View Full Version : General talk Would You Fuck You

Labia Vortex
25-04-2019, 10:45 PM
Coming in through the back yard of the Ginza as a couple of lads were leaving
I’m no oil painting but these two were a mess.One guy smelt like he was growing onions in his armpits....and that musta been after a shower.He was about 5’8” and I’m sure hadn’t seen his feet for twenty years
The other guy wasn’t much better....had a head like a dropped pie
The sights these girls see would frighten even the blind

25-04-2019, 11:38 PM
Actually the fact that guys like that visit these girls boosts my confidence! 😂

26-04-2019, 12:06 AM
Coming in through the back yard of the Ginza as a couple of lads were leaving
I’m no oil painting but these two were a mess.One guy smelt like he was growing onions in his armpits....and that musta been after a shower.He was about 5’8” and I’m sure hadn’t seen his feet for twenty years
The other guy wasn’t much better....had a head like a dropped pie
The sights these girls see would frighten even the blind
Yap, now you know how hard the girls have to earn the money to have a better life.

26-04-2019, 07:02 AM
Coming in through the back yard of the Ginza as a couple of lads were leaving
I’m no oil painting but these two were a mess.One guy smelt like he was growing onions in his armpits....and that musta been after a shower.He was about 5’8” and I’m sure hadn’t seen his feet for twenty years
The other guy wasn’t much better....had a head like a dropped pie
The sights these girls see would frighten even the blind Well I guess it’s lucky people have somewhere to go if they had a head like a dropped pie. Imagine what it’s like for girls who are unhappy in the workplace like the line-ups you see at Midas, Juliet’s etc.

26-04-2019, 07:40 AM
I've always wondered what they're really thinking behind the smiles.

26-04-2019, 07:47 AM
I've always wondered what they're really thinking behind the smiles.

If I was to fuck myself I would have to give myself a big tip......…..

26-04-2019, 08:11 AM
The funny thing is you get a couple of ugly guys like the ones Lab described walking into a place like 278 looking at the line up and not liking any of the girls then walking. You've seen this as your there waiting for your booking thinking to yourself WTF!!! in the street women wouldn't talk to these guys if they had a $100 note stapled to their forehead.

26-04-2019, 08:30 AM
I do see a lot of fat and ugly dudes coming into Ginza/278 makes me wonder how the WL handles that. They’re probably imagining their favourite male star is fucking them instead lol.

At the same point I always wonder the WL thinks when they see a hot or good looking guy? Maybe like thank god.

26-04-2019, 08:39 AM
99% of the time punters are fucking girls they would have no chance of fucking if they weren't paying for it.
Or to put it another way 99% of the time the WLs are fucking guys they wouldn't fuck if they weren't getting paid for it.
That's the reality of punting.
Ugly fat old boring bastards like me get to fuck young hot chicks. I fucking love it.

26-04-2019, 08:40 AM
I've always wondered what they're really thinking behind the smiles.
$$$$$$. Fuck quick ,and cum and visit me next time.

26-04-2019, 08:45 AM
99% of the time punters are fucking girls they would have no chance of fucking if they weren't paying for it.
Or to put it another way 99% of the time the WLs are fucking guys they wouldn't fuck if they weren't getting paid for it.
That's the reality of punting.
Ugly fat old boring bastards like me get to fuck young hot chicks. I fucking love it.
Is a trade. You have the money and the girls have the look. Is a business transaction. The girls is running a business selling their looks and body.

26-04-2019, 08:58 AM
99% of the time punters are fucking girls they would have no chance of fucking if they weren't paying for it.
Or to put it another way 99% of the time the WLs are fucking guys they wouldn't fuck if they weren't getting paid for it.
That's the reality of punting.
Ugly fat old boring bastards like me get to fuck young hot chicks. I fucking love it.

I do see a lot of fat and ugly dudes coming into Ginza/278 makes me wonder how the WL handles that. They’re probably imagining their favourite male star is fucking them instead lol.

At the same point I always wonder the WL thinks when they see a hot or good looking guy? Maybe like thank god.
So times I do wonder an ugly, fat big, body smell even after shower and big dick come to visit them what do the girls think. The girl told me she just do the job as required and think of the money. And the debt she have to pay.

