View Full Version : General talk Fee Split

Labia Vortex
28-01-2019, 12:48 PM
Anyone know what the Girl/Shop Fee split is ?
Of a $250 fee how much would the girl receive
Does it vary with FS and Massage shops ?

28-01-2019, 01:14 PM
60:40 for the girl and some 50:50. But mainly 60:40 as far as I know.
Been wanting to start a private but the time has not been right.

28-01-2019, 01:53 PM
60:40 for the girl and some 50:50. But mainly 60:40 as far as I know.
Been wanting to start a private but the time has not been right.
The split is better for the girls in FS than MS. In MS the girls get the 50:50 but the girls get all the extra. The split is different in FS and MS.

Alex T Bear
28-01-2019, 02:17 PM
I don,t know about FS shops but Massage shops will pay the ML $15-$20 out of a $60-$65 rate. The shop will usually take $10 back from the ML at the end of the day to pay for tissues.

28-01-2019, 06:42 PM
Take $10 back from ML to pay for tissues? Really? I thought the shops cut was to provide all of those?

28-01-2019, 07:34 PM
It's $1 for a box of tissues, that's a hefty fee to pay.

28-01-2019, 07:42 PM
They get paid an hourly \ daily rate too I suppose?

28-01-2019, 07:45 PM
MLs get half of the massage and all of the tips I heard

Alex T Bear
28-01-2019, 07:49 PM
They get paid an hourly \ daily rate too I suppose?

Only the legit shops pay a guarantee daily rate of anywhere between $70-$120, no hourly rate. The higher amount for very quiet or new shops. HE shops don,t pay anything to the ML,s so if they don,t get a customer they go home empty handed.
There are of course exceptions to the above.

28-01-2019, 10:12 PM
Only the legit shops pay a guarantee daily rate of anywhere between $70-$120, no hourly rate. The higher amount for very quiet or new shops. HE shops don,t pay anything to the ML,s so if they don,t get a customer they go home empty handed.
There are of course exceptions to the above.
Is this FS or MS.

28-01-2019, 11:12 PM
MLs get half of the massage and all of the tips I heard

That's what I thought but I heard from one ML at a particular shop, the MLs only receive the tips.

29-01-2019, 08:04 AM
I know of one of my favourite places its 50% of fee plus tips 75 guarantee if no customers week day 90 on Sunday if no customers

29-01-2019, 08:40 AM
That's what I thought but I heard from one ML at a particular shop, the MLs only receive the tips.

it would suck ir non punter walks in to that shop

29-01-2019, 10:50 AM
Do the girls need to pay for cleaning of cum-drenched carpets?

Labia Vortex
29-01-2019, 02:43 PM
So most shops would not offer a retainer ?
Then if you work for a shop with a large roster you may not earn a lot
All round a tough gig

29-01-2019, 08:38 PM
Many girls are making more in a day tax free than most customers make in a week after tax so don't feel sorry for them.

I have been in shops at closing times and watched the owner count out $2000 or more in cash to some girls as they leave.

A customer would have to be earning $140,000 a year just to get that in their WEEKLY pay after tax so don't feel sorry for WL's.

They fuck a few customers on one day, the other worker works 40 hours for the same reward. The average paid worker works three weeks for the same amount.

Go figure.

29-01-2019, 10:11 PM
Brothelcreeper has a valid point here. These girls can make good money (tax free) in this industry and more than the average wage earner in Australia.


Full-time earnings in Australia averaged A$82,436 a year in the second quarter of 2018. (Seasonally adjusted wages – Bureau of Statistics.)

If overtime and bonuses are included, average Australian earnings were A$85,982 per annum.

The average full-time male salary (excluding overtime) in Australia is A$87,209 per annum

The average full-time female salary in Australia (excluding overtime) is A$74,563 per annum.

29-01-2019, 10:45 PM
Many girls are making more in a day tax free than most customers make in a week after tax so don't feel sorry for them.

I have been in shops at closing times and watched the owner count out $2000 or more in cash to some girls as they leave.

A customer would have to be earning $140,000 a year just to get that in their WEEKLY pay after tax so don't feel sorry for WL's.

