View Full Version : Question WL getting abused by another WL

23-12-2018, 06:05 PM
Straight to the point.

I got woken up by a call from a WL at 4am asking me to help her get to the airport.

She was only here a short time and was living with another WL friend of her's.

They were working together then something went bad, her friend got seriously drunk and physically abused her.

I was there the in the morning, she was waiting for me outside. I didn't know how bad she was abused.

She gets in my car, hugs me and starts crying. Her English is not the best but I ask her if she needs a doctor, she said no. I couldn't see any signs of abuse.

I drop her off at the airport and stay with her until she goes through customs.

She gets to her destination and sends to pictures of bad scratches and bruises on her body.

It was bad, she should have called the police.

I know her friend that did this, I have helped her in the past as well.

I now don't want to have anything to do with this WL that abused this poor girl that was only here for a week and had to get a ticket out of Australia ASAP. I thought she was overreacting until I saw the pictures.

My last message to that abusive WL was to see a psychologist and seek help with her alcohol problem.

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23-12-2018, 07:31 PM
Its sad , but never get involved with wl life problem . Better worry about yourself mate ...

Mr Bastard
23-12-2018, 08:13 PM
Surprised she didnt show you the scratches when you picked her up if your that close to her, and more surprised that you didn't insist seeing that you pick her up and drove her to the airport, and chaperoned her all the way to customs, may I suggest that the slush-fund requests may soon start appearing? Maybe they had a Cat-Fight, oh what a phrase……..the imagery……..have you spoken to the other Wl to get her side of the story?

Oh Lifes' Complexities

Chok Di Haa

23-12-2018, 10:44 PM
I did mention the police but she didn't want to get the police involved. Reason for this is because she let her stay and work with her for free, she was thankful for that.

Also, the abusive WL does not have PR, she could face deportation if found guilty of malicious assault.

I had dinner with the abusive WL that same day. She says she can't remember what she did and blames the alcohol.

I was told more details of that night. The abusive girl tried to get into the casino to find customers but was not allowed in since she was already drunk. She started to hit her friend forcing her to go to the casino and get customers, the girl refused and that's when the drunk girl lost it even more. She started breaking things in the Airbnb apartment, screaming at the top of her lungs. She then went downstairs and was running all over the street in her nighty, she apparently squatted on the street and peed.

I don't know how true all that is and why the police wasn't called, It was around 3am.

Anyway I am not helping or talking to this WL with issues. I gave her a link to alcoholics anonymous and told her she can get a referral to a psychologist from a GP.

I only met the other girl a week ago, she doesn't know anyone else in Sydney, so that's why she probably called me.

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24-12-2018, 05:22 PM
Its sad , but never get involved with wl life problem . Better worry about yourself mate ...

Sometimes best to stay out of these messy situations even if you feel sorry for the girl. It can turn sour or ugly later.

24-12-2018, 05:59 PM
Yeah, never be the guy who sorts out other girls problems. You should have just told her you can help her call the police and leave it at that.

A girl calls me up at that time with problems, I just tell her to cal the cops or an uber.

24-12-2018, 08:58 PM
Yeah, never be the guy who sorts out other girls problems. You should have just told her you can help her call the police and leave it at that.

A girl calls me up at that time with problems, I just tell her to cal the cops or an uber.

You're right. Let the police deal with these problems.

25-12-2018, 09:08 AM
You're right. Let the police deal with these problems.If only it was that simple.

The reason why bad people get away with treating girls like this is because most girls are more scared of the police. The believe the police will get them deported. There must be so many cases of abuse that go unreported.

Most girls would not dream of registering as a sex worker since their friends and family have no idea what they do.

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28-12-2018, 01:04 PM
I sympathize. Hard to stay out or silent when this happens . Most have no one or anywhere else to go. You did good👍

28-12-2018, 01:28 PM
Doesn't matter whether what you did was right or wrong.

So long as you did it an have no regrets. Personally, think giving a helping hand like that does no harm. As long as previous poster's scam invitations don't start coming in lol.

13-01-2019, 07:21 PM
Who doesn't love a good catfight ?