View Full Version : 533 Willoughby Road Stephanie -- man, what is she doing here?

16-03-2017, 01:35 PM

I have a confession to make.

I went back to 533 Willoughby last week.

I said I never would, but fellow travellers, grant me this: it was to scratch an itch that wouldn’t go away, an itch that mamasan Angie gave me 5 months ago.

After a zany session with Sally, Angie introduced me to Stephanie. Searing hot girl. She looked so out of place amongst the chaos of that narrow 533 hallway. I didn’t forget Stephanie’s smile, or her magnificent tits.

I went back to 533 for a booking with Stephanie about 2 weeks after the itch took hold. That’s when pantomime villain Angie (shooter's work, not mine) did the old face-swap switcheroo and presented Jessie as Stephanie. I protested. Angie and I argued.

Jessie, her tits bulging out of the ridiculous thing she was wearing, put her hand on my crotch and said “come with me and you will forget Stephanie”. I did. And I did.

Then I remembered her. The Stephanie itch returned with some vengeance last week. It was time to scratch it, and this is why I found myself once more walking up the dingy stairway at 533.

Arrival and intro

533 is a circus, isn’t it? Ring master Angie answers the door, pretends to know you, and ushers you into her ringtop.

It’s cramped, a little smelly, take-away Asian food there, carry bags here, towels everywhere.

I expect to see clowns, a unicyclist and a couple of monkeys slinging shit at each other any minute now, but instead, Stephanie appears.

She’s short, slight, caramel-coloured skin, big smile, long brown hair, narrow waist, and the most magnificent pair of tits. She’s wearing a matching pink bra and panties. They are rubbish. What I would give to dress this girl.

I’ve no idea what ensures next, because it’s all in Mandarin or Cantonese. Angie and Stephanie cackle on for a full minute. Each of them occasionally shoot me a glance, and it doesn’t look or sound good for me.

I think Stephanie is about to reject me.

I’m fast losing interest, even in those tits, when Stephanie breaks the impasse, says something sharp to Angie, grabs my hand and says “come”. I never did discover what all the fuss was about.

Up some stairs, through a laundry/workshop, over some debris from the last renovation in 1982, and we’re into the same room where I fucked the brains out of Sally 5 months ago.

Tiny room, big mirror above the small bed, and Stephanie. That’s all I’m going to need for the next hour.

The shower

It’s coach class at 533, so I’m sent back out of the room to an adjacent laundry to shower alone. The shower area is a pit. I’ve stayed in 2-star hotels better than this place. Enough said about shower.

The wrapping and unwrapping

When I walk back in, Stephanie is naked on the bed. It’s some sight, but it’s not how I want this to go. I like to unwrap girls before I fuck them.

I ask her to dress again, and she’s got no idea what I’m saying. So, I fetch her stuff and start to dress her. She giggles. She joins in.

“Shoes too,” I say, pointing. More giggles.

Stephanie is now standing in front of me. She looks magnificent. I could cum just looking at her, and just thinking about what I'm going to do with her.

Her body almost defies gravity. She doesn’t look real. Super slender legs, wide hips, tiny waste, massive tits (enhanced I’m still not sure) for her frame, and slender arms, shoulders and neck. And very, very pretty. Her face looks all natural. Maybe some work on her nose. She is seriously beautiful.

This is the first time I think of the old Billy Joel song, Piano Man

“…and they sit at the bar and put bread in may jar
and say man, what are you doing here?”

I’m in a towel wrapped around my waist, and my hard-on is all too evident. Stephanie walks into me and I feel her softness. This close, every part of her feels smaller, except two. Her tits are firm and ripe and warm against my stomach.

I tower over her. She starts kissing my tummy, and cranes her neck to reach my chest. I’m looking down on her beautiful face and beautiful tits. It’s time to get this underway.

The blowjob

I reach around the back and undo the bikini top so Stephanie’s tits bounce free. They did actually bounce, like in those anime cartoons. Her nipples are hard.

I pull her in close, move her backwards to the bed with my tensed thigh between her legs, and ease her shoulders down so she’s sitting on the bed. Her mouth is now directly opposite my hard cock and she takes it in with one gulp. Beautiful.

