View Full Version : Complaint Rockdale 485 false advertising

27-07-2017, 10:36 AM
I find this shop very frustrating. On the one hand they occassionally have nice girls but on the other, they tell the most lies of any shop I know. e.g.

-> Girls that are advertised on the roster are not there (or don't exist at all).
-> Receptionists will say on the phone there are 4 girls working right now but you go there and there is 1 girl and she is in a 1 hour booking.
-> Girls on the roster are listed under "new" but most have been there for months, or in some cases years.
-> Girls ages are total BS, they say "18 year old" when the girl is 25. They even had a girl who is still on the website who said she was 42 and this shop was advertising her as 19.