View Full Version : 227 Broadway Open minded

26-04-2018, 10:06 PM
Hi all

I was browsing through the weekly rooster to see which girl tickle my fancy. Looking at the description I see the word "open minded" and didnt think more of it. Guess she was open to talk about anything.

Then seeing the bottom of the page **** The girls with open-minded description, may offer CBJ with extra tip $20-$30 WOoooow:startle:

So how does this work ? has anyone experience this benfit and can provide feedback?

Is it BYO DOm?

After other bro discover this sure business will be booming!!

21-05-2018, 09:02 PM
As it states ''The girls with open-minded description, may offer CBJ with extra tip $20-$30'' means that you can ask the girl but its at her discretion and she can say yes or no.

As far as I know having been there a few times recently is that even though the girl's description states ''Open-Minded'' she won't necessary offer CBJ even if you ask.

You'll need to either ask the girl when they introduce themselves or whilst in the room during the service.

21-05-2018, 09:05 PM
It's at the girls discretion, you can ask but she can either say yes or no.

As far as I know from recent experiences is that even if the description states ''Open-Minded'' that not all girls will do it.

21-05-2018, 11:35 PM
Lets look at this at a different angle, for those MLs Not listed as open minded :

Please don’t even ask !

22-05-2018, 05:46 PM
I got hit with a surprise recently, was offered a blow for a CBJ at a RNT (not 227), checking back there was a "Open Minded Service" in her description. Made up for the picture either being old or not quite genuine.

22-05-2018, 06:56 PM
I got hit with a surprise recently, was offered a blow for a CBJ at a RNT (not 227), checking back there was a "Open Minded Service" in her description. Made up for the picture either being old or not quite genuine.

Open Minded was actually a key word back in the old days of At Michelle in Bondi Junction when it was still fairly affordable like $80 for 30 min all inclusive! The devilish receptionist always mentioned about which girl being open minded as a hint to the punters on the phone or at the desk telling who might offer more extras !

Never really interested me as my play was the Spanish and that’s already included !

22-05-2018, 09:29 PM
Open Minded was actually a key word back in the old days

I guess it is back, I will keep an eye out. RnT is more my thing but the surprise CBJ + was a curveball

22-05-2018, 10:44 PM
Just dont get your hopes up - have been with a couple of ‘Open Minded’ girls there and in reality YMMV in big fat capital letters. And kudos to you if you can come with CBJ!!

25-05-2018, 12:26 PM
Just dont get your hopes up - have been with a couple of ‘Open Minded’ girls there and in reality YMMV in big fat capital letters. And kudos to you if you can come with CBJ!!

Im a RnT guy so a CBJ was a little different, and a bonus. In my case it was not at 227, but I totally understand the YMMV, it kinda goes with the 'open minded' label...IE at their discretion. If you want more than a RnT then maybe you need to see a WL to be guaranteed?

26-05-2018, 04:12 AM
Better off not offering at all if its not guaranteed and somewhat misleading.

Look at it this way. Lets say you had a line up of girls at 227, girl A is more attractive to you than girl B but isnt ‘open minded’ so you go for girl B, because you do want a little bit ‘extra’. However once you are in the room with girl B and you bring the subject up, she turns you down because - YMMV. Therefore you end up with the standard RnT with Girl B, which is still very likely still decent, but you feel sligtly disappointed as you wish you went with Girl A instead and leave with a bit of bitter aftertaste.

I’d rather prefer for us guys play the game and figure who is and isnt ‘open minded’ on our own, instead of placing these carrots on a stick and setting false expectations. Its all part of the punting fun. CBJ with WL in a FS shop aint guaranteed either. Case in point - ive received more than standard rnt from a girl that wasnt advertised as ‘open minded’.

It might sound like a chip on the shoulder with 227 but dont get me wrong it is one if my favourite shops (any rnt with individual showers is in my good books) - its more so looking out for the other bros who are new to the game and not wanting them to be disappointed.

26-05-2018, 10:01 AM
Better off not offering at all if its not guaranteed and somewhat misleading.
I’d rather prefer for us guys play the game and figure who is and isnt ‘open minded’ on our own, instead of placing these carrots on a stick and setting false expectations. Its all part of the punting fun...

its more so looking out for the other bros who are new to the game and not wanting them to be disappointed.

Very good points. Considering I didn't realise what "open minded" alludes to until this thread, im not sure it will throw too many noobies (like myself). The thrill of the chase/search is always good though.

26-05-2018, 10:38 AM
Better off not offering at all if its not guaranteed and somewhat misleading.

Look at it this way. Lets say you had a line up of girls at 227, girl A is more attractive to you than girl B but isnt ‘open minded’ so you go for girl B, because you do want a little bit ‘extra’. However once you are in the room with girl B and you bring the subject up, she turns you down because - YMMV. Therefore you end up with the standard RnT with Girl B, which is still very likely still decent, but you feel sligtly disappointed as you wish you went with Girl A instead and leave with a bit of bitter aftertaste.

