View Full Version : General talk Contaminated AR thread

12-03-2017, 05:32 PM
Perhaps contaminated is strong word
However it is not exaggerated where owners are contaminating the thread by replying the reviews constantly to bring them up again and again.

I can click and change the order to descending, its not so hard

But is anybody annoyed as much as me about this?

12-03-2017, 11:41 PM
Less lurkers and more AR writers would help and is the main solution
I see people who joined 5 years ago, still post in 2017 so obviously have been using their log in over that time but less than 1 review a year
Theres your answer

13-03-2017, 12:02 AM
Perhaps contaminated is strong word
However it is not exaggerated where owners are contaminating the thread by replying the reviews constantly to bring them up again and again.

I can click and change the order to descending, its not so hard

But is anybody annoyed as much as me about this?

Luckily you haven't contaminated their AR's with this post ! You're a newbie to this forum, so it's understandable that you don't realize that they are paying advertisers, and the forum is designed to help them advertise this way ! ;) ;) ;)

13-03-2017, 03:03 AM
I made a post but it went away. maybe using a link did it idk or just never hit send.

I agree with original post.

Looking at the AR section there are dozens of old AR's that are getting bumped up. There was at least one from 2015 that got randomly bumped. 2 years old, how can we even know if it was the same girl or just one using the same name? And 2 years on service could easily be better or worse.

Right now we have 3 of the forums here where every shop spams their new rosters. Every time they get an AR they seem to endlessly bump them, the "shop info" and "shop roster" sections are just duplicates where they all spam their new rosters over and over again. AR forum now gets often bumped by the 3rd post of a shops roster just because it mentions their shop.

The shops should link good reviews of their workers IN THEIR ROSTER thread only. Not by bumping old threads.

I'm not even sure we really need the Shop & Girl information forum, because it just looks like the Roster forum.

13-03-2017, 06:50 AM
I agree. The forum is getting boring as shit. I try and post some interesting articles or some after reports and mostly they get deleted and replaced with the same boring old crap. Does this WL like me, what size tits do people like etc etc etc.

13-03-2017, 07:43 AM
Unfortunately, that is the way the owners of this forum want it to work.

We are left with the old adage "if you don't like, go somewhere else".

You also have the option to ignore shops that don't meet your standards.

13-03-2017, 08:41 AM
Luckily you haven't contaminated their AR's with this post ! You're a newbie to this forum, so it's understandable that you don't realize that they are paying advertisers, and the forum is designed to help them advertise this way ! ;) ;) ;)

Whether jamaisvu is a newbie or a 15,000-post veteran is irrelevant. His opinion is as valued as anyone's. You could even mount a strong case to say that a fresh viewpoint is even more valuable than those of any veteran poster who has simply been at it too long.

And rojandro919 is right -- too many lurkers, not enough contributors. ARs are the lifeblood of this forum, not what a shop owner thinks about his/her shop or girls. Shop owners are a vested interest. What else are they going to say about their product. Look elsewhere?

The forum shouldn't be designed for advertisers at all. It should be designed for users. No users, no forum. You could have a forum that's just a bunch of advertisers talking to each other, but how effective will that be?

I've been using this forum for about 6 months, and Punterman is right -- it aint as interesting as it once was. Too much advertorial, not enough editorial.

The smart advertisers promote independent editorial, like a hot-off-the-press, no holds barred AR. That's what punters want to read, not what a shop boss says about their product.

I'll continue to do my bit, posting bullshit-free ARs, until the forum organisers boot me off.

13-03-2017, 09:31 AM
I can see both points of view. I read Ahlungor and other veterans contributing After Reports and asking others to do the same
If a guy has posted 10 ARs in the last 2 years, then that makes a big difference.

If you had more recent After Reports, then there is more actual useful content.

I reckon that its easier being part of the problem than being part of the solution.

I asked in an earlier thread what is the definition of an AUS99 lurker.

My definition is someone who hasnt posted a proper AR in the last 3 months. Thats a pretty lenient definition.

How many members are regular AR writers (writers of at least 1 full AR every 3 months)? If you are one of them, only then should you be critical of not enough ARs. Is that a fair comment?

Another part of the problem are the threads like...
"Where can I go near (suburb) to find ...", or
"Im new in town, where should I go"
I notice that noone asks this OP..
"Are you going to post your experience, as courtesy for the info you are receiving?"

Most of the time the OP doesnt write a Review after asking for the info, despite the OP taking the time to set up an account. Common courtesy, like common sense, isnt common in this world.