26-04-2019, 09:36 AM
Money money money. Or maybe Tiff&Co?
So times I do wonder an ugly, fat big, body smell even after shower and big dick come to visit them what do the girls think. The girl told me she just do the job as required and think of the money. And the debt she have to pay.

26-04-2019, 09:42 AM
Coming in through the back yard of the Ginza as a couple of lads were leaving
I’m no oil painting but these two were a mess.One guy smelt like he was growing onions in his armpits....and that musta been after a shower.He was about 5’8” and I’m sure hadn’t seen his feet for twenty years
The other guy wasn’t much better....had a head like a dropped pie
The sights these girls see would frighten even the blindHaha.... I look at these dudes and think "Thank fuck I don't look like that!!!" But, if I see the same girl they had just seen... wow... I always had great service, no matter what the shop!! When I used to see the girls, it was amazing and just sexy as fk just to watch their reaction when they first see you.
Mind you, I don't think I am some prize catch either... [emoji1787]
Lala always caressed my face and told me she loved my face (she even explained why a few times!).. but funnily, she never mentioned my body....hmmm .. (ego deflating now..) [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]

Funnily enough, men and women look at things very different... a man looks in the mirror and he inflates himself to think he is a prize catch.. a woman looks at herself and gets focussed on the tiniest of perceived flaws - it doesn't matter that she looks stunning because they only notice the "flaw".... my advice to young punters, you can never "over-compliment" when you meet a WL. It always pays to try to look and smell you best. Good cut clothing, quality shoes and a bit of quality after shave goes a long way to hide some of our own "ugliness"..[emoji1787][emoji1787]

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26-04-2019, 09:44 AM
99% of the time punters are fucking girls they would have no chance of fucking if they weren't paying for it.
Or to put it another way 99% of the time the WLs are fucking guys they wouldn't fuck if they weren't getting paid for it.
That's the reality of punting.
Ugly fat old boring bastards like me get to fuck young hot chicks. I fucking love it.

Plus 1 + 1 + 1 ........... !

Well said, this ugly poor old man would have No Chance with all those busty young lasses if it wasn’t for the great old punting industry!

Ps. But then again, over the years, many WLs/MLs had told me that I’m a handsome guy, has a good size cock, very hard and straight............... usually after I paid....... haha 😆

26-04-2019, 09:45 AM
Brah, don't think about these things.

I took a mate to 42 recently, he normally only sees western girls. The whole time he was commenting on other punters fucking these girls in the lineup.

I had to tell him to stfu as I don't want to picture that right before a punt.

Anyway don't think about these things, I'm sure girls try and put it out of their mind after the session is over.

I've had quite a few punts over the years but only remember one where the girl looked visibly disgusted and it was a complete boner kill.

Labia Vortex
26-04-2019, 01:23 PM
Occasionally I will be remembered ( perhaps a pleasantry )... I asked a girl I hadn’t seen for awhile
Why... she said because I was a gentleman....

26-04-2019, 02:06 PM
Before I see a girl I always make sure I’m clean and washed. Ironically a lot of the WL especially the Chinese ones comment on my skin colour ( it’s quite pale). I do try to work out everyday but office job means I can’t get a tan but apparently that’s a good thing.

Gonna try a tanned Korean girl today (Rebecca) to see if she says the same thing wish me luck boys. Will write a AR off course.

Labia Vortex
26-04-2019, 03:53 PM
The success of a shop is also predicated on the buzz in the ready Room.
This is where the girls support each....swap stories about clients and laugh

26-04-2019, 04:21 PM
The success of a shop is also predicated on the buzz in the ready Room.
This is where the girls support each....swap stories about clients and laugh
Swap stories with me about their work. Some time is funny and informative about people life.

Mr Bastard
26-04-2019, 05:37 PM
Bet you those two gents thought they looked hot in the room with the lighting and all, most people do, including the not so good looking WL's

26-04-2019, 05:52 PM
Bet you those two gents thought they looked hot in the room with the lighting and all, most people do, including the not so good looking WL's

Yeah the soft mood lighting is very flattering.
I look like like one of those handsome young boys from a Korean boy band in that lighting ;)

26-04-2019, 06:43 PM
Yeah the soft mood lighting is very flattering.
I look like like one of those handsome young boys from a Korean boy band in that lighting ;)
No the girls look at you only as $$$$$$$$$$$$ even if you are not handsome.

