View Full Version : General talk Race, gender and attraction

12-03-2019, 06:13 PM

Taken from:

Thought this is quite interesting to share. Asian women dig more into asian men than any other guys. Im not sure if higher percentage figure means the like factor is more intense.

White man are highly sought after by most races.

White women rate Asian man rather negatively. Conversely, Asian man look favourably upon white woman. Doesn't affect me :) Asian women are the best.

12-03-2019, 06:20 PM
Yep, Asian women are beautiful

12-03-2019, 06:49 PM
Representing the least preferred race! Nice...

12-03-2019, 06:54 PM
Just to be clear I’m an asian guy not a black woman lol. There seems to be quite a bias against black women.. hmm wonder what it is?

12-03-2019, 07:02 PM
Just to be clear I’m an asian guy not a black woman lol. There seems to be quite a bias against black women.. hmm wonder what it is?

you cant compare white women to asian women

12-03-2019, 09:19 PM
I couldn't care less about what white women think of us asian men.
I am not gonna fuck any white woman for the rest of my life and I am not gonna regret a tiny weeny little bit.
well, there might be exceptions. who knows.

12-03-2019, 10:10 PM
You mean I’m not as attractive to asian women as so many WL/ML have led me to believe?!! [emoji54]

12-03-2019, 10:38 PM
White women can be your friend and a confidante but they barely become your girlfriend.
The group which is suppose to be so open-minded and progressive are inertly the most tribal and restrictive when it comes to mates.
Like the comedian Russel Peters once said: "People of different races need to mix", as in, nuptially.
If they do, all this racial bias, racism, racial predilection will change.

13-03-2019, 03:29 PM
instead of worrying about these stats, make as much money as u can, everything else just follows.

forget dating, pay/fuck/leave.

Dating today has become a nightmare for many people. It seems like nobody wants to commit anymore, and it seems to be a challenge every single step of the way. Social media and phones are controlling our lives that is making people closer to their phones than with each other. Many people have stopped believing in love. Everyone is jaded (hurt, heartbroken, or just plain screwed over). A result of being jaded, or seeing friends and family being hurt, many people have stopped believing that finding a happy relationship is even possible.

As well, people are too selfish to commit. Being selfish isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, you need to be selfish in many ways in order to live a happy life. You need to take care of yourself, you need to do things that make you fulfilled, you need to eat right, exercise, and get enough rest. The problem, though, arises when society has turned so far in on itself that it fails to recognize everyone else. We want everything for ourselves. As a result, people have no idea how to date in the first place.

Why dating is harder for men is because we have to work for it. We have to make ourselves extra appealing simply because females believe the majority of men are below average and don't meet their expectations. They want to find their prince charming and we know there aren't many out there. The expectations placed on guys today is enormous. Men need to be successful, smart, sexy, dependable and go-getters if they need a chance to score a date. The general stereotype about guys is that they are either marriage material or mama's boy or too cool to be tamed and so on. No wonder dating is hard and punting has become the easy way out. Who wants to worry about dating and being in a relationship where you might not have sex from your misses for long periods of time. The answer is simple. Go in pay, drop your load and leave without any questions. That my friends is why punting is fantastic and a blessing for all men.

Forward Must Hang
13-03-2019, 09:21 PM
Interesting that white men rate Asian women and white women fairly close (18/19%).

Kind of different to others which appear to prefer the same ethnicity.

I guess that means that white men have good taste and Asian women really are beautiful.

Of course, I don't believe the data.

It's a fact that 87% of statistics are made up.


13-03-2019, 11:25 PM
Sucks but true.
Asian men are last for women in sexual preference.
Asian men have to become doctors and successful to marry then support an Asian girl. She does it for financial stability and to make her family happy
Asian men don't get sex easily, everyone looks down on Asian men

A white girl bringing an Asian man home is the same as an asian girl bringing a black man home - shame to the family
An asian girl bringing white man home is an achievement because its seen as marrying UP socially.

The rank for men is white > arab > latino > black > asian
The rank for women is asian > arab > white > latino > black

Given the rankings, the best thing to do as an Asian man esp living in Australia is not to bother with women esp. relationships (or sports where asian men are also last)
Better focus on work, video games and anything else. Punting offers best option for Asian men.

If white man then opposite - its worth it to play sports and get into relationships esp. if visiting Asia will get lots of women.

Just play the cards you were given correctly.
What an idiotic comment !

13-03-2019, 11:30 PM
instead of worrying about these stats, make as much money as u can, everything else just follows.

forget dating, pay/fuck/leave.

So, so very true!

