View Full Version : General talk Dior at 533

16-12-2018, 10:20 AM
What happened to Dior?
I've seen her many times but she is very different now

Talks very bad about the other WLs at 533
Free like she vents more & more each week I see her to the point seeing her isn't fun anymore & I'm her bf

Anyone else have the same kind of experience with Dior or any WL

16-12-2018, 04:33 PM
Dior is fine. Never ceases to amaze me that someone joins today and posts a negative comment. I to have seen Dior many times but unlike the OP I don't consider myself her B/F.
She has never failed to deliver. And this is from a WL that pushes upward of 80 hours a week. Yes she gets tired, yes she gets hungry and yes she hasn't sleep. Then she smiles and does her work with caring and enthusiasm. I can remember that she complained once when we had to use the girls room, again when we used upstairs shower room(so did I) and another time when the room stunk of smoke and the was rubbish everywhere. Cannot remember any others. There is such an irony here when a WL so called boyfriend complains that his girlfriend is slagging off about other WL, so he goes on an open forum and slags off about he's GF. I am sure all the girls at 533 will thank you for caring so much about them that you want to throw your GF under the bus. Yes, maybe it is time you move on champ. Dior will be better off without you.
PS. I thought I would go to 533 today and see for myself. Silly thing that, she is booked till 10pm. Maybe all the other BF's are comforting her now.

17-12-2018, 09:01 PM
Dior is a strange woman, I saw her a few times she can be great and then again she can be horrible.

She likes to play games and be in control I think.

She played silly buggers with me once and so I didn't see her again.

There are plenty of better girls out there.

17-12-2018, 10:14 PM
Sounds like any man or woman irrespective of their work place. We all can and do get pissed off

Though to the OP ... have you thought to buy a tin of baby formula and settle in for the night? What dribble.

18-12-2018, 08:48 AM
What dribble.

i concur. Makes me wonder a little about the mental state of some punters!

21-12-2018, 04:37 PM
I don’t see anything wrong with the OP’s question. This IS a forum and should be a place where punters can voice what’s on their mind, without taking potshots ie Rambo & liminal afterall isn’t that the whole point of this site guys?

I don’t see why some members need to make it their purpose to jump into this thread and ridicule OP or overly defend the WL like that.

On Dior, yes I think OP is right, taking all the hardship and negatives that the work brings, it’s still relative to how Dior used to be more ‘glowing’ and just positive.

I understand why it happens. Sadly it’s the nature of the work too. She’s not the first and certainly not the last WL to go through it. The work changes you. It’s impossible not to, unless you become numb from emotion. Which customers will then complain she’s robotic now.

We punters are guilty of ridiculous expectations. It’s true. If there’s anything I’ve learned from my own 10 year punting experience, is the expectations don’t really change. It’s a paid service, there’s always expectations. On flip side, the girls are human, to meet expectations of always having an organism with YOU, passionate, fucks you like it’s her first fuck of the day, the list goes on. It’s impossible.

Dior is nearing the end of her time here. I know her quite well having been a regular of hers and become ...’friendly’ in that time.

I’d like to see her quit today and pursue her interests back home with her family.
My understanding is she’s achieved her financial goals so the reduced motivation to keep doing this work is starting to show. It’s good as a friend to see the cracks appear as it means she’s becoming human again and it might motivate her to quit sooner than she planned and have hope of still being emotionally in tact to find love one day.

Be nice to her always guys. As we should with all the WL’s.

21-12-2018, 05:50 PM
Sorry, op lost me with the line 'i'm her bf'.
That constitutes dribble, unlike Maxmaniac' well thought out and well written response.
Pretty well known that Dior had toned it down last 6 months or so....but service is still pretty good and of course, still pretty hot for her age.

21-12-2018, 06:49 PM
@Maxmaniac , I got no issue with questions , though like @Raybo put forward, OP lost me when he inserted the word BF.

As per my post and got nothing to defend , I did say we are all human and we (can) all get pissed off , as a result of our work lives and the day to day conundrum it can present.

I’ve seen Dior a cpl times, neither friend nor foe and personally , have nothing to say about her past or current situation. My two visits were enjoyable.

However first time posters putting up a question like this are always going to get some level of circumspect .

If Dior is struggling , though has met her needs through the work , be great to see her move on and back to family .

Wonder why then she hasn’t?

24-12-2018, 07:54 PM
Hear Hear Maxmanic! It's so easy with the anonymity of these types of forums to act like a complete wanker and slag off at some guy for his post or question. What happened to good old rigorous but respectful debate?

24-12-2018, 10:32 PM
FFS guys, read the OP again and understand the context. He’s not saying he IS her boyfriend, he’s saying it’s not fun anymore and that he FEELS LIKE her boyfriend because he had to listen to her complaining about her colleagues.

Reads to me like he’s only showing genuine concern for her welfare.
With due respect to your understanding the OP referred to himself as her BF. And after speaking to her she does not consider anyone as her BF. And again with due respect to you, you think the OP is showing genuine concern for her welfare. There are many ways to be concerned about a WL's welfare and probably the last place the do it would be to vent in an open forum like this. Speaking to her boss would be a good stating point and her boss thinks she is fine. I see Dior weekly. And while I will agree with Maxmaniac and Raybo that the Dior we know now is not the Dior we encountered in the beginning, 12 months will do that to any WL. She has never failed to deliver. Sure there are days when she is not 100%, I am more guilty of that than her. She treats you with care and enthusiasm and I am sure there are many more punters who will agree. What I want to point out once again is that this is the OP first posting. He travels by a strange name which can expand to "realise you are liars". This thread has been running for a couple of days now and he chooses not to defend. You can go back more than 3 months and find no similar posting or thread regarding any other WL in this forum. From where I sit this is nothing more than mischief from a deluded punter with the sole purpose to discredit Dior. The only other explanation would be that he is trying to drum up business. Something I know she doesn't need. 533 is a circus at times but there seems to be a couple of Bipolar clowns hanging around to much. I hope this will end this thread, simply because it should never have started. Merry Xmas and Best Wishes to all.

27-12-2018, 11:05 PM
You could substitute many things for where the dude writes FREE , now you got me thinking about that Classic bit of bravura , Free Willy , except the OP’s ain’t no classic in the making ..
But he does state,

& I’m her BF ....

He well could have said,

& I’m on a horse

Either way his first post was a little wobbly, and his claim of boyfriendom nought to do with his Free Wiily exclamation

My additional 2c, FWIW

I’m all for fair and robust debates. Just don’t think it should be about the poor guys grammar

28-12-2018, 11:48 AM
I’d agree with Punter Poontang here I also interpreted OPs comments the same way

28-12-2018, 12:35 PM
I’d agree with Punter Poontang here I also interpreted OPs comments the same way
This is a mystery. The OP is nothing more than a ghost. Punter Poontang has conveniently bumped this thread back to the front page of this forum with non descipt dribble in defence of the OP on 2 occasions now. Then he drops the disclaimer, I really don't know the girl. Brilliant There is no story here. If the game is to keep Dior's name prominent then you win. If it is to discredit her then you lose. She came on roster today and she is booked all today till evening. If she has rejected you or doesn't show you enough "fuck me" attitude then just move on. This same craziness was being thrown at Sheri from 533 not that long ago but a person who probably needs help. Now it appears to be Dior's turn. Strange how that punters handle has been silent and we have a thread started by realise you are liars. Very strange. Admin should take a close look at this thread and if any banned persons have resurfaced then deal with it accordingly.

20-01-2019, 04:53 AM
Most WL are only looking after business, talking shit about other girls to punters

They all do it...