Also, there no point adding to an existing thread, about your experience. When someone uses prefix to search for After Reports, your report cant be found. Unless you are starting a new After Report, this forum will always only show old After Reports

I only go to shops with good ARs, and as part of getting good info, I post up my experiences in return. Punterman and speechwriter set the pace, they contribute as much as they take. Also, the veterans on here need no introduction.

13-03-2017, 09:40 AM
My analogy is that I am also an active member of a movie forum.
On that site, as a member, I would feel strange not adding reviews about recent movies seen, or commenting on other peoples thoughts about a recent movie.
Arent forums about sharing information?

People on there dont post random threads like "Do you like tall or short or blonde actresses?"

No. The point of a movie site is to discuss recent movies that you have seen. And imho, AUS99 should be the same, regarding peoples recent experience

It would be an interesting experiment if we banned people starting or responding to non threads like "Boob poll" or "Seeing WL in the street" for the rest of the year, and got people writing ARs. Theres another solution

I noticed recently that the homepage here states how many members are currently logged in. If every one of those logged in members stopped reading or posting trivia and instead posted a new After Report thread - a new AR thread - this forum would be jumping.

13-03-2017, 09:49 AM
I can see both points of view. I read Ahlungor and other veterans contributing After Reports and asking others to do the same
If a guy has posted 10 ARs in the last 2 years, then that makes a big difference.

If you had more recent After Reports, then there is more actual useful content.

I reckon that its easier being part of the problem than being part of the solution.

I asked in an earlier thread what is the definition of an AUS99 lurker.

My definition is someone who hasnt posted a proper AR in the last 3 months. Thats a pretty lenient definition.

How many members are regular AR writers (writers of at least 1 full AR every 3 months)? If you are one of them, only then should you be critical of not enough ARs. Is that a fair comment?

I only go to shops with good ARs, and as part of getting good info, I post up my experiences in return. Punterman and speechwriter set the pace, they contribute as much as they take. The veterans here need no introduction.

Hear hear! Be part of the solution. Contribute and encourage others to do the same

13-03-2017, 11:10 AM
Whether jamaisvu is a newbie or a 15,000-post veteran is irrelevant. His opinion is as valued as anyone's. You could even mount a strong case to say that a fresh viewpoint is even more valuable than those of any veteran poster who has simply been at it too long.

And rojandro919 is right -- too many lurkers, not enough contributors. ARs are the lifeblood of this forum, not what a shop owner thinks about his/her shop or girls. Shop owners are a vested interest. What else are they going to say about their product. Look elsewhere?

The forum shouldn't be designed for advertisers at all. It should be designed for users. No users, no forum. You could have a forum that's just a bunch of advertisers talking to each other, but how effective will that be?

I've been using this forum for about 6 months, and Punterman is right -- it aint as interesting as it once was. Too much advertorial, not enough editorial.

The smart advertisers promote independent editorial, like a hot-off-the-press, no holds barred AR. That's what punters want to read, not what a shop boss says about their product.

I'll continue to do my bit, posting bullshit-free ARs, until the forum organisers boot me off.

You're a newbie too so you didn't know !

I was simply pointing out the fact that the forum was built up this way since it first opened. It's not changed recently or something like that !

The reason is, other forums charge a membership fee, while this forum gets its revenue from advertisers, it's not whether advertisers should or should not post where you think is appropriate, it's their right ! They are paying for you to enjoy for free !

This issue had been discussed years ago, nothing has changed, don't be a new migrant into a country and try to change the laws of the country to suit yourself straight away !

13-03-2017, 04:48 PM
You're a newbie too so you didn't know !

I was simply pointing out the fact that the forum was built up this way since it first opened. It's not changed recently or something like that !

The reason is, other forums charge a membership fee, while this forum gets its revenue from advertisers, it's not whether advertisers should or should not post where you think is appropriate, it's their right ! They are paying for you to enjoy for free !

This issue had been discussed years ago, nothing has changed, don't be a new migrant into a country and try to change the laws of the country to suit yourself straight away !

wilisno, my man...take a deep breath.

Your migrant to a new country analogy is as ridiculous as your argument.

Here's the bottom line:


Those users can be newbies or veterans; young or old; straight, trans or intergen. It doesn't matter. They all have a point of view, and each point of view is as valuable as yours or mine will ever be.

As Punterman points out, if these forums continue their slide into advertiser-driven content irrelevancy, they will slowly die. Users will leave, choked from the bordeom of "what type of tits do you like?" or worse, having to plow through reems of shop rosters that are worthless bolt-ons to a review that was written 3 years ago. What a lazy way to promote your business.

I dont give a tinker's cuss what advertisers think. I'm interested in what other users think.

