View Full Version : Question Banned by a working girl n how to unfuck it

16-08-2018, 12:04 AM
I'm gay. I made this whole thing up.

Admin can you delete this thread? Thanks.

16-08-2018, 12:11 AM
If you just want sex, there's plenty of pussy out there!

16-08-2018, 12:12 AM
what the ...

how in the world could a WL ‘cheat’ you? pls tell us more!

16-08-2018, 12:17 AM
If you just want sex, there's plenty of pussy out there!

But I like her lol. I know I know I'm a cuck. Sigh.

16-08-2018, 12:27 AM
I'm extra gay now. More craziness.

16-08-2018, 12:42 AM
When a woman doesnt want to see you again, then thats it. You have to respect her wishes

16-08-2018, 12:48 AM
Agreed move on, she's not worth it.

16-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Let's see.

- I always book two hours for each visit with her
- in the first few visits I took her to lunch. On paid time.
- one time, she said she want a day off. n asked me to do overnight so she can get the next day off. Yeh paid a little less than $2000 for overnight n the place is so shit it's like I paid money to torture myself
- went on a date with her the next day on her day off. She promised sex afterwards but at the end of the date I didn't get sex... N ran away n banned me.

So in my heart I feel she cheated me n she is too embarrassed to see me again? After a few weeks I booked her again n got refused service by her... LOL

Wtf did I just read... holy crap dude you need a slap!

16-08-2018, 01:02 AM
You blew $2000 on a crappy night, and you want more of her?
Sounds like you are fixated.
No WL works forever.
She wont be around much longer on average
Plenty of pussy as someone said

When a woman doesnt want to see you again, then thats it. You have to respect her wishes. No good will come of harrassing her any more. She probably finds you creepy for some reason, or you make her feel awkward. Happens to all of us. Move on.

If you are fixated, then you have not understood the number one rule of punting
I think you nailed the cause of the problems, sounds like the behaviour of a stalker.....

16-08-2018, 01:50 AM
What's the lyric to that song again??
Nice guys finish last that's why i'll treat you like trash.......

You sound like a nice guy and fell for this working lady or want to be really liked in her eyes.
She obviously doesn't like you back and took advantage of you.

It's not how punting meant to work.

16-08-2018, 02:35 AM
Let's see.

- I always book two hours for each visit with her
- in the first few visits I took her to lunch. On paid time.
- one time, she said she want a day off. n asked me to do overnight so she can get the next day off. Yeh paid a little less than $2000 for overnight n the place is so shit it's like I paid money to torture myself
- went on a date with her the next day on her day off. She promised sex afterwards but at the end of the date I didn't get sex... N ran away n banned me.

So in my heart I feel she cheated me n she is too embarrassed to see me again? After a few weeks I booked her again n got refused service by her... LOL

She doesn't respect you and took advantage of you, time to move on.

16-08-2018, 02:57 AM
What if you send her a text and ask the reason why. Be clear by turning over the last card. Even if you have to move on, move on with knowing. But if she won’t answer, then let it go.

16-08-2018, 07:05 AM
I totally disagree with asking why. If someone doesn't want to see you, stop trying to force them to see you.

And sorry to whoever said you sound like a nice guy, you certainly didn't protray yourself like one in your posts.

If someone doesn't want to see you don't try to trick their boss into helping you. Don't try to follow them around. Don't think you deserve an explanation. Move on and leave the poor girl alone. She must be terrified.

16-08-2018, 07:54 AM
I get a feeling you are talking about a jap girl....pm me if you want to.

Anyway whoever she is, I think she has made it pretty clear she doesn’t want to see you so no point pushing it really. By seeing her in the new place will just drive her from one place to another. Don’t waste anymore money looking for answers you won’t be happy with anyway.

16-08-2018, 08:02 AM
Time to move on

Slams the door in your face...

Banned you...

Time to move on.

16-08-2018, 08:35 AM
Thanks all for your wisdom!!! Lmao fuck I must be lonely to post that soft shit last night. Anyway I'm not even going to think about her again. Fuck so weak.

I'm off to join the incel army n hate on Stacys lol.

16-08-2018, 09:04 AM
Plenty pussy around bro . Move on

16-08-2018, 09:11 AM
Thanks all for your wisdom!!! Lmao fuck I must be lonely to post that soft shit last night. Anyway I'm not even going to think about her again. Fuck so weak.

I'm off to join the incel army n hate on Stacys lol.

Bro, you need a girlfriend.

16-08-2018, 09:48 AM
What if you send her a text and ask the reason why. Be clear by turning over the last card. Even if you have to move on, move on with knowing. But if she won’t answer, then let it go.

Good advise !

And go try a replacement ASAP.


16-08-2018, 10:36 AM

Seems like this happened to you before mate...

16-08-2018, 10:37 AM
What if you send her a text and ask the reason why. Be clear by turning over the last card. Even if you have to move on, move on with knowing. But if she won’t answer, then let it go.

sounds like a good strategy to me!

16-08-2018, 11:31 AM
Sounds like a sucker. Lol. Takin a WL to lunch on paid time is already enough. If she liked u, paying for her meal is good enough. And then asking you to book her overnight, if she wanted it that bad she would have just spent the night with you after work. Think with ya brain... not with ya...

16-08-2018, 11:35 AM
Dude........ I thought the beauty of punting is quick simple trade. If you are rich and want emotional attachments, probably you should try SA

16-08-2018, 11:44 AM
Hello Chaps,

Now I find this thread rather sad. We've all been struck by an infatuation for a particular girl at one time or other. We're only human, right?

Real men see it for what it is and don't go lusting after the one particular girl. Call it maturity if you will, but don't drag the shop out with you when you leave. The girls are doing a job, the shop experience is fantasy, and unless you have been lucky enough to meet your soul mate in your latest speed dating punt, you're just another lonely, horny male full of testosterone.

It takes two people to fall in love but it only takes one to turn an otherwise intimate cash transaction into something the girl, or guy, would gladly refund double for in order to avoid the other. Uncommon, but it happens. Every shop and every girl has stories of THAT creepy guy who wouldn't stop chasing a girl everyone else thinks is average but he thinks is THE ONE.

Punters can change girls, change days or change shops. Girls are trapped in their shop until they find a better shop and change their name or go do outcall in Brisbane or Melbourne for a few weeks until it all blows over.

Don't chase the girls. Tell her you're into her, if you want it to be more. if she's into you she will say the same. Or make it clear that it ain't going to happen. If she decides not to fuck you on a private paid date or worse, tries to make it clear that she thinks you're going to be trouble best avoided, then leave her alone.

It doesn't take much to be found legally stalking another person... checking all her reviews at all the shops in which she has worked? ...got shop photos of her on your phone?... she refuses to say hello or take your money? Leave her alone.

Go to a new shop, block her WeChat, delete her contact details, etc. Break the cycle before it becomes a problem that you can't deal with.


16-08-2018, 11:59 AM

Seems like this happened to you before mate...

Yeah, I remembered that one and from the OP, that had already happened to him a few times before. So, sounds like he is a pathological sucker for working ladies , may be in search of a fairy tale ending??

And this could all be made up fake news too just to play us in the forum .

At the end of the day, read and move on, cum and move on or fuck and move on and have fun........ haha

16-08-2018, 12:28 PM
So you did and overnight and spent time with her on a date the next day on her day off. Can I ask what you did on the date? Sounds to me like she spent the whole day with you and realised your a simp.

