View Full Version : General talk Being honest with WL/ML about your status

04-05-2017, 08:55 PM
Hey gents! So I'm just wondering, when you guys go for a punt, do you disclose your relationship status with the ladies? I mean for me, the question ALWAYS pops up, and as much as I want to tell them that I'm in a relationship, I always end up saying "Nah, no girlfriend". Do the ladies see you differently if you disclose it with them? I think that's what holds me back from telling them, I have a fear that the session will turn sour.

04-05-2017, 08:59 PM
I don't hide it.

04-05-2017, 09:14 PM
Hey gents! So I'm just wondering, when you guys go for a punt, do you disclose your relationship status with the ladies? I mean for me, the question ALWAYS pops up, and as much as I want to tell them that I'm in a relationship, I always end up saying "Nah, no girlfriend". Do the ladies see you differently if you disclose it with them? I think that's what holds me back from telling them, I have a fear that the session will turn sour.

They see loads of married or attached men so I don't think it matters unless they are looking for a husband. If they ask, I sometimes tell the truth, I sometimes lie, depends upon what I feel like. That is the joy of punting. The girls lie to you, you can lie to them. It is all a fantasy world.

04-05-2017, 10:12 PM
I suppose when you are actually too old to be still single then no one would even bothered to ask ??

04-05-2017, 10:49 PM
I suppose when you are actually too old to be still single then no one would even bothered to ask ??

Haha yes agree lougor ..no wl or ml ever ask me that question :prettiness:

04-05-2017, 11:12 PM
I always smirk and say, there's only you...

04-05-2017, 11:34 PM
I always tell the truth, only ML that raised an eyebrow was SS Mika, who spent 10 minutes asking questions!

Most MLs it's possibly a positive - I think they feel you must be socially acceptable/normal/safe person if you are married...

05-05-2017, 12:07 AM
Hey gents! So I'm just wondering, when you guys go for a punt, do you disclose your relationship status with the ladies? I mean for me, the question ALWAYS pops up, and as much as I want to tell them that I'm in a relationship, I always end up saying "Nah, no girlfriend". Do the ladies see you differently if you disclose it with them? I think that's what holds me back from telling them, I have a fear that the session will turn sour.

Simple dude if you get the vibe she likes you and she asks always and I mean fucken always say you are single otherwise the vibe will disappear in an instant.
On the other hand if she is just making smalltalk just say what you want it doesn't matter.

05-05-2017, 12:09 AM
Usually deny and not disclosing anything. Fabricate it all. Just gets hard to remember what you've told which ML 🤥

05-05-2017, 12:19 AM
Doesn't bother me to answer their question about my marital status. There's nothing to hide.

Alex T Bear
05-05-2017, 12:16 PM
Hey gents! So I'm just wondering, when you guys go for a punt, do you disclose your relationship status with the ladies? I mean for me, the question ALWAYS pops up, and as much as I want to tell them that I'm in a relationship, I always end up saying "Nah, no girlfriend". Do the ladies see you differently if you disclose it with them? I think that's what holds me back from telling them, I have a fear that the session will turn sour.

Usually the wedding ring gives it away

05-05-2017, 12:47 PM
WLs and MLs don't care about our marital status (or anything else about our private life)
They ask if we are married or what job we do or whatever just to make small talk.
So whether you are honest or make up a story doesn't really matter.

05-05-2017, 02:21 PM
WLs and MLs don't care about our marital status (or anything else about our private life)
They ask if we are married or what job we do or whatever just to make small talk.
So whether you are honest or make up a story doesn't really matter.

Yep, moreover, whatever a WL tells you, you would think it's not the truth or the whole truth ( I avoid saying the word LIE ), that's the same way a girl would treat your words ! ;) ;) ;)

05-05-2017, 04:44 PM
Goes both ways. I don't want to know if WL has a bf or is married.
As i am there for mutual business transaction nothing else.
And if they do bring it up is just harmless small talk.

05-05-2017, 04:50 PM
Agreed, its just small talk. Dont overthink it

05-05-2017, 06:34 PM
I guess I agree with most of you when you say it's just small talk so it doesn't really matter. But what's happened now is that there's a lady who I've told I'm single, and now she's starting to drop hints indicating she wants me to ask for her number, and hints about hanging out outside of the shop. Now my concern is, I don't know what to do from here. I'm worried if I don't ask for her number or something soon, she'll be asking for mine. Cant really give her my number just incase she messages me while I'm with my partner. Have I actually reached the point in my punting where I need a second phone? Should I just straight up tell the girl that I actually have a relationship, or do you guys think this could turn it sour?
Really feel like I shot myself on the foot with this one.

BUT, if I do decide to take her out, any tips from the bros on how to take a WL out and not get caught (by bumping into who I may know on the streets)?


