View Full Version : Massage/Services Ratio - Need your opinions

17-02-2018, 10:24 PM
Hi brothers,

This is a half report only. I went to a shop in the southside and here's the story.

I've seen this lady once before and it was fun that time. Lots of kissing, passionate etc.

Decided to see her again tonight. The massage started very soft. I asked her to change to hard around my shoulders. She did a half arse job for about 15 minutes (it was nowhere near hard, and she just didnt put in any efforts). I didn't think it would improve, so i asked her to change it back to soft. Flipped over after another 5 minutes and onto the "Services" part (no pricing was discussed)

Once again, it was a half-hearted efforts (i.e.: she was using one hand with the other hand simply doing nothing). Perhaps the first visit has lifted the expectation but it felt like to me that she was not into it this evening at all.

Anyway, I left after 10 minutes into the "Service" part but still tipped her some money. She got a bit upset and I told her that I wouldn't not tell her boss. To my very surprise, I got a text from her boss a 5 minutes later and said that I should follow the "Shops" rule.

The definition of the rule (by this owner) is - 40 minutes massage and 20 minutes "Service". I was also told that I've been around for a while and I should have known better.

Brothers - would you mind sharing your opinions about this rule? My take on this is that it should be up to the girls how long massage/Service time. Please drop a short line here on your thoughts. Thanks bros!

17-02-2018, 11:55 PM
Always dissapointing when the second time around does'nt live up to the first. As for the "40/20" rule ive never heard of it. As far as im concerned the "service" part is between u and her, screw the shop rules. This is how they become regs. What a dickhead actually txting u and mentioning that. WTF has it got to do with the boss, he/she has got the cut from the massage fee, thats all there entitled to. Pm me the shop man.

18-02-2018, 12:07 AM
Thanks for your opinion reddoor. As to why the owner texted me, the first question was - why did you only tip the girl $50 when she was naked? Then he/she started to tell me about the shops rules.

I replied to say - are you kidding me?

My thoughts were - the 20 mins massage was shit. The 10 mins service was shit. I paid for 1 hour and left after 30 mins without an ending. I thought tipping her $50 was more than generous. Then I get a lecture about shop rules. Lol.

18-02-2018, 04:35 AM
I think 40-20 is the most common practice at various shops, especially for nonregulars, but never formalised as a rule. The rule should just be between you and her.
When I was a regular at a popular shop once the boss complained why I had an agreement with a certain girl to give her only 70 for naked, as it made the other girls unhappy (unfair competition) as they already had a pricing agreement in place. So now I only visit shops with no set pricing for extras.
I think the girl didn’t tell the boss that in your case pricing hadn’t been discussed and that a happy ending had not been achieved

18-02-2018, 07:06 AM
Common I think the 40 20 but up to girl I’ve had girl naked from start to finish no big deal .as for txting that’s bullshit on owners behalf would go back that shop

18-02-2018, 10:00 AM
Don't waste your time there again. Sadly under the Palazsczuk regime, laws here are still draconian compared to NSW hence the resultant poor quality prividers.

18-02-2018, 10:26 AM
I prefer the 50/10 rule

50 mins service, 10 mins massage

If I were you, I wouldn't go back to that place. Also name and shame.

18-02-2018, 11:02 AM
I get 0 mins massage with one of my regular MLs.

18-02-2018, 11:58 AM
I think 40-20 is the most common practice at various shops, especially for nonregulars, but never formalised as a rule. The rule should just be between you and her.
When I was a regular at a popular shop once the boss complained why I had an agreement with a certain girl to give her only 70 for naked, as it made the other girls unhappy (unfair competition) as they already had a pricing agreement in place. So now I only visit shops with no set pricing for extras.
I think the girl didn’t tell the boss that in your case pricing hadn’t been discussed and that a happy ending had not been achieved
Yeah, sometimes the dumb bitches can't keep quiet especially if its the other way 'round. I hit it off with a nice girl and would give her a bit over the going rate to imbibe in her loveliness but unbeknown to me she was gloating to the other girls about what she made. She dissappeared soon after, i only found out months later after talking to manager.

18-02-2018, 04:28 PM
Not sure about the 40/20 rule. I think it is more the chemistry between you and the girl.
I more than often will take a gift, like a little lolly or chocolate, amazing how much that gets you and immediately breaks the ice.
Secondly I get straight to the point nude from the start, get you money worth, not all happy to do but cash is what is all about.
Once you have your girl in that shop time to try another, the thrill is in the hunt.
So I guess my opinion is how you treat them will definitely have a bearing on what you get out of it.
End of the day it is a game, you start with a wad of money they have none, you walk out later and they have a wad of money, hopefully you have a big smile and joyful memories.