In another life, not that long ago, I managed a team of people who ran forums and online communities on subjects that attracted some of the biggest advertisers in the country. The only thing we had to do was keep the interest of our users. Period.

Advertisers were secondary. In fact, you know what the advertisers used to ask my big boss every month, just before they signed another big cheque: "How many ACTIVE USERS do your communities attract?"

Content is king. Always was. Always will be.

Lose the interest of users with shit content -- rosters masquerading as the latest post to a good AR -- and you lose your reason to be.

I better get off my soapbox now.

Hope your next one is your best one.

13-03-2017, 05:25 PM
I can see both points of view. I read Ahlungor and other veterans contributing After Reports and asking others to do the same
If a guy has posted 10 ARs in the last 2 years, then that makes a big difference.

If you had more recent After Reports, then there is more actual useful content.

I reckon that its easier being part of the problem than being part of the solution.

I asked in an earlier thread what is the definition of an AUS99 lurker.

My definition is someone who hasnt posted a proper AR in the last 3 months. Thats a pretty lenient definition.

How many members are regular AR writers (writers of at least 1 full AR every 3 months)? If you are one of them, only then should you be critical of not enough ARs. Is that a fair comment?

Another part of the problem are the threads like...
"Where can I go near (suburb) to find ...", or
"Im new in town, where should I go"
I notice that noone asks this OP..
"Are you going to post your experience, as courtesy for the info you are receiving?"

Most of the time the OP doesnt write a Review after asking for the info, despite the OP taking the time to set up an account. Common courtesy, like common sense, isnt common in this world.

Also, there no point adding to an existing thread, about your experience. When someone uses prefix to search for After Reports, your report cant be found. Unless you are starting a new After Report, this forum will always only show old After Reports

I only go to shops with good ARs, and as part of getting good info, I post up my experiences in return. Punterman and speechwriter set the pace, they contribute as much as they take. The veterans here need no introduction.

Hi there, since you mentioned that you read my ARs, may be I should add my 36/38 cents into your comments:

These days I'm a once a week RnT punter and you can pretty much count on me to post a review after each session.

But I have a bad habit of only seeing busty girls !! If there are plenty of worthwhile busty girls in the market and within easy access for me logistically , watch out, you will have Ahlungor busty girls reviews galore : say something like : Rebecca (227), Iris, Kelly, Summer, Vicky (thai) Coco, Mimi, Cici, Lulu, Rebecca (14 Concord), Mina , Linda , Emma, Mia, Lily, Lorra and of course, my current no. 1 girl Cherry ! And the other mamasan Cherry just for old time sake and her magical hands !!

But the problem is, most of these girls are now gone and apart from the mamasan double at QVB and master Candy at VIP , my go to busty girls are only left with Emma and Cherry ! And that's pretty much whom I have been seeing in 2017!

Now , with the review bit, if I am seeing Cherry for the last four weeks, do you really want to read my reviews on the same girl week after week - for the parts I can review that is........lol

So until there is a new busty ml in the horizon, I probably won't be posting anything new for a while, not that I don't want to but it's too boring won't it ??

And we must thank some of the newer brothers who have been keeping the AR section meaningful and ticking along, you know who you are and thank you guys for taking the time to write and share. Please keep that coming .

And I won't be too much longer, as soon as I found someone new and busty......... haha

Happy punting everyone !


13-03-2017, 05:29 PM
wilisno, my man...take a deep breath.

Your migrant to a new country analogy is as ridiculous as your argument.

Here's the bottom line:


Those users can be newbies or veterans; young or old; straight, trans or intergen. It doesn't matter. They all have a point of view, and each point of view is as valuable as yours or mine will ever be.

As Punterman points out, if these forums continue their slide into advertiser-driven content irrelevancy, they will slowly die. Users will leave, choked from the bordeom of "what type of tits do you like?" or worse, having to plow through reems of shop rosters that are worthless bolt-ons to a review that was written 3 years ago. What a lazy way to promote your business.

I dont give a tinker's cuss what advertisers think. I'm interested in what other users think.

In another life, not that long ago, I managed a team of people who ran forums and online communities on subjects that attracted some of the biggest advertisers in the country. The only thing we had to do was keep the interest of our users. Period.

Advertisers were secondary. In fact, you know what the advertisers used to ask my big boss every month, just before they signed another big cheque: "How many ACTIVE USERS do your communities attract?"

Content is king. Always was. Always will be.

Lose the interest of users with shit content -- rosters masquerading as the latest post to a good AR -- and you lose your reason to be.

I better get off my soapbox now.