Rule no.1 don't be a simp.

16-08-2018, 01:35 PM
Hello Chaps,

Now I find this thread rather sad. We've all been struck by an infatuation for a particular girl at one time or other. We're only human, right?

Real men see it for what it is and don't go lusting after the one particular girl. Call it maturity if you will, but don't drag the shop out with you when you leave. The girls are doing a job, the shop experience is fantasy, and unless you have been lucky enough to meet your soul mate in your latest speed dating punt, you're just another lonely, horny male full of testosterone.

It takes two people to fall in love but it only takes one to turn an otherwise intimate cash transaction into something the girl, or guy, would gladly refund double for in order to avoid the other. Uncommon, but it happens. Every shop and every girl has stories of THAT creepy guy who wouldn't stop chasing a girl everyone else thinks is average but he thinks is THE ONE.

Punters can change girls, change days or change shops. Girls are trapped in their shop until they find a better shop and change their name or go do outcall in Brisbane or Melbourne for a few weeks until it all blows over.

Don't chase the girls. Tell her you're into her, if you want it to be more. if she's into you she will say the same. Or make it clear that it ain't going to happen. If she decides not to fuck you on a private paid date or worse, tries to make it clear that she thinks you're going to be trouble best avoided, then leave her alone.

It doesn't take much to be found legally stalking another person... checking all her reviews at all the shops in which she has worked? ...got shop photos of her on your phone?... she refuses to say hello or take your money? Leave her alone.

Go to a new shop, block her WeChat, delete her contact details, etc. Break the cycle before it becomes a problem that you can't deal with.

Good post ! ;) ;) ;)

And I find it funny that people advised him to text the girl and ask her why, what makes them think he doesn’t know why already ? And what makes them think he had written both sides of the stories already ? ;) ;) ;)

Move on, case closed, that’s all !

16-08-2018, 02:25 PM
Ditto. Do yourself a favour and move on. She’s scammed you once. Why in God’s name would you want to see her again?

Mr Bastard
16-08-2018, 04:47 PM
Can't unfuck the fucked in this case……..I think some are being a bit harsh on you though mate, if you fall you fall, just pick yourself up again, find another, fall again, pick yourself up, you get the jist, at least your living………

Chok Di Haa

16-08-2018, 05:27 PM
Sounds to me like she ripped the bandaid off for you, brutally.
If you are developing feelings for WLs, i think you might need to take a break, find a meaningful relationship, long or short, then decide whether you still want to punt

Mr Bastard
16-08-2018, 07:40 PM
Good you posted here
Every guy is seeing it the exact same way

You are infatuated then got taken advantage of
She doesnt want to be alone in a room with someone that has reason for take revenge for being cheated


16-08-2018, 07:51 PM
Sounds like she did you a favour. In short it's better than the outcome of she had let it go on longer.

Keep it simple. She's there to make money and you're there to buy sex. Nothing wrong with either in my opinion. Just don't forget what you're both there for.

16-08-2018, 08:10 PM
Nearly happened to me lately mate , she tells me she fucks only me until I found out others have been there & but her lingerie, trips away & all sorts of shit, get out & run like fuck into the blue yonder then return to a newbie without getting stitched up, pay, fuck then go, these women are not made to be serious dude, it’s for your dosh & that’s the reality bro

16-08-2018, 11:11 PM
This is why I am happy that I am not a rich man, if a woman wants me then she must actually want me because there is nothing in my wallet..

Of course if I had been furiously beaten with the ugly stick and not an ounce of charm to help me out then money would be the only way to get some action.. but thankfully the ugly stick only tapped me once or twice and I'm still working on the charm. I have had quite a few freebies in my time so I guess I am doing better than most and for that I am thankful.

16-08-2018, 11:16 PM


16-08-2018, 11:36 PM
Heard a funny joke about money.

Rich man says to his rich younger gf
'Would you still love me if I lost all my money?'

Young gf
'Id miss you, but I would still love you'

17-08-2018, 01:40 AM
Its nice to find a good wl/ml that gives you what you are looking for. It gets tough when you get the feels....see a girl 100 times may give you some perspective, but at the same time do you think the girls opinion of you changes for the better?

17-08-2018, 08:52 AM
Your sentence she fucks only you dosen’t make sense if she is a WL why she only fucks you . She can’t survive just fucking you . At the end they’re women if they like you then you might have chance otherwise she only see you if you pay her .
Sorry I meant ML not WL

17-08-2018, 10:22 PM
I have had a few over nighter's with ML's but never paid for it. If they like you, they will see you outside for free.

18-08-2018, 03:36 AM
Its nice to find a good wl/ml that gives you what you are looking for. It gets tough when you get the feels....see a girl 100 times may give you some perspective, but at the same time do you think the girls opinion of you changes for the better?

Trick question?

if you only see them and they believe you are only seeing them. ??

But then again i'm sure as a WLs they'll get a crap tone of smooth talkers all day long.
So whatever you say or do, i'm sure they'll have heard it countless times before and group you into the bunch.

18-08-2018, 04:08 AM
I barely remember the girls names after I leave the shop lmao, even my best punts the only girl whose name I remember was Pandora at Ginza.

18-08-2018, 02:58 PM
I barely remember the girls names after I leave the shop lmao, even my best punts the only girl whose name I remember was Pandora at Ginza.
The names aren't real anyway. Why waste brain space remembering names.

18-08-2018, 09:10 PM
I feel sorry for the OP. But, you need to forget and move on. The girl doesn’t feel comfortable seeing you and doesn’t want to. Not sure what happened but let the girl go. Don’t stress her out and scare her or stalk her.

18-08-2018, 10:51 PM
Let's see.

- I always book two hours for each visit with her
- in the first few visits I took her to lunch. On paid time.
- one time, she said she want a day off. n asked me to do overnight so she can get the next day off. Yeh paid a little less than $2000 for overnight n the place is so shit it's like I paid money to torture myself
- went on a date with her the next day on her day off. She promised sex afterwards but at the end of the date I didn't get sex... N ran away n banned me.

So in my heart I feel she cheated me n she is too embarrassed to see me again? After a few weeks I booked her again n got refused service by her... LOL

Its her loss. Now your money goes to another WL/ML.

19-08-2018, 12:28 AM
Its her loss. Now your money goes to another WL/ML.

That's what I'm doing atm. Too many pussies out there lol.

19-08-2018, 12:29 AM
I've been there. Makes me wish I'd never gone down the punting path in all honesty.

19-08-2018, 11:02 AM
^youre paying for a X amount of time to fantasize/enjoy your time with a WL. Anything outside of that and youre better off getting a GF

20-08-2018, 01:26 PM
I've sat back and not said anything, but I can't contain it anymore.

Bro, stop fucking stalking WL's!! You have a pattern of behaviour going on. You need to ctfo, remember that they owe you nothing, and stop expecting shit from them. 2k , for 1 day?? Are you loco??? And then she dont wanna see yo bitch ass again, you must be some uber creepy cunt. Ladies love money, and if she is shunning you, maybe YOU are the problem. Obviously money cant buy anything, if she cant even be in the same room as you.

Its cunts like you, stalking the ladies, that make women not want to work in the industry. Its assholes like you that make decent punters lose their regulars. Stop being a fucking selfish dick and realize she ain't jonseing for you.
There is some elements to this story you are not telling, as it is an incomplete puzzle. How about putting all cards on the table?

