View Full Version : General talk Supplements for massive cum shots.

29-07-2019, 02:01 PM
I have been experimenting with a few different combinations of supplements based on reading up on other people's attempts online. This is what I found worked for me.

Also remember to consult your doctor before trying anything here!

The key I have found is supplements that increase seminal fluid volume rather than sperm count (so forget about Zinc). You could have a small load with a high sperm count or the other way around. For sex/punting, rather than reproduction, our aim is an increase in seminal fluid as it will make your orgasm feel better as a high volume of fluid is passing through and pressing against your sensitive penis during the moment of orgasm increasing stimulation. Second if you are giving your girl a facial or pearlnecklace more = better right?

Lecithin and Pygeum together or alone will increase your seminal volume a few times over. Lecithin leans more to toward producing the seminal fluid while Pygeum leans more toward pre-cum production. These two turn up in a lot of lists for producing bigger loads and I have found that, for me at least, they do 90% of the heavy lifting with other supplements acting in a more...uh...supplementary role. Sorry for the pun.

The other two components of my stack are Maca and Ashwagandha. These two have been shown to increase seminal fluid volume to some extent, but their real strength is increase sperm count. Besides this they have other benefits like helping reduce stress and being aphrodisiacs.

Finally L-arginine increase seminal volume somewhat but I found the gains negligible compared or when used with the others. A lot of people swear by it but I didn't really see the results. It helps open up and relax blood vessels though so useful for getting and staying hard for longer if you have issues with that I suppose.

Anyone tried something similar? What worked for you?

Labia Vortex
29-07-2019, 05:51 PM
Citrulline Malate helps with erection
Never really cared about load
A few girls have commented that they like the flavour
Apparently it’s a little sweet

29-07-2019, 06:09 PM
haha....never really thought about this and I probably wouldn't do anything to try and increase my load.....but girls have commented on it before. Maybe they like a big load?????

29-07-2019, 06:23 PM
Citrulline Malate helps with election hardness

Scott Morrison must have been on mega doses of this stuff!

29-07-2019, 07:36 PM
Must be what Peter North uses [emoji38]

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29-07-2019, 07:59 PM
I think there was a 4chan thread about this topic years ago

Yup found it


29-07-2019, 10:21 PM
Citrulline Malate helps with erection
Never really cared about load
A few girls have commented that they like the flavour
Apparently it’s a little sweet

What’s in your diet? I’d like to add some flavour to my load, last girl I asked said it just tasted like water, no flavour.

30-07-2019, 02:15 PM
A few people have in the past recommended eating lots of pineapple to add some flavour. Never tried it.

30-07-2019, 06:53 PM
sounds like a classic case of “snake oil” but always best to keep an open mind.

30-07-2019, 06:55 PM

30-07-2019, 06:57 PM

30-07-2019, 08:55 PM
A few people have in the past recommended eating lots of pineapple to add some flavour. Never tried it.

Pineapple helps to make your cum taste nice, since it is quite acidic.
Stay away from meat, dairy, coffee for good tasting cum!

Labia Vortex
31-07-2019, 02:40 AM
Definitely do not eat asparagus... it has an unpleasant effect on the taste in man goo

01-08-2019, 09:27 PM
Definitely do not eat asparagus... it has an unpleasant effect on the taste in man goo

Also garlic !

01-08-2019, 11:27 PM
Scott Morrison must have been on mega doses of this stuff!

What was Bill Shorten taking?

02-08-2019, 01:51 AM
Women love if you have a big load true facts

Mr Fugly
02-08-2019, 07:51 AM
Especially if you make the effort of dumping what seems like half a litre into her mouth!

02-08-2019, 11:37 AM
LOL not so sure about CIM I think girls just tolerate that. 😁😁

The more I think about it though I do think that girls do appreciate a nice load! I have had MLs ask me to take photos of my load on their arse and back before. A regular WL I see always takes the dom off and checks out the load and says 'oooh too many' with a sly giggle.

I remember a fling I had in the office years ago, we would stay back late or go in on Saturdays to fuck. One time I blew inside her, she got up and a massive dollop of love juice dropped out on the carpet, she played with it like it was Playdoh and giggled and laughed about it. Geez, even my conservative missus has said to me before, 'I know it's a bit kinky, but I like it when you pull out and shoot a big load on my tits and tummy!'

02-08-2019, 11:11 PM
Well here is a little secret that is tried and tested....Eat pineapple all day ...drink multiples protein shakes...KEEP CARBS TO MINIMUM...MAY BE HAVE A LONG WALK OR DO SOMETHING PHYSICALLY DEMANDING...few hours apart...watch porn...as much u like..but do not touch ur bro...sleep....repeat another day......the 3rd day FIREWORKS GUARANTEED !! ~
trust me
PS ~ if ur healthy and got no health issues ~ u could add a dose of C4 per-workout!

Disclaimer ~ please consult your health practioner, prioer to beginning any new diet, especially if you got any health issues ;)