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View Full Version : Complaint Has one of your after-reports been stolen?

05-02-2013, 04:32 PM
There is someone on this forum who, if they are reading this thread, will be feeling their ears getting redder and redder as he reads through this post and realises that it's him I'm talking about. :o And if he doesn't feel his ears going red then he knows no shame.

Some time ago I discovered that an after-report I had written on Tokyo Cats' Chika 2 years ago had been copied on to another site as someone else's work. How would any poster here like to have an after-report, that you've spent hours writing, shamelessly copied and posted as the writing of someone else who did nothing more than a few keystrokes' work?

Such a dishonourable person is a thief. And that is what the person who posts as Mark2013 on AuXXXR is. He steals other posters' after reports from here and presents them as his own over there. And it's not just any old after-report he steals. He steals from among the longest and best-written ones here so that he can bring credit to himself on other punting sites.

Today I found that he has copied great reviews by KissAss (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?3184-KickAss-meets-Eli) of Ginza's Eli, and Sextus (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?6070-Fenny-stoking-the-fire-at-both-ends-of-an-imaginative-fucktress) of Taren Point's Fenny from here and, after carefully and cunningly changing the titles, has posted them otherwise word-for-word as his own work. For anyone with viewing privileges at AuXXXR here are links to the plagiarised reviews of Eli (http://auxxxreviews.com/forum/f55/ginza-malay-qeen-eli-15967/) and Fenny (http://auxxxreviews.com/forum/f55/taren-point-64-fenny-15966/).

I passed this intelligence onto the mods at AuXXXR and they immediately locked the two threads. I don't know what further action they will take, but I'd be surprised to see Mark2013 being granted bronze membership (the reward for 2 quality reviews) there in the near future.

Who are you, Mark2013? Even though you lurk here at Aus99 you're obviously not someone who ever posts after-reports here, since you could have simply reposted two of your own. I hope your ears are burning! :mad:

the wizard
05-02-2013, 04:47 PM
Yes,it happened to me with a review of Michelle at 64.
It was copied word for word and used to advertise, a different Michelle working at another shop ~ not happy Jan.....

05-02-2013, 04:47 PM
A low act for sure but he is probably not the only one to do this. As you like I and others are members of most forums I suggest you should report it to Andrewblake the head moderator on AuXXXR as that site is pretty sudden death on false reports and would not tolerate it. I note he had only joined that site on 4/2/2013 and the two post you cite are his only ones. Andrew would be delighted to ban him I am sure.

05-02-2013, 04:56 PM
I agree, Bill, that Mark2013 is not Robinson Crusoe when it comes to stealing and passing off. And I can assure you that before posting here I did indeed report it to AB, who, after initially locking the threads, in the last half-hour has now banned him.

It would be even nicer if he was banned from here, since this is where the theft took place. I don't know if there's any back-channel communication between the various punting forums, but if there is, the AuXXXR mods could give the Aus99 mods Mark2013's IP address and the mods here could then track him down and likewise ban him.

05-02-2013, 05:04 PM
I agree, Bill, that Mark2013 is not Robinson Crusoe when it comes to stealing and passing off. And I can assure you that before posting here I did indeed report it to AB, who, after initially locking the threads, in the last half-hour has now banned him.

By any change do you mean Robin Hood? :smile:

He certainly will be like Robinson Crusoe soon enough, if not already. All alone on a deserted island (Friday does not count as company on a punting forum). :burn:

Otherwise, nice work Bracket!
I hate thieves!

05-02-2013, 05:07 PM
Totally agree with you Bracket, mark2013 should be banned here and all other sites. I suggest you pm aus99 admin and request that be done. I do not think he needs the IP address to ban his current name but to stop a rebirthing. I am not sure of the co-operation between rival sites like this though.

05-02-2013, 06:10 PM
Copying AR from here is nothing new !

Back in September last year, some of my ARs and one from Bro AHLUNGOR were copied and posted on Hookerlooker under the name of Ricksta, when Ahlungor protested there and got into a fight with him, Hookerlooker shut them both up and said his reputation means nothing over there, they're not interested in the dispute !

Aus99 Moderator
05-02-2013, 06:19 PM
There's no username under mark2013 here, but if someone can get his IP from the other site, we will certainly take action here !


Forum Moderator

05-02-2013, 06:34 PM
A writing style is as individual as the person who does it - it is impossible for someone to claim the work of four completely different people!

On the other hand, I do admire some aspects of his taste in writers. :D

I don't mind my stuff being on the other site, so long as the correct credit is given. I'll join up to the other site and have it amended.

05-02-2013, 07:21 PM
I have to say great work Bracket, I too saw the 2 posts on the other forum and I remembered Sextus writing the review, well as I read it multiple times, I had assumed Sextus was going to try and get membership to the site.

But as you pointed out to me and in these forums, 2 reviews were posted, by two separate people. being Sextus and Kickass, now if they are both using the same account to try and join, fine. but that was the red flag!

great sluething! Imagine all the work of writing ARs and someone else is benefiting (not in a punting way of course) in terms of access or even worse imagine if they won a competition such as the 64 taren point one with that 'fake' AR!

05-02-2013, 07:39 PM
I guess the secret it to write bad unintersting ones like mine and then no one will bother steeling them.

