View Full Version : General talk How Punting Has Changed

Ted Hunter
17-04-2017, 01:30 AM
Had my first punt in 1975. Touch of Class had just opened.All causasian girls.Over the next 25 yrs it was Tudor Court...Golden Apple....The Touch...A Woman of Pleasure ..Tiffanys and Harwood Manor.All Stylish well appointed and Great Girls.No internet no fake photos and all word of mouth.
Fast forward to 2015. The missus has shut up shop and I still get toey.So I venture back to punting.All my favourite parlours are gone.The industry is now almost entirely Asian.
So it's been a learning curve.Trying to find that old combination of great girls and style . The fake photos.The rorts.All these to be filtered and it takes time.This forum certainly helps.The dumps seem to have proliferated
I can't bring back the good old days but you guys and your recommendations are helping me sort it all out

17-04-2017, 07:48 AM
Dude punting is 10 times better since the asian girls started.

17-04-2017, 10:21 AM
Ted, I'd love to hear more stories from the old days.

Care to share?

I guess the internet has changed a lot of things with punting.

Plus, the sheer amount of shops and customers.

One thing I think is people were generally more honest and personable back then. There was less tricksters and more effort to provide your money's worth.?

I agree, the Asian girls are fantastic! Can't imagine the scene without them.

20-04-2017, 07:42 PM
I used to go to Touch of Class and the Penthouse years ago, along with plenty of other non asian shops.

One day I tried an asian shop the girls were beautiful and the service left the non asian shops for dead and all at about half the price.

Only disadvantage the girls don't usually speak much English and at the lower cost place the premises is not as flash.

But I have not been to the Penthouse for about 15 may be 20 years! They are still operating if that is the sort of place, girls and service your looking for.

I did visit Casablanca a Liverpool about a year ago, I use to go there regularly about 15 years ago the girls were premedonas and the service overprice IMHO.

20-04-2017, 09:40 PM
Only disadvantage the girls don't usually speak much English

Does it matter when your cock is in their mouth ?

20-04-2017, 09:45 PM
Does it matter when your cock is in their mouth ?

Not being one for much small talk in the punt, I prefer the ones that don't speak much English. One less distraction and you don't have to have the same boring conversations

'Where do you live'
'What country you from'
'How long have you lived here'
'Will you suck me bbbj'

20-04-2017, 09:51 PM
Ted -- I miss A Woman of Pleasure - who have you met? Chloe, Helena, Elle, Layla, Marissa, etc - all top classy girls. It brings back all the memories

Ted Hunter
21-04-2017, 12:12 AM
LAYLA.....my god what a gorgeous creature....after AWOP closed I spent a lot of time trying to find her....never did. But the memories are still there.First WL I fell in love with.The future Mrs Hunter....I wish

21-04-2017, 06:34 PM
What was the reason things changed from the old days ?

Ted Hunter
21-04-2017, 07:42 PM
Business models that worked in the 70s/80s no longer worked.Some shops were on land that exploded in value.
HIV happened.Asian girls flooded the market and drove prices down in the short term.Much more choice now
Everything in the 70s/ 80s was without condoms.Most upmarket places insisted on them...Even with a BJ.They couldnt compete with cheaper shops offering some services Bare Back
The only shop that has survived from those days is Tiffanys in Surry Hills. Stilettos is relatively new to the scene..
It's all about economics....what the customer wants and how much he is prepared to pay.What punters consider to be fair value

Ted Hunter
21-04-2017, 07:52 PM
Bad thing about the G.O.Ds..STDs were rampant..got the clap twice....NSU...Non Specific Urethritis at least a dozen times...Today everyone seems more careful with their health and hygiene

21-04-2017, 10:36 PM
Layla was a beautiful girl. She and another girl plus the receptionist Anna went private for around 6 months after the shop closed. The last time I heard was that she went north.

Chloe was my favourite. We were about the same age and went out for a few dates but decided that we won't continue as it was too hard for her. She wanted to keep the two lives separate. She taught me how to do everything properly.

21-04-2017, 10:43 PM
By the way, does anyone remember Tia - a Chinese lady? Her shop was the first kind of MyOutCall, Bluemoon, DreamGirl, etc, place I went. That's after AWOP closed down. Her girls were beautiful and classy. She shut it down because she said that she couldn't do anything while the "shop" was open and felt like being trapped in a prison.

21-04-2017, 11:03 PM
By the way, does anyone remember Tia - a Chinese lady? Her shop was the first kind of MyOutCall, Bluemoon, DreamGirl, etc, place I went. That's after AWOP closed down. Her girls were beautiful and classy. She shut it down because she said that she couldn't do anything while the "shop" was open and felt like being trapped in a prison.

Interesting you mention agencies. My experience is they may be spectacular for a little while, and then fade away

While the shops are much more consistent.

21-04-2017, 11:08 PM
Her shop was the first kind of MyOutCall, Bluemoon, DreamGirl, etc, place I went. That's after AWOP closed down. Her girls were beautiful and classy.

Interesting you mention agencies. My experience is they may be spectacular for a little while, and then fade away

While the shops are much more consistent.

Agree with Lenka 100%. Dreamgirls come to mind - was great a year or two ago, now it's quite average for the price you pay. Heather/Celine both heavily photoshopped to the extent of being misleading. Service still good though. Not what it used to be in terms of the new girls.

Top tier shops with the occassional private is the way to go.

23-04-2017, 12:29 AM
I wonder what will happen to punting when sex dolls become more life like...

23-04-2017, 12:32 AM
I wonder what will happen to punting when sex dolls become more life like...
Nobody will ever leave their house, it's a lifetime investment...

23-04-2017, 02:43 AM
Nobody will ever leave their house, it's a lifetime investment...

Would you'd find fellow sex doll owners and swap? or be attached and committed?