Wet, hot, a little slurpy – Stephanie’s BBBJ is exciting without being mind-blowing. It’s deep too. I thrust a few times to make her gag. She’s OK with this. I’m not big, but Stephanie is a little thing, apart from her breasts.

3 minutes of me in Stephanie’s mouth, and her big firm tits brushing my inner thighs, has me just about ready to pop. I think about it. This is the itch I’ve carried for 150-odd days, so it would be many long, hard streams I’d be shooting onto her tonsils.

Fuck she looks good. Eyes, little button nose, perfect teeth and tits. I don’t usually blow first in a girl’s mouth during a session. I prefer to be inside a different part of them. So, I pull out. This is a habit I might need to lose, especially when the face you're blasting into is as beautiful as this one.

“Your turn.”

Stephanie has no idea what I’m saying. She does know what I’m doing.


Her body is really warm, almost hot, and her nipples are rock hard, so I’m surprised to discover that she’s not that wet. I’ve got some work to do.

Stephanie enjoys the next 7 minutes or so of me probing and licking her pussy. She spends most of this time on her back, which she arches every now and then to my stroke. I look at the arch and watch those magnificent titties rise and fall.

The little darling is wet now, and she pulls away.

“Fuck for me,” she manages to squeeze out. Along with “suck” and “come”, it’s the only English she uses all day.

The fucking

Stephanie applies a dom with her mouth, and we position her for some cowgirl. She moans long and loud when she sits down on me, so I give her a few hardy pumps to keep the moans going. Then she starts.

It’s been some time getting to this point, but now Stephanie wants to take control. She’s all wide-eyed and hair flailing about. She’s pumping me now and riding away like there’s only 5 minutes left.

I make myself as rigid as I can be and she’s howling away. Her hands on my chest for balance, I reach around to grab and squeeze her tight little arse, which I do with as much force as I dare. I feel her tailbone. She squeals and giggles.

Stephanie is now fucking the shit out of me. Hunkering down so we’re face-to-face, she grabs the back of my head and forces my face into her breasts.

“Suck,” comes her command.

I do as I’m told, and the howling gets deeper. She shakes on top of me. She hunkers down hard again. She shakes again. And again. The waves of her orgasm and her pulsating pussy feel great.

When she pulls back, and sits up straight, I get the money shot. Her supple legs either side of my torso, her tiny waist writhing above my pelvis, her hair cascading around her gorgeous face, that’s looking at me asking what’s going to happen next, and those magnificent DD breasts jiggling centimetres from my face. I blow 5 hard streams into Stephanie. My itch is gone.

Round 2

Stephanie cleans us up – she’s a mess of sweat – and starts to massage my chest as I’m lying on my back. I’m still hard. She notices.

“Suck.” It’s a question. To which there is only one answer.

I’m happy to lie back for the next 10 minutes while Stephanie uses her hands and tits and mouth to keep me hard. It’s not rock. More hard rubber.

I watch her every move and it is glorious. There’s a little moan from her every now and then. When I get the chance, I feel her pussy. She’s very hot, and very moist.

“I want to fuck you Stephanie.” She understands perfectly this time.

We start with some vigorous mish to get me a little harder, then I squeeze her legs together tight to get her a little more excited. I’m giving her a serious pump now.

That’s when I remember the mirror. I’ve been so focused all this time on Stephanie’s ridiculous body that I forgot the biggest sex aid in the room.

How good is she going to look getting doggied?

I pull out of Stephanie and she looks confused. I move quickly to position her so that the length of her body is viewable in the mirror, for me and for her. I grab her arse and point to the mirror.

“Look at yourself there while I fuck you from behind.”

She gets it. I’m sure she’s been here before.

For the next 5 minutes or so, I bang Stephanie from behind while we both watch ourselves in the mirror. Bliss. Her tits are jiggling all over the place as I’m pounding away. She’s moaning and screaming again.

I stop the hammering because I think she’s not enjoying it, but what a lovely surprise when she reaches around with her right hand and slaps my arse hard.

“Fuck!” comes the demand.