05-02-2013, 07:55 PM
You are too hard on yourself mate, I've been guided by you many times - thanks :D

I can tell your tongue is in your cheek though.

Right, I've just joined ausxxx with the same pseudonym. I've informed AndrewBlake (no doubt a pseudonym too) and asked him to change the credit on my Fenny review and unlock it.

Well, anyway, Andrewblake has gained one more set of eyeballs on his site now, looking at his ads.

05-02-2013, 08:05 PM
Some time ago I discovered that an after-report I had written on Tokyo Cats' Chika 2 years ago had been copied on to another site as someone else's work. How would any poster here like to have an after-report, that you've spent hours writing, shamelessly copied and posted as the writing of someone else who did nothing more than a few keystrokes' work?


Bro, rather than getting mad there are a couple of other ways to look at it with a positive spin.

Firstly, what a compliment that someone else found your review so good that they they would like to post it somewhere else as well and let other people think that they wrote it.

Secondly your report may have been so accurate and well written that the guy had exactly the same experience and feelings so he thought it would be more efficient to copy someone else.

Is it better to copy someone else's report or to write lots of comments and rarely if ever post an original after report?

05-02-2013, 08:34 PM
Well I painted the Mona Lisa.. DI Vinci copied me?..

05-02-2013, 08:38 PM
Well I painted the Mona Lisa.. DI Vinci copied me?..

Didn't know you were that old ! :miao:

05-02-2013, 08:38 PM
Didn't know you were that old ! :miao:

I am a vampire.. Live through the ages.. :)

05-02-2013, 08:40 PM
I am a vampire.. Live through the ages.. :)

Fair enough, a vampire painter !

Mr Crash and Burn
05-02-2013, 08:40 PM
Well done Bracket. Copying AR's to gain privileges in other forums is an easy way for that bloke Brothel Busters or Councils to view vital information that could be used against some establishments.

AndrewBlake (AB) certainly runs a tight ship, he is a very very fair person and his leadership would not go astray in here especially when posts get off the track and posters have tissy fits with others....just my opinion

05-02-2013, 09:08 PM
Thanks Bracket for your work on my and KickAss's behalf, much appreciated.

(I misread your post and thought one of yours had been recently pinched to auxxx too.)

Well, looks like I've joined auxxx myself now as a result. I wonder who the personalities are over there?

05-02-2013, 09:27 PM
Such a small punting community and only a few decent forums, of course they're gonna get caught!

Did u mention it on auxxxreview? Those guys are sticklers for the rules!

05-02-2013, 10:00 PM
Fair enough, a vampire painter !

Fair enough.. But perhaps Dorian Grey..

05-02-2013, 10:01 PM
Bro why don't you get the AFP onto this? This is serious stuff

How about counter intelligence?..

05-02-2013, 11:36 PM
Well, looks like I've joined auxxx myself now as a result. I wonder wh the personalities are over there?

Well, you know some of them (us) from here already. :prettiness:

06-02-2013, 12:55 AM
There's no username under mark2013 here, but if someone can get his IP from the other site, we will certainly take action here !


Forum Moderator

I think IP can be reset if you reboot the modem and you just get a new IP ??? as I play online games :) can you imagine 40 + play games yes I do :)

06-02-2013, 12:56 AM
Bro why don't you get the AFP onto this? This is serious stuff

Good one its call the Australian Federal Punters ??? :)

Max Impact
06-02-2013, 07:31 AM
I think IP can be reset if you reboot the modem and you just get a new IP ??? as I play online games :) can you imagine 40 + play games yes I do :)

iExperiment, I didnt think you would have time for online games with such a hot missus!

06-02-2013, 10:20 AM
Copying AR from here is nothing new !

Back in September last year, some of my ARs and one from Bro AHLUNGOR were copied and posted on Hookerlooker under the name of Ricksta, when Ahlungor protested there and got into a fight with him, Hookerlooker shut them both up and said his reputation means nothing over there, they're not interested in the dispute !I remember that well, Wilisno, and I was very surprised by the bold-as-brass replies from Ricksta when confronted over his copying. I find that HookerLooker is nowhere near as good these days as it once was.

06-02-2013, 10:23 AM
Such a small punting community and only a few decent forums, of course they're gonna get caught!

Did u mention it on auxxxreview? Those guys are sticklers for the rules!Rather than posting something myself on AuXXXReviews I pm'ed the moderator there with all the evidence, and he then promptly banned Mark2013.

Aus99 Moderator
06-02-2013, 12:12 PM
With the collaboration of Auxxxreview Admin, we have identified Mark2013 to be Markdu on Sydney99. He has since been banned.

Aus99 Moderator

06-02-2013, 12:27 PM
Great work mod, top stuff in combining with Auxxx mod and banning this person

06-02-2013, 10:34 PM
Agree 100% with JimmyK. Congratulations, Aus99 Moderator (and AuXXXReviews admin too)!!!

06-02-2013, 10:40 PM
well done Aus99 moderator and well done AuXXXReviews admins for such a great job!

that will teach and discourage people from even thinking about copying other peoples works and passing them as their own!!

is it just me or do I feel the world is a little safer now? LOL

08-02-2013, 11:53 AM
I asked AuXXXR to delete the copy of my report. It appears to have been done.