View Full Version : Diamonds, Willoughby

04-02-2013, 03:20 PM

04-02-2013, 04:20 PM
At least we know they have had a line up of young Malaysian students

04-02-2013, 05:15 PM

That's very disappointing to know.

I'll be taking that place off the list of places to go. Not a fan of girls providing services theyre being forced to.

04-02-2013, 09:31 PM
I didn't even know this place existed, but who cares?! Not ever going to visit there now. There are plenty of girls that want to work in the industry, this sort of behaviour needs to be stamped out.

Vote with your feet (and dollars).

04-02-2013, 09:47 PM
I didn't even know this place existed, but who cares?! Not ever going to visit there now. There are plenty of girls that want to work in the industry, this sort of behaviour needs to be stamped out.

Vote with your feet (and dollars).

It is really hard to get WLs from Asian countries to here. Most of the Asian shops doing it.

04-02-2013, 09:48 PM
That's very disappointing to know.

I'll be taking that place off the list of places to go. Not a fan of girls providing services theyre being forced to.

There are still plenty of places today where that happens. Obviously I can't name any for many reasons.

04-02-2013, 10:52 PM
It is really hard to get WLs from Asian countries to here. Most of the Asian shops doing it.

How common is this really?

Have never had any vibes from any WL or ML i've seen

04-02-2013, 11:31 PM
There are still plenty of places today where that happens. Obviously I can't name any for many reasons.

I have no doubt this sort of stuff goes on. But I won't knowingly support places that do.

06-02-2013, 10:05 AM
I'm not interested. I'm boycotting Diamonds.

06-02-2013, 02:35 PM
A further report here today:

I think we have all been to shops where the girl has shown little enthusiasm for the job in hand (oops, great pun, not intended). I often wonder if the girl is there of her own free will.

06-02-2013, 06:35 PM
I have no doubt this sort of stuff goes on. But I won't knowingly support places that do.

Exactly right... it's not an industry I want to support.

07-02-2013, 08:59 AM
There are still plenty of places today where that happens. Obviously I can't name any for many reasons.

Project Manager - I understand you can't publish stuff here, but if you know of illegal behaviour and don't act appropriately (ie, dob the bastards in), that is itself immoral.

07-02-2013, 10:52 AM
I read that article last night, fucking makes me sick that shit like this goes on!
Al us readers here might enjoy a punt every now and again and think its just a bit of harmless fun, but if you ever come across a Wl or Ml who you get pissed off at because they aren't into a session, maybe stop and think that they are there by force and not by choice.
I wonder how many poor girls suffered at the hands of this bitch at Diamonds.
Fucking disgusting - what if one of these girls has ended up with Aids with the services they have been forced to provide to customers.

07-02-2013, 12:43 PM
Whilst this is a horrible situation and appalling, Before everyone gets too angry at this shop. I believe this allegation was on previous owners a couple of years ago. The shop then was all Malaysian girls and run by some pretty dodgey characters. it is now owned and run be completely different people and the girls are from all parts of Asia. They freely turn up to work when they want and are as unreliable as most places.

07-02-2013, 01:04 PM
This is not the first case ike this to come up, although I think a couple of previous trials failed from lack of convincing evidence. Very little gets reported, because the girls are too scared to complain, or just don't get the opportunity to get away.

Reports have been coming out for years of Phili, Thai, and Korean girls being exploited in this manner.

You don't really know what you are dealing with when you go into a shop, but an unhappy girl is certainly something to be wary of.