26-04-2019, 06:48 PM
No the girls look at you only as $$$$$$$$$$$$ even if you are not handsome.

Truer words were never spoken. Yep, no matter how hot you are they are still doing it for the money.

26-04-2019, 06:54 PM
Truer words were never spoken. Yep, no matter how hot you are they are still doing it for the money.
Lucky the girls do it for the money if not we guys wouldn't have no chance in fucking beautiful girls.

Labia Vortex
26-04-2019, 07:02 PM
Why did God create alcohol and Brothels...?
So old fat farts can have sex life

Labia Vortex
26-04-2019, 07:03 PM
Why did God create alcohol and brothels...?
So old fat farts can have a sex life

26-04-2019, 07:25 PM
Would clean myself up before seeing a WL..
Smell nice.. groomed.. look presentable.. or try to..

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27-04-2019, 01:14 AM
We are faceless to WL ....as long as you smell nice nd be polite than is good enough for them. No need to worry about anything just enjoyed your punt.

27-04-2019, 01:37 AM
99% of the time punters are fucking girls they would have no chance of fucking if they weren't paying for it.
Or to put it another way 99% of the time the WLs are fucking guys they wouldn't fuck if they weren't getting paid for it.
That's the reality of punting.
Ugly fat old boring bastards like me get to fuck young hot chicks. I fucking love it.

This plus 1000

Unfortunately we all cant look Brad Pitt

Labia Vortex
27-04-2019, 02:16 AM
Brad Pitt doesn’t have to pay
Probably why you never see a good looking punter in a brothel

Mr Ivor Biggen
27-04-2019, 02:34 AM
Plenty of Listerine, aftershave, deodorant, clean clothes and a shower before you walk into the shop. Just commonsense if you want full-on service.

27-04-2019, 04:32 AM
Brad Pitt doesn’t have to pay
Probably why you never see a good looking punter in a brothel

Guys like Brad still go to brothel. They pay to fuck the girls, who will leave after the fuck. After all, prostitute is cheaper than any affair that clings.

30-04-2019, 05:43 PM
Just recall Hugh Grant case.

Brad Pitt doesn’t have to pay
Probably why you never see a good looking punter in a brothel

Labia Vortex
30-04-2019, 09:19 PM
That was a BJ In a car....pretty sad really

Forward Must Hang
30-04-2019, 10:24 PM
Brad Pitt doesn’t have to pay
Probably why you never see a good looking punter in a brothel

I take exception to that. I've had plenty of MLs tell me I'm really handsome and some even tell me what a beautiful erection I had.

...oh, wait... never mind. I get how it works....

I did have one tell me I was really handsome as I checked my hair in the mirror before leaving. Hmmm, that still doesn't count does it?

Dammit, I'm hideous... :cry:


30-04-2019, 10:50 PM
I take exception to that. I've had plenty of MLs tell me I'm really handsome and some even tell me what a beautiful erection I had.

...oh, wait... never mind. I get how it works....

I did have one tell me I was really handsome as I checked my hair in the mirror before leaving. Hmmm, that still doesn't count does it?

Dammit, I'm hideous... :cry:

- FMHMoney is the best aftershave of all....

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01-05-2019, 02:14 PM
You can’t probably change your face and body but at least cleanliness can be maintained

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Forward Must Hang
02-05-2019, 12:35 AM
Money is the best aftershave of all....

And it blends well with desperation! :slobber:

You can’t probably change your face and body but at least cleanliness can be maintained

At the end of the day the girls provide a service and I'm sure they get that some of aren't oil paintings (not me, I'm hot AF). The best you can do, and we should aim to do it, is being clean, smell nice, be friendly, polite and share a good fun attitude with the girl.

You might not walk out and have them go "he was sooo hot" but they'll at least they won't think you were a dickhead or a grub.

The thread is titled "would you do you"

I've been doing myself since I was 14, so yes. Provided my hands are clean, that's the only condition!

08-05-2019, 02:00 AM
I wonder if another punter looked at me thinking I'm a dropped pie
thinning hair did do a dent in my confidence, and I wasn't a sexy fit guy like when I was hitting gym in my 20s
would any of you fuck me? anyone? fuck me now, please

09-05-2019, 12:24 AM
Lol mine too. It can only get better lol

13-08-2019, 09:52 PM
a very well damn good logical question

14-08-2019, 08:36 AM
Agreed. This is a deep question.