I've seen one WL disappear off a roster at one shop I like. And she disappeared right as you posted this. She was there almost everyday too. I hope to fucking God I am wrong. If I am right in my assumption, I will be super fucking pissed. And unlike you, ya fucking creepy cunt, I will have resigned myself to the fact that she is gone, and time to move on.

Why do weird cunts have to fuck shit up for regular guys..... fml..... she could really handle a dong too.

20-08-2018, 01:37 PM
Lets always take care of the lady

20-08-2018, 01:49 PM
I've sat back and not said anything, but I can't contain it anymore.

Bro, stop fucking stalking WL's!! You have a pattern of behaviour going on. You need to ctfo, remember that they owe you nothing, and stop expecting shit from them. 2k , for 1 day?? Are you loco??? And then she dont wanna see yo bitch ass again, you must be some uber creepy cunt. Ladies love money, and if she is shunning you, maybe YOU are the problem. Obviously money cant buy anything, if she cant even be in the same room as you.

Its cunts like you, stalking the ladies, that make women not want to work in the industry. Its assholes like you that make decent punters lose their regulars. Stop being a fucking selfish dick and realize she ain't jonseing for you.
There is some elements to this story you are not telling, as it is an incomplete puzzle. How about putting all cards on the table?

I've seen one WL disappear off a roster at one shop I like. And she disappeared right as you posted this. She was there almost everyday too. I hope to fucking God I am wrong. If I am right in my assumption, I will be super fucking pissed. And unlike you, ya fucking creepy cunt, I will have resigned myself to the fact that she is gone, and time to move on.

Why do weird cunts have to fuck shit up for regular guys..... fml..... she could really handle a dong too.

Hu6e cock man, what you said is fukn spot on and well said. But this kinda behaviour, you cannot change the way they think because of their brains how it's wired. I could be wrong. Some people can change their behaviours but may take some time

20-08-2018, 02:31 PM
Hu6e cock man, what you said is fukn spot on and well said. But this kinda behaviour, you cannot change the way they think because of their brains how it's wired. I could be wrong. Some people can change their behaviours but may take some time

Good post ! ;) ;) ;)

And I find it funny that people advised him to text the girl and ask her why, what makes them think he doesn’t know why already ? And what makes them think he had written both sides of the stories already ? ;) ;) ;)

Move on, case closed, that’s all !
A clear answer will be a slap to wake up. none of advise here will be taken into account, so let him get it straight from her, haha.

20-08-2018, 02:35 PM
File a complaint with the cops and tell us how it went. :)

20-08-2018, 05:26 PM
Let me tell you a story. How I know this story is irrelevant. It is 100% true.

There once was a guy who had problem with boundaries. He would try in vain to pursue women who in turn would reject him. He built up quite a portfolio of Violence Restraining Orders.
He then sought the company of brothel workers. He found the affection intoxicating. Just to be loved was incredible. They all loved him. And wanted him to be their boyfriend.
Because they told him so.
After several incidents where he became too obsessive and threatened other customers, he was removed from several shops, by force.
Again the police became involved.
So he went online to find a soulmate. In his confusion, he mistook kindness for affection. He misunderstood that when a girl says 'babe', it didn't mean he was her babe. At this point though, his interest moved towards younger women. He felt he could control them, and they would never leave him.
His obsession and desire for one young lady, became too extreme in the eyes of the law. He saw nothing wrong with talking to young ladies. He saw nothing wrong with growing his hair long. He saw nothing wrong with dressing up as a school girl. He saw nothing wrong with going to the young ladies high school to meet her. He saw nothing wrong with dressing up as a school girl, entering her high school under the guise of a female student, and taking her away with him. To be together forever. Because he loved her. And she loved him. In his mind.

Unfortunately for him, this was nothing but a fantasy, of which he had created.
In jail, he forced to do terrible things to survive. Would you suck a dick; to ensure your safety? Would you let another man (or men) fuck your ass, to prevent being assaulted? Would you hide used syringes up your ass so the guards couldn't find them, to not get stabbed? What if someone forced you to regurgitate your medication, to be later sold and injected?

At what point did he realize that what he had being doing for years was not right? He was being selfish and pursuing his own desires, with no regard for anyone else. If he had taken rejection in a calm, unassuming manner, maybe his life wouldn't have come to this.

A truly fucked up story.
But gents, punting... it's all a fucking game.
We pay to play, and that's all there is to it.

20-08-2018, 05:49 PM
Rule #1. No is no. Simple.
Rule #2. No explanation is required.

Non-communication is a form of communication. Take it for what it is.

"If he had taken rejection in a calm, unassuming manner, maybe his life wouldn't have come to this."

Yep. My best friend is a stunning 6 foot blonde with e cups, tatts and a killer body. She basically can't go anywhere because when she politely turns guys down they get aggressive, abusive etc. Just take it for what it is. Move on.

20-08-2018, 06:23 PM
I forgot about her n this post but I got a message from her today... She is pregnant. Mother******.

20-08-2018, 06:57 PM
I forgot about her n this post but I got a message from her today... She is pregnant. Mother******.
Aigoo. Is that yours?

20-08-2018, 07:00 PM
I forgot about her n this post but I got a message from her today... She is pregnant. Mother******.


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

20-08-2018, 07:24 PM
OP are you the father?? haha

please change your name to Alpha, being a beta is lame bro

20-08-2018, 09:01 PM
Here's a question for everyone:
If you made a mistake and got a WL pregos.
What would you do?
I'm paying child support, so would it be the same deal? You'll be paying for the next 18 years.

20-08-2018, 10:30 PM
Wow! New twists... it's like watching a drama.

So what's next ?

Ask for another 5k for an operation ?

Or she may be thinking punters are afraid of settling down. And that reason alone will send you running off.

20-08-2018, 11:02 PM

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Remember what I said before?

21-08-2018, 12:23 AM
I am a bit late to this thread so apologies for probably just repeating the obvious things already said.
But anyway ...
Just leave the girl alone bro.
She owes you nothing.
You have no right to see her.
She should be able to earn a living without being hassled.
You were just a customer to her, that's all.
Don’t become a creep and a stalker ... I am sure you are a better man than that.
Just move on ... and enjoy your punting ... there are so many sexy girls out there.

21-08-2018, 08:35 AM
Wow! New twists... it's like watching a drama.

So what's next ?

Ask for another 5k for an operation ?

Or she may be thinking punters are afraid of settling down. And that reason alone will send you running off.

I agree, it's like something new every 5 mins but definitely could just be either a last minute cash grab for a "procedure" or used to scare you off.

21-08-2018, 03:57 PM
She sees multiple men everyday. She cannot know who it belongs to.
She does not know who you are. She cannot track you.
Her problem she should be using protection

Unless she's doing BBFS with everyone. She probably has a decent idea who it belongs to.

21-08-2018, 05:19 PM
Remember what I said before?

Yeah mate, your dead on point, 100%.
The lengths some people go to for compassion and empathy are disgusting.

If find it highly coincidental that she is pregnant, only after other users started calling him out on the creepiness of his behaviour.

21-08-2018, 06:47 PM
Aigoo. Is that yours?