Hope your next one is your best one.
You know what ? Your threat is nothing new, it's been used many times before !

And the consequence ? Syd99 has grown into the biggest sex forum in Australia, because most people know what a fair game is !

And no matter what your motive or concern is, you wouldn't think a forum would operate for the sake of pleasing some members only do you, without some forms of income, how do you think anyone could run it ? It's not a charity organization anyway ! ;) ;) ;)

To you, my analogy of a new migrant is ridiculous, although you couldn't present your point of argument against it, to me, you behave exactly that way !

13-03-2017, 05:41 PM
You know what ? Your threat is nothing new, it's been used many times before !

And the consequence ? Syd99 has grown into the biggest sex forum in Australia !

And no matter what your motive or concern is, you wouldn't think a forum would operate for the sake of pleasing some members only do you, without some forms of income, how do you think anyone could run it ? It's not a charity organization anyway ! ;) ;) ;)

That's the way it is and always will be !

And it's working well for the forum so why change ??

The Admin did set some restrictions and guidelines before to limit the advertisers from bumping. And most people are operating within these guidelines, may be a couple of them are overly more active but that's not gonna to sink the ship I don't think.

Apart from the reviews which I agree are the most valuable assets of the forum but let's not forget the importance of the roster updates and the shop's descriptions of the girls - of course , you need to be smart enough to sort out what and who and how much to believe and follow.

And there will always be some really great and genuine reviews and others not so, again, it's not rocket science to figure out which and who to follow. It's a game with a little bit of rules , some play by it and some don't. At the end of the day, there are plenty other forums around and everyone has a choice, it's free for all after all.

If you can get something out of this forum then good on you, for others, the truth and values are always out there.


13-03-2017, 05:42 PM
I still think willisno has a point. Why bother going to the AR section when it's all just advertisements and roster alerts? We get that stuff already from the roster section!

Though it never used to be like this - when did this change?

13-03-2017, 05:56 PM
I still think willisno has a point. Why bother going to the AR section when it's all just advertisements and roster alerts? We get that stuff already from the roster section!

Though it never used to be like this - when did this change?
Yes, get the information whatever way you please, at least it's free anyway ! ;) ;) ;)

And there are always people who would appreciate the AR's getting bumped up because they haven't read them yet. No action can please everybody, but here it's free, and the freedom we enjoy here is second to none !

13-03-2017, 06:07 PM
I can see both points of view. I read Ahlungor and other veterans contributing After Reports and asking others to do the same
If a guy has posted 10 ARs in the last 2 years, then that makes a big difference.

If you had more recent After Reports, then there is more actual useful content.

I reckon that its easier being part of the problem than being part of the solution.

I asked in an earlier thread what is the definition of an AUS99 lurker.

My definition is someone who hasnt posted a proper AR in the last 3 months. Thats a pretty lenient definition.

How many members are regular AR writers (writers of at least 1 full AR every 3 months)? If you are one of them, only then should you be critical of not enough ARs. Is that a fair comment?

Another part of the problem are the threads like...
"Where can I go near (suburb) to find ...", or
"Im new in town, where should I go"
I notice that noone asks this OP..
"Are you going to post your experience, as courtesy for the info you are receiving?"

Most of the time the OP doesnt write a Review after asking for the info, despite the OP taking the time to set up an account. Common courtesy, like common sense, isnt common in this world.

Also, there no point adding to an existing thread, about your experience. When someone uses prefix to search for After Reports, your report cant be found. Unless you are starting a new After Report, this forum will always only show old After Reports

I only go to shops with good ARs, and as part of getting good info, I post up my experiences in return. Punterman and speechwriter set the pace, they contribute as much as they take. The veterans here need no introduction.

Thanks. We do contribute but if it is a report on a girl in a shop that does not pay to advertise here then it is deleted saying we are taking business away from the shops that do advertise ( which is untrue anyway ) and then all we are left to read is the same boring stuff about how great Ginza and 5 Star are.

Yesterday I posted a thread about going bareback. Most regular forum members have probably done. it and might have wanted to read it, complain about it, discuss it but again it was deleted as though it was too terrible to be discussed. We are adults with freedom of speech, nobody will die reading controversial threads, it might make the forum more interesting and get others to share more.

13-03-2017, 06:15 PM
Thanks. We do contribute but if it is a report on a shop that does not pay to advertise here then it is deleted saying we are taking business away from the shops that do advertise and then all we are left to read is the same boring shit about how great Ginza and 5 Star are.
Yep, the forum won't allow illegal advertisements to be fair to other paying advertisers. If you think other shops news are boring shit, you don't have to read them !