14-08-2019, 11:56 AM
I’d fuck me but DD Or DFK? No way![emoji13]

14-08-2019, 01:12 PM
The sights these girls see would frighten even the blind

That is a funny description

14-08-2019, 01:27 PM
There is an app where you take a selfie and it shows you what you would look like as a girl.
I looked fucking hot!
I would do me as a girl any day of the week :)
Narcissus would be proud of me :)

14-08-2019, 01:47 PM
so another question the other way around:

is there a good looking punter (like model or actor level) that frequent brothels?

14-08-2019, 03:29 PM
so another question the other way around:

is there a good looking punter (like model or actor level) that frequent brothels?

I think there’s a dude called cuteguy. Sounds like a model that would drench a WLs panties

14-08-2019, 05:00 PM
so another question the other way around:

is there a good looking punter (like model or actor level) that frequent brothels?

A punting buddy of mine is rated by a lot of the milfs in the $150 shops. You name the shop he has probably been been part of the furniture there at one stage or another in the last few years. He has had relationships with 2 Ginza girls that I know of, one of them still works there and is very popular.

I get regular updates with what's going on and he makes AR's on here read like Dr Suess books. Makes the heavyweights on this forum look like newbies (no offence) but the scary thing is he knows guys even more hardcore than him.

TBH I worry a little - actually - a lot about him.

14-08-2019, 06:04 PM
A WL told she met a handsome guy who was a small time actor!

14-08-2019, 11:41 PM
One of my regulars says that she is sick of being fucked by men with fat beer bellies and small arses.

I have a chunky arse and a flat stomach which she tells me she likes.

Look after yourself, exercise and keep fit and the girls will repay you with good service I reckon.

15-08-2019, 12:40 AM
Great to see how many desirable men we have on this forum, even if it’s only to them.

15-08-2019, 03:31 AM
Would I Fuck me?

Hmm.. yes, yes I would... why not I ask myself.. I've been fucked (over) by most people in my life... one way or another..

15-08-2019, 06:49 AM
What a great response!

Would I Fuck me?

Hmm.. yes, yes I would... why not I ask myself.. I've been fucked (over) by most people in my life... one way or another..

15-08-2019, 09:58 AM
That’s the attitude!!

15-08-2019, 11:49 AM
I am not old, fat, nor ugly.
So yeah... probably.

15-08-2019, 10:24 PM
One of my regulars says that she is sick of being fucked by men with fat beer bellies and small arses.

I have a chunky arse and a flat stomach which she tells me she likes.

Look after yourself, exercise and keep fit and the girls will repay you with good service I reckon.

Wise words there

15-08-2019, 10:25 PM
A punting buddy of mine is rated by a lot of the milfs in the $150 shops. You name the shop he has probably been been part of the furniture there at one stage or another in the last few years. He has had relationships with 2 Ginza girls that I know of, one of them still works there and is very popular.

I get regular updates with what's going on and he makes AR's on here read like Dr Suess books. Makes the heavyweights on this forum look like newbies (no offence) but the scary thing is he knows guys even more hardcore than him.

TBH I worry a little - actually - a lot about him.

He sounds like he knows how to enjoy life. Unbridled hedonism isnt a bad thing. He's wearing a condom so how scary can it be?

16-08-2019, 08:17 AM
He sounds like he knows how to enjoy life. Unbridled hedonism isnt a bad thing. He's wearing a condom so how scary can it be?

You know full and damn well he isn’t LOL stop it !

16-08-2019, 11:13 AM
You know full and damn well he isn’t LOL stop it !

I had a coffee and a chat this morning with him. We had a good chuckle at this. 🤣🤣🤣

Laughed even harder at BC's 'chunky arse' comments. Thanks for sharing!

I had a flat white with one SUGAR if you were wondering.......

16-08-2019, 11:09 PM
You know full and damn well he isn’t LOL stop it !

He doesn’t even know what a condom is

The AMBER light is flashing.

17-08-2019, 07:19 AM
He doesn’t even know what a condom is

The AMBER light is flashing.