I’d rather prefer for us guys play the game and figure who is and isnt ‘open minded’ on our own, instead of placing these carrots on a stick and setting false expectations. Its all part of the punting fun. CBJ with WL in a FS shop aint guaranteed either. Case in point - ive received more than standard rnt from a girl that wasnt advertised as ‘open minded’.

It might sound like a chip on the shoulder with 227 but dont get me wrong it is one if my favourite shops (any rnt with individual showers is in my good books) - its more so looking out for the other bros who are new to the game and not wanting them to be disappointed.

Hey, exstar,

Just curious, did you actually saw an Open Minded girl there, offered the extra tip and got turn down ? I think you should let Alice know so that she can sort things out and perhaps take that girl off the list of willing ?

Assuming of course that you are decent and clean ....... haha

But I think there’s nothing wrong with the initiative from the shop and definitely a step towards the right direction!

Let’s not forget 227 is a fully licensed shop and it’s only because Alice’s business plan it has always been run as b2b RnT , but now she has taken the first step and allows a bit more extra, if she gets the support from the clients and the girls are happy and making more money - still at their discretion some what, is it not a win win situation ?

Sure, if people prefer to seek the great unknown and the thrills in chasing at RnT shops and all the challenges, no stopping them anyway. Each to his own of course. And as always, if you want the guaranteed works, we all know where to go...... haha


26-05-2018, 12:11 PM
Hey bro AHLUNGOR, lets just say the experiences have been varied (mostly positive) and I wouldnt dare dob in a girl to management for not meeting the ‘expectations’ as its not fair to fault them. The girls dont write the ads and do the marketing right?

I had been going to 227 even before the ‘open minded’ labels, and just think its now taken a bit of the fun away from it. It seems you are on pretty good terms with Alice so if it is a enough of a concern then she can PM me and i can provide more detailed feedback. You have already mentioned that 227 is licensed so that should be enough of a hint, and lets just leave it with the punters to work it out :)

From my own experience i reckon i could get part 2.5/2.75/3 anywhere, whether legit or not and ive been there done that, even bbfs/cip (only with 1/2 of my regular ML outside of the shop - i get myself checked regularly). Overall have a good success rate in this area - of course never forcing the issue and with the utmost respect of the girl and keeping her comfort in mind.

End of the day my key point is every punter is going to have their own experiences with the girls no matter what management advertise, and it is always so much better to underpromise and overdeliver than the other way around!

26-05-2018, 12:36 PM
Pretty sure Alice would have asked every girl she listed as OMd to get their consent before listing them. But of course, the girl still has the final say.

So looks like you don’t have any issue anyway and you were just looking out for the newbies and those perhaps not so seasoned punters. So good on you for thinking about the others.

Happy punting to all!

I just wished that Alice can recall some of my favorite like Rebecca, Iris, Rita, Linda and Jessie....... hahs, keep the dreams alive!

227 Broadway
15-06-2018, 03:26 PM
Hi all, happy to read your thoughts, we already followed up girls that noted "open minded" is a confirmed service, and took the words off if they not sure. Customers are welcome to enquiry us on the phone for booking a guaranteed open minded girl or ask us before the payment.

So far in our shop the girls definitely can't provide the service are Michelle, Marita, Nancy, Vicky, Tina and Flora, others are mostly in a maybe status. The noted open-minded girls are happy with $20-30 tips. We here not allowed to ask more than $30.

Also all girls provide proteste massage(with disposable PVC glove) if you ask, no extra charge tips.

15-06-2018, 06:13 PM
I do like how this shop is run and the responses you give to the forum!

16-06-2018, 02:33 PM
Hi all, happy to read your thoughts, we already followed up girls that noted "open minded" is a confirmed service, and took the words off if they not sure. Customers are welcome to enquiry us on the phone for booking a guaranteed open minded girl or ask us before the payment.

So far in our shop the girls definitely can't provide the service are Michelle, Marita, Nancy, Vicky, Tina and Flora, others are mostly in a maybe status. The noted open-minded girls are happy with $20-30 tips. We here not allowed to ask more than $30.

Also all girls provide proteste massage(with disposable PVC glove) if you ask, no extra charge tips.

Glad that this has been cleared up as I've seen a lot of posts about this and that guys are disappointed when they have seen a girl that had ''Open Minded'' on their profile but declined the service when they guys asked. Either way any extra's outside of the normal service stated by the shop is always at the girls discretion.

16-06-2018, 03:40 PM
Indeed great work in clearing this up - it will indeed reduce the likelihood of disappointed punters but as I like to tell myself... challenge accepted!

16-06-2018, 04:57 PM
I have seen two girls from this shop and have had a 50% strike rate with one girl offering me the ''Open Minded'' extra - CBJ and the other girl declining the request even though both had ''Open Minded'' on their profile. Good to see shop management clarifying this with the girls and updating their profiles to reflect this as It would otherwise disappoint the guy but in saying that I agree with other people's post that these extra's are solely at the girl's discretion.