View Full Version : Question Question for Christmas and Babycat

22-04-2017, 02:25 AM
Of the many years I've been sexually active.
i have never been able to fuck my 20+ sexual partners over the years. multiple times a day or on consecutive days.

Like max
2 times a day
or 3 times over a weekend before they need a break of a day or two. complaining anymore and they get sore. or increase chance of UTI.
Regardless of how wet they. There are times where they wet the bed with their ejaculate but still can't go again for a day or two.

Yes my cock is slightly on a larger side. but i'm sure WL will experience large penis on a regular basis and keep going.

So my question is.
Is there a secret to be able to have sex 8-10 times a day 5 days a week without vaginal fatigue? or latex burn?

22-04-2017, 07:42 AM
The secret is to pay for it if you want that much sex

22-04-2017, 08:00 AM
Of the many years I've been sexually active.
i have never been able to fuck my 20+ sexual partners over the years. multiple times a day or on consecutive days.

Like max
2 times a day
or 3 times over a weekend before they need a break of a day or two. complaining anymore and they get sore. or increase chance of UTI.
Regardless of how wet they. There are times where they wet the bed with their ejaculate but still can't go again for a day or two.

Yes my cock is slightly on a larger side. but i'm sure WL will experience large penis on a regular basis and keep going.

So my question is.
Is there a secret to be able to have sex 8-10 times a day 5 days a week without vaginal fatigue? or latex burn?

Yawn.. Bragging post posing as a question lol

22-04-2017, 09:42 AM
Of the many years I've been sexually active.
i have never been able to fuck my 20+ sexual partners over the years. multiple times a day or on consecutive days.

Like max
2 times a day
or 3 times over a weekend before they need a break of a day or two. complaining anymore and they get sore. or increase chance of UTI.
Regardless of how wet they. There are times where they wet the bed with their ejaculate but still can't go again for a day or two.

Yes my cock is slightly on a larger side. but i'm sure WL will experience large penis on a regular basis and keep going.

So my question is.
Is there a secret to be able to have sex 8-10 times a day 5 days a week without vaginal fatigue? or latex burn?

Secret : put lube as much as i could?
Sorry i don't want to be mean but honestly you may not good at sex ㅋㅋㅋ
Chance of uti? Get sore? .. lol .. excuses

Wet pussy not necessarily means you make them happy
It could be one of body reaction when something is inside of my vaaazaaaaeeeenaaaa

22-04-2017, 09:43 AM
Expected babycat's answer : I don't know because i'm a ML not WL

22-04-2017, 10:38 AM
Regardless of how wet they. There are times where they wet the bed with their ejaculate but still can't go again for a day or two.

I think they might be pissing the bed as an escape attempt bro.....

22-04-2017, 03:12 PM
Expected babycat's answer : I don't know because i'm a ML not WL
You're right but the reason is to be honest, I haven't had much experience in sex. I'm just good at doing hj, lol. Not much practices in sex as just want to do it with boyfriend. And unfortunately no boyfriend now. I get tired very quickly while having sex. So bad. I told my friend that I will be the worst girlfriend ever: even can't do a good job of lying down and opening legs.

22-04-2017, 03:56 PM
You're right but the reason is to be honest, I haven't had much experience in sex. I'm just good at doing hj, lol. Not much practices in sex as just want to do it with boyfriend. And unfortunately no boyfriend now. I get tired very quickly while having sex. So bad. I told my friend that I will be the worst girlfriend ever: even can't do a good job of lying down and opening legs.

Yeah sounds horrible.. i'd recommend to be a nun after you retire.

22-04-2017, 04:31 PM
Yeah sounds horrible.. i'd recommend to be a nun after you retire.
Maybe I should ask you for that. Will appreciate that. I'm scared of being a nun in the future. Nooooo, I want to enjoy sex.

