View Full Version : Other 12 Bellevue: Kylie, Philistines and walking

Steven Seagal
09-02-2013, 06:56 PM
12 Bellevue St.
Surry Hills
Phone: 92818480

Howdy Y’all,

(Note: I thought I put an American spin on the intro. Hang in with me on this and you’ll see it all fits together.)

They say the sex industry is just another business like any other, but we all know that is not true. Take for example the situation where you go to a punt and decide not to take a girl. In the commercial world this happens more times than not, but in the sex industry it’s called ‘tyre kicking’ and you can get buckets of shit for it. Take the following exchange I had with the chickenhead (papasan) in a joint on Riley Street, Surry Hills.

Chickenhead: Which girl you want.
Seagal; I think I’ll go.
Chickenhead: Why you no take girl?
Seagal: It would feel like incest.
Chickenhead: What you talking about?
Seagal: They are all old enough to be my mother.
Chickenhead: You waste my time. Fuck you and leave my shop!


This would never happen if you were in Harvey Norman looking at the TV’s. The following exchange is very remote:

Salesman; Which TV you want?
Seagal: I’m just looking.
Salesman: Take one of the fucking TV’s!
Seagal: These are not the latest models.
Salesman: Get the fuck out of here and don’t come back you cunt!


What we call ‘window shopping’ in retail they call ‘bullshitting’ and ‘tyre kicking’ in the sex industry. So, the two industries are NOT the same.

While ‘walking’ away from a punt can be frowned upon, it’s the punters choice what he spends his money on and if he doesn’t like the girls he is a free soul who can self determine and move on.

Now, having written the above, I often follow the platitude of my nephew Edd ‘Kookie’ Byrnes who says a punt is a gamble and the best gamble is a ‘no walk’ policy. During his punting life he has always followed that policy and his very first punt was with an enormous lady who was an upsized Greek bbw who was as old as the hills. The question that passed through ‘Kookie’s’ mind wasn’t if he would fuck her but how it would be possible, given her wide girth, and his miniscule size!

SO (Continued)

I decided when I entered 12 Bellevue that I would not walk. Folks, there was only one lady available and that was Kylie. (Not the old Kylie who moved on to Red Sunset and Yoko’s, but a ‘new ‘one.)

Ladies and gentleman in that light she looked old enough to be my grandmother. I am no spring chicken. I was around when Methuselah was a foetus! (For those of you Philistines who don’t know your Torah, Methuselah was the oldest man who ever lived. I don’t think he was. I think during those times life was so boring it felt like he lived a long time. Also, I think the average lifespan was about 32 years and if you made 50 everybody thought you’d lived forever!

Anyway, or ‘anyways’ if you can’t read the Torah, I thought I might as well make it a real punt. When we got into the upstairs front room and she turned on the lights a Seinfeld moment occurred. She actually looked pretty good close up. She had nice lips and a good smile. Her body wasn’t much chop. She had A+ - B- breast and normally a shaved pussy, but when I saw her there was some stubble. She is very short. She is probably about 4’11” in the old parlance and 149.86 cm in metric. She had a pot belly and enough English to get the job done. She told me she was 31 and I believe that like I believe Methuselah was a still birth. She looks about 41.

Sounds terrible doesn’t it? It wasn’t. She was very service oriented and had a great attitude. She was affectionate, she did a very good bbj and her pussy was reasonably tight. I suspect if seen a few times and treated well, anal would probably be available. I enjoyed myself. I enjoyed her in every position under the sun and finished off with cim.


If I went back and she was the only lady available I would see her. I’ve had worse at places costing twice as much as this one.

Sometimes it does pay to take a punt and not walk.

It’s time for me to go ladies and gents. My next review is seeing Apple also at Bellevue and while Apple is not yet rotten to the core, she is working on it.

Until that time friends . . .until that time.


10-02-2013, 01:29 AM
Great fun review Steven like always good for a laugh :)

10-02-2013, 05:02 AM
You may need to try a classier brothel. Where the service is friendly even if you don't book. But i do know where you coming from. Also keep in mind if it is run/owned by Chinese operators, you will get terrible service in most cases.

10-02-2013, 01:00 PM
Another great post Steven, always a good read. Keep em coming.