I’m a machine now. And I’m getting tired. I’m some way off a jism, and I’m OK with that. I want to enjoy fucking this girl for a lot longer.

I look at the clock and reckon we’ve got 15 minutes to go. That’s time enough.

I slow my pump rate, but push deeper with each thrust. Stephanie loves it. I look down at her arse and the small of her back, and her tits are so big relative to her body that I can see them swaying either side of her torso. Fuck me!

Then, the little babe pulls a move I’m going to request from other girls. Stephanie reaches around with both hands, grabs both my arse cheeks, arches her back and raises herself up so her tits protrude almost to the mirror. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Had I been rock hard she might have snapped me in half. Instead, it sends a bolt of feeling right through my cock and balls and thighs.

She does it again…here we go.

And again. Oh fuck me!!!

And again. That’s it. I blast into the dom, looking in the mirror at that tiny waist, that cascading hair, and those magnificent tits.

The takeout

Back to that Billy Joel song…

I ask Stephanie why she is working at 533. She doesn’t understand.

She uses Google Translate and, after some to and fro, we settle on this just being one of the great mysteries of life. It's not my business anyway.

However, I’m a bad judge if this girl couldn’t be a superstar at Ginza, 5 Star or PPP. Assuming she would want to. If I was the hiring manager at the aforementioned establishments, I'd be taking Stephanie to lunch.

She looks like she’s just stepped out of an anime porn video. Only once before have I seen a body like hers. Not a working girl.

Her skills are great without being spectacular – hello Cristal, Jolin, Alina and Lisa.

With me, her focus wandered a bit, like she was waiting for something else to happen, so I had to constantly make something else happen. It’s like she’d get bored too quickly with one position or one action, and want to move on.

And this made the language barrier more of a challenge than it would normally be. If I could speak Mandarin, I’ve no doubt she could have gotten more out of me, and by association, I’d get more out of her.

Stephanie is a pleasant girl. She’s beautiful, in a classic sense. Not the least bit exotic, but beautiful nonetheless.

She’s energetic, but you’ve got to drive her. She’s willing, but you’ve got to be clear and direct about what you want. With me, she pulled few moves of her own, apart from that thing right at the end, when she gave me the hardest second cum I’ve had in my Sydney punting career.

Stephanie strikes me as the sort of girl who’d get better with the tasting. By the third or fourth visit, you might be setting records for yourself.

And those fucking tits…

16-03-2017, 03:05 PM
What struck me most about Stephanie is how bright and sharp her eyes are. Just straight up, undistilled youth.

And her bewbs.

16-03-2017, 04:12 PM
Shes a great girl, if only she worked after 4pm I had to leave work early to visit her last time lol.
I totally get what you mean with remembering your session with her, It's happened a few times to me but I'd have to leave work around 2 to pay her a visit. After reading this report I might have to next week.

If I was to recommend someone from 533 it would be Stephanie.
Real shame about her lack of english.

Oh funny story, once at 533 they sat me near the phone in the hallway for w/e reason and I had some annoyed punters complain to me about various things before I could explain that I didn't work there.

16-03-2017, 05:01 PM
Oh funny story, once at 533 they sat me near the phone in the hallway for w/e reason and I had some annoyed punters complain to me about various things before I could explain that I didn't work there.

Was that you!!?

16-03-2017, 06:53 PM
Speechwriter that review is amazing. I want her badly. Will be going to see her tomorrow

16-03-2017, 07:12 PM
What an amazing thorough After Report
Hands down the best review I have ever read
Take a bow mate

Makes me want to meet this lovely lady too

16-03-2017, 07:24 PM
I saw Stephanie again today visit number 29 with her she is just lovely and she is better once she gets to know you and yes its such a shame her English is next to non.

16-03-2017, 07:28 PM
So where are your 29 reviews ? Haha

Or at least a link to your last review of her :)

16-03-2017, 07:33 PM
I have just booked her tomorrow at 11.30 am. Has two bookings before me already so she is a popular girl. Will report back tomorrow but I am already on a losing wicket as how can I possibly hope to compete with Speechwriters session. I can't normally cum trice in an hour so I will rely on my DATY skills to hopefully get the best out of her.