Not sure. Trying not to walk into that trap lol

21-08-2018, 06:48 PM
OP are you the father?? haha

please change your name to Alpha, being a beta is lame bro

LMAO good idea. Goanna name the kid alpha ;D

21-08-2018, 06:50 PM
Here's a question for everyone:
If you made a mistake and got a WL pregos.
What would you do?
I'm paying child support, so would it be the same deal? You'll be paying for the next 18 years.

probably abortion it is the fair thing for all three parties

21-08-2018, 06:51 PM
She sees multiple men everyday. She cannot know who it belongs to.
She does not know who you are. She cannot track you.
Her problem she should be using protection

probably abortion. Fair for all three parties lol

21-08-2018, 06:52 PM
I am a bit late to this thread so apologies for probably just repeating the obvious things already said.
But anyway ...
Just leave the girl alone bro.
She owes you nothing.
You have no right to see her.
She should be able to earn a living without being hassled.
You were just a customer to her, that's all.
Don’t become a creep and a stalker ... I am sure you are a better man than that.
Just move on ... and enjoy your punting ... there are so many sexy girls out there.

I didn't say I love her or stalked her. So thanks for your concern lol

21-08-2018, 06:53 PM
She sees multiple men everyday. She cannot know who it belongs to.
She does not know who you are. She cannot track you.
Her problem she should be using protection

LMAO shit got real dark suddenly :D

21-08-2018, 06:54 PM
Unless she's doing BBFS with everyone. She probably has a decent idea who it belongs to.

Poor girl I hope she is ok lol

21-08-2018, 07:00 PM
Its nice to find a good wl/ml that gives you what you are looking for. It gets tough when you get the feels....see a girl 100 times may give you some perspective, but at the same time do you think the girls opinion of you changes for the better?

Pretty much spot on for the first part. Sometime u just want to say ok bye . But didn't even get that closure so that was shitty. Whatever right.

21-08-2018, 07:01 PM
I have had a few over nighter's with ML's but never paid for it. If they like you, they will see you outside for free.

Master u should teach the rest of us how to get free overnight :D

21-08-2018, 07:05 PM
Its her loss. Now your money goes to another WL/ML.

Hahahahaha well said.

I find it incredible u never dated any wls :D

21-08-2018, 07:06 PM
That's what I'm doing atm. Too many pussies out there lol.

Lol I had u pegged as rich guy n don't want to commit :D

21-08-2018, 07:09 PM
I've been there. Makes me wish I'd never gone down the punting path in all honesty.

Yeah if u are young it's a bad idea D:

21-08-2018, 07:12 PM
Sounds like a sucker. Lol. Takin a WL to lunch on paid time is already enough. If she liked u, paying for her meal is good enough. And then asking you to book her overnight, if she wanted it that bad she would have just spent the night with you after work. Think with ya brain... not with ya...

lol guilty as charged

21-08-2018, 07:13 PM
Dude........ I thought the beauty of punting is quick simple trade. If you are rich and want emotional attachments, probably you should try SA

Sa? What's sa?

..... Text limit...

21-08-2018, 07:15 PM
Yeah, I remembered that one and from the OP, that had already happened to him a few times before. So, sounds like he is a pathological sucker for working ladies , may be in search of a fairy tale ending??

And this could all be made up fake news too just to play us in the forum .

At the end of the day, read and move on, cum and move on or fuck and move on and have fun........ haha

I don't know why people assume I love her sigh

21-08-2018, 07:20 PM
Sounds to me like she ripped the bandaid off for you, brutally.
If you are developing feelings for WLs, i think you might need to take a break, find a meaningful relationship, long or short, then decide whether you still want to punt

I just thought she is a nice person bit shocked she is so cold lol that's all.

21-08-2018, 07:20 PM
probably abortion. Fair for all three parties lol

You're so creepy!!! Fml you are creepy!!! Lol at abortion, wtf is wrong with you.
Saying shit like this is why no one wants to be near you.
This is your song, minus all the coolness of Radiohead.


Creepy cunt.

21-08-2018, 07:22 PM
Can't unfuck the fucked in this case……..I think some are being a bit harsh on you though mate, if you fall you fall, just pick yourself up again, find another, fall again, pick yourself up, you get the jist, at least your living………

Chok Di Haa

Thanks man. I was just sharing a story n thought everyone can get a laugh out of it. Gez.

21-08-2018, 07:34 PM
Let's see.

- I always book two hours for each visit with her
- in the first few visits I took her to lunch. On paid time.
- one time, she said she want a day off. n asked me to do overnight so she can get the next day off. Yeh paid a little less than $2000 for overnight n the place is so shit it's like I paid money to torture myself
- went on a date with her the next day on her day off. She promised sex afterwards but at the end of the date I didn't get sex... N ran away n banned me.

So in my heart I feel she cheated me n she is too embarrassed to see me again? After a few weeks I booked her again n got refused service by her... LOL

Holly Shit! $2000 for an overnight?
It's good she is avoiding you; otherwise, she would have bled you dry.

She is not embarrassed; she took advantage of you and now she wants you to fuck off because she doesn't want to handle the drama. She is thinking you will be needing answers and she got none. You were an easy target. Don't fall for all these bullshit man; in the end, you will begin to hate yourself. Go for normal, regular girls.

21-08-2018, 07:37 PM
You're so creepy!!! Fml you are creepy!!! Lol at abortion, wtf is wrong with you.
Saying shit like this is why no one wants to be near you.
This is your song, minus all the coolness of Radiohead.


Creepy cunt.

So u want pregnant wl to have the baby? Are u fucking insane? Do u think that's fair to the baby? Then again I didn't expected much from a fucking dumb mother fucker homo like u. N talk about projection and the amount of shilling. What a fucking gay shit fuck.

21-08-2018, 07:38 PM
Holly Shit! $2000 for an overnight?
It's good she is avoiding you; otherwise, she would have bled you dry.

She is not embarrassed; she took advantage of you and now she wants you to fuck off because she doesn't want to handle the drama. She is thinking you will be needing answers and she got none. You were an easy target. Don't fall for all these bullshit man; in the end, you will begin to hate yourself. Go for normal, regular girls.

I only did the overnight so she can have a day off. Was pretty stupid lol n tbh I thought I was going to get free sex for a day hahahahaha yeah I got out played :)

21-08-2018, 08:46 PM
So u want pregnant wl to have the baby? Are u fucking insane? Do u think that's fair to the baby? Then again I didn't expected much from a fucking dumb mother fucker homo like u. N talk about projection and the amount of shilling. What a fucking gay shit fuck.

Please tell me were I have been shilling? Or is that a big word you found on another post, and you have no idea what you are talking about??
You seem quite unintelligent with your insults. Fucking gay shit fuck..... is that what you said when you got fucked out of 2 grand? Or was it fucking dumb mother fucker homo? It sounds like you practiced those in the mirror. You almost sounded threatening, almost!!

Looking at your past posts too, I am not surprised that a lady doesn't want spend more than 1 hour with you and never wants to see your face again. Unless she can get cash from you, go girlfriend!!

You wish you were special....
So fucking special.....
But you're a creep.....

21-08-2018, 09:29 PM
Jesus, why don’t you two guys just chill out ....

21-08-2018, 10:11 PM
Dude u paid 2k...it's not free sex! U could have spent half of that and had a good 4-5 hrs at Ginza!!

21-08-2018, 10:57 PM
Dude u paid 2k...it's not free sex! U could have spent half of that and had a good 4-5 hrs at Ginza!!

Agreed... Paying for Dinner, a few drinks then getting sex is free.. Paying 2k just to spend time with someone is not free sex. I am sure you could walk up to most places including pure massage shops, drop 2k and get more out of it. I know Massage girls that have sex for free. Once I get access to the private area I can go more into details i believe.

