View Full Version : General talk Sex increasing your EQ

04-06-2017, 06:55 PM
Studies have shown that sex can help improve your EQ (emotional intelligence). Emotional intelligence is made up of four main abilities: perceiving emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions and managing emotions.

Anyone feel they've become more emotionally intelligent after frequent punting? This may be taking it a step too far, but anyone also feel frequent punting has improved their job performance and personal relationships?

04-06-2017, 09:50 PM
I dunno about increasing EQ due to sex

But maybe due to having closer relations with women through sex? Perhaps you have to pick up on smaller body language cues when getting intimate ;)

I would prolly say improved performance due to satisfying male needs that's sex if unmet then sex would be on ur mind more

05-06-2017, 11:56 AM
yeah of course! I was smarter when I was WL. now I'm like less smart LOL

05-06-2017, 12:26 PM
yeah of course! I was smarter when I was WL. now I'm like less smart LOL

You should play the field a bit more perhaps ??

05-06-2017, 03:12 PM
Don't know how EQ is measured, but after I've had an RnT session, girls I come into contact with seem to pay more attention to me.

05-06-2017, 03:39 PM
It's a little farfetched to say that an increase is but positive. Should EQ be increased due to sexual activities on a given frequency rate, then what of the levels on both the negative and positive note in levels?

05-06-2017, 04:41 PM
yeah of course! I was smarter when I was WL. now I'm like less smart LOL

Well then get back to work ! Don't be stupid 😘

05-06-2017, 04:59 PM
Sex with a loving partner. Yeah maybe.
Sex with random girls you pay for. Nah, I don't think so.
It feels good though ;)

05-06-2017, 05:28 PM
I think I'm at my stupidest just after blowing my load:grimace:

05-06-2017, 06:03 PM
Punting, if anything... it lowers it