Hopefully Ange honours my booking as I have read all the funny reviews on her and the way she works. I will probably end up fucking someone else or someone that Ange tries to tell me is Stephanie.

16-03-2017, 07:37 PM
533 After Reports make me wonder if the name supplied is actually the name of the lady that was seen

16-03-2017, 07:46 PM
You won't find a photo of Stephany on the web site and she won't like it if anyone posts one on here!

I can assure you she is probably the youngest at 533 and very slim and pretty I doubt that you would not know if the girl you meet is not her.

Most bros that pass her in the hall way say who is that girl?

If you want to see her then best to make a booking as she only works 10 till 5 last booking at 4pm and today she was fully booked except for 1 to 2 pm when I was there. I am sure she got a booking between 1 and 2pm.

16-03-2017, 07:50 PM
Stephanie sounds like a cool lady

And Totally agree. It was a tongue in cheek comment.
But this bait and switch is a major issue that many people seem to describe at this place.

I truly hope if a lady is busy, that Im simply told the truth - sorry she is busy - I can deal with that.
But please dont say - here is Stephanie - when she isnt.

16-03-2017, 08:00 PM
Hopefully Ange honours my booking as I have read all the funny reviews on her and the way she works. I will probably end up fucking someone else or someone that Ange tries to tell me is Stephanie.

Yeah it will be pretty obvious if its Stephanie tbh, I'm surprised you haven't been to 533. I'm definitely waiting for your AR.
You might notice that they never bump reviews of her as there is no need to advertise her. Since she doesn't work long hours she books out quickly.

I've only seen her once but it was for a 2hour session which was great but nowhere near as intense as speecwriters session. I just haven't been back to 533 since.

16-03-2017, 08:03 PM
Yeah it will be pretty obvious if its Stephanie tbh, I'm surprised you haven't been to 533. I'm definitely waiting for your AR.
You might notice that they never bump reviews of her as there is no need to advertise her. Since she doesn't work long hours she books out quickly.

I've only seen her once but it was for a 2hour session which was great but nowhere near as intense as speecwriters session. I just haven't been back to 533 since.

I love the time I spend with Stephanie but I find it hard to extend for 2 hours due to her lack of English

16-03-2017, 08:27 PM
Yeah it will be pretty obvious if its Stephanie tbh, I'm surprised you haven't been to 533. I'm definitely waiting for your AR.
You might notice that they never bump reviews of her as there is no need to advertise her. Since she doesn't work long hours she books out quickly.

I've only seen her once but it was for a 2hour session which was great but nowhere near as intense as speecwriters session. I just haven't been back to 533 since.

I have been there on a few occasions but a bit out of the way for me as a Western Sydney boy. I also get lots of pm's from punters about what goes down at 533 and if I ever publish those in a book, it will be on the best seller list at No1 for many years.

17-03-2017, 09:39 AM
I have just booked her tomorrow at 11.30 am. Has two bookings before me already so she is a popular girl. Will report back tomorrow but I am already on a losing wicket as how can I possibly hope to compete with Speechwriters session. I can't normally cum trice in an hour so I will rely on my DATY skills to hopefully get the best out of her.

Hopefully Ange honours my booking as I have read all the funny reviews on her and the way she works. I will probably end up fucking someone else or someone that Ange tries to tell me is Stephanie.

You can't miss her Punterman.

She's the youngest, smallest, tightest, prettiest and bustiest woman in the place.

The pantomime villain (thanks shooter) will happily introduce you to the other women (all 30 plus) but the divine Miss S is a standout.


17-03-2017, 11:57 AM

533 Willoughby - Just a few minutes north of the city


Stephanie - Size 5,D cup,162CM,young petite girl,very very pretty and like no other with a great passionate service, Beijing girl."New tinker belle Stephanie arrives @533 with cute baby girl candy pop and sweet innocence.. A soft GFE and charm like no other.. Softly spoken with a petite sexy body, long flowing silky hair and an all round package.. One of the prettiest tinkerbelle girls to have resided at 533..a lady to remember to book to avoid disappointment."