21-08-2018, 11:08 PM
I don’t think you can unfuck it anyway. You spent 2k to know a person and it’s time to move on.

21-08-2018, 11:19 PM
My advice is that you just move on as girls in shops wants more than just love.

21-08-2018, 11:24 PM
Thanks all for your wisdom!!! Lmao fuck I must be lonely to post that soft shit last night. Anyway I'm not even going to think about her again. Fuck so weak.

I'm off to join the incel army n hate on Stacys lol.

Hi Admin,

Could you lock this thread? I stopped seeking advice since the above post on the first page lol.


22-08-2018, 07:34 AM
Before this thread gets locked though , please tell me who I shill for.
I just want go know, because I get no more discount than the regular punter.

22-08-2018, 11:27 AM
Before this thread gets locked though , please tell me who I shill for.
I just want go know, because I get no more discount than the regular punter.

Hey Hu6e you "fucking gay shit fuck", just leave it man. You're getting worked up for nothing, like talking to a brick wall. I posted his previous post last year and he did the same thing. People don't learn. 😀 just gotta accept it. He thought it was gonna get advice but instead he got responses he didn't want to read, so therefor he wants this thread to be closed. Why not leave it open?

22-08-2018, 11:45 AM
Before this thread gets locked though , please tell me who I shill for.
I just want go know, because I get no more discount than the regular punter.

It should be pretty obvious mr penis worshipper and four rounds. But if you answer this:

So u want pregnant wl to have the baby? Are u fucking insane? Do u think that's fair to the baby?

I will spell it out for a dumb shit like u.

22-08-2018, 11:47 AM
Hey Hu6e you "fucking gay shit fuck", just leave it man. You're getting worked up for nothing, like talking to a brick wall. I posted his previous post last year and he did the same thing. People don't learn. 😀 just gotta accept it. He thought it was gonna get advice but instead he got responses he didn't want to read, so therefor he wants this thread to be closed. Why not leave it open?

Who is sadder. Me or the guy following me around? Are u my groupie? LMAO.

I want this thread closed to protect snowflakes n shills like u n penis worshipper. Cause I feel sorry for u two.

22-08-2018, 11:55 AM
Who is sadder. Me or the guy following me around? Are u my groupie? LMAO.

I want this thread closed to protect snowflakes n shills like u n penis worshipper. Cause I feel sorry for u two.

I don't feel sorry for anyone but you man. Only if you were humble enough to accept all comments on here rather than swearing at everyone and not taking it. Leaving the thread open will help others to learn from your mistakes. Smart man learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from other's mistake. 😀

22-08-2018, 12:05 PM
I don't feel sorry for anyone but you man. Only if you were humble enough to accept all comments on here rather than swearing at everyone and not taking it. Leaving the thread open will help others to learn from your mistakes. Smart man learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from other's mistake. 😀

are u a fucking moron? if u read my replies i was pretty easy going n poked fun at myself plenty of times lol. I'm only mean to a retard like penis worshipper n u cause u guys cyber bully. so u harvest what u sow. before u project n call me a bully show me where I attacked first.

So shut the fuck up fucking retard. Go lub ur bf penis worshipper up n let him go FOUR *roll eyes* rounds on u. Hahahahaha fucking sad loser.

22-08-2018, 12:31 PM
are u a fucking moron? if u read my replies i was pretty easy going n poked fun at myself plenty of times lol. I'm only mean to a retard like penis worshipper n u cause u guys cyber bully. so u harvest what u sow. before u project n call me a bully show me where I attacked first.

So shut the fuck up fucking retard. Go lub ur bf penis worshipper up n let him go FOUR *roll eyes* rounds on u. Hahahahaha fucking sad loser.Cyber bullying???!!?!
Who is the snowflake now?? Did I hurt your feelings with the truth petal? Did the precious little flower get hurt?? Poor snowflake.... see you in a year for the same conversation.
You must be the fucking retard, as you keep making the same mistakes, and then posting it for everyone to lol at you.
For someone so homophobic, you sure love talking about my dick. And my sex life. Why be jelly bro?

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

22-08-2018, 12:47 PM
Just to prove I am not the cunt you think I am, the following reflects your situation(s).

The Spider and the Fly

“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly,
'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;
The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,
And I've a many curious things to show when you are there.”

“Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “to ask me is in vain,
For who goes up your winding stair can never come down again.”
“I'm sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high;
Will you rest upon my little bed?” said the Spider to the Fly.
“There are pretty curtains drawn around; the sheets are fine and thin,
And if you like to rest awhile, I'll snugly tuck you in!”

“Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “for I've often heard it said,
They never, never wake again, who sleep upon your bed!”

Said the cunning Spider to the Fly, “Dear friend what can I do,
To prove the warm affection I've always felt for you?
I have within my pantry, good store of all that's nice;
I'm sure you're very welcome — will you please to take a slice?”

“Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “kind Sir, that cannot be,
I've heard what's in your pantry, and I do not wish to see!”

“Sweet creature!” said the Spider, “you're witty and you're wise,
How handsome are your gauzy wings, how brilliant are your eyes!
I've a little looking-glass upon my parlour shelf,
If you'll step in one moment, dear, you shall behold yourself.”

“I thank you, gentle sir,” she said, “for what you're pleased to say,
And bidding you good morning now, I'll call another day.”

The Spider turned him round about, and went into his den,
For well he knew the silly Fly would soon come back again:
So he wove a subtle web, in a little corner sly,
And set his table ready, to dine upon the Fly.

Then he came out to his door again, and merrily did sing,
“Come hither, hither, pretty Fly, with the pearl and silver wing;
Your robes are green and purple — there's a crest upon your head;
Your eyes are like the diamond bright, but mine are dull as lead!”

Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little Fly,
Hearing his wily, flattering words, came slowly flitting by;
With buzzing wings she hung aloft, then near and nearer drew,
Thinking only of her brilliant eyes, and green and purple hue —
Thinking only of her crested head — poor foolish thing!
At last,
Up jumped the cunning Spider, and fiercely held her fast.
He dragged her up his winding stair, into his dismal den,
Within his little parlour — but she ne'er came out again!

And now dear little children, who may this story read,
To idle, silly flattering words, I pray you ne'er give heed:
Unto an evil counsellor, close heart and ear and eye,
And take a lesson from this tale, of the Spider and the Fly.

22-08-2018, 12:52 PM
Cyber bullying???!!?!
Who is the snowflake now?? Did I hurt your feelings with the truth petal? Did the precious little flower get hurt?? Poor snowflake.... see you in a year for the same conversation.
You must be the fucking retard, as you keep making the same mistakes, and then posting it for everyone to lol at you.
For someone so homophobic, you sure love talking about my dick. And my sex life. Why be jelly bro?

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Butthurt snowflake. U lost. U cant argue on any substance. You are so fucking schooled and you dont even realise it hahahah! I get it now. Why u talk about ur dick all the time and attack people randomly when they ignore u. I am not going to post the stuff I wrote about u cause I really feel sorry for u. I don't want u to jump off a building or some shit like that. Anyway good luck living in ur own imgination FOUR rounds n stick to self harm. dont rape krnboy too much. Kkthxbai.

22-08-2018, 01:12 PM
Ppl are not sure if one is an idiot untill he starts saying....

22-08-2018, 01:15 PM
Ppl are not sure if one is an idiot untill he starts saying....

