View Full Version : Dreaming Paradise Massage Coco & Michelle, master & apprentice part 1

16-02-2013, 11:01 AM
12.30 pm 15 February 2013 (part 1)

I woke up this morning with a tight muscle around my right shoulder blade. After stretching it for a bit, I knew that it needed to be worked on. I’m not due for a massage until the end of the month, but seeing that the salary had just cleared today…

Now where can I go to get the proper attention that my sore muscle deserves, and only a professional therapist can offer? And where could I get a little pampering to soothe my aches after a rigorous rubdown? More importantly, who can I entrust this delicate matter to? The answer was; Coco!

Since the first session with Coco, I don’t think I would feel confident with any other masseuse treating me when I am in this sort of pain. If only she offered health care rebates, I wouldn’t hesitate in nominating her as one of my main health services provider!

Her use of assisted stretching would be appropriate for muscle and post-injury rehabilitation in my opinion. Thanks to Coco, I have more movement in my neck, shoulders and right arm today.

Stiff predicament
After mentioning my issue to Coco, she said that she would see to me personally and work away. Into the room, Michelle was my masseuse in training for the day too. Coco demonstrated all the pressure that needed to be applied. I felt the 2 different grades of hands working along my legs and back. As Coco was massaging, she was showing Michelle where the pressure should be applied, how it should be applied and most importantly, know when it should be applied.

Coco instructed theoretically and practically. While Michelle listened and observed as much as she could while both massaged me.

Needs and wants
This was only the second time that Coco had demonstrated on someone while Michelle observed. Now the first person she practised on was none other than Lisa! Can you gents imagine that? Coco massaging Lisa while Michelle watches in the room! Hmmm… that would be interesting!
What do you think?

Coco spent a good half an hour working away at the tightness as I groaned and moaned in relief. I joked with her that I was glad that it wasn’t Lisa treating me, as she would literally reduce me to tears.

With both Coco and Michelle hopping on and off the bed, fussing over me, I knew I was in good hands. Coco completed me with a towel pat down. She worked up quite a sweat tending to my needs not before Michelle completed my wants...

15-03-2013, 11:24 AM
Coco is still master, and Michelle not learning anymore, she is so good now.

Come to see us today!