**Sensual ladies and a fabulous Friday roster**

Go see and enjoy @533..the 2016 place to be.

http://533willoughby.com.au/home.html (http://www.533willoughby.com.au/home.html)

For bookings and more information please call 02-99679991

17-03-2017, 12:13 PM
So where are your 29 reviews ? Haha

Or at least a link to your last review of her :)

Sorry I don't know how to do a link but if you care to do a search I am sure you will find it dated 14 October 2016.

I might add her service has improved a lot since October IMHO.

I vary rarely do AR's these days as they are not appreciated so I leave it up to the experts

There I think I have worked out how to post the link!

17-03-2017, 03:16 PM
Speechwriter there seems to be a lot of confusion on the size of her tits in the various reviews. Your review makes them sound like DD's, others say she could be as small as a B. As a large breast lover myself, just how big are they ?

I just want to know for a bit of pervy enjoyment. I will see her soon, meant to go today but other "double and newbie" plans got the better of me. I made the right choice as I am sure she is great but not much can beat what I enjoyed this morning, even beautiful Stephanie. My review is in General Talk under doubles.

17-03-2017, 04:45 PM
Speechwriter there seems to be a lot of confusion on the size of her tits in the various reviews. Your review makes them sound like DD's, others say she could be as small as a B. As a large breast lover myself, just how big are they ?

I just want to know for a bit of pervy enjoyment. I will see her soon, meant to go today but other "double and newbie" plans got the better of me. I made the right choice as I am sure she is great but not much can beat what I enjoyed this morning, even beautiful Stephanie. My review is in General Talk under doubles.

I'm putting Stephanie as a definite D. No question. No chance she's a B.

They will seem larger to some punters because they're oversized compared to the rest of her body. Tiny waist and slender everywhere else.

Getting hard writing this...

17-03-2017, 05:31 PM
Breast size depends on what scale you use if its Aussie size then she is a B or C she may well be a D in Asian size

To put it in to perspective she has a nice set of tits they are a nice handful but IMHO not overly large.

If your looking for large tits then maybe she is not for you however they are not small.

18-03-2017, 06:56 AM
Just wondering if the range of estimated bra sizes B-D means people are seeing more than one Stephanie.

18-03-2017, 07:26 AM
Just wondering if the range of estimated bra sizes B-D means people are seeing more than one Stephanie.

That wouldn't surprise me one bit. Real Stephanie is fully booked so another girl is introduced as her. Just like cracker ads.

If her tits are that big, nobody would say they are B's. Conspiracy theory....that is why there is no photo of her on the website for 533. Oh the scandal of it all....

18-03-2017, 02:12 PM
I asked her, they're C cups. They definitely look a lot bigger because she's so trim and they are a feat of engineering the likes of which mankind has never seen. But can confirm, C, and the raddest handful on the North Shore.

18-03-2017, 02:35 PM
How old is she? Might try her next week. Which days does she work?

18-03-2017, 03:33 PM
I ask Stephanie why she is working at 533. She doesn’t understand.
However, I’m a bad judge if this girl couldn’t be a superstar at Ginza, 5 Star or PPP. Assuming she would want to. If I was the hiring manager at the aforementioned establishments, I'd be taking Stephanie to lunch.

Maybe this is one of those industries where it's not easy to move from low-end to high-end shops. Even if she looks the part, there may be the perception that she is an "ex-533 WL", which let's be honest is not great on the resume. Much easier to start at a high-end place and move around the other top tier shops.

18-03-2017, 04:58 PM
She usually works Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10Am to 5pm last booking 4pm

Last week she only worked Thursday and Friday not sure if she has changed days will find out on Monday.

Age well I am not saying as everyone wants to argue as soon as you suggest an age but I am pretty sure she is the youngest at 533.

if you want 19 then go somewhere else you won't find it at 533

19-03-2017, 10:04 AM
How old is she? Might try her next week. Which days does she work?

Stephanie told me she is 25. Could pass for 16, especially when you're pumping her from behind.

19-03-2017, 04:22 PM
Stephanie told me she is 25. Could pass for 16, especially when you're pumping her from behind.

Or if your laying next to her looking into her eyes or pumping her in cowgirl she has such a pretty face and beautiful eyes.