The most smartest post in this thread 🤣

22-08-2018, 02:42 PM
Yo beta and hu6e. Let me tell you my story of fighting with other forum members.

In western suburbs born and raised
At brothels was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' and being all shady
And shooting some loads outside and inside of WLs
When a couple of punters who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mum got scared
She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Cabramatta"

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTqSJzpKWL1D4ibFNMmRaKVrISy1yPiQ vElIA-UvPehMm2ixvRCshvlDmLjeA

22-08-2018, 05:16 PM
Yo beta and hu6e. Let me tell you my story of fighting with other forum members.

In western suburbs born and raised
At brothels was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' and being all shady
And shooting some loads outside and inside of WLs
When a couple of punters who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mum got scared
She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Cabramatta"

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTqSJzpKWL1D4ibFNMmRaKVrISy1yPiQ vElIA-UvPehMm2ixvRCshvlDmLjeA

That's awesome!
I wish I had the ability to construct hyperbole as well as you do!!

22-08-2018, 05:29 PM
I got in one little fight and my mum got scared
She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Cabramatta"

So she moved you to the heroin capital of Australia... Makes sense

22-08-2018, 05:52 PM
So she moved you to the heroin capital of Australia... Makes sense

Boobs u have to teach me how to understand moron. I'm not even sure what this fuck is talking about.

22-08-2018, 06:01 PM
*whooooosh* i was just bel airing you bro. If u click the image youll know

22-08-2018, 06:12 PM
That's awesome!
I wish I had the ability to construct hyperbole as well as you do!!

“He got me,” beta101 said of hu6e’s junk over him. “That f**king hu6e boomed me.” beta101 added, “He’s so good,” repeating it four rounds. He then said he wanted to add hu6e to the list of punters he works out with this summer.

22-08-2018, 06:15 PM
It's from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song, but the mother wouldn't move him to the hood again, should've been some where nice like Vaucluse , Double bay etc

22-08-2018, 06:46 PM
It's from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song, but the mother wouldn't move him to the hood again, should've been some where nice like Vaucluse , Double bay etc

Thanks boobs. That's a few minutes I will never get back. Holy fucking shit fuck his obsure tedious dumbarse references!!!! I think I got cancer just reading that shit.

22-08-2018, 08:24 PM
It's from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song, but the mother wouldn't move him to the hood again, should've been some where nice like Vaucluse , Double bay etc

Definitely should have been Vaucluse or Double Bay.


23-08-2018, 08:45 AM
Let me tell you a story. How I know this story is irrelevant. It is 100% true.

There once was a guy who had problem with boundaries. He would try in vain to pursue women who in turn would reject him. He built up quite a portfolio of Violence Restraining Orders.
He then sought the company of brothel workers. He found the affection intoxicating. Just to be loved was incredible. They all loved him. And wanted him to be their boyfriend.
Because they told him so.
After several incidents where he became too obsessive and threatened other customers, he was removed from several shops, by force.
Again the police became involved.
So he went online to find a soulmate. In his confusion, he mistook kindness for affection. He misunderstood that when a girl says 'babe', it didn't mean he was her babe. At this point though, his interest moved towards younger women. He felt he could control them, and they would never leave him.
His obsession and desire for one young lady, became too extreme in the eyes of the law. He saw nothing wrong with talking to young ladies. He saw nothing wrong with growing his hair long. He saw nothing wrong with dressing up as a school girl. He saw nothing wrong with going to the young ladies high school to meet her. He saw nothing wrong with dressing up as a school girl, entering her high school under the guise of a female student, and taking her away with him. To be together forever. Because he loved her. And she loved him. In his mind.

Unfortunately for him, this was nothing but a fantasy, of which he had created.
In jail, he forced to do terrible things to survive. Would you suck a dick; to ensure your safety? Would you let another man (or men) fuck your ass, to prevent being assaulted? Would you hide used syringes up your ass so the guards couldn't find them, to not get stabbed? What if someone forced you to regurgitate your medication, to be later sold and injected?

At what point did he realize that what he had being doing for years was not right? He was being selfish and pursuing his own desires, with no regard for anyone else. If he had taken rejection in a calm, unassuming manner, maybe his life wouldn't have come to this.

A truly fucked up story.
But gents, punting... it's all a fucking game.
We pay to play, and that's all there is to it.

Sounds like you still have not learnt your lesson about violence from the mindless pointless aggressive arguments you engage in.

24-08-2018, 12:25 AM
Been there done that. Spent a fortune on a Ginza girl. She is still there btw. She promised a lot but it was all lies. Found out she did that to other customers as well to obtain expensive presents. I thought about revenge, writing bad reviews, expose her to her friends and family. But in the end i just choose to move on. Nothing good will come out from hurting her. Lesson learnt. Focus my energy and time on making more money instead. Life is better now.

24-08-2018, 01:22 AM
Been there done that. Spent a fortune on a Ginza girl. She is still there btw. She promised a lot but it was all lies. Found out she did that to other customers as well to obtain expensive presents. I thought about revenge, writing bad reviews, expose her to her friends and family. But in the end i just choose to move on. Nothing good will come out from hurting her. Lesson learnt. Focus my energy and time on making more money instead. Life is better now.

Let me guess, the name of that Ginza girl is Lala??? She seems like an expert in fooling guys as you can see in after reports.

24-08-2018, 01:46 AM
Let me guess, the name of that Ginza girl is Lala??? She seems like an expert in fooling guys as you can see in after reports.

I don't think it's Lala.
She is just a harmless temptress; nothing wrong with that. Plus she is always working.
Also, I have met her around 8 times now; not even once, she made an attempt to get gifts from me.
Actually, I know one time she asked me for tim tams :smile: because she really likes them. And that was because I initiated it by giving her a Mars chocolate bar which I usually have in my bag.

I am thinking the girl he is talking about it is on and off the roster and meets customers outside.
My guess is...well..I better not name names. Lets just say she is a Chinese girl.
The reason is I was once waiting for my session with this said girl and a customer came in and just handed a gift for her to Wilson and just left.
It was rather odd to me. Why couldn't he just gift her in a session? Just felt like he was on a leash.
Of course, I could be gigantically, ridiculously wrong so don't take my word for it.

24-08-2018, 07:28 AM
Wow this thread exploded. Not sure if I should add more oil to the fire. But OP is getting undeserved heat from some white knights. I know this forum is very detached from normal society and can put WLs on a pedestal.

Even so I think OP got played by the girl, has some unresolved issues with her a result. Not surprised. Normal girls can feck up your mind much less WLs. I’ve had a few ML that I dated said to me repeatedly they are single only to discover they actually are going out with someone else later on. True story once I even saw them on the street in Haymarket together on her birthday. Not surprised if some of them have multiple guys or spare tires. They do after all have easy access to many horny and lovelorn men as their clients.

Anyway OP, I am saying Chicks can be duplicitous, WLs more so in my experience. So my advice is let it all out now and then let it go. Bitches be crazy. Seems like you got cash. Try dating regular chicks instead unless you are already married to one then I have no advice

Let's see.

- I always book two hours for each visit with her
- in the first few visits I took her to lunch. On paid time.
- one time, she said she want a day off. n asked me to do overnight so she can get the next day off. Yeh paid a little less than $2000 for overnight n the place is so shit it's like I paid money to torture myself
- went on a date with her the next day on her day off. She promised sex afterwards but at the end of the date I didn't get sex... N ran away n banned me.

