View Full Version : General talk Goodbyes

10-11-2018, 06:58 PM
Hello Chaps!

I just want to say a goodbye to everyone.

There are some I will try to say goodbye to in person, including both punters and providers, but generally the BB persona is retiring from life, the universe and everything. Beaten, broken and proven wrong. My naive belief in all things in all people was perhaps a little foolish in hindsight.

To those who know me personally, and there are a handful of you here both past and present, I say thank you. it’s been real. I am real and I hope I’ve been frustratingly joyful to deal with and made you think and feel a little more.

To those who’ve thought I was a dick (and that would be most of you as I do overplay it a bit to make an impact) I do apologise. I didn’t mean to piss anyone off. At best I was a larrikin, at worst a lonely old fool. I wasn’t so bad was I?

To the women I’ve loved, and there has been a few both platonic and sexually charged, I thank you for the intimacy and you seeing me as a person who was worthy, at least for a short time. I have little to offer but myself and it turns out that that is worth a lot less than I thought.

Everyone has a right to choose their own life in safety and comfort free from bigotry, racism, sexism or any form of violence. We all have equal rights in this world and it is unfortunate that many people are blinkered. Differences inothetrs makes life interesting; people are not living less of a life because they don’t share your choices or privilege.

It’s not wealth or power that I’ve enjoyed the most (and I’ve actually had more than my fair share thank you very much) but sharing moments with people, be those over cheesy garlic bread and vodka mixes, early mornings in the Honda CR-Z after all nighters, holding hands in the back of a punters BMW cruising back from Hornsby, or attending the birth of my own children. I was there. And every moment is cherished. Thank you.

Each moment is a memory that lives forever with those who were present while at the same time lost and irrelevant to the rest of the world. But they were my and our moments. And that makes them priceless.

Love to friends and family. Now trolls, do your worst...


10-11-2018, 07:04 PM
Don’t make me cry.

10-11-2018, 07:06 PM
Sounds touching, sounds important or famous... who are you may I ask ? Or who were you ? ;) ;) ;)

10-11-2018, 07:12 PM
Accountants are ten-a-penny thanks to Australia’s zeal in attracting International students, which conincidentally has also given cities like Sydney one of the highest hooker per capita rates in the Western world. xxx

10-11-2018, 07:18 PM
Sounds touching, sounds important or famous... who are you may I ask ? Or who were you ? ;) ;) ;)

That I am afraid would be telling. Some know me as the trivial person that I am while others know me as an intellectual, a dope fiend, a playboy and a poet, a slow race car driver and
right-handed bassist (I hear it’s better left-handed). Yet rarely do we know anyone, wrapped in our own protective veneer of ego and vulnerability, and they in theirs. It’s been painful to be one of those rarer people who see though people easily, finding mostly mediocrity within.

Let’s just say I’m not that buffoon Scott Morrison.

10-11-2018, 07:29 PM
That I am afraid would be telling. Some know me as the trivial person that I am while others know me as an intellectual, a dope fiend, a playboy and a poet, a slow race car driver and
right-handed bassist (I hear it’s better left-handed). Yet rarely do we know anyone, wrapped in our own protective veneer of ego and vulnerability, and they in theirs. It’s been painful to be one of those rarer people who see though people easily, finding mostly mediocrity within.

Let’s just say I’m not that buffoon Scott Morrison.

In that case, you’d better say goodbye and leave before you get booted out, again ! ;) ;) ;)

11-11-2018, 02:51 PM
If the op is true to his word then he probably won't read this but fuck you are weird. But i like it!

We share some common interests and i scratched my head and laughed out loud at most of your posts. I wish you well. There is a very real chance we will catch up for a beer soon!

11-11-2018, 02:54 PM
If the op is true to his word then he probably won't read this but fuck you are weird. But i like it!

We share some common interests and i scratched my head and laughed out loud at most of your posts. I wish you well. There is a very real chance we will catch up for a beer soon!

You might already have had a beer with him ! ;) ;) ;)

Click on his name and click view profile, he was online after 9pm last night and also online again today ! ;) ;) ;)

11-11-2018, 03:26 PM
You might already have had a beer with him ! ;) ;) ;)

I am up for a beer with most people on the forum. Maybe we should catch up some time. 😁😁😁

11-11-2018, 03:54 PM
once a punter, always a punter! you may quit this forum, but you will always be a punter, I doubt you could quit punting. and since you'll keep punting, you will still read this forum for AR to book your next punt.
Let's kiss bbongobboy goodbye but I'm sure he'll still be around

16-11-2018, 02:54 PM
All the best bro

17-11-2018, 10:04 PM
The day I stop punting will be the day I die, lol.

20-11-2018, 06:50 PM
Did the OP have enough rope the big SOOK ?