Fkin hell bro.... give all the secrets of the world away why don't you?
If we where in jail, you would be beaten by a sock with soaps in it.

And while your at it, just send me a screenshot of your credit card, and the number on the back.

22-09-2019, 04:32 PM

Watch From 0:14

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02-05-2024, 03:43 PM
10 years ago I would. But now ? Hell fucking no. I have seen some filthy punters in shops around the city and marrickville areas. A long time ago when I use to frequent 244, I was chatting to Angela. This dude walks in and looked really dirty as in old / ripped clothes. He went into the room with the girl and 10 minutes later, he was walking down the stairs while I was still talking to Angela and he was complaining, yelling and screaming. I was like WTF is going on ? He was like "she would not suck my dick, stupid bitch blah blah" then stormed out. The WL was in tears so I sat down with her and asked if she was ok. She said despite having a shower, his cock was full of yeast. She sucked him with a rubber but the smell must have been bad. I just told her not to worry and Angela had a chat with her and I was on my way. Point is that some customers are just gross. Im sure all of us here are normal in terms of making ourselves presentable, shave and a bit of cologne. Not over the top, just general good presentation. I was in another shop in the city and while waiting there was a drug affected customer. I could tell he was off his head because I know those sorts of people. The girl walked out and they went into the room. She looked very nervous.

02-05-2024, 04:36 PM
Yes, you see some crook looking people if you hang around reception long enough, which is probably not surprising given that some punters are punters because mainstream relationships are unlikely to occur.

I've often wondered how the girls deal with 10 "normal" customers in one session let alone the reprobates.
When I asked a well known Ginza lady recently how she deals with it all she simply said : I lick and I suck and I lay there....

Love that old expression from OP... Face like a dropped pie

02-05-2024, 10:37 PM
I've often wondered how the girls deal with 10 "normal" customers in one session let alone the reprobates.

Spend enough time in the industry and sooner or later you’ll see everything.

Some stats on the population:
4.3 million had experienced a mental illness in the previous 12 months (22% of the population)

03-05-2024, 12:09 AM
My dick's not long enough to fuck myself

03-05-2024, 01:19 AM
Yes, you see some crook looking people if you hang around reception long enough, which is probably not surprising given that some punters are punters because mainstream relationships are unlikely to occur.

I've often wondered how the girls deal with 10 "normal" customers in one session let alone the reprobates.
When I asked a well known Ginza lady recently how she deals with it all she simply said : I lick and I suck and I lay there....

Love that old expression from OP... Face like a dropped pie

When I finished my punt with a WL, there was a rude sounding guy waiting for her. All he did was whinge to the manager about how he had to wait etc. real arrogant type person with no patience and I’m sure he would’ve treated the WL with no respect. Again, it’s her job but dealing with those types of dickheads day in day out must have its toll. It’s their job, I get that. It’s their choice. But the point I’m making is that there are a lot of shit punters out there. Just imagine some filthy looking homeless person with no hygiene fucking a girl. It’s gross.

03-05-2024, 02:52 AM
When I finished my punt with a WL, there was a rude sounding guy waiting for her. All he did was whinge to the manager about how he had to wait etc. real arrogant type person with no patience and I’m sure he would’ve treated the WL with no respect. Again, it’s her job but dealing with those types of dickheads day in day out must have its toll. It’s their job, I get that. It’s their choice. But the point I’m making is that there are a lot of shit punters out there. Just imagine some filthy looking homeless person with no hygiene fucking a girl. It’s gross.

All those homeless punters give me the shits. They’re the ones pushing the prices up!

03-05-2024, 06:54 AM
All those homeless punters give me the shits. They’re the ones pushing the prices up!

Homeless still need to bust a nut too

03-05-2024, 01:22 PM
imagine being a WL/ML and you saw a punter with dick cheese

03-05-2024, 04:26 PM
I'm the opposite of niceguy11.

A younger me? No.

Now though? I'd ride me into a quivering mass of incoherent flesh in the corner.

04-05-2024, 09:35 AM
Homeless still need to bust a nut too

haha yeah. I didn't mean literally homeless people but punters that look like they are homeless. The ones that look like really disgusting and have no personal hygiene. They just look gross. Ironically, I have seen a few of them waiting at Ginza so who knows where they get their money from.