Mr Bastard
22-04-2017, 05:40 PM
You're right but the reason is to be honest, I haven't had much experience in sex. I'm just good at doing hj, lol. Not much practices in sex as just want to do it with boyfriend. And unfortunately no boyfriend now. I get tired very quickly while having sex. So bad. I told my friend that I will be the worst girlfriend ever: even can't do a good job of lying down and opening legs.

Your probably better at it than you think Babycat, all good things come with patience and practice, I hope your dreams come true for you.:miao:

22-04-2017, 07:06 PM
Yawn.. Bragging post posing as a question lol

Sorry i came off that way. But honestly I don't feel the need to boast to Anonymous strangers on the internet. It was a genuine question. Big penis is a big penis and it's relevant to the question being ask.

Secret : put lube as much as i could?
Sorry i don't want to be mean but honestly you may not good at sex ㅋㅋㅋ
Chance of uti? Get sore? .. lol .. excuses

UTI was a side question.

"Am J Epidemiol. 1987 Oct;126(4):685-94.
Risk factors for urinary tract infection."
"There were two control groups: 149 women with upper respiratory infection and 227 women visiting the gynecology clinic. Using each set of controls, the study confirmed that sexual intercourse is a risk factor and that there is a dose-response effect for increasing levels of coital frequency."

so more sex = more UTI chance. And considering the frequency WL have sex. I assumed (maybe wrongly) that WL either got UTI on regular basis or had way to prevent it.
i know the common protocol is to urinate after intercourse. But i can't imagine WL to have that much urine.

Also It's not like I cause UTI a lot. it's the rare few times that it does happen, if there was an industry secret to prevent it. it would be good to know.

Wet pussy not necessarily means you make them happy
It could be one of body reaction when something is inside of my vaaazaaaaeeeenaaaa

Maybe clarify. wet from squirting and orgasm.
nvm. Thank you for the reply.
I thought WL had secret.

22-04-2017, 07:13 PM
This is nothing personal so please no teary eyed responses. Its a jungle out there and every women wants a wealthy, good looking young man. Any women over 25 is nearing the left over category and a working women over 25 is seen as damaged goods . If the WL does find something there is usually a 20 year age difference or there partner would be abusive or will sponge off the WL money.

22-04-2017, 07:31 PM
This is nothing personal so please no teary eyed responses. Its a jungle out there and every women
wants a wealthy, good looking young man. Any women over 25 is nearing the left over category
and a working women over 25 is seen as damaged goods . If the WL does find something there
is usually a 20 year age difference or there partner would be abusive or will sponge off the WL

That was very random and off topic...

Or did i miss something?

22-04-2017, 10:14 PM
No offence intended to anybody so once again no teary eyed responses please.
Some people so delusional . I can't blame them as who wants to face the reality of
life. Life's a bitch and why face the truth of a what the future lies ahead for them.
Time has passed for some people and its too late there destiny has been set by
the decisions they made. They have made there bed and now they must lie in it .

22-04-2017, 10:21 PM
No offence intended to anybody so once again no teary eyed responses please.
Some people so delusional . I can't blame them as who wants to face the reality of
life. Life's a bitch and why face the truth of a what the future lies ahead for them.
Time has passed for some people and its too late there destiny has been set by
the decisions they made. They have made there bed and now they must lie in it .

Are you saying that once a girl has been a WL their future is bleak ? Surely lots of them go on to have happy lives with or without partners / husbands

22-04-2017, 10:34 PM
Are you saying that once a girl has been a WL their future is bleak ? Surely lots of them go on to have happy lives with or without partners / husbands
No sir just the odds are against them . Many a WG has gone on to marry a wealthy man
or met a decent man. Just the odds are against them. However because of the nature
of their job the list of candidates drops dramatically.

22-04-2017, 10:47 PM
Palooka, you've come into this thread with cryptic messages, prefaced with "no offence intended to anybody" / "nothing personal". But given the tone and untactful delivery of your posts, I can't help but sense it is some kind of personal attack on Babycat. The content of your posts are so out of place for it to have any other meaning. Yes, life's a bitch - let's not make it worse by posting passive-aggressive messages.