19-02-2018, 12:26 AM
The 40/20 I don't think its a rule, its more of a guideline for newcomers as well as new ML starting at a shop. The shop can't decide the rules of time once the door is closed. Once you seen a ML two or three times this guideline should have changed and be in your favour. Good on you for walking out early, there are times you need to tell them their service is crap and don't let them try get more cash off you before your little head starts making dumb decisions. Having owner text you like that is just dumb and bad business. Agree with the others, name and shame.

19-02-2018, 01:52 PM
I much prefer the massage places off Suk in Thailand where they ask what do you want to start with. The massage is a secondary service.
But the girls here need to be circumspect. Its as Homebrew says, a lot about the relationship you build. Often subsequent encounters its been more like 20/40 or better, once the girl gets to know you.
As for shop rules, it sounds like they have forgotten the importance of respecting the customer. They should have enquired what was wrong with the service, and how could they improve your experience.

19-02-2018, 06:47 PM
Why dont you make joke right back and write something like "freebies for the next 30 days or I'll pass your sms onto the police".

Next time you go in you'll be treated like a God.

19-02-2018, 07:10 PM
Yeah Jesus...... Crucified.

20-02-2018, 06:08 AM
Why dont you make joke right back and write something like "freebies for the next 30 days or I'll pass your sms onto the police".

Next time you go in you'll be treated like a God.

Yeah. Nonexistent.

Captain Sensible
21-02-2018, 12:57 AM
I agree Blas, very ordinary for the owner to text you like that.

Just curious, could you confirm if she was naked or not as mentioned in the text from the owner? As it is surprising if that's what the ML told the owner.

Like everybody else 40 /20 would be the general guideline on first visit especially any shop with the word Massage in it, as the service part is not available at all shops or even from all ML’s in the same shop where it is available. Any variation would be on subsequent visits after building rapport and options originally not available become available.

21-02-2018, 07:48 AM
I was surprised the ML told the owner too! When the ML got upset, I did comfort her that I wouldn't tell the owner about her bad service. I was then surprised to get a text from the owner saying - "why did you only pay her $50 when she got naked? Explain to me"

21-02-2018, 10:27 AM
Like Gpeck said owner putting the self in shooting line for police by txting that to you stupid . Sounds like a shop not to go back to

21-02-2018, 02:07 PM
Yes thats surprising that happened. Usually owners are smarter than that.

Captain Sensible
21-02-2018, 07:56 PM
So she lied to the owner that she was naked?

23-02-2018, 05:05 PM
I get 0 mins massage with one of my regular MLs.

Same here bro. Priorities!!!

23-02-2018, 05:34 PM
even with a girl you just meet for the first time you can get straight into the action but of course it needs a bit of luck. Happened to me a few times this year. The key is not to lie down on the table when she reenters the room after taking your money

24-02-2018, 09:13 AM
MLs in Brisbane find no customer lying down on the table anymore from today....

Kangaroo Point Cowboy
24-02-2018, 09:42 PM
Pm me the name of the shop mate so I know not to go there.

08-03-2018, 12:05 PM
MLs in Brisbane find no customer lying down on the table anymore from today....

After trying to apply this to another first timer and did not succeed (she insisted that I stay horizontally on the table) I made another attempt recently and hit the big jackpot. Not the very best of girls but oh well, a jackpot is a jackpot and she was totally into it. And yes total expenditure was much less than Sydney

08-03-2018, 10:08 PM
that appears to be the situation.

tommy thumb
09-03-2018, 06:44 AM
These days zen is a massage optional shop. Most of the girls are happy to skip the low paying hard working bit and get straight into the fun money making part. No real difference between this place now and the old SS. Except it’s cleaner and no mental Pam

09-03-2018, 11:04 AM
If all the visits by the punters to the girls are the top shelf option (fs) at such place, and we all know the shower facilities and the hygienic requirement are equally not strongly enforced at this kind of place, wouldn’t any of you be concerned?

I have to say though, from my experiences in Sydney, the hygien requirement is much much higher there, in particular the FS shop, where you see the girls washing herself up before the session.

Just curious.

10-03-2018, 09:47 AM
as others have said there really is no set rule its negotiated between you and the girl ,with a new girl i usually say leave plenty of time at the end for fun and games because i dont like to be rushed but sometime with a regular i will ask for more massage if i need it or am tired as i know by then a regular will get the job done as i like it as she knows me .
But certainly no set rule i guess 40/20 is about the norm though or 45/15 is common
Bullshit and crazy owner texted you