So in my heart I feel she cheated me n she is too embarrassed to see me again? After a few weeks I booked her again n got refused service by her... LOL

24-08-2018, 07:31 AM
Its her loss. Now your money goes to another WL/ML.

Hah one way to look at it. Although I never find the it’s-her-loss way of dealing with women to be particularly effective lol

24-08-2018, 10:38 AM
Even so I think OP got played by the girl, has some unresolved issues with her a result. Not surprised. Normal girls can feck up your mind much less WLs. I’ve had a few ML that I dated said to me repeatedly they are single only to discover they actually are going out with someone else later on. True story once I even saw them on the street in Haymarket together on her birthday. Not surprised if some of them have multiple guys or spare tires. They do after all have easy access to many horny and lovelorn men as their clients.

I wonder how many WLs have steady boyfriends or even, how many are married WLs.

I know only one girl on roster in a popular shop that's married. She didn't tell me but I saw the wedding photos because I know the photographer she used and her pictures are on his Facebook page.

I can't imagine how she could keep this secret from her husband and his family and friends.

I wonder if he knows.

25-08-2018, 10:12 AM
I wonder how many WLs have steady boyfriends or even, how many are married WLs.

I know only one girl on roster in a popular shop that's married. She didn't tell me but I saw the wedding photos because I know the photographer she used and her pictures are on his Facebook page.

I can't imagine how she could keep this secret from her husband and his family and friends.

I wonder if he knows.

Or he could be the one pimping her out lol

25-08-2018, 11:29 AM
Or he could be the one pimping her out lolI would imagine most times if a married woman goes to be a WL, it's usually cos there are extreme circumstances at home and they need the money. Like for some medical costs or operations. Every “working gal” had some sob story.

25-08-2018, 09:25 PM
No offence guys, but how is it any of our fucking business what a WL does out side of the time we pay to be with her??
She could be married, single, have a wife, be in a polygamous relationship.... it's got nothing to do with us.
And isn't that what got this idiot into this problem in the first place??

Pay to play, then walk away.

25-08-2018, 11:17 PM
Yes true
They have lives outside this job so don't be fooled.

Remember, you're a customer, just a job.

It's true some girls have their favorites and on rare occasions, have relationships with their customers or even marry some.

But the problems always start when she stops this job for a normal job. Suddenly there's no money, the lifestyle changes and things go bad. The girls end up going back to this job and the marriage falls apart.

I know one girl however that married her customer, they moved to Newcastle and have a business together.

So that's one success story.

26-08-2018, 05:46 AM
I wonder how many WLs have steady boyfriends or even, how many are married WLs.

I know only one girl on roster in a popular shop that's married. She didn't tell me but I saw the wedding photos because I know the photographer she used and her pictures are on his Facebook page.

I can't imagine how she could keep this secret from her husband and his family and friends.

I wonder if he knows.

Not to sure with case of WLs but I know of several MLs either with sugar daddy interstate, sugar daddy in syd, husband overseas or boyfriend/boyfriends while going out with another guy. It’s not uncommon.

27-08-2018, 05:22 PM
Lots of fish in the sea. Find a better one

27-08-2018, 06:41 PM
Wow this thread exploded. Not sure if I should add more oil to the fire. But OP is getting undeserved heat from some white knights. I know this forum is very detached from normal society and can put WLs on a pedestal.

Even so I think OP got played by the girl, has some unresolved issues with her a result. Not surprised. Normal girls can feck up your mind much less WLs. I’ve had a few ML that I dated said to me repeatedly they are single only to discover they actually are going out with someone else later on. True story once I even saw them on the street in Haymarket together on her birthday. Not surprised if some of them have multiple guys or spare tires. They do after all have easy access to many horny and lovelorn men as their clients.

Anyway OP, I am saying Chicks can be duplicitous, WLs more so in my experience. So my advice is let it all out now and then let it go. Bitches be crazy. Seems like you got cash. Try dating regular chicks instead unless you are already married to one then I have no advice

Lol I wanna give gold to this post but this isn't Reddit :')

31-08-2018, 09:16 AM
No offence guys, but how is it any of our fucking business what a WL does out side of the time we pay to be with her??
She could be married, single, have a wife, be in a polygamous relationship.... it's got nothing to do with us.
And isn't that what got this idiot into this problem in the first place??

Pay to play, then walk away.
No offense, huge dick guy, but how is it any of your fucking business what a punter does with a WL?
You say pay to play then walk away.... Well in the spirit of cheesy lines, I say to you have your say then walk away. Too hard to do? Or do you really need to be alpha male of this forum so bad?
And one more question for you: are you doing this (dishing out all this pep on the forum) for the ladies (who you've never met, I might add), or is it so that you get the satisfaction of getting the outcome that you think is "right"?
Actually I think this last question should be answered by all white knights, or all people of "perceived higher morality"!
Personally, I can never understand HOW anyone can get so attached to WLs, but I can understand WHY. Too much money, too little warmth in their lives, that is the reason. How it happens I have no idea.... My body is hardwired to separate punting sex from real intimate sex due to more than 2 decades of punting. Immediately after coming, all I want to do is get the hell out of that room! Nowadays I have another problem... I have become too adept at finding flaws in women. There was one ML whom I thought was the hottest girl ever and for a while she was on my mind a lot. On my 3rd visit, I managed to see a flaw in her (bad breath), and that was the end of my "obsession".

31-08-2018, 11:33 AM
Been there done that. Spent a fortune on a Ginza girl. She is still there btw. She promised a lot but it was all lies. Found out she did that to other customers as well to obtain expensive presents. I thought about revenge, writing bad reviews, expose her to her friends and family. But in the end i just choose to move on. Nothing good will come out from hurting her. Lesson learnt. Focus my energy and time on making more money instead. Life is better now.

A receptionist told me that some guys are just so dumb when it comes to presents.

31-08-2018, 12:02 PM
No offense, huge dick guy, but how is it any of your fucking business what a punter does with a WL?
You say pay to play then walk away.... Well in the spirit of cheesy lines, I say to you have your say then walk away. Too hard to do? Or do you really need to be alpha male of this forum so bad?
And one more question for you: are you doing this (dishing out all this pep on the forum) for the ladies (who you've never met, I might add), or is it so that you get the satisfaction of getting the outcome that you think is "right"?
Actually I think this last question should be answered by all white knights, or all people of "perceived higher morality"!
Personally, I can never understand HOW anyone can get so attached to WLs, but I can understand WHY. Too much money, too little warmth in their lives, that is the reason. How it happens I have no idea.... My body is hardwired to separate punting sex from real intimate sex due to more than 2 decades of punting. Immediately after coming, all I want to do is get the hell out of that room! Nowadays I have another problem... I have become too adept at finding flaws in women. There was one ML whom I thought was the hottest girl ever and for a while she was on my mind a lot. On my 3rd visit, I managed to see a flaw in her (bad breath), and that was the end of my "obsession".

I've had my say, and walking away.
Post, and drop.

31-08-2018, 11:35 PM
Giving presents to a WL is fine
Thinking you are the only one who is doing that for any given WL is stupid

06-09-2018, 12:03 AM
Rodents have bad eyes .
But also a very keen sense of smell and taste.
That's why they the bite on the mouths.

17-08-2019, 02:46 PM
it so happened to me, let it go

18-08-2019, 02:50 PM
Rodents have bad eyes .
But also a very keen sense of smell and taste.
That's why they the bite on the mouths.

beautiful poem, but i don't get it.