22-04-2017, 10:53 PM
Palooka, you've come into this thread with cryptic messages, prefaced with "no offence intended to anybody" / "nothing personal". But given the tone and untactful delivery of your posts, I can't help but sense it is some kind of personal attack on Babycat. The content of your posts are so out of place for it to have any other meaning. Yes, life's a bitch - let's not make it worse by posting passive-aggressive messages.
I never mentioned any names Longan only you brought it up. People write
posts i respond simple . No hidden agenda.

22-04-2017, 10:58 PM
I never mentioned any names Longan only you brought it up. People write
posts i respond simple . No hidden agenda.
OP wrote a post asking two specific WL's how they deal with vaginal fatigue and you've responded with WL's over 25 having a bleak future. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you've responded to the wrong thread.

22-04-2017, 11:08 PM
I'm just pointing out its hard for any lady not married over 25 working or non working
lady. Babycat means nothing to me its just some fictional character on this forum.

22-04-2017, 11:10 PM
I take Babycat as serious as i would Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse or Pikachu.

22-04-2017, 11:17 PM
I'm just pointing out its hard for any lady not married over 25 working or non working
lady. Babycat means nothing to me its just some fictional character on this forum.
Point taken - we're all free to say whatever we want but there are probably more appropriate ways and places to make the same point. All good mate.

22-04-2017, 11:19 PM
Cheers have a good night :miao:

23-04-2017, 12:50 AM
Not much practices in sex as just want to do it with boyfriend. And unfortunately no boyfriend now.

Well, i guess pretty much all girls in their 20s would say this, as if her boyfriend was the most precious asset to her and she'd kiss the ground he walked on.
In reality, though, a boyfriend really means very little, it's nothing more than a vague social contract that you two are supposed to be exclusive to each other for the time being, and *might* end up getting married at some point in the future. no more no less.

If a BF cheated on his GF and got found out, he can simply break up with her scot free.

After you have gone thru a few BFs, you might think very differently about the concept of BF :)

Sorry about my unsolicited rant, just met a young ML recently who said something very similar to me and it totally ruined the session, so forgive me for speaking out what's been on my mind.

23-04-2017, 12:58 AM
Well, i guess pretty much all girls in their 20s would say this, as if her boyfriend was the most precious asset to her and she'd kiss the ground he walked on.
In reality, though, a boyfriend really means very little, it's nothing more than a vague social contract that you two are supposed to be exclusive to each other for the time being, and *might* end up getting married at some point in the future. no more no less.

If a BF cheated on his GF and got found out, he can simply break up with her scot free.

After you have gone thru a few BFs, you might think very differently about the concept of BF :)

Sorry about my unsolicited rant, just met a young ML recently who said something very similar to me and it totally ruined the session, so forgive me for speaking out what's been on my mind.
I just can open to the one I have feelings with. If not, my brain controls my excitement so it pushes urge away but makes me feel regret. I don't need men just for sex needs, lol. And because I think people treats me the same way I treat them. If I wish my boyfriend is faithful to me, I should be faithful. Even he cheats on me, at least I have the right to look down on him lol.

23-04-2017, 01:10 AM
I take Babycat as serious as i would Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse or Pikachu.

ㅋㅋㅋ same but I like Pikachu more
who on the earth 20's Korean woman plays board game and joins darling harbour dance club ..;
$100 shitty undie and stalker story were lame too.. lol

23-04-2017, 02:23 AM
I asked this question in public because just thought there might be a few more WL who are less active that i don't know about might contribute.
I only named babycat and Christmas as I've only see them being quite active and offering advice.
I even mistaken Babycat for WL instead of a ML. (i wasn't 100% sure)

I don't know why palooka is saying what his saying but i don't like where he's taking the thread.

In hindsight i probably should have private messaged the questions instead.
I apologies.

Admin please close thread