07-02-2013, 05:26 PM
Sexual slavery is unacceptable. That is clear. I applaud the bros here for taking that stand.
However, before we start ranting and raving against the shop-owner, lets keep things in perspective. There are, almost always, two sides to a story.
I must make it clear that I do not even know of this shop's existence. I am against sexual slavery. It is sick.
To my simple mind, it is damn near impossible to keep a woman in sexual slavery unless you lock her up and bring her out just to service clients. In this day and age, where a woman is free to come and go, how can she be a "sex slave" against her free will? Would she not, the moment she steps out the shop door, go running to the authorities? It is simply not believable that she did not know she could get help. And with these Malaysian girls, English language cannot be the problem.
So, if the girls are free to come and go and they can get help if they want to, how are they "sex slaves"??
Could it be (and I am not saying this is the case with the girls and shop we are talking about in this thread) the girls are simply crying out now because they, and the shop, have been caught out?
If the girls are complaining that they are doing it to repay a monetary debt - then repay the debt or go to the authorities at the first chance. No one should be forced to provide sexual services against their will for any reason.
I have been to Malaysia many times and I have several Malaysian mates. They laugh at this. Malaysia is not exactly a poor nation with illiterate girls running around to be duped or forced into sexual slavery. Or the rights of a woman is so bad that they have no choice.
Now, it is equally possible, that the shop owner is indeed guilty of forcing the girls into providing the service. If so, the shop owner deserves the full punishment of the law.
But I am damn curious how this business could possibly enslave these girls.

07-02-2013, 06:52 PM
Some of these places allegedly keep the girls locked up; They are provided with basic accomodation on the premises. Their passports are consficated, they are not allowed phones or money, and as mentioned they may be threatened with family reprisals. One shop a few years ago near where I lived had the girls picked up in a van after work each night to be spirited away.

There may be a lot of these shops around that we have never heard of, they don't publicly advertise.

It was interesting that the girls in this shop were only contracted for $5000. Previous stories have mentioned 4 or 5 times this amount, well in excess of the costs to the provider.

07-02-2013, 07:36 PM
The five star brothel had a connection with the previous owner of Diamonds which this court case is about. Some of the now popular girls at five star started at diamonds years ago. I know two that are very popular and still at 5 star and love their job. The current diamonds management are not those that are facing this court case at present and have no links to five star. There would be lucky to be 1 Malaysian girl at diamonds now. Most girls are Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese, and a couple of Thai. Don't misunderstand I am appalled at the allegations and thought of sex slaves however I also think that the current owners of diamonds shouldn't be blamed for the pigs of the past.

07-02-2013, 08:08 PM
Yes you are correct. I didn't mention it because in this case I don't know if its the current operators of aqua or a past owner. I remember when aqua first started it was run and owned by a Chinese lady Lucy and started operation with 2 girls in a townhouse in crows nest. She obtained and fitted out the licences premises in cleg street and called it Jasmins. It then changed to a different owner before it was named aqua with the current management so I don't know which one had the link to five star but at some point I remember a receptionist telling me that five star was their other shop.

07-02-2013, 08:54 PM
No, the shop in Artarmon nor Diamonds are no longer in anyway connected to the BASTARD that's responsible for the alledged trafficing.

It's not the current owners fault if the premises have previously been used for illegal activities.

In my view there is no need to boycott Diamonds on the bases of this lawsuit.

As a separate note, I thought we all were presumed innocent until proven guilty. Am I wrong?

To make it clear. I do not condone the alleged crimes.
For all I care, those responsible, if found guilty, could be hung from their balls (if they have any).

07-02-2013, 10:27 PM
Agree 100% Licker. The information I know confirms your post

07-02-2013, 10:48 PM
Bro Blackbird,

Thanks for answering my question! :slobber:

My assumption was: "As a separate note, I thought we all were presumed innocent until proven guilty. "
And my question was: "Am I wrong?"

Well, I got my answer.
I was wrong.

Max Impact
07-02-2013, 11:04 PM
Dont believe all the bullshit that you read in the news.

Aus99 Moderator
08-02-2013, 02:30 AM
Attention all members,

The ABC Doco was aired about 2 years ago, and it was unrelated to the Diamond case. The fact that 5* has never been investigated by the police, let alone charged with any of the involvements, is a clear indication of how much truth there was in the doco.

The Diamond court case is still in progress, so please refrain from speculating and leave the investigation to the Police and the Authority, because speculations like this would create unfair disadvantage to the shops concerned.

This thread will now be locked and further postings on this issue will not be allowed.

Aus99 Moderator