05-05-2017, 07:12 PM
Wow! All the single guys must be jealous of you! Wonder where this happened :) gotta get myself to that level. Never once had a vibe from a girl that wanted my number

Mr Bastard
05-05-2017, 07:18 PM
I guess I agree with most of you when you say it's just small talk so it doesn't really matter. But what's happened now is that there's a lady who I've told I'm single, and now she's starting to drop hints indicating she wants me to ask for her number, and hints about hanging out outside of the shop. Now my concern is, I don't know what to do from here. I'm worried if I don't ask for her number or something soon, she'll be asking for mine. Cant really give her my number just incase she messages me while I'm with my partner. Have I actually reached the point in my punting where I need a second phone? Should I just straight up tell the girl that I actually have a relationship, or do you guys think this could turn it sour?
Really feel like I shot myself on the foot with this one.

BUT, if I do decide to take her out, any tips from the bros on how to take a WL out and not get caught (by bumping into who I may know on the streets)?


It is really only something you can deal with yourself. And if you can't figure it out ? How foolish will you feel when you fuk it up by using someones advice you have taken on board from this forum? You will feel like the right dope for not listening to yourself? Which may have been the best option dont you think?

Alex T Bear
05-05-2017, 07:33 PM
I guess I agree with most of you when you say it's just small talk so it doesn't really matter. But what's happened now is that there's a lady who I've told I'm single, and now she's starting to drop hints indicating she wants me to ask for her number, and hints about hanging out outside of the shop. Now my concern is, I don't know what to do from here. I'm worried if I don't ask for her number or something soon, she'll be asking for mine. Cant really give her my number just incase she messages me while I'm with my partner. Have I actually reached the point in my punting where I need a second phone? Should I just straight up tell the girl that I actually have a relationship, or do you guys think this could turn it sour?
Really feel like I shot myself on the foot with this one.

BUT, if I do decide to take her out, any tips from the bros on how to take a WL out and not get caught (by bumping into who I may know on the streets)?


Change shops now dude! While you can.
You will get caught out sometime down the line, either by your SO or by the WL or both

05-05-2017, 07:51 PM
Wow! All the single guys must be jealous of you! Wonder where this happened :) gotta get myself to that level. Never once had a vibe from a girl that wanted my number

Just punt long enough there will be WL/ML who want your contact. I got mine before my 20th punt IIRC. Be it mobile(I won't advise this), WeChat, line, kakao etc. Most just want it for return business customer contact not as a bf though. Keep your expectations low.

05-05-2017, 07:55 PM
OP if you are comfortable for your partner to give out her number and go out with another guy then by all means do that with the ML. If not then maybe think twice and tell ML the truth, that you are attached and not looking for more. Unless you are really looking to fool around behind your partner's back then the choice is clear.

Mr Bastard
05-05-2017, 08:20 PM
A lot of them collect numbers for no other reason than to placate their need to be in a self-percieved sense of control, when in reality they have so little of it. Worn down again and again by money proffered to exhibit and partake in sexual activity which surely has an negative impact on their self esteem. So be fooled or amored if you will when she gives hers, or takes your number. You are the pawn on a chess board. Checkmate!

05-05-2017, 09:07 PM
Getting numbers or chat apps is wasted of time nd space it means jack shit nothing to be proud of(But Not AlwaysThe case) haha :( you should concentrate to get down their pants first instead. :cool2:

05-05-2017, 09:15 PM
Be single. No need to lie :D

05-05-2017, 09:44 PM
Lying, no matter what circumstance you use it in, will always come back to bite you in the arse.

I'm always upfront and tell them honestly. Heard quite a few MLs talk about guys who lie about their marriages and try to pursue them only to be caught out later. It's a waste of their time and yours. And if a ML is game enough to pursue a married man, then go for it if you're also up for the extramarital affair. But lying gets people hurt - and most of the time, it'll be yourself.

06-05-2017, 12:03 AM
Why lie ? What's the big secret ? Why play games like the odd character who is
fantasy is to save the damsel in distress. Really this is beyond comprehension
the intelligence of some people. Protecting some fiction Micky Mouse character.

06-05-2017, 08:39 AM
My MLs don't know my real status, and don't need to. I have no intention of dating them, but perhaps they are a bit more attentive to service if they think you are single and they have a chance?

06-05-2017, 11:18 AM
I don't think the interaction will turn sour. They're so used to guys in relationships and even marriages coming.

For me, I only punt when I am not in a relationship, so I don't have a problem here.

06-05-2017, 03:56 PM
If you're married and the girl starts expressing interest in you then it will be up to you to decide whether you want to play along with it or not. Immediately, I envisage that it can get complicated and out of control for you. What if the girl becomes clingy and keeps texting you because she is feeling lonely and wants you to take her out? You have a wife and juggling the two can land you in real trouble. Think about it.