13-03-2019, 11:57 PM
Sucks but true.
Asian men are last for women in sexual preference.
Asian men have to become doctors and successful to marry then support an Asian girl. She does it for financial stability and to make her family happy
Asian men don't get sex easily, everyone looks down on Asian men

A white girl bringing an Asian man home is the same as an asian girl bringing a black man home - shame to the family
An asian girl bringing white man home is an achievement because its seen as marrying UP socially.

The rank for men is white > arab > latino > black > asian
The rank for women is asian > arab > white > latino > black

Given the rankings, the best thing to do as an Asian man esp living in Australia is not to bother with women esp. relationships (or sports where asian men are also last)
Better focus on work, video games and anything else. Punting offers best option for Asian men.

If white man then opposite - its worth it to play sports and get into relationships esp. if visiting Asia will get lots of women.

Just play the cards you were given correctly.
Can i assume you are highly unpopular if you are an Asian dude?

14-03-2019, 12:28 AM
Interesting that white men rate Asian women and white women fairly close (18/19%).

Kind of different to others which appear to prefer the same ethnicity.

I guess that means that white men have good taste and Asian women really are beautiful.

Of course, I don't believe the data.

It's a fact that 87% of statistics are made up.


How did you come to that conclusion?
How does any of these numbers say any one race has better taste than the others?
Since we are making absurd statements, I could argue that Latinos have the best taste. Purely because Venezula, Brazil, and Puerto Rico are in it.
And these three countries have produced the most beauty queens. Since Latinos men rate Latino women the highest at 10%, they have the best taste in women.

Plus, you got it wrong.
It says White Men rate Asian Women at 9% and White Women at 6% (not 18/19%).
Latino Men rate both Asian Women and White Women at 4%.

Furthermore, countries that produce most super models are all predominantly white European, Anglo-Saxon countries except Brazil.
Since White Men Rate White Women lower than Asian Women, it can be argued that they can't be relied on their taste.


Conclusion: don't bring hyperbole into the conversation. No race has better taste than the other.
May be Black people have better taste in rhythm.

Forward Must Hang
14-03-2019, 01:07 AM
How did you come to that conclusion?

You answered your own question here...

Plus, you got it wrong.
It says White Men rate Asian Women at 9% and White Women at 6% (not 18/19%).
Latino Men rate both Asian Women and White Women at 4%.

Monumentally wrong, I read the chart the wrong way about.

My bad.

I was making a joke, you get them on the internet you know, that white guys have better taste because they are more inclined to be attracted to ladies outside of just white women. Again, I arsed it up by reading the chart wrong.

For what it's worth, I can't willingly bring hyperbole into the conversation, at least not until I look it up and learn what it is. :)

But you're right about not generalising. I'll be specific - *I* have the best taste in women. End of story.

Peace brother!


14-03-2019, 08:14 AM
A shame it doesn’t have Indian in the table.

My Indian heritage (grew up here) friend is fit, ok looking and charming, but really struggles to get many extra extras out of Asian MLs. Possibly his very dark skin?

14-03-2019, 06:57 PM
Sucks but true.
Asian men are last for women in sexual preference.
Asian men have to become doctors and successful to marry then support an Asian girl. She does it for financial stability and to make her family happy
Asian men don't get sex easily, everyone looks down on Asian men

A white girl bringing an Asian man home is the same as an asian girl bringing a black man home - shame to the family
An asian girl bringing white man home is an achievement because its seen as marrying UP socially.

The rank for men is white > arab > latino > black > asian
The rank for women is asian > arab > white > latino > black

Given the rankings, the best thing to do as an Asian man esp living in Australia is not to bother with women esp. relationships (or sports where asian men are also last)
Better focus on work, video games and anything else. Punting offers best option for Asian men.

If white man then opposite - its worth it to play sports and get into relationships esp. if visiting Asia will get lots of women.

Just play the cards you were given correctly.Lol... What utter load of bull crap. So ludicrous it's funny [emoji1787]

14-03-2019, 10:50 PM
You answered your own question here...

Monumentally wrong, I read the chart the wrong way about.

My bad.

I was making a joke, you get them on the internet you know, that white guys have better taste because they are more inclined to be attracted to ladies outside of just white women. Again, I arsed it up by reading the chart wrong.

For what it's worth, I can't willingly bring hyperbole into the conversation, at least not until I look it up and learn what it is. :)

But you're right about not generalising. I'll be specific - *I* have the best taste in women. End of story.

Peace brother!


All Good :)

I thought I was the one who had the best taste in women.

