View Full Version : Eden Club No Kitty - Amateur Management let down

06-11-2018, 07:50 PM
I had hoped to post a raving review for this new establishment in Crows Nest - local for me so I really wanted this to be a quality shop.

This is my second attempt to see a girl. First attempt was a failure on their website which offers 5% discount if booked online. Despite a booking I turned up to find no such booking for girl I requested and was being pushed to see two different girls. Bait & switch? Surely not already? Just opened!! STRIKE ONE. I voted with my wallet. Left.

Tonight I rang them instead. Spoke to reception and confirmed booking for Kitty. Photo looks good, services offered spot on.
Double checked by repeating time and girl to reception. Yes. Booked. Great.

Nope. Turn up, reception tells me Kitty busy for an hour. ?? Umm come again? Yup. Had a customer walk in AFTER I booked. Now he had preference and I wait. When asked how this happened she gave some nonsense about “Kitty say she will message you to tell you to come later” ummm I’ve never Met Kitty!!! Receptionist insists Kitty said she would message me so she didn’t call me

?? I couldn’t help responding - “YOU’RE the receptionist, bookings should only be through you so THIS DOESNT HAPPEN”

It’s Basic business practice. What are they paying her for?

Attitude is biggest concern. Receptionist wasn’t exactly trying to fix the situation. Almost a ‘ sorry, that’s how it is, if you don’t like it, I can’t help you.’ Voted with my wallet yet again. Turned. Walked.

Had such high hopes for this place. Shop info has all the right ‘talk’ but they clearly don’t take business seriously.

All other girls were ‘busy’ also for next 30min. From lack of reviews and of the two reviews none have been glowing, I really wonder how genuinely busy they get?

There are some good established shops in Lower North shore - this type of service will soon see another ‘under New Management ‘ sign appear soon enough.

I don’t enjoy negative reviews but this IS a review forum and every honest review be it good or bad I think helps all of us make informed choices. Hope mine is an isolated case. Fair to say, book with caution guys.