18-08-2019, 04:45 PM
A receptionist told me that some guys are just so dumb when it comes to presents.

There are WLs who know how to play the game right. They will say the right things to make you believe that she likes you very much but it's all fake.

If you're really interested in a WL and want to test her for her sincerity and genuine friendship, you're better off inviting her out first and seeing if she is interested and not showing up with some gifts at the brothel. If she accepts your invitation then you may get her something nice (but don't buy her a LV bag please). These girls know that many guys want them and will shower them with expensive gifts. If a girl really likes you as a person then she won't be swayed by expensive gifts. She will find time to go out with you if she is comfortable and sees some chemistry with you.

18-08-2019, 04:50 PM
To be honest never ever trust any bush shit from ML or WL

18-08-2019, 04:56 PM
To be honest never ever trust any bush shit from ML or WL

Some genuine WLs and MLs revealed to me what their colleagues have said and it was not all nice to hear. Some laughed at guys who came quickly (within 5 minutes) or couldn't come at all. Others talked about the penis sizes of some guys and how some guys opened up to them about their private lives. For those who brought presents suggested that they were losers and couldn't find girls outside the shop.

18-08-2019, 05:14 PM
Some genuine WLs and MLs revealed to me what their colleagues have said and it was not all nice to hear. Some laughed at guys who came quickly (within 5 minutes) or couldn't come at all. Others talked about the penis sizes of some guys and how some guys opened up to them about their private lives. For those who brought presents suggested that they were losers and couldn't find girls outside the shop.

I've heard the same. When a WL/ML really clicks she tells you all the shit like this. I have been asked to sit in the WL waiting area behind the scenes by a MLs that liked me and I got to hear all sorts of stuff. Some, not all, really dish out on punters who are: ugly; fat; rude; bald; smelly; dumb; gullible; don't shave; don't cut finger nails; have small dicks; ugly dicks; cum too fast; don't cum; are drunk; are on drugs; don't wash their bums properly; etc.

You get to hear the same sort of thing if you find yourself hanging out with a bunch of women in say a "mother's" group, after a while they will forget you are a man or that you are listening and say all sorts of shit about their husbands etc.

18-08-2019, 09:29 PM
I see mostly MLs and I think compared to WLs they have more scope to manipulate guys since inevitably this feeling of "being special" boils down to who they are screwing and in case of WL it's everyone who is paying.... With ML they will say "only you baby"!!!

In any case a WL / ML is practicing with multiple guys each day to compartmentalise and say things to keep guys coming back.

Yes you can have a connection but there is multiple other guys with Same connection.....

It is the nature of the beast.....

This is not to say a WL or ML is a bad person it's just that by the nature of their work they generally can't / won't get involved with punters and the ones that they do get involved with outside of shop are the ones who they know won't get too close.

18-08-2019, 09:32 PM
I see mostly MLs and I think compared to WLs they have more scope to manipulate guys since inevitably this feeling of "being special" boils down to who they are screwing and in case of WL it's everyone who is paying.... With ML they will say "only you baby"!!!

In any case a WL / ML is practicing with multiple guys each day to compartmentalise and say things to keep guys coming back.

Yes you can have a connection but there is multiple other guys with Same connection.....

It is the nature of the beast.....

This is not to say a WL or ML is a bad person it's just that by the nature of their work they generally can't / won't get involved with punters and the ones that they do get involved with outside of shop are the ones who they know won't get too close.

so true, cruel nature but we the punters sometimes get lost in the fantasy

18-08-2019, 09:45 PM
There are WLs who know how to play the game right. They will say the right things to make you believe that she likes you very much but it's all fake.

If you're really interested in a WL and want to test her for her sincerity and genuine friendship, you're better off inviting her out first and seeing if she is interested and not showing up with some gifts at the brothel. If she accepts your invitation then you may get her something nice (but don't buy her a LV bag please). These girls know that many guys want them and will shower them with expensive gifts. If a girl really likes you as a person then she won't be swayed by expensive gifts. She will find time to go out with you if she is comfortable and sees some chemistry with you.

Surely buying a girl a present before you actually know her reeks of desperation. For every girl that is charmed by the gesture and wants to take it further, there will be 10 who are happy to take your charity and not reciprocate. Its not their fault, its when there is no end to the attention they receive, they will prefer the less attainable or top quality man only

19-08-2019, 12:13 AM
so true, cruel nature but we the punters sometimes get lost in the fantasy

Yes a fantasy that can cost large sums of money in the end and for some guys their nest egg.:cry:

19-08-2019, 09:59 AM
Yes by a pretty young Chinese woman mentioned in my last post in can you tell if they orgasm .

Was given her mobile post session. Bit of contact, though evidently a language issue as almost no English and I no Chinese of any form . After 3 attempts to organise a booking with her as she kept saying come over but never telling me where except Burwood .. I got blocked on her WeChat ..que sera sera

A shop (fave) or precisely a mildly unhinged Korean mamasan now no longer working at shop , banned me , as she has been fired I was welcomed back.


Move on , go west, don’t sweat it, usually nothing to see nor unfuck .


21-08-2019, 09:42 PM
no show today again by a ML, go figure

22-09-2019, 02:10 PM
Move on. Theres plenty of girls out there

Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk

24-09-2019, 07:31 PM
Ya find another shop. Heaps out there

25-09-2019, 12:33 AM
agreed with what the other guys are saying. move on! plenty of other shops and girls to try.

30-09-2019, 11:54 PM
Plenty of other girls out there

05-10-2019, 03:16 PM
TBH I'd have done the same if I had been the WL. Your behaviour came across as creepy. You look obsessed over her. If you really want her, stop this for a while and then start booking her again but without weird stuff, just 30/60 minutes, regular sex, that's it.

22-10-2019, 12:06 PM
There is more testosterone flying around in this Thread than the wad I spat from my baby making device with a lady from QVB massage a few days ago.

I admit I thoroughly enjoyed reading all this :D

I think OP got the message.
Am slightly envious because i would love to have a spare 2k to throw at such frivolties. At 150/H shops thats about 13 gashes slayed, at 90/.5H (all inclusive) RnT thats 22 strokings, spanish conquests, or whatever else you manage to drum up.

Given only 52 weeks a year thats a healthy work/life/punt balance

22-10-2019, 09:16 PM
Important that you just forget her and move on mate. It's all a lot of fun but none of it is real life. There are so many great experiences to be had in punting (and in life).

23-10-2019, 05:45 PM
This got crazy a long time ago.

23-10-2019, 06:40 PM
This got crazy a long time ago.

Yeah probably safe to say it's looking at crazy through the rear view mirror..

29-10-2019, 05:04 PM
lol so I got banned by a working girl. honest to god I treated her so good n she fucking took advantage of my kindness n she cheated me n she is too embarrassed to see me again so she banned me. It's not a shop level ban. so the mamasan let me book her again. But after she saw me she slammed the door on me. I'm a simple guy. I just want sex. I dont care what happened in the past. anyway I think she is in a new shop now. Should I go see her again? I'm pretty sure I will get the refuse service treatment.

May be I just leave her alone?

what a fucking stupid post...
they are prostitutes and you are a customer.... move on to the next...
banned for whatever reason, we have no way of telling, but in my experience its because the customer was a cock bag or asked too many personal questions etc... WLs have limits too...

What do you expect out of this post?

Reassuracnce? a pat on the back? a hug?

... yes for fucks sake move on and leave her alone. So many pussys out there, so litttle time and money.