14-03-2019, 11:11 PM
You know the Indian results are bad when one of the most populous race isn't presented.

Don't know what Asian dudes are complaining about, some of the hottest Asian girls only see Asian dudes.

Forward Must Hang
15-03-2019, 08:32 PM
All Good :)

I thought I was the one who had the best taste in women.

Nope, definitely me. :)

Cheers brother!


16-03-2019, 12:47 AM
Most men don't stand a chance of finding a good looking girl of any race let alone their race unless they are good looking, rich or charming or any combination of that. As for white girls not liking Asian men... well its true. But look at your average Asian man. Short, skinny, pleasant enough but really a push over. No wonder they don't find us interesting on average. Many Asian friends have married Caucasian girls but they're rich so it doesn't say much does it?

But the majority of woman aren't great looking either, its only a minority. Its just the media that only shows caucasian girls which makes us accustomed to them as being beautiful. But I travelled to Haiti of all places and the black girls there were absolutely beautiful. They just don't get their pictures taken. Likewise I've met a tall Indian girl at a massage place and she's absolutely stunning. I think there's beautiful woman everyone and of every race.

16-03-2019, 01:52 AM
Most men don't stand a chance of finding a good looking girl of any race let alone their race unless they are good looking, rich or charming or any combination of that. As for white girls not liking Asian men... well its true. But look at your average Asian man. Short, skinny, pleasant enough but really a push over. No wonder they don't find us interesting on average. Many Asian friends have married Caucasian girls but they're rich so it doesn't say much does it?

But the majority of woman aren't great looking either, its only a minority. Its just the media that only shows caucasian girls which makes us accustomed to them as being beautiful. But I travelled to Haiti of all places and the black girls there were absolutely beautiful. They just don't get their pictures taken. Likewise I've met a tall Indian girl at a massage place and she's absolutely stunning. I think there's beautiful woman everyone and of every race.

Asian men are pushover?
That's a gross generalization.

Agree about the media and white women though.
I actually believe a good-looking Latino girl will beat a best looking white woman any day.
And a best looking India girl will give a good looking white girl run for their money.

16-03-2019, 09:27 AM
I think race is irelevant, each race has good looking male/female and fugly male/female.
It's the personality though that plays a big part in attraction, and the non-asian girls in general seem to be up themselves, though younger ABCs are picking up this type of personality these days ...

16-03-2019, 10:17 PM
Most men don't stand a chance of finding a good looking girl of any race let alone their race unless they are good looking, rich or charming or any combination of that. As for white girls not liking Asian men... well its true. But look at your average Asian man. Short, skinny, pleasant enough but really a push over. No wonder they don't find us interesting on average. Many Asian friends have married Caucasian girls but they're rich so it doesn't say much does it?

Being pushover or not is a choice. If you know being a pushover is not working, then why not change your attitude? There are a lot of negative comments surrounding Asian men being weak, I have to complete disagree. Personally, a few gf compared me to their previous caucasian bfs, saying I am more aggressive than them but gentle when it counts. So play what is right and tone down the weakness. It's about calibration.

I remember reading somewhere people are attracted to another person whose attraction level is +-2 of theirs. For example, if an HB (hot babe) 8.5 girl chases you, or open to being attracted to you, then you are probably at least a 6.5 in attractive level. If a not so good looking girl chases you and you have zero interest in her, then add 2 point to her perceived grade and you are at least above that. That +-2 range means a good majority of girls will be within range, so a lot of girls are actually within reach. There are compensating factors that can make up that shortfall, like income, confidence, style, personality. For example, many old but rich guys with hot, young models ; short men but funny/confident with taller girls etc..

17-03-2019, 11:25 AM
If you racism then it matters
But heart is heart
Feeling is feeling
I can meet twenty white girls that turn me off
But then I can meet the next white girl and fall in love instant
I can meet twenty pretty Chinese girl who turn on
But I can find every one of twenty Chinese girl is greedy stuck in 1950 geneder role
Intelligence is most important heart is most important
Aussie friend tell me once
You look at the goddess but she is total bitch to boyfriend
Trust another carefully
Fall in love slowly
Never judge books on cover

17-03-2019, 12:33 PM
You know the Indian results are bad when one of the most populous race isn't presented.

The stat comes from the US where there aren't as many Indians compared to here. Although if I had to guess the Indian stats here still won't be that good.

18-03-2019, 01:36 AM
Lol @ some people who cry about shit like white girls don't go for them because of xyz. Probably just your attitude and personality are shit. Get some game and git gud.

A lot of guys seem to put pussy on some kind of pedestal. Don't be one of those guys.