View Full Version : Question AR question

16-03-2019, 08:47 PM
I want to post an AR. I searched and there is already an AR on the girl with replies. Do I start a new thread or post my AR as part of the thread already going?

16-03-2019, 08:51 PM
If the AR is fairly recent and you are only planning to write 3 lines then just add it to the existing thread.

Otherwise feel free to write your own.

16-03-2019, 08:53 PM
Thank you harrycd, will do.

17-03-2019, 08:02 AM
I want to post an AR. I searched and there is already an AR on the girl with replies. Do I start a new thread or post my AR as part of the thread already going?

I think if you are posting a review of your own, it’s best to start a new thread. This way, as you build your review CV - so to speak , it’s much easier to find for future reference. If you post yours in other people’s existing AR thread, your efforts - big or small will just got buried , no ?

Just my two cents