They fuck a few customers on one day, the other worker works 40 hours for the same reward. The average paid worker works three weeks for the same amount.

Go figure.

Mate, for a WL out there working in a $150/hr (which is your usual price range right ?) shop to take home $2,000 at the end of the day, she would clearly have to fuck more than a few customers on that day, more like 20+ if her cut is $100! More cocks if most punters go for the 30 min, you do the maths !

Just my two cents .


29-01-2019, 10:52 PM
Anyone know what the Girl/Shop Fee split is ?
Of a $250 fee how much would the girl receive
Does it vary with FS and Massage shops ?

Definitely different between FS vs RnT !

I don’t know much about FS splits but in most RnT , it used to be 1/2 , 1/2 on the massage fees like when they were $30/$40/$50.

Then the fees started to go up say $35/45/55, and the extra $5 went straight to the shop.

Now most shops charged $40/$55/$65 and I think - and please don’t quote me - the ML’s cut is around $15/$25/$30! Different shops do vary a bit.


29-01-2019, 10:56 PM
So most shops would not offer a retainer ?
Then if you work for a shop with a large roster you may not earn a lot
All round a tough gig

A shop with a big roster is obviously those rather busy shops such as Summerville and 227 Broadway. They have more girls because they are busy so no need to offer incentives.

I knew there were shops who would guarantee a min income to the ML in order to secure her service or simply turning up for work. Go figures.

29-01-2019, 11:09 PM
It's not steady income either no sick leave so they can't afford to catch something. Some weeks/months are great like anywhere from $25k to $50k a month. Then other times it's much less.
Yes you see Chanel, Prada or Fendi but that's just to show people they do well. Most are supporting kids family back home.
Not many os WLs will buy property or expensive cars.
Like Chanel bag but sharing a room with other girls.
Like drinking Yamasaki from paper cup.
Short term gain very high, long term very bad.

30-01-2019, 12:14 PM
It's not steady income either no sick leave so they can't afford to catch something. Some weeks/months are great like anywhere from $25k to $50k a month. Then other times it's much less.
Yes you see Chanel, Prada or Fendi but that's just to show people they do well. Most are supporting kids family back home.
Not many os WLs will buy property or expensive cars.
Like Chanel bag but sharing a room with other girls.
Like drinking Yamasaki from paper cup.
Short term gain very high, long term very bad.
Some day a WL don't have any punter seeing she for 16hrs in the shop. It can be low punter coming in and lots of girls working on that day. Some day is very busy seeing 10+ punter. Not all punter come to fuck the girl some just to visit and chat and a hand job only. So earning is variable some week good some week bad.

31-01-2019, 06:17 PM
Take $10 back from ML to pay for tissues? Really? I thought the shops cut was to provide all of those?

I thought tissues were free, but the girls have to provide their own wet wipes.

31-01-2019, 06:19 PM
I don,t know about FS shops but Massage shops will pay the ML $15-$20 out of a $60-$65 rate. The shop will usually take $10 back from the ML at the end of the day to pay for tissues.

I heard this as well, except for the $10 tissues. $15-$20 seems quite low to me.

01-02-2019, 01:16 AM
So doing it for 2 years 50 hrs per week while living cheaply to become a millionaire. Save up in 2 years what people take a lifetime to save.
Only if the girls from China. Yes that can be done 1 to 3 million rmb.

01-02-2019, 05:29 AM
So doing it for 2 years 50 hrs per week while living cheaply to become a millionaire. Save up in 2 years what people take a lifetime to save.

An example. I know a girl been doing this job 5 years and at its peak had over $200k. She did well, got land and building house for family back home. Now she's working at shop to pay more debt she had to borrow more for house. She used to buy expensive things now working for debt food and rent. 2016 was peak year for private girls and more money for less service. Now so many Chinese girls and more competition. She could have easily got expensive sports car but where to park? She got a second hand Toyota in cash.

01-02-2019, 09:42 AM
Things always look easy from the outside, but when u do it, always not as easy. Office job also seems easy, but u did 15 yrs of study to get that job. The fix road people in Sydney also look easy, but they can't sleep can't sit can't play phone for long hours.

I have learnt that nothing is as easy as it seems :cry: