View Full Version : General talk Are WL's freelance or controlled ?

26-03-2019, 08:58 PM
I hope I dont sound like a dumb ass and sorry for asking, but I'm curious about how girls are managed at shops.

I know WL's like street walkers are controlled by a pimp. Is it the same set up for WL's in shops ? Or are they just reporting to the mamasan instead of a pimp ? I was going to ask one of my regulars the other day but forgot.

26-03-2019, 09:34 PM
I dated a young Chinese WL last year for a few months. She was very cagey about work and would not discuss it with me but she seemed to have some sort of agent who introduced her to new shops.

Perhaps Shane at Paddo can shed some light on it.

I think there are talent agents that bring the girls over her from China. Do they get commission ?

26-03-2019, 09:49 PM
I believe freerange WLs are all the rage

26-03-2019, 10:42 PM
Thanks BC and harrycd. I was just curious about how it all works. Do you think the girls have free time BC is they do have a manager or pimp ? As in they can do what they want and are not restricted (passports taken, personal debts, money owed to pimp) etc ?

26-03-2019, 11:00 PM
Some of the girls introduce by friends have work in sydney before, other by recruiting agent.
That's why we have so many chinese girls working here. All have no english still can come here and work so you can imagine someone is helping them a friend or recruiting agent. Most of the top shop the girls have professional photos.

26-03-2019, 11:31 PM
For Chinese, lots of them got introductions by friends who used to be WL/ML

Japanese too, but lots of them also found the job via Japanese job seeking site

26-03-2019, 11:34 PM
It's a mix, some girls come via an agency 1st time, then by themselves 2nd time, some come because their friends are already here and they show them the ropes. Agencies will advertise in the target countries. There was a famous add by Ginza once that someone translated posted a long time back ...

It finished off something like this:
We promise to support you, we will take care of you. You can solve your money problem in the shortest time, and have a more prosperous lifestyle, you can become a true princess!

27-03-2019, 12:10 AM
I’m aware of some WLs who are rostered on consecutive days sleep over at the shop. Whether that is by choice or part of the ‘contract’ is unclear though.

27-03-2019, 12:23 AM
There are adds in all languages, there are friends that are in the business and referrals as well.

Girls can stay at a shop rent free and have their period week off as a holiday. I haven't come across passport holding, that's totally illegal and considered human trafficking.

Although I've seen cases where agencies work the girls non stop for like 19 hours if they live in the sponsor house. This was around 2014 to 2018. The agency business is not the same these days. Less rich Chinese investment around.

In the end, if the girls have the look and the skills, they can choose to work anywhere but there's lots of competition and less money for more service than a few years ago.

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27-03-2019, 01:27 AM
I hope I dont sound like a dumb ass and sorry for asking, but I'm curious about how girls are managed at shops.

I know WL's like street walkers are controlled by a pimp. Is it the same set up for WL's in shops ? Or are they just reporting to the mamasan instead of a pimp ? I was going to ask one of my regulars the other day but forgot.

I dun know the inner workings of the brothel much but Nah I seriously doubt its the same like with pimps. Unless it involves human trafficking and forced labor which I think is in the minority.

WLs come and go as they like, respond to ads ( I saw a ml/wl wechat group for this) that promise big money in short time, no need to sign any contracts I believe.

I even know some ML who stay temporary in the shop apartment. Obviously they have good relationship with the lady boss.

27-03-2019, 12:43 PM
I dun know the inner workings of the brothel much but Nah I seriously doubt its the same like with pimps. Unless it involves human trafficking and forced labor which I think is in the minority.

WLs come and go as they like, respond to ads ( I saw a ml/wl wechat group for this) that promise big money in short time, no need to sign any contracts I believe.

I even know some ML who stay temporary in the shop apartment. Obviously they have good relationship with the lady boss.

pimps controlled WL is probably very rare in australia.

27-03-2019, 02:53 PM
the girls in general are very independent some though are tied up with boyfriends who can control their lives

27-03-2019, 05:47 PM
Hmm interesting, this thread started up around the same time there was a Louis Theroux documentary about street prostitutes and their pimps. He was in Houston. Its quite confronting how much of a hold these pimps have on their girls........

28-03-2019, 08:26 AM
Nah, no human trafficking or controlling here in our lovely state of NSW. Girls get fired from one shop, only to pop up in another unrelated shop. Girls go on holidays for months then pop up again suddenly. There's no control on where or when they go. It's s great thing we have here, guys!

28-03-2019, 09:25 AM
Not sure if a “Contracted” WL is classified as being controlled, I suppose it is kind of - based on if the girl’s passport was withheld ?

This is back more than 10 yr ago, a Malaysian WL at a city shop (no longer operational) told me that her family borrowed a large sum of money back home which they could not pay back , she was given two options: work in some doggy places in Malaysia for six months or come to work in Sydney for 3 months with a chance to make more money for herself to take home, it’s a no brainer for her actually.

She said she had work in the shop for a period of times and the first X number of jobs were all pay back , she didn’t get any cut, accommodation and meals were provided and she was given a couple hundred dollars a week as pocket money, she was free to go out but they kept her passport . Once she reached the target and debts free, she was given back her passport and free to go. At the time I met her, she’s already a free person and working for herself and getting the normal cut like other girls and she was keen to stay on as long as possible to save some money before going back to Malaysia.

True story.

Ps, this girl was actually talking Cantonese to me that’s why she was quite open ? and I believe if she wasn’t a free person yet at the time, she probably won’t have said anything about her situation, just a thought.