View Full Version : Question Massage parlors and getting caught with pants down

01-06-2019, 04:34 PM
With so much competition and most massage parlors now offering FS (even if not licenced ?) is there a risk in being caught ? I am guessing you guys take your own condoms as they wont supply as they are checked every now and then. If that happens and someone inspects - what happens ? Anyone been caught ?

01-06-2019, 05:00 PM
Caught by whom? What is checked, and by whom?

01-06-2019, 05:19 PM
Massage Parlours do not offer FS.

In some special circumstances a punter may strike a special connection with an ML and that can lead to other extras but Massage Parlours do not offer FS.

In fact if the boss finds out typically the ML will lose their job.

01-06-2019, 05:21 PM
Caught by whom? What is checked, and by whom?


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01-06-2019, 05:38 PM
Massage Parlours do not offer FS.

In some special circumstances a punter may strike a special connection with an ML and that can lead to other extras but Massage Parlours do not offer FS.

In fact if the boss finds out typically the ML will lose their job.I don't know what massage palours you have been to .BUT I think 30% to 50% do offer full service.Some might take a couple of visits but some I know every girl offers first visit .Plus I always take a condom with me.

01-06-2019, 05:48 PM
I don't know what massage palours you have been to .BUT I think 30% to 50% do offer full service.Some might take a couple of visits but some I know every girl offers first visit .Plus I always take a condom with me.

I didn't mean you can't get FS at a Parlour..

This is a public forum and I don't think we should set the preception that FS is available at all massage Parlours and all the time, what you say about needing a couple of visits is true.

Yes I think most of us carry the required protection in case we get lucky.

01-06-2019, 05:52 PM
I don't know what massage palours you have been to .BUT I think 30% to 50% do offer full service.Some might take a couple of visits but some I know every girl offers first visit .Plus I always take a condom with me.

True that - out of the 7 I have been to - 5 offered FS, and was kinda my first or second visit - in 3 of them it was my 3-4 visit but no one recognised me - heaps of people pass through.
One even confirmed on weechat even without me
going there.
I havent had sex there - would go to a FS shop but just asking what happens if they are inspected. I heard some inspectors so undercover and strike a deal and then they are caught out.
So is it a gamble ?

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01-06-2019, 06:00 PM
She!!!!!!!. Don't say anymore.

01-06-2019, 06:14 PM

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Councils have no powers to "catch" anybody.

01-06-2019, 06:18 PM
I don't know what massage palours you have been to .BUT I think 30% to 50% do offer full service.Some might take a couple of visits but some I know every girl offers first visit .Plus I always take a condom with me.

The SHOPS would not offer the service; but in some shops the girls might, with or without the blessing of the owner.

The active girls I have come across have their own condoms, but I keep a couple spare just in case.

02-06-2019, 12:52 AM
I was walking towards a ML place today for a booking & three policewomen were walking in the same direction. I watched from a distance hoping they weren’t going in for a routine check. If they did I would’ve sent a text to cancel.

02-06-2019, 06:30 AM
Police do not do "routine checks" of massage shops. They might have been going in for massages, so you'd just have to wait your turn.

02-06-2019, 10:45 AM
The only times that I have heard of raids on shops are by Immigration Officers ,mainly checking visas or looking for girls who have over stayed their visa .Also heard of a lot of girls working on student visa .

02-06-2019, 06:56 PM
Student visas allow up to 20 hours work per week. There are no restrictions on the type of work, or the amount earned.

03-06-2019, 07:50 AM
Students are permitted to work up to 40 hours per fortnight once they have commenced their course & unlimited if studying a masters degree. AS LONG AS it is voluntary & for no remuneration or cash or that in kind.

03-06-2019, 09:52 AM
Student visas allow up to 20 hours work per week. There are no restrictions on the type of work, or the amount earned.

The 20 hours /week restrictions only apply during their school terms, I think there is no limit during their term breaks and holiday periods.

03-06-2019, 10:09 AM
Students are permitted to work up to 40 hours per fortnight once they have commenced their course & unlimited if studying a masters degree. AS LONG AS it is voluntary & for no remuneration or cash or that in kind.

Rubbish. They are allowed to be paid. No foreign student is likely to work for free, why would they bother?

03-06-2019, 11:00 AM
Rubbish. They are allowed to be paid. No foreign student is likely to work for free, why would they bother?

I thought sleepy was talking about volunteer work (I.e. there’s no limit on the number of hours student can do unpaid charity work).

Maybe the girls could work for this outstanding charity organisation:


03-06-2019, 11:29 AM
I thought sleepy was talking about volunteer work (I.e. there’s no limit on the number of hours student can do unpaid charity work).

Maybe the girls could work for this outstanding charity organisation:

Very good one. 😆

Forward Must Hang
03-06-2019, 08:33 PM
Councils have no powers to "catch" anybody.

That's right. Council's are only concerned about land use issues - like if a place is offering sexual services (including the T in RnT) and doesn't have the approval to be operating, or it's in a land zone that prohibits brothels.

Council's have wider powers than Police with entry. Police need a search warrant and Council's don't, because a breach of a Council rule is a civil persecution and with the Police its criminal, so there is a higher level of process Police have to go through.

Council's don't send their staff in to get a tug. If they suspect a place they will hire a PI to go in.

04-06-2019, 06:34 PM
With so much competition and most massage parlors now offering FS (even if not licenced ?) is there a risk in being caught ? I am guessing you guys take your own condoms as they wont supply as they are checked every now and then. If that happens and someone inspects - what happens ? Anyone been caught ?

My friend’s friend was a private investigator around 10 years ago and he once went undercover to a massage shop with his (maybe) spy cam and recorded everything. Can’t remember who ordered him to do that though

06-06-2019, 07:56 PM
Wow that’s scary! I wonder if they have cameras in room

06-06-2019, 09:10 PM
I wonder if Council Mayors and Assemblymen get full service for free?