just be kidding myself! But I think, of the massages I've enjoyed most and found most memorable, it's always been partly because I feel like I'm getting on well with the girl on a personal level.

totally agree.

of course, she needs to have a nice voice. for MLs with a strong (and annoying) accent it's better they keep quiet. but in this case i would find it hard to build any connection, so probably won't visit her again.

11-02-2017, 12:03 AM
if u get a talker ask for DTBBBJCIMSW ...

11-02-2017, 03:24 PM
It's about taking it slow, breaking ice and I find that these type of conversation in between massage will score a nice treat at the end of it. Like they say treat a lady nice and u will be rewarded handsomely.

11-02-2017, 03:41 PM
I talk non stop I get a bad vibe if they're quiet

14-02-2017, 03:21 AM
Once had an insanely hot white girl in country town I was staying overnight in, all I wanted was bj, a massage and a go at a second shot before bed.

First part done pretty quickly due to her skill & hotness.

Never got near the 2nd or 3rd parts because she wouldn't shut the fuck up. I couldn't get a word in. Her stories were crazy though talking about doing coke with movie producers, she did some porn vids for some well known Aussie sites (turned out to be the 2nd chick I've had a session with who was also doing porn).

The main story was about going to a celebrities house with some girlfriends and her gf decided to rub coke into her pussy. Next morning she wakes up to drive to another job but was getting chick blueballs, so she stopped on the side of the road on the highway and recorded herself (for her porn/cam girl stuff) fingering herself to get over. Then a few minutes before the hour was up she went "I forgot to give you a massage I was talking too much!" :grimace:

Obviously I checked it out after I got back and it corroborated her story.

I was impressed by her stories, but she was absolutely the most annoying person I've ever spent an hour with.

The only girl who came close was one in Brisbane who sucked me off then started talking about asshole customers, which once involved her pulling a knife or something on a guy before security busted in, and her jerk of an ex-boyfriend. She also failed to realise I was there for an hour not half an hour and nearly ended the session after 20 minutes. Stories were a bonerkiller :shout:

16-02-2017, 07:31 PM
what do you talk about? i usually try to talk but the conversations wont last for mroe than 10 mins max.

16-02-2017, 10:18 PM
I had a white wl who talked and talked about her life and other job and then I told her I'm no psychologist and I didn't come here for a chat. I told her to stop yapping and get to business. She did but it felt like I was the bad guy for telling a yapper to put a sock in it

18-02-2017, 06:31 PM
I personally find it annoying when a ml talks too much, or asks too many questions. I usually introduce myself and make an effort to engage in some conversation at the start of the session, but then let her know that I'm now going into relaxation mode.

21-02-2017, 11:45 AM
How can you get chemistry going if they don't talk?

I have a ml at a legit place that gives the best fuck me eyes, but she never opens her mouth, so I havent taken the plunge!

23-02-2017, 02:31 AM
One of my best punts was with an Asian girl (Pandora, only worked for a couple months afaik) at Ginza who didn't need to talk much English at all. It was a long session so towards the end we did talk a bit about her life and how she was learning english. She was so cute.

23-02-2017, 08:22 AM
I would love to know where to go for a good remedial massage with part 2 but in order for me to reduce the anticipation and relax for the massage, i would need to do the Tug before the Rub.

All these gals below can give you happy beginning first then good massage endings later:

Candy at VIP Pyrmont

Nicole at QVB

Yuki at 450 Elizabeth st

Cherry at the 48 the Strand Croydon

Enjoy !

23-02-2017, 11:21 AM
chatting is much better

23-02-2017, 01:06 PM
I find white girls talkative too. One even counted the introductory chat in the hour booking. WTF.

23-02-2017, 01:36 PM
I remember one girl who refused to look me in the eye when talking.. keep looking at my chin or neck. And boy, was she talkative. Lol

23-02-2017, 10:18 PM
I've found some have a set routine and until the remember you they always ask the same questions. Tried the answer questions different each time and they didn't flinch.

25-02-2017, 06:20 AM
I go to a legit massage place regularly where there are only curtains separating the clients. Just about every time I'm there enjoying a nice quiet relaxing massage, with soft music playing in the background, a brother will come into the shop speaking loudly and once paid his money and shown to his room, will start with the same old questions that the poor ML has heard a thousand times before... What country are you from? How long have you been here? What are you studying? How about this hot weather? Etc, etc.
Sometimes I feel like saying mate, just pop your head in the hole and shut the f**k up!

28-02-2017, 12:47 PM
One thing that annoys me most is when the MLs start yabbering away loudly to each other when they are performing the massage. Not especially compatible with peace and relaxation!

28-02-2017, 01:38 PM
One thing that annoys me most is when the MLs start yabbering away loudly to each other when they are performing the massage. Not especially compatible with peace and relaxation!

Agree az, I totally understand that they would from time to time get bored performing massages all day, so they have little chats and jokes amongst themselves. It's just that when you're the one on the table it definitely kills the mood.

28-02-2017, 08:10 PM
I find young Asian MLs the best to talk to. The ones learning English do want to practice. Most MLs I've been with knows the session is a time for relaxation. Never had a yapper before.

01-03-2017, 03:51 AM
Talking I don't care as long as they aren't wasting time.

I hate WLs who pull out their phone. Turn the fucking thing off. No, I don't care if you use it for time, get an egg timer or a digital clock alarm.

Was once face down for a massage and the girl pulls out her phone and does a halfass job, stopping every few seconds to tap at her phone. Infuriating.

01-03-2017, 09:04 AM
if the get a ML or WL who talks too much I just slide my cock down her throat lol

01-03-2017, 10:46 AM
I think it's important to have a balance. Bit of banter in part 1 and all business in part 2.

01-03-2017, 01:52 PM
if the get a ML or WL who talks too much I just slide my cock down her throat lol
i like this.. 😄

05-03-2017, 08:04 AM
Talking with the girl is the way of establishing a connection. I've found the best girls I